
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Article Marketing - Some Tips To Newbies

Now-a-days, though Article Marketing has become one of the best ways of earning money online, many people have their own inhibitions on how true is it. But it is undoubtedly true that it can earn you huge profits. Writing articles and marketing them online is not a rocket science. Though it is a undoubted truth that article marketing can earn you profits, there are certain very crucial steps that are to be given importance for this to happen. Let us see what they are.

Article marketing is the most popular and also highly cost effective strategies of online marketing. There is no need of a huge investment to start with this. But one important effort or investment that is needed here is the quality of the article that you write. If you write quality articles and post them in different search engines or websites and create links to your website, then you surely generate huge traffic. Traffic in terms of internet means more money.

As already quoted above, quality content leads to generation of huge traffic to your website. This traffic can be made use to sell products or to create social networks or even help in building mail lists of prospective customers and thereby make money through e-mail marketing or affiliate marketing.

Once you are comfortable in writing quality articles and generate good amount of traffic to your website, it is more obvious that the popularity of your website has gone up rapidly. Now you can easily make more money by selling web space to advertisers or charge upon the other links in your website.

Now it is more or less clear that Article marketing can be a great money making strategy to you. But remember, you do not compromise on the quality factor while writing articles.

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Affiliate Marketing Article - 5 Crucial Tips For A Winning Campaign

Common questions

One of the most common questions asked by those who are new to Internet marketing is: how do I get traffic to my site? This is an important question, because without traffic, your website is like a department store out in the middle of the Gobi desert. No one will find it, and you won't make any money. One of the best ways to get traffic to your site is to write articles. The reason I say this is because writing articles is both free and highly effective. You also make yourself out to be an expert on the topic you're writing on.

Tip #1- Write and Submit

For example, if you sign up to an affiliate program that promotes a natural supplement product, you can then write an article about how eating natural food can improve our health. You can explain how eating certain foods can dramatically enhance your health. Near the end of the article, you add a small bio about yourself with a link to your website. You will naturally want to link to the website where you're selling the product. Once you do this, you submit the article to all the best article directories on the Internet.

Tip #2-Track the articles

After you begin submitting your sites to link directories, you will need to track how many links you have. The links are critical, because they allow your websites to rank better with the search engines. The better your site ranks with the search engines, the more traffic and readers you will receive. Having more targeted traffic means more sales.

Tip #3-Can you dominate?

However, what if you want to promote in a field in which you don't dominate? If you don't dominate the topic how can you promote it? Not a problem if you have a valuable resource to help you. Then you just need some inspiration.

Tip #4-The resource

You may be surprised to learn that many successful marketers make money in areas they're not even that familiar with. You can do this by simply researching topics on Wikipedia to learn more about them, and then they write articles based on what they've learned.

You have to write a keyword in the search box, for instance: "brides". Then on the bride's page you just read the article some times, taking notes of the main keywords. Next step is using these notes to write an original article.

Tip #5-Powerful title and bio box

It is also important to always write a powerful title for your articles. This will get the attention of readers who come across the article. Having a good bio box is also crucial for you getting your reader's click and get him to your website

Learn how Michael Ambrusio gets everything he needs to start a profitable campaign: products, written emails, squeeze pages, incentives, viral reports and why he doesn't need to have a website. Visit now: Affiliate Marketing Article

Get the tools you need to start your business right away without any technical skills. This system is proven to convert and you can set up yours in minutes!

Article Marketing Secrets - How to Get Your Information in Front of as Many Eyes as Possible

Would you like to get your information in front of as many eyes as possible in as many consumable forms as possible? Then article marketing is for you.

You need to think of how your article can be repurposed into a variety of consumable forms.

Your article as text

Write your article and then submit it to the article directories. First go deep on EzineArticles. Second go wide by submitting your articles to other popular article directories. Third submit your article to niche article directories. And finally submit your articles to your own article directories.

Your article as audio

Then you can repurpose your article content into audio. One way is to simply read and talk about your article, record it and create CDs. My favorite way though to repurpose my article content into audio content is with teleseminars. Conduct a teleseminar and record it and then you can turn that recording into audio CDs, podcasts, mp3, etc.

Then building out the other side you can have that recording transcribed and then repurpose the transcription into more text articles. In this way, as my colleague and friend Alex Mandossian says, you can "write with your mouth and not with your hands."

Your article as video

When you take your article content and repurpose it into video and then put that video on You Tube, you now have links coming back to your web site from the second highest ranked web site in the world. All you have to do is video yourself taking about your article, make and explain a few points, and there is your video.

And this is just a slice of how you can get your articles in front of as many eyes as possible in as many consumable forms as possible.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Uncover 6 High Powered Steps to Advance with Article Marketing

It's not enough that you're going to write articles. You need to distribute them if you want your potential clients to know that you are an expert on your field. Also, this technique can give you website numerous links thus, it will help you pull up your search engine ranking.

Here are 6 high-powered steps to advance with article marketing:

1. Don't write ads. An article should provide quality information to their targeted audience. If you like, you can talk about the benefits and features of your product, but never make it the meat of your copy. Keep in mind that sales copies can easily turn off article publishers, so avoid blatant advertising on your articles at all costs.

2. Skip the hype in your resource box. Article directories provide a resource box where you can add a link of your website. You can perhaps speak a little about your business and your link, but that's about it. Avoid the hype and never make this are your electronic classified ads.

