
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How To OutRank Your Competitor In Record Time

These steps will allow you to beat a competitor who is in the number one position in Google for a certain keyword. However you still need to find keywords that does not have too many competition if you do not have someone to help you doing optimization.

Step One

Type in the keyword you want to rank for the Google. Now copy the page that is number one. Not just the domain name but the full url of the page. Using the search engine Yahoo type in: link: pageurl

For example: link:

We want to know how many sites point to that particular page. We use Yahoo cause Google does not list all the pages.

Now the objective is to get more links than your competitor has. The results will show you all the sites and pages that link to your competitor.

Step Two

This will take some time if you do not use some software or hire someone to help you. What you need to do is visit each site in the search results and check out where the link to your competitor is located. You then need to take not of the anchor text they are using. You may want to use Microsoft Excel to put down this information.

Finally when you check all sites you will have a list of all the anchor texts your competitor is using. Your objective is to get links using the same anchor text your competitor used. You need also notice how many times they use a particular keyword in the anchor text so you do similar to what they do but slightly better.

Let's say for example they have thirty backlinks using the anchor text keyword one and twenty backlinks with anchor text keyword two. Your objective is to get more than thirty backlinks with anchor text keyword one and more than twenty backlinks with anchor text keyword two.

You contact the same websites that link to your competitor and get links from those same sites.

Then use some other method to get links so you have more backlinks than your competitor. That is how you outrank your competitor. In the eyes of the search engines you will appear better if you have more links. The idea of using same anchor text and getting links from same sites that link to your competitors is for a reason.

The search engine loves those sort of links and anchor text cause they already ranked your competitor as the number one. So if you give the search engines what they like and more than that they put you first.

It is still recommended to get links steadily. Even though you know you have to contact say hundred link partners for a link, do not contact all of them same day. Get same number of links everyday, keeping it regularly. You do not want to give the impression to search engines that you are buying links.

The impression needs to be that you are getting links in a normal way. Therefore people are linking to your site cause they find it of great content or value to their visitors.

As you can see it is important to check out what your competitor does. You do the steps mentioned for each keyword you want to get number one position for. Your goal should be the number one so you analyze the competitor that is number one position.

Analyzing can be long but well worth it cause you have a faster chance to get ranked above your competitor. Nowadays it is very common that webmasters hire people to help them to in search engine optimization. You can hire someone to do the analyzation, link building or both. Outsourcing has become very efficient and effective nowadays so I suggest you take advantage of that.

Karl Sultana has more search engine optimization articles on OutRankSmart site. Check for more link building techniques.

Article Marketing - Explaining the Mystery of Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the easiest ways to generate quality targeted traffic to your web site, and yet it remains a mystery to so many people online.

I intend to take the mystery out of article marketing in this article why is of course written as part of a massive article marketing campaign.

So what is article marketing?

Article marketing involves the writing of short internet based articles for the purpose of submitting them to online article directories which will publish the articles as content for their own website and offer the articles as content for other websites. This provides content for their web sites, and in exchange, they are willing to give your link some exposure.

One of the keys to article marketing is creating an author bio which includes at least one link to your website, and is generally placed at the end of your article. This link is one of the most critical components of the article marketing strategy, as that link will drive the bulk of the traffic that is central to just about any article marketing purpose. When people click on your link, they of course get to visit your site and the rest is up to you.

When you submit your articles to an online article directory, they will first approve or disapprove the article based on its quality and relevance to the theme of their website. In most cases, if the articles are written with decent language and grammar, are written about a topic that is included in their directory (and there are many that are general-purpose),and contain reputable content of just about any kind that is legal, the article directories will generally publish the articles. And that is about it now you know how the process of article marketing works.

The next step is to start writing articles, including your links, and submitting them to the right directories.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 800 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Building Traffic On A Budget

Website Traffic is a common denominator found in all successful online businesses. Without it, your site hardly stands a chance of generating any income. While there are many different theories and techniques used, it is worth your time and effort to consider these low cost methods to generate traffic to your website.