3. Proofread your articles. You basically don't have to be a writing prodigy when it comes to coming up with web content, but it doesn't mean you can settle for anything less. You should watch out for any misspellings and grammar mistakes, which are actually pet peeves among publishers and your targeted audience.

4. Add a copyright. Whenever possibly, add a copyright into your articles. Though you like to encourage others to share your copies with their friends and families, you don't want them to hold ownership in something you have worked hard for.

5. Submit to different article directories. Strike a balance between high-ranking directories than those with lower PR. Both have their own advantages, and it's time to grab the opportunity.

6. Submit your articles to social bookmarking sites. Social bookmarking sites give inbound links and traffic not only to your articles but to your website as well. Choose the high-ranking ones first as they already have solid traffic.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing Tips to Generate Free Traffic for Your Network Marketing or Home Business Today

Article Marketing is One of the Best FREE Internet Marketing Techniques on the Internet Today for Network Marketers & Home Business Owners

This is a great way to promote yourself, value and experience to your audience. By adding article marketing to your mix you can generate traffic for your network marketing and home business.

Once you have an article written where YOU are the author, you become an instant authority. When people find your article, read it and get some good information from it, they appreciate you. That appreciation quickly grows into trust and when they click the link in your article resource box to visit your website, they will be much more likely to sign up with you in one of your recommended business opportunities or buy one of your recommended products.

Option 1: Write Your Own Articles

The main benefits of writing your own articles are: it is **free**, you can implement this into your daily routine and have more articles working for you and you will also have the sense of accomplishment.

A simple routine to do is to allocate and set a side 15-30 minutes daily to write an article and submit them to article directories on the internet (resources listed below). You can have your daily article submitted to several directories and within one year you will have 365 articles is several places with your information tagged onto the bottom of the article. This daily habit will generate traffic for you for years to come.

Sometimes when considering this form of marketing and advertising it is easy to get hung up on what to write. It is easy to believe that you may not have something of value to offer and you hold back. You do have something of value to offer. Perish the thought because you do have something of value to offer. There are several areas that you already have expanded your areas of expertise to share with others.

Another way to continually write articles daily and offer value and resources to your readers is to continually expand your own areas of knowledge in marketing, mindset, communication and other areas that you are passionate about.

Remember, the more links you get on quality websites pointing back to you, the more money you will make online.

It's really that simple.

Plus, once you get one of YOUR ARTICLE published on someone else's blog or website, that article and the links within it are probably going to remain there FOREVER. The article will be working for you forever. Getting your articles published on other people's websites is 100% FREE advertising for life.

Option 2: Have someone else write articles for you.

You simply may not feel comfortable writing their own articles. You may feel like that you do not have enough knowledge or value to share with others or you may feel like you do not enjoy writing. You should not let any of these factors stop you.

However, there are great sources available to you to have articles written for you. is a great source. You can choose how many articles you want written, the topic and length of the article. Keep your article 300-450 words per article.

Resources: (Bookmark these sites)

Article Directories:

EzineArticles -

Article Pile -

Article Snatch -

Article Depot -

Implement article writing and submission as a part of your marketing system today. Consistency and persistency always pays. If you set a side anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour daily to write an article that offering value and service to others and submit them to one or a few directories.

This one simple and small habit can add a viral marketing effect to your business over the internet. Within one year you will have 356 articles out on the internet.

OK, now that you have your article, let's put it to work so you can get 100% FREE ADVERTISING FOR LIFE!!!

Find out more about setting up an automated system to create endless supply of prospects for your business today. Learn to have systems work for you today and create massive effective strategies for your business. **Click on the Link Below Now!**

Aniko' Fekete is an Expert Internet Marketer, Coach and Mentor. "Learn how to earn a realistic $250K First Year Income potential with the most powerful TURNKEY marketing system on the planet!" Click here Now!==>

Internet 'Big Dog' Secrets - The 5 Essentials For Success (Hush Hush Secrets)

What are the secrets of mega successful Internet entrepreneurs? Well personally I have had the chance to see how some of the big names in the Internet marketing industry work, and I've found that they all share similar 'facets' regarding the way they go about their Internet business.

So if you want to succeed massively in your own online business, here's 5 essentials you need (ignore them and lose!):

A subscriber list

You absolutely, definitely must build a subscriber list! It doesn't matter what business you are in, whether you are selling women's clothes or a digital information product, you should be building a subscriber list on your website. Let's face the facts, not everyone who visits your website will buy. Maybe at most 5 people out of 100 visitors will buy anything from your site on their first visit. So what happens to the other 95 people? If you don't capture them as subscribers, they are gone forever! So start building a list today!


Networking is absolutely vital in any business. When you make the right contacts, things begin to happen for you. You'll begin to see success faster than you ever imagined and opportunities will just begin opening up for you.

Selling skills

You must know how to sell on the Internet. Hey, you want people to send you money right? Then you must persuade them to buy your products! Spend some time learning copywriting skills to write better advertising copy and sales copy.

A business plan

You need a business plan to act as your 'road map' to online success. Remember, someone once said, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.


Focus is the ultimate secret to business success. When you have your energy spread out too thin in too many directions, you will slow down your success or even never see it. Imagine studying for an important exam while chatting on the phone, playing a computer game and watching tv. Now imagine studying for the same exam without any distractions. In which case do you think you are likely to do better? It's the latter! So keep yourself focused on ONE business plan. See profits in your first business, before moving on to another project.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Productive Article Marketing - Revealed - 5 Remarkable Secrets to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

If you are like most webmasters who have limited marketing budget, you need to find ways on how you can market your website using cost-effective, and possibly free marketing tools. These days, there are a lot of free promotional methods online. You just need to figure out which ones can give you the most benefits in terms of traffic-generation and in increasing your sales potential. Based on researches and various studies, article marketing is currently the best free promotional method that can guarantee you not only increased page views but higher page ranking as well.

1. Know your target market. Understand their needs and their preferences so you can effectively design your articles to make them more targeted.

2. Know your business. You need to be an expert on your field if you want to succeed in this technique as this method requires you to share knowledge to your potential clients that are highly relevant to your chosen niche.

3. Know your competitors. Identifying the weak points and strengths of your competitors can help you improve your articles so you can easily get ahead of the pack.

4. Know the technique - by heart. Just like in any endeavor, article marketing requires you to arm yourself with valuable knowledge about this amazing marketing tool so you can use it to your advantage. Learn the ins and outs and the tips and techniques that can help you become a better, if not the best article marketer.

5. Know the algorithms of search engines. This is to ensure that your articles will fare well on relevant searches. Learn the elements that are being looked for by major search engines and incorporate them on your content to secure better page ranking.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Lucrative Article Marketing - 5 Turbo Steps to Grow Your Article Marketing

Undoubtedly, article marketing is still the best way to make money online. With its proven traffic-generating power and its ability to effectively promote your products and services over the World Wide Web, you can easily augment your sales potential without spending a single cent.

1. Write from the readers' perspective. Remember, you main objective in writing your articles is to inform or empower your readers, not to impress them. Avoid discussing ideas that do not interest your readers and focus your content on imparting your knowledge or offering solutions to the pressing needs of your target market.

2. Communicate readers' benefits on your headlines. Why? This is your most effective tool in persuading online users to take a look at your articles. Let them know what is in store for them and what you have to offer upfront to make your articles look more enticing and interesting.

3. Write an attention-grabbing article summary. Aside from your titles, you can also give your potential readers an idea on what your article is all about through your summary. Give them the gist of your content but strive to make it short and striking. Avoid spilling all the beans otherwise; your readers won't have the reason to check on your articles.

4. Organize your information and your ideas before you write. Avoid writing your articles without a clear idea on what information you will present or what angle of the story you are going to touch on.

5. Choose topics that are related to your products, chosen niche, or interesting to your target market. Simply put, writing about cars when you are selling mobile phones will not give you the kind of traffic you need to boost your online sales.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Secrets - How to Get Your Information in Front of as Many Eyes as Possible

Would you like to get your information in front of as many eyes as possible in as many consumable forms as possible? Then article marketing is for you.

You need to think of how your article can be repurposed into a variety of consumable forms.

Your article as text

Write your article and then submit it to the article directories. First go deep on EzineArticles. Second go wide by submitting your articles to other popular article directories. Third submit your article to niche article directories. And finally submit your articles to your own article directories.

Your article as audio

Then you can repurpose your article content into audio. One way is to simply read and talk about your article, record it and create CDs. My favorite way though to repurpose my article content into audio content is with teleseminars. Conduct a teleseminar and record it and then you can turn that recording into audio CDs, podcasts, mp3, etc.

Then building out the other side you can have that recording transcribed and then repurpose the transcription into more text articles. In this way, as my colleague and friend Alex Mandossian says, you can "write with your mouth and not with your hands."

Your article as video

When you take your article content and repurpose it into video and then put that video on You Tube, you now have links coming back to your web site from the second highest ranked web site in the world. All you have to do is video yourself taking about your article, make and explain a few points, and there is your video.

And this is just a slice of how you can get your articles in front of as many eyes as possible in as many consumable forms as possible.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

How To Optimize A 14,000 Page Website

First of all you need to research keywords that you want to rank for. There are many free tools that tells you number of search per month in Google search engine, and number of competing websites for each keyword.

The pages of your websites that you want to rank high, each need a different meta title and meta description tag. These are the two tags each page must have different from the rest.

If they are same like other pages, it will be harder to rank because they seem in the eyes of search engines as similar or identical pages.

If you have a keyword like Austin live music performances and you want a page to rank well for that keyword then on that page talk about something related to the keyword. You should add about 2 paragraphs and use the keyword in the paragraph though not too often.

If you have another different page and you want it to rank for something else do the same. Create two new paragraphs and use that new keyword.

It is good idea since you have many pages, that you optimize each page for just one keyword. It will be easier to rank. So if you have a page called Austin Music Bands do not try to optimize it for 4 keywords, but just one. Keep in mind, that if you have 14,000 pages, you can get ranked in Google for 14,000 different keywords if you optimize each page just for one keyword.

This is much easier than trying to rank one page for 14,000 keywords.

Now your home page should be optimized for general keywords, your main keyword for example. Again since you have many pages, not a good idea that you try to optimize your home page for all keywords.

Last thing to do for each page is changing the alt tags of images and if possible also add a title tag for the images and links. Title tag will cause a small yellow popup to appear when you place the mouse over the image or link.It's optional however it helps.