Link Exchange

Simply, it is the exchange of Links by webmasters. You put someone else's site Link at your website and in return they put a Link back to your site from their website. Links have now been exchanged, hence Link Exchange. A major prerequisite in exchanging links with other sites is having the same niche or content as the other site. Many webmasters are willing to exchange links with one another so that they could produce more public awareness about their sites. The down side of this is that now your competitor's Links are distracting your potential visitors away to other sites before they have fully explored your site.

Nowadays, it has become a common practice to link through other forms of internet media such as Social Networks, Blogs, and Ezines. While this can produce highly targeted readership, the readers are usually your competitors so you may not get as many potential customers as you would a boost in your search engine rankings and credibility. However, the better your ranking in the search engines, the better your chances of generating targeted traffic to your website.

Traffic Exchange

Traffic Exchange Sites are where you can get views of your site in exchange for viewing other sites. There are generally 2 types of Traffic Exchanges, auto and manual surfing. Auto surfing requires minimal input as the system automatically reloads the page after a set amount of time. With manual surfing your site actually has a better chance of being seen by your target audience because all page views are at the discretion of the viewer.

Almost all Traffic Exchange programs are Free to join with the option of upgrading at a cost to receive additional benefits. It is a well known practice for Traffic Exchanges to offer credits at a cost. The minimum length of time for viewing a site in order to earn credits can range from 10 to 60 seconds.

Write and Submit Articles

There are many Ezines, publishers, forums, and other mediums on the internet that provide free space for articles to be submitted. Write informative and interesting articles based on your niche market. Give the readers something to take away from the article (knowledge, tips, guidelines) while at the same time, creating an interest to visit your site. There are many freelance/ghost writers that will write for a small fee, but save the money and write the article yourself.

It will boost your self confidence and who knows, you may learn something doing the research. Writing and submitting articles has become an extremely effective way to promote your website and business. The exposure an article receives will increase traffic to your website, establish your credibility as an expert in your field, and help with search engine optimization. Include a resource box at the end of your article that can link them to your site. Promote yourself and your business. Keep in mind, most Article Directories will not allow affiliate links. You will need to use a URL that redirects to the affiliate site.

Create a Newsletter

This may sound a little intimidating at first because of all the content you need to include in a newsletter but in reality, it's not that difficult. Not all the articles you put in your newsletter have to be original content. There are many authors who allow their articles to be used by others as long as you give them credit and leave their resource box intact and untouched. This provides free advertising for them as well. Build a Newsletter and give it away, increase your public exposure, and use it as a tool to create an opt-in list. A good Newsletter will increase your business returns in more ways than one and the cost is basically your time and efforts.

Join Online Communities and Forums

Social Networking and Forums are very popular and Free to join. Share your knowledge, form relationships, build a reputation, gain their trust. Learn from what others have to say and share. Be yourself and NOT a salesperson and you'll be sure to make connections that will help your business grow in one way or another. Most Forums and Communities Do Not allow you to blatantly advertise as they consider it Spam. Links to your website can usually be included in your signature file. Profiles can also contain business as well as personal information.

By utilizing these methods you'll be able to generate traffic to your website without incurring a big out of pocket expense.

Andrea Chin believes Who you work with is more important than what you work with. Learn from the best.

Buy Keyword Elite and earn money while you sleep

Have you decided to buy keyword elite? If so then you would probably be interest to read about how you can literally make money while you're sleeping and wake up richer every day. In this article I will explain exactly how this can be achieved.

Have you ever noticed that when you do a search in Google, when the results come up, you may have some links at the very top of the page with a slightly darker background? Sometimes these links are down the right hand side of the page. You may have also noticed that when you are on a website, there may be panels at the top and side of the page with links which say "ads by Google" next to it. These are adverts that people have paid Google to display.

If you buy keyword elite, this application can specifically help you find profitable keywords which your site can be based on. Within the application, you have a drop down list at the top from which you can choose one of five 'projects'. The first project is the main one which actually creates your list of keyword phrases but it's project 2 where things start to get exciting.

Once you have your keyword list, you can then copy the list and send it to project 2. Project 2 will then list the range of prices that all of the advertisers are paying for their adverts to be displayed. Now, if you have these adverts displayed on your site then you will receive a percentage of that bid amount.

If you are going to build a web page for the sole purpose of making money from adverts, then you don't want to have too many other links on your site which can send your visitors to non advert populated pages. The idea is to give them as few options as possible so the only way they will leave you page is either closing your page down (which you don't want), or clicking on one of your adverts.