When doing the tags input the keyword you want to rank for that page. If you have multiple images do the following. If your keyword is: jazz artists.

For first image use jazz artists image:
2nd: jazz artists graphic
3rd: jazz artists online image
4th: jazz artists bands graphic

In other words they will be different but the keyword always remains there.

You are loosing pagerank because it is moving to pages that do not need it like for example Terms, Privacy, Login, Search and many more. All those links do not need to be ranked well in search engines, so you should use the nofollow tag on those links. Modify each page of your website which has those links and include the nofollow tag.

This is the nofollow tag:

So change all links that you do not want to be ranked into nofollow. If you want a page to rank well for Austin Music Bands than whenever you link to it from within your website link to it using the anchor text Austin Music Bands. As often as possible.

On the sitemap of your website remove links that you do not want them to rank or add the nofollow tag to them.

Make sure you do not have error pages, 404 not found. To do this create a Google sitemap and submit it to Google sitemaps.

You need a free google account and some software that will create your sitemap.There are free software. Then login to your Google account and you should see details of pages that have errors. When creating your Google Sitemap exclude from sitemap pages you do not want to rank for like Terms of service, Login page, Forget password page and so on.

You only create the sitemap once.

That covers the onpage factors of your website. Most important thing I want you to know is the fact that since you have many pages, you can optimize each one just for one keyword. That makes things more simple and easy.

There are also free tools that will tidy and fix any html errors of your pages. It may take long to do all pages, but it is useful. Clean html code is better, spiders will read it faster and see it is not junk.

That is a plan to start optimizing a big website. Than focus on most important thing which is getting backlinks.

Get a FREE chapter from Karl Sultana ebook, 7 Days to Massive Search Engine Traffic to improve search engine rankings now.

Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Brand New Methods to Make Money Through Article Marketing

Are you apprehensive to use article marketing in promoting your products and website? Well, don't be! Technically, you have got nothing to lose in using this marketing tool as you don't need to spend a single dime. Just write quality articles and post them on submission sites and you are guaranteed to earn quality inbound links. See? You will not lose anything in fact, you'll be able to gain more rewarding benefits!

1. Attract and sustain the interest of your potential clients. Use striking titles to compel your readers to open your articles. Then, hold their interest by giving them equally striking introductory paragraph that contains all the information they are looking for. By doing so, you can compel your readers to read on until they reach your resource box.

2. Include keywords/key phrases on your articles. Online users usually search information with the help of search engines and search terms. Thus, it is important that you embed the most searched keywords on your articles so they will match relevant searches and boost their exposure online.

3. Consider appropriate keyword density. Loading your articles will keywords is such a smart idea but only if you know how much you should include in your content. Right now, the acceptable keyword density is 3% of the total article word count. Don't exceed this number if you don't want to be tagged as keyword spammer.

4. Widely publish your articles. If you want to easily boost the number of your quality inbound links, you can post your articles to all leading articles submission sites and directories. You can also offer them to bloggers or website owners that target the same niche. By doing this, you can maximize the exposure of your articles and connect to more online users.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Why I Use Article Marketing To Generate Avalanches Of Leads

If you are doing any kind of article marketing now, you might be doing one of the following:

- promoting affiliate products to make commissions

- promoting your own sales page to sell products

- promoting a so-called Made-For-Adsense blog

- posting articles on your own blog to generate content

And I'll probably get 'killed' for saying this, but your articles are getting wasted.

Very few, and I mean very few, use article marketing solely to build a list. And lots of money is being left on the table, I'm afraid to say.

I basically do all the steps in Bum Marketing (the term created by Travis Sago to describe article marketing) but the difference is I promote a squeeze page to collect leads. The only way anyone can get extra information from me is if they enter their name and email address. I figured, if someone is not willing to give me those details, what more actually paying me online? Let's face it: we are running a business here, not a charity.

The reason why this is effective is because someone who likes your article is 'warmed up', he will want to get more information from you, and an email newsletter is the perfect way to do that.

So go and build a list with your articles. Write and submit multiple articles daily to top directories, and you will see floods (and I mean floods) of traffic and leads. Your lead generation will practically receive an instant boost. Your business will be given a positive kick up the rear from the results you get.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Link Building Service - Lift Up Your Page

Your site is your sacred possession and you definitely want to see it flourishing day by day. A person sheds his sweat in popularizing his site. He wants that his site be used by one and all. Once it comes in the World Wide Web, you want it to rank high. Today, the online businessmen are fighting tooth and nail to make their site famous. If any searcher tries to find any information and your site does not appear in spite of having a strong content then it is a big loss for the company. Therefore, promotion is a very important factor. There are various methods to promote a site but the best way is link building service. This service will remove your entire headache and make it use by lot. Once it gets a respectable position, you will feel job satisfaction.

Link building service is capable to bring traffic to your website. It should not be ignored at all. It is one way of advertising your site. It is a method of linking your website to a host site. Whenever he or she visits the host site, they will find the link of it on the host page and their queries compel them to click that particular site. In this manner, it comes before the eyes of a new user. In addition, your site will get a new visitor. However, the most important thing is that once a new user views your page it is very necessary that they get all the answers of their questions. Therefore, it is very important that your content is sufficiently rich. Keywords should be very much appropriate to get your page appear on the first page of Google, Yahoo and MSN. There are many books on keywords that need to be referred every time.

For effective link building, online businesses hire expert professional or often hire firms that are involved in providing such various kinds of services. It is very important that the person whom you hire is well experienced and efficient; otherwise, it would invite problems for your website. The host link should be very strong and popular because if nobody visits the host link then obviously there is no question to clink your website. Before you exchange link with any host site, be sure that the host site is complete.

Such services will definitely improve your position in the web world. It will help to increase the traffic on your site. There are certain guidelines to establish those links and one should be acquainted with those rules. Links are the important elements that helps search engine in determining the level of popularity of any site on the web. In simple words, if you have more links to your site from other site all the major search engines will rank your site highly. Once it reaches its desire position, then only your work will successfully finish. You will feel your existence in the market.

Steve Waganer has specialization in web marketing. He is expert in search engine marketing, search engine marketing firm,search engine optimization,social media optimization, link building service. To get the SEO tips from,SEO firm for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit

Article Marketing - Getting Started In Article Writing

Article marketing has long been touted as an effective strategy for marketing an online business. However, writing many articles and submitting them is easier said than done. One needs to follow a formula so that he will consistently churn out quality articles.

Firstly, you need to have a goal in your article marketing efforts. What are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to get direct sales? Are you trying to get leads for your business? Or perhaps you just want to create brand awareness? It is important to state your goals before getting started. This 'streamlines' your article marketing efforts and you won't get distracted by other less important tasks. Having a goal helps you keep focused.

Next, you need to have a schedule for writing your articles. Sure, you can write 10 articles and take the rest of the week off. But it is better to write 2 or 3 articles a day, so you are practicing your craft on a daily basis. This has a knock-on effect on the quality of your articles. Submitting articles consistently also produces great results for your business in the long haul. If you write just 3 articles a day, that comes to about 90 articles a month and 180 after 3 months.

Article directories are free to use, so this is one of the best cost-effective ways to market online. Its a good idea to spend some time reading other articles written by authors in your niche, to get a feel for it and tune your mind to write quality articles.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before its gone!

Article Marketing Strategies; What Are Internet Surfers Really Searching for?

It is widely known that if you are an online article author and you just want lots of article views and are not target marketing for anything other than the average internet surfer then you can use key-words that have to do with human sexuality to drive massive traffic. It is rather unfortunate to think how shallow things are on the Internet these days.

Many online article authors say that the dummying down of the population is causing this and are not sure if they should go with the flow or just concentrate on the targeted key-words which are most likely to bring them the exact clientele they are interested in? Well I know what they mean about Key Words that the average Internet Surfer looks for and have practiced writing articles about Hair Style and one got 50,000 article views. Others I did for fun were Sex in a Cessna and Girls Gone Wild; Wilma Shows All almost 35,000 article views?,-Wilma-Shows-All&id=85073

I was shocked actually, as the Article was about Hurricane Wilma hitting the shores of Cancun? But, it shows the issues with the Internet users these days. I got them back by tricking the pornography seekers into reading something clean for a change? Ha Ha Ha.

I do not see a problem with testing your theories or trying new things to get traffic as bad, at least now you can speak from experience and not sound like a complainer who has no clue. And then again, you have to realize who your audience is? If these people might be one and the same, fine. If not maybe it is not so wise. I think we agree on all these points and it is an interesting study in human psychology and what is really on peoples minds?

Without condemning the human race as ignorant or article authors who give up and simply go for the key words that bring the most over all traffic I hope this article will indeed propel thought in 2007.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Productive Link Popularity - 5 Steps to Attain Link Popularity

Link Popularity is something that a website is always dreaming to attain. When a website is able to attain popularity thru the links that are posted on it, it adds an air of trust, credibility, and respect that you earn from your fellow sites. The mere fact that you are getting invitations from other sites which are interested to link with you is something that is morally uplifting to the webmaster. Below are some of the ways on how you can attain link popularity:

1. Develop a site that is interestingly beautiful. One of the easiest ways to attract links to come to you is by providing a site that is full of informative and useful bits of data. This way, you are able to attract more people to visit your site and all at the same time giving signal to some other sites that your site is being visited because they found relevant things on it.

2. Initiate linking with others. This is a pro-active thing to do. Whether the invitation came from them or from you, the fact that you have established links with some other sites is what matters most.

3. Develop article materials and have these submitted to some publication sites like Ezine and ArticleCity. These are some of the more noted and credible article directories that you can trust.

4. You can establish a good reputation as a site by including on your site some identifiers that you can use. You can include your photos and your personal background as a webmaster and an online entrepreneur.

5. Create a good and legal means to bait links to your site. By engaging in legal means to drive link popularity on your site, you proclaim to other websites that you are safe to be linked with and that no illegal means of linking is done from your end.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Ezine Publishing - How Can I Build My Subscriber Base?

Question: How do those of you who have a monthly/weekly ezine or newsletter get subscribers? I am new to this and my subscription list is well below 100 subscribers. My goal is to have 500-1000 subscribers. Help!