Can you see now that if you buy keyword elite, you can get to a stage where you are asleep at night, and people around the WHOLE WORLD are clicking on adverts on your site. So when you wake up in the morning, you check your account and...ka-ching!!!

Although this specific technique is not derailed or obvious when you first buy keyword elite, there are some great resources which will give you a plan as to how to do it as you will see below.

The minute I decided to buy keyword elite I wanted to get stuck in and start making some money. Click here to receive my FREE Course on how to get a head start with the application and fast track your way to the bank. You can learn tactics like in mention above and beat the competition! Time IS money!

Why Content is Important When Designing For SEO

In 1996 Bill Gates said "content is king". That is still true to some extent today (more so on MSN than the others). This is the part of seo concerned with the actual text within your pages. If we are trying to achieve results for Manchester Florists for example then we need to ensure it is actually in the content as well as the meta tags etc.

The engines all have their own guidelines about how to rate this. For example Google currently use a keyphrase density ratio between 7-13% approx. This means we can repeat Manchester florists with the text 7 to 13 times per 100 words. If we go above this then it may be considered spam, if we are below it we may not be able to keep up with our competitors. All the engines have different rules so it's important to work out a complete strategy for issues like this.

Other factors start to come into play such as Header Tags. These are bits of code that are used to identify headers which the engines give more importance to. Also words or phrases that are underlined or bold can get more attention but again you must be careful not to overdo it.

Don't forget though that you must ensure your site remains well written for users as well. It's pointless to achieve results for keyphrases if your site loses its effectiveness for users.

The search engine programs that run across the web are often called "spiders" and it's important to remember that websites are ranked by programs not real people and therefore cannot be very subjective. This means that if we have a site built just using images or too many of them then no matter how good they are the engines will not be able to accredit you with good scores. You can use alt tags, which means alternative text to tell the spiders this is a picture of Manchester Florists Shop but the balance needs to be right and the temptation to keyword stuff must be avoided.

For a great search engine optimization SEO service I found this company to be very good at helping me with my website rankings and taught me a lot about this subject.

When writing content for your site make sure it is information rich, original content and includes the words users would actually type into the engines to find your site. If you provide quality content then other websites will start to link to your site naturally.

Michael Hanna
Michael's Website: Poker Sign Up Bonus Codes

Proven Advice To Combine Bum Marketing With An Autoresponder -- By Someone Who Does It

If you have a talent for writing, (and you do not have to be a Shakespeare), writing articles in order to spread the word about your product or service, or even an affiliate link can be an excellent method of promoting your online business.

Make sure the articles give out information which is relevant to the specific niche you are in, and are not just a blatant advertisement for your business. Indeed you will find that some article directories will not let you put in any links in the body of your article. The proper place to do that is in the resource box at the bottom of the article. This link refers back to your promotional web page which is again relevant to the subject of your article. Google does not like an article on dog training, for instance, linking back to a web page on cookery.

Articles are submitted to a variety of article directories, some of which will automatically publish an article, while others require a human review before acceptance. Submission can be done manually, one at a time, through an article submission program, or by using a paid submission service. I prefer this last method, as I can submit to a whole lot more article directories, and submitting them one by one takes up far too much time for me, time which would be better spent on business promotion.

Article submission is fine in itself, but it can become much more effective when it is combined with the proper use of an autoresponder.

This method starts with you loading up your article in your autoresponder, and each article must have its own unique autoresponder address, so you will need to be with an autoresponder service which allows this. You will find one service which does in my resource box at the bottom.

The next thing is to make a comprehensive list of all your articles together with those addresses. Use a spreadsheet to do this, as you can add the article description and a brief summary of the contents (or anything else) in as many columns as you require.

Put this list into your autoresponder, again giving it its own special address. Then you just use this address as your link on your website, or in your ezine, or even in forums. This way you only have to have one address in your advertising, but this address allows access to all your other articles, all of it running on autopilot.

Before you use this technique, make sure you try it out by logging in to the address yourself. You want any mistakes you have made to be picked up by you, not your customers.

Load up your own email address, and then try every possible thing you can think of that other people may also try. In other words, test the system thoroughly before you let it loose on to the general public.

Remember to use the autoresponder manual. There may be extra features in there that you did not know about, and which could be useful. All this time spent testing and tracking will pay off in the long run, as autoresponders, used properly, are one of the most essential tools of the professional internet marketer. In fact there would be not one person making a full time living off the internet who does not have an autoresponder service, and a lot of them use the same one. So if you want to join the big time gurus, don't go with a free autoresponder - use these when you only have a small list, and are not really interested in hitting the big money. Spend the small monthly charge and get a professional autoresponder service - it will repay that monthly fee many times over.

Peter Phillips

About the author
Peter Phillips is an accountant and writer living in Canberra, Australia
Get your auto responder here:
Then go to:

Does Article Marketing Work?

Article marketing is a very popular method of advertising your online business. The idea is you write a bunch of informative articles on some aspect of your business and the distribute these articles on the internet.

A lot of internet marketers and affiliate marketers have dabbled in article marketing at some stage in there careers. A large proportion of these people have given up because they have not seen the results that they expected from article marketing.

So why are all these people failing? And why is there still a lot of enthusiasm for article marketing.

The simple answers is Article marketing works but only if done right.

And what is the right way to approach article marketing.

Article content The articles you write should be original and should contain interesting, useful information that will engage and intrigue your readers. Get into the mind of your prospective readers and hopefully future customers and try and see things from their perspective. Give them information that you know they want, rather than information you feel like giving them.

Make your article so full of great information that it becomes a reference for whatever it is you are writing about.

Rehashed content will only put people off. If your article is saying the same thing that hundreds of other articles have said, you appear stale and your readers may get the impression that your business is a 'me too' business.

No original ideas

Aim to keep your articles fresh and informative.

Article frequency:

Article marketing is only as effective as the reach of your articles.

If you post an article once a week and your article is taken up by 10 websites, at the end of a month you have 40 representations on the internet.

If however you post an article a day on the internet and the take up rate by other webmasters is still 10 per article, you suddenly have a web exposure of 300. The reach of 300 websites displaying an article of yours is by far greater than the reach of 40 websites. If you are considering article marketing, you need to be prepared to post at least one content rich, original article every single day.

Article Format:

Articles written for article marketing purposes must apply search engine optimization methods. This is important so that your articles rank high with the search engines.

Also you need to pay attention to the different parts of your articles. The headline must be a good attention grabbing headline, your body must be well thought out and your bio box must be carefully worded to increase your click through rate

More details will be provided in the next part of this series.

Affiliate Marketing Tips and Affiliate Marketing Guide at

Using Keyword Research To Come Up With Site Strategies

Keyword research is the path to profits when done correctly. Many people, however, make the mistake of not following the path the research leads them on.

Pride can be a dangerous thing when trying to make money online. There is a tendency to think you know it all. This can be particularly deadly when doing keyword research. Why? Well, you can miss the forest for the trees as the old clich goes.

So, what do I mean by this? Well, it is first important to remember what the phrases are that you are seeing in your research. After a while, they look like anonymous blobs. They are not. They are the terms being used by people who potentially want to give you money to provide them with what they are looking for. This means you should pay close attention to what they are asking for!

Let's assume you have a site offering some type of product or service within a particular niche. This is a fairly common site. Now, you do keyword research and what do you find? The usual stuff, but also a lot of phrases including the term "reviews." This can be particularly common for big ticket items or hard to understand products such as software. People want to know what others thought before they buy.

Most product sites blow by these "review" keywords without a second thought. This is a huge mistake. These phrases are being typed by people who want to buy whatever the product or service is. Put in more direct terms, they are ready to part with their hard earned cash. They are simply trying to determine which is best.

You can take advantage of this by building out review pages for the products on your site. No, you don't have to make up reviews. Hire someone to do it or seek out general content available on the web. The reviews can be good or bad. If a product stinks, say as much. If you don't, the customer is going to have a bad impression of what you are offering.

Regardless of this example, keyword research is something you should do for any site. It gives you a glimpse of what your potential customers are seeking. That information is worth its weight in gold if you build out appropriate pages on your site giving them what they want.

Sam Alucard is with - providers of SEO Services.