Answer: You just have to keep promoting your newsletter at every turn. It takes some time to build a solid list, so don't give up. Here are a few tips to help you build your subscriber base:

  • Include a link to your subscription page in your signature line. Writing a mini advertisement to go in your sig line is nice, but don't forget the link.
  • Put a subscription box in a prominent place on every page of your website. Most marketing gurus will tell you the best place is in the top corner, because it is most visible.
  • Create a special subscription page on your website with compelling ad copy to make your visitors want to subscribe.
  • Write articles (or hire a ghostwriter) for marketing and promote your newsletter in the bio at the end of the article. Submit these to article directories, websites or comparable newsletters.
  • Exchange ads with similar newsletters. A lot of newsletters are more than happy to give you ad space in exchange for you placing their ad in your newsletter. Make sure the ad swaps are something your market would be interested in, and vice-versa.
  • If you have business cards, include a link to your newsletter sign-up page on there, too. Advertising offline can gain subscribers as well as online advertising can.

You can get more writing tips at . Don't forget to subscribe to the free newsletter: to get even more terrific blogging and writing tips from Hope.

How to Select Good Web Directories for Link Building

It is common knowledge among webmasters that web directory submissions are of great help for search engine optimization, the fact that you can get several of these listings allows your site to be exposed to more people who visit the directory and the search engine crawlers which visit them as well. An added benefit of directory submissions is the link equity which comes from sites with good reputation, a vote from one of these trusted sites will often count a lot more than links from similar sites.

Today's web directories tend to be quite diverse in terms of categorization, traffic and trust. Some directories will offer several categories which may apply to your site, however its is important to see what type of content distribution they are applying to the resource, some will allow their indexes to be spammed simply because the directory is ran by one person who doesn't have the time to review and edit all categories and certain sites do have periodical reviews in order to keep all the content properly organized.

As you may know some web directories sell links, others list them for free, some include reviews and extra content on each sub category and others are simply there to collect revenues from ad space sales. In order to decide which are the best directories to submit your sites to, you need to pay attention to all of these aspects.

Web directories which are exclusively dedicated to sell links might not be a good place to list your site if the listings are unfiltered, irrelevant and somewhat spammy, for instance if you visit the "business section" which is known to be a popular category for spammers to exploit, you can take a good look at the type of sites they are listing and linking to, if you see credit card sites listed next to car loans and debt consolidation sites without a proper sub-category tree this might not be the place you want your site to be listed on, this is because directories which let their indexes be constantly spammed will end up loosing trust with the search engines and their votes will count less and less, some of these sites have even turned into link farms due to the lack of editorial reviews.

Yet another factor you must pay attention to is the "ad to content ratio", this means that if the directory lists many ads on each subcategory your link may not be able to attract visitors because images and flashing animations will obviously grab visitor's attention a lot more; the page rank is quite important, however some may not pass the desired link equity because they use link parameters which block your site from getting the page rank benefit, such parameter is the rel="no-follow" html tag which tells the search engine spiders not to rate your site based on the listing you might be getting from the directory.

You should take in consideration all of these factors and also rely on tools which let us see the link strength a directory has, for instance directories which count with .gov and .edu back links are more likely to provide better link equity than sites which rely solely on .com top level domains (TLD) for their rankings.

A great list of established directories are: the open source project, another highly recommended source for those site owners who can afford the link price is the Yahoo business directory which was established back in 1995 and counts with over 2000+ .gov TLD which link to it, yet another great directory to take a look at is the directory which counts with great page rank and can provide much benefit for your sites. As you can see the listings on these directories are paid, however the human editors which are in charge of keeping the quality of the listings on each category are quite strict, in other words spammy sites will not be listed.

In addition, web directories such as,,, follow great quality and review guidelines, there are several other web directories which deserve be listed how ever you must always use your better judgment, knowledge and common sense in order to decide whether or not a site is worth submitting to. Remember that the time you spend submitting to directories represents your opportunity cost, so invest it well and make it count.

One of the best directory submission services for helping your website is Nationsubmit Effective Manual Directory Submission Not only will they help grow the popularity of your site, but they will set it up for long term success in the future by establishing a trusted network of links from which the website will grow. View some of their link building Packages. You can also check out their Link Building Blog.

If Content Is King - Who Are The Princes Of SEO?

Here's a predication that I know will irritate the technically oriented Kings of SEO: Looking hard into my crystal ball, as one does, I reckon that their days are numbered and that they are a dying breed! Now before the techies swarm around LeadGenerators HQ with pitchforks and flaming torches ready to silence the web-marketing heathen, allow me to explain...

Those of you who know me are probably well aware of my healthy disregard for the techno-centric view of internet marketing. In my mind, instead of technical considerations dictating what we should try to achieve, we marketing managers should dictate what we want and then find the technical solutions to achieve it. I know that this attitude annoys the technocrats who seem to dominate the online marketing world, but my approach has proved successful in its own right.

I have always seen SEO as a two-stage process. The first is to make sure that a client's website is search engine friendly. This process analyses the structural elements of the site to make sure that search engines are able to see ALL the pages of the site and are able to rank (judge) each page in its own right. It's a lengthy analysis that covers many aspects of the site but it's largely a one-off project. Once done, and once the site has been improved accordingly, the techies' work is more or less done.

The larger, second step is all-important and all about the content of the site itself.

For a site to achieve good rankings, we need to first select the right keywords. I won't go into the science of keyword research and selection, but once the best ones have been selected for a client, we need to move into the realm of writing, sprinkling certain keywords strategically throughout the text and the code of each page. It's not just this keyword enhanced copy that requires excellent writing though - link building, press releases, social media - the common denominator for all of these is good writing and communication skills, combined with good old-fashioned common sense, which most technically minded people aren't best suited to provide. It is the writers and communicators - not the programmers - who have delivered our best results in the past and will continue to do so in the future.