Article Marketing - Should Be Reader Friendly

Article marketing is an excellent method of increasing traffic to your site. There are a lot of writers out there who are talented and can write articles for your site. With a large pool of potential employees who usually work free-lance, this is a marketing campaign that a site can undertake with little financial risk. You hire a person to develop creative content that will draw online surfers to your site. This small investment is an opportunity to increase site traffic as well as your search engine rating.

Article marketing, is placing your articles in online article directories for everyone to read. These articles usually will have a link to your own website at the bottom, with a photo and a short biodata about you. If someone reads your article and clicks on the backlink, your website gets traffic. Your article has to be impressive enough to induce the visitor to click on the backlink.

You can be successful if you remember a few things. You have to compose copy that reflects your readers' concerns. Perhaps you can inform your audience about a previously unpublicized service or give them pointers on how to do something for themselves. You want to create one-of-a-kind articles to get their attention, and unique content is what accomplishes that.

Use words that are easy for your readers to comprehend. Avoid flowery phrases that may tax the ordinary person's vocabulary. Avoid complicated concepts as well. Define any words you think will stump your audience. You can render copy more readable if you use boldfaced headings and bullets in front of the items on your lists. You want to offer your audience useful information and communicate to them that you have expertise pertinent to the topic.

As soon as your copy is prepared for publication, put it on a popular article directory. This is a kind of site that solicits columns from authors of all nations throughout the globe. It provides room for your contact information and for a backlink. It is crucial to post your copy on more than one directory at a time in order to raise your internet profile and generate more visitors to your site.

Article marketing can periodically fail to generate the funds it promises. A poorly written article will not attract viewers. The writer must possess rudimentary literary skills. The abrupt disappearance of the writer from the internet may also contribute to lack of income. Article writers must consistently provide new articles with fresh ideas. For a productive and gifted writer, article marketing is a great way to make a living.

In today's technologically driven world there are many ways to earn money through Internet and article writing is one of them. Many article writers are happy writing content for websites. If you engage yourself in article marketing, then your article will pay you as long as it is present on the site. Write something your reader is interested in. Your subject matter can be about a little-known but useful service or a self-help guide, a how-to article or handy hints about something. If your unique articles contain stimulating information, their unique content is sure to arouse your reader's interest. Write in a reader-friendly language and style.

Article Marketing Checklist

Article marketing is an easy, powerful and effective way to market your business.

Here's a checklist you can use for every article you write.

1. Know your goal for each article

What's your goal for your article? Your goal may be to provide links and traffic to your Web site, or to promote a product or your services.

Write your goal down. When you're writing, it's very easy to forget what your goal was.

2. What's your reader's takeaway?

Each article needs to have a takeaway - a benefit - for your reader. This enhances your credibility, and makes it more likely that the reader will visit your site via the links in your resource box to see what else you have to offer.

Write down your takeaway.

3. Develop your keywords so your readers will find you

Research the most appropriate keywords for your article. Collect five to 10. You'll emphasize two to three in the article, the others will be added to article's Web page meta tags.

4. Develop an intriguing title that's relevant and includes a promise

Think of your article's title as a headline. It's the most important part of your article, because it attracts attention, and it should include the promise of a benefit to the reader.

Make sure the title is relevant to your article, and includes your most important keyword.

5. Write the article, delivering on your promise

When you're writing your article, ensure that you deliver on the promise you made in the title. Unless you deliver, your reader will have no incentive to click through to your site - he no longer trusts you, because you don't keep your promises.

6. Write the resource box for the article

Your "resource box" has a single goal - to get the reader to click through to your landing page for the article. Make another promise of a benefit if the reader clicks.

7. Post the article on your site

Add the article to your Web site as site content, adding links to products and services relevant to the article.

8. Post the article to an article directory

Should you post your article to several article directories for promotion and traffic, or just one?

Some article marketers believe that you should post your articles to many directories. However, I prefer to post to a single directory. It saves time and I haven't noticed any benefits from posting to many directories. Your mileage may be different.

So there you have it - your article marketing checklist. It will increase the speed at which you can write effective articles by giving you a method to follow.

Want to build a well-paid writing career? You can, with Angela Booth's new Writing Hacker Web site at - watch Angela's "Make money Writing: Write and sell Web articles - they're in hot demand" video.

For more writing tips, subscribe to Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Ezine at and receive "Write And Sell Your Writing: The Power-Write Report". It's 21 pages packed with information to help you to develop a six-figure writing career, and it's completely free. Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Blog at brings you fresh writing tips several times a week.

Can Articles Boost Your Home Business?

Many people spend bulk of money on advertising their website while there is a way of turning bulk of visitors to your website for free. This is by giving them necessary information and turning them into subscribers and customers, by article writing. Now it's time to implement for one of the most profitable Internet marketing strategies of all...

It's time to write YOUR OWN article or have one written for you so that you can post it on your own blog AND get it published in other people's blogs, websites and email newsletters for FREE.

Why would you want to do that?

Because getting YOUR OWN articles written, distributed and published on the Internet is one of the very best *FREE* Internet marketing technique in existence. Think about it...

Once you have an article written where YOU are the author, you become an instant authority. When people find your article, read it and get some good information from it, they appreciate you. That appreciation quickly grows into trust and when they click the link in your article resource box to visit your website, they will be much more likely to sign up with you in one of your recommended business opportunities or buy one of your recommended products.

Remember, the more links you get on quality websites pointing back to you, the more money you will make online. It's really that simple.

Plus, once you get one of YOUR ARTICLE published on someone else's blog or website, that article and the links within it are probably going to remain there FOREVER. In fact, there are articles I distributed more than 5 years ago that are still pulling in traffic and profits to my website today and they will still be working for me 20 or more years from now... for FREE! Think long and hard about that...

Getting your articles published on other people's websites is 100% FREE advertising for life

First, you need to decide if you want to write your own articles or pay someone to write articles for you.

Let's examine these 2 choices.

1) Write your own article.

The main benefit of writing your own articles is that it's "free" and only costs a little bit of your time. Also, writing your own articles will give you a sense of pride and accomplishment. Further, many people are "natural educators". You might *ENJOY* writing articles and sharing information about what you know.

2) Hire someone to write articles for you.

This is a great solution for people who are not comfortable writing their own articles. You might feel like you don't know enough or you simply might not enjoy writing... You should NEVER let either of these factors stop you from authoring your own articles and getting them published online. Simply use an article ghost writing service such as Just Articles.

Why do you want to write articles that relate to the content of your website?

Because once people start reading your articles, you'll be viewed as an authority on whatever subject matter your article is about. Once you've established that "expert status" in your reader's mind and they come to visit your website through the link in your article resource box, your website needs to supply additional information, opportunities and resources related to the content of your article. That's how you turn targeted visitors into sales. People will read your article, visit your website, click on the links to learn more about the opportunities and products presented on your site and often buy something.


Articles are secret keys that could boost your home business sales, simply take out some time think back at yourself what you search the net for when you newly started your home business, there are everyday people in search of such information online, educating them, place your links on your articles and they will simply comeback to you as determined visitors. If you dont fill comfortable writing your articles yourself simply use a ghost writer service like just articles at

Simon Avwaruroro is dedicated to researching home business ideas and opportunities that can help you start a new home business or grow the one you already have to pay mega, with little or zero cost. See for yourself at -

Targeted Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Powerful Secrets to Multiply Your Article Marketing

Writing and submitting articles on a regular basis can be a very time-consuming task. It can be also stressful and exhausting. Just imagine the overwhelming requirements; from putting your ideas to writing, considering SEO on your articles, targeting your client base, and finding publishing sites that can give your articles the exposure they deserve. So why on earth would you utilize it on your marketing campaigns? The answer is simple. It's because the technique really delivers. It improves your search engine standing, it connects you to your client base, and it promises you huge profits. In the end, your efforts will surely yield great rewards.

Here are the 4 powerful secrets to article marketing:

1. Write more articles. This is the surest way to grow your article marketing campaign. Write about topics that you are very knowledgeable about so you won't spend more time doing extensive research. When you write about topics that you are very familiar with, you can be more productive. Try to write 5-10 articles per day so you can generate at least 35 back links for your site per week.

2. Be organized. Maximize your time by carefully planning what you do and how you do it. For instance, if you are to submit your articles, list all the publishing sites so you don't have to search them online every time you submit your articles.