There is a rather tacky expression in the SEO community that says "Content is King". I would like to get a little tackier if I may: If content is King, then the up and coming Princes of SEO must surely be the writers and communicators.

Just a thought ... and I look forward to comments.

Frank Orman is the Managing Director of Leadgenerators, an online travel marketing agency.

The Biggest Secret To Selling On The Internet

One of the single biggest mistakes most Internet marketers make is trying jump right into a sales pitch without warming up first.

By that I mean, they try to sell a complete stranger who lives maybe 5,000 miles away on a product or service, without any kind of warm up or finesse.

And unless you are the first person in your market, this can spell disaster for you.


Because selling is mostly about relationships. Your relationship to the person you are asking to spend money on what you have.

And personal relationships and business relationships start off the exact same way.

For example, if you are going to ask a woman on a date, are you going to walk up to her and ask her to marry you?

Or are you going to say something like, "lets go out for a cup of coffee or a movie."

You see, marketing online is just as much about building and maintaining a relationship as offline marketing is.

Thats why on my own sites, I always give people good, solid information they can use up front. They can spend hours on my site getting to know me, who I am, what I have to offer them.

And when it comes time to buying, they already trust me and my opinion. I'm not some criminal out to steal their identity or money.

And if you sell anything on the Internet, you should seriously consider doing the same thing. Give a little information up front before asking for the sale. Whether it's in a sales letter, newsletter or anywhere else.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

How To Really Make Money Online

It is a simple concept. Develop a low cost product(such as an e-book), put up a website, get traffic to your site and make LOTS of money on the internet. And thousands of people try to do that every day. Some make some money, some don't. But do you know what the real key of Wealthy Marketers is?

I can tell you in two words: Backend Products! A back-end product is a higher priced product you attempt to sell to your customer after they have purchased a low priced (or introductory) related product from you.

Say someone bought a $37 ebook from a true wealthy marketer, that marketer would then attempt to sell them a product for $200, $ 500 or even $1000(by the way, for some reason, the response is better if the price is $197, $497, or $997. A true wealthy marketer knows that key to success.

That's why cars, appliances, even houses sell for an odd number like that. You don't see a tv commercial for a new car for $25,000. It will be for $24, 997! Notice that next time you watch tv!) If you're not trying to sell back-end products to your customers, you are losing out on the real money! It is far easier to sell to existing customers than it is to sell to new ones who don't know or trust you.

If the first(low priced product such as an ebook) was incredible, and if you provided fast and friendly customer service, usually 20-30% of your customers will order your higher priced back-end products. But only if you offer it to them!

As a matter of fact, this technique is used with direct response tv ads(a direct response ad is where an 800 number is given, and viewers are asked to order from the commercial!) Many of those ads actually LOSE money initially. But the wealthy marketer running those ads knows that he will make up for the loss and profit tremendously with the back end."

A good example is cosmetics or acne products. It may cost more to run the tv commercial than the total amount of money that comes in from the ad. But, in the case of the acne solution, the buyer must continue to use the product, so in this case the "back end" is not a one time order, but a continuous order, say each month, for as long as the customer needs it-maybe 6 months to a year or longer. So, instead ofjust a one time sale of say $19.97 for an acne product, the customer is automatically shipped the product each month for 12 months. The $19.97 sale becomes a $239.64 sale!($19.97 x 12 = $239.64.)

This is called a continuity program and is used often in tv and other media as their "back end." On the internet, a continuity program(such as a membership site with a recurring monthly fee) can also be used by a wealthy marketer as a "back end." But for simplicity, we'll just confine ourselves to higher priced products as our "back end."

I was doing a radio interview a few years back with Terry Dean, an internet "guru" and a true wealthy marketer. (I think Terry actually retired in his early 30's! Proof that his methods worked!) Terry was telling me that he never made any real money on the internet until he started selling higher priced($497-$2997)products. In other words, this wealthy marketer was telling me that his success was all because he was selling back-end products! Wow!

Below are 7 killer strategies you can use to sell your back-end products to your existing customers:

1. When you ship people the first product they bought, insert a flyer or brochure for your back-end product in the package. Or if it is an ebook, have a digital flyer for your back-end product.

2. Give customers a free subscription to a customers only e-zine when they buy your product. You could include an ad for your back-end product in each issue.

3. Mail(yes-snail mail!) your customers greeting cards on holidays or on their birthday. Include a small advertisement inside the card for your back-end product.

4. After ordering your first product from your web site, take them to a "thank you" web page and include a "special offer" for your back-end product ad on that page.

5. Give your customers a free membership into your "customers only" private site. You could include your ad for your back-end product somewhere inside the private site.

6. Contact your customers by phone and ask them if they were happy with their purchase. You then tell them about your back-end product.

7. Send your customers a thank you letter by mail or e-mail. You then mention your back-end product somewhere in the letter.

You can become a wealthy marketer yourself if you apply this secret-offer a back-end product to your customers!

John Abbott, a former radio broadcaster, is a successful Author, Speaker and Business Owner. He helps others achieve success in their own business. He specializes in Real Estate Investing and Internet Marketing. For more information, visit: Wealthy Marketer.

How To Do Keyword Research

Doing proper keyword research is very important. It is your first vital step for building your online business.

What people are searching for? You can find out what people want on the internet by looking at the most commonly used keywords they type into the search engines

Why Do Keyword Research?

The reason for doing keyword research is that you can find out exactly what people are already searching for online.

Before you create a product, you should make sure that people are interested in your subject online. Otherwise, you can hardly sell your product as there will have no market on it. You don't want to spend all your hard work and money developing a product that no one is looking for!

I know it! I've be been there! I have done it! And I don't want to do it again!

Therefore we have to produce products, articles or blog posts that people are already looking for and interested in. Always start doing keyword research for ideas to find out what people are already interested in online.

How To Do Keyword Research?

To do your keyword research, you should look for "Long tail Search results". Let me explain the meaning of it. Long tail search results mean 3 or 4 keyword phrases that generate majority of the search results.

For example, "internet marketing" is a pretty competitive term. It is not easy to get high ranking for the term "internet marketing" for a website in search engines. That means you have to put a lot of efforts to optimize the phrase "internet marketing" for search engines. You have to get a lot of incoming links to your sites that use the words internet marketing. It is not that easy.

Why not choose long tail keyword phrases? These phrases are with less competition for search engine optimization. The phrase "internet niche marketing software" is a good example. It is much easier for a website to get a high ranking for this term "internet niche marketing software" in search engine than for the term "internet marketing".

Try to come up with 10, 20 or even 100 long tail keyword phrases related to internet marketing and optimize the site for those terms. You can definitely generate more traffic to your site by just focusing on less competitive terms.

Where To Find Long tail Keyword Phrases?

Here are a few places you can do your keyword research and find long tail word phrases for free.

SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool:

Wordtracker Free Keywords

Google AdWords Keyword Suggestion Tool

Remember to keep your keyword research in a document so you can refer back to it for product creation ideas, what to write for articles, what to write for your blog posts, and more.

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Discover 3 Secrets That Will Increase Your Article Page Views

I am sure that if you have been doing article marketing for some time that you have been thinking of how to get more views for your articles. The main reason that you would like to get more views is that this will mean that more people will click on your web site in your bio.

I am going to share with you one of the biggest secrets of article marketing that will help to get your articles seen by more visitors. When I first started doing article marketing I wrote a lot of articles and very few of them got many page views. Then I started doing keyword research and this got me a lot more visitors.

There are three main tools that you can use. The first is the Overture tool. This is free and will help you with your keyword research efforts. However, the results are skewed because it is a pay per click search engine. You can also use the Wordtracker tool - I use the free trial option which should be sufficient. Finally, you can use the Google Adwords keyword suggestion tool that will give accurate results since Google is the largest search engine in the world.

The trick is that you need to find keywords that have very little competition. This can sometimes be time intensive, but is well worth your efforts. You then need to include the keywords in your title and body.

The second technique that you can do is that you need to write a lot more articles. By writing more articles consequently you will attract more visitors.

Finally once you have more visitors you will find readers that like your style of writing. So when they see your name on an article they are more likely to read it.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Tips and Tricks For Keyword Research

Do you have a small business or a work from home business? If so, would you like to find a way to generate more business and in turn increase your overall profits? Well if you are then a great way to establish this would be to do a good amount of keyword research and to apply it to your articles and website pages.

However, there are quite a lot of people who are not even aware of the importance of good keywords and hence they miss out on potential business. If you do not want to pay a lot of money for a professional to do search engine optimization for you and to sort out the keywords, then you will have to do your own keyword research.

What is Keyword Research?

Basically keyword research is where you research everything to do with your business and then you add certain keywords that will help to promote your business website. A lot of people fail when it comes to the keywords that they use, or they may use keywords that are too competitive and without the traffic, the website will simply not be as popular as its competitors.

How to Conduct Your Research

You should really start by evaluating what your business is all about and what your business offers. For instance, what products or services do you offer to clients and customers and what do you want your website or business to be known for? What you should do is brainstorm any ideas that you have and think carefully about what you want people to type into the search engine to reach your website. You need to think that every service or product that you offer is a potential keyword. So generally just look at what you think will be a good keyword to use.

A great way to do some great research is to ask customers or clients for any feedback on their website searching habits. Find out what keywords they tend to type into search engines relating to your services or to the competition. A great way to do this is to offer people a discount or a special offer for completing a survey.

Something else that may be a great idea is to research any competition that is in the same field and try to see what keywords they have chosen. Try to research quite a few different competitors and see how well they are doing with their keywords in the search engines. By doing this, it may help to give you some inspiration and to find keywords that you may not have previously thought of.

A great way to find some great keywords is to use a keyword research tool as they help to measure how many times a certain keyword has been searched by visitors.

Something you should keep in mind is that to go for the most popular keyword is something that can be hard to pull off. It is a good idea to strike a good balance so that you are still being competitive and you can bring in a good source of visitors to your webpage.

As you can see, keyword research is important and there is more to it than just adding keywords here and there. You need to study the competitors and look at what you think will be the best keywords to draw people in. You should look at the kind of things which people type into search engines to bring up websites like the one that you have. By having the right amount of knowledge, this can help you to create a website with great search engine optimization, allowing more people to access your site.

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of Be Successful News, a site that provides information and articles on how to succeed in your own home or small business.