3. Pick the best publishing sites. Choose the ones that have quicker reviewing and posting time so your articles will be visible to your readers as soon as possible. Also, consider their page ranking; if they are not even showing up on the search result page, they won't do your campaign any good.

4. Submit regularly. To improve your online presence, I suggest that you submit articles every other day. By doing so, your readers have something to look forward to when they search your name for information.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

The Secret to Article Success

I am frequently asked what's the one secret to achieving success in marketing articles for income. In a word... Write. In another word... Submit. That's pretty much it. Of course there are some details that you need along the way: a proper Resource Box, a great title, and a few other details. But, for the mot part, you need to write and submit.

On days when I'm very busy, I'll write just one or two articles and I'll submit them to my entire list of article submission sites, about 150. On days when I have more time, I write four to five articles and submit to a list of about forty sites. On my best days, I'll crank out ten or more articles and submit them to my top 10 sites. I'd like to submit them to more sites, but I just don't have the time.

It takes two or three hours to submit an article to my large 150 site list. I can make a submission to my 50 site list in about an hour. And I can submit an article to the short 10 site list in about ten or twelve minutes.

By submitting an article to 50 sites, you can expect to get between 100 and 200 links over a six-month period. I'm quite happy with that. That's one of the reasons that I continue to write articles. The other reason is that I'm rather fond of money. That part's not too bad either.

Most of the time, the people that ask me about the secret of success are what I call casual writers. They've written five or ten articles and submitted each one to one or two sites. They can't believe it but, they didn't make any money and they've seen no increased traffic. In their mind, article marketing doesn't work.

To be really successful writing articles, I'm talking about 6 figure successful, you need to write about 1000 articles per year. That's three a day, every day!

For those of you who are into proverbs, I run my article business according to an old saying: "Work for a while like nobody will, live the rest of your life like nobody can!" So get to work, write a few articles!

Easily develop your own product!
Start your own affiliate program!

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Marketing an Internet Presence - Network is a Verb

I was speaking with the CEO of an executive career and job site recently. We were making another installment in our ongoing discussion about developing and marketing an on-line Internet presence by leveraging on-line networking platforms.

The CEO made a statement that reminded me of the national, multicultural, social marketing campaign coordinated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

VERB It's what you do.

To network does - not - mean to simply join a networking platform, create a profile, and passively expect magic to happen. It requires action. It requires reaching out. That's right - it requires effort.

I've talked to many people over the years that complain about not getting anything out of their membership to a given networking platform. When I ask, "What exactly did you - do - after joining the networking platform?" The response (all too often) is, "Do?"

There are millions of - inactive - members of networking platforms. Unfortunately, that translates into million of people that are not realizing the benefit of on-line networking.

Network: It's what you - do - that counts.

There are obviously multitudes of ways one can take action and reach out. You can reach out directly to specific individuals through personal messages/emails or indirectly by posting blogs on topics of common interest, subject matter expertise, etc., or starting a club/forum around a common interest, subject matter expertise, etc. They all require action.

I belong to and I'm a heavy user of on-line networking platforms. All on-line networking platforms are not created equal. From my experience, without a doubt, out of all of the on-line networking platforms I've experimented with, I've found - the best - place to network and start investing in building an on-line Internet presence. It is amazing how fast you can do this.

As an example, do a Google search on the key words: do you exist

The first thing I want you to notice is that the result is a search return of approximately 412,000,000 hits. Now note that my blog post "Do you exist? - by Ron Bates" typically comes up as the 1st - 3rd hit on the first page out of 412 - million - hits. This capability is invaluable to someone desiring to build and market a personal or corporate Internet presence.

I believe so strongly in the power of building an Internet Presence by leveraging on-line networkin that I built a website just to discuss specifically how to do this.

Happy Networking!

Ron Bates is an expert in mission critical retained executive search. He is a Managing Principal with the retained executive search firm Executive Advantage Group, Inc. He has delivered personal executive coaching projects to former SAP, E&Y, Oracle, and WorldCom Exec's responsible for multi-billion dollar business units, and co-founded, a self guided job search oriented executive coaching process.

With +27,000 direct contacts on on-line professional networking platforms, Ron has been referred to as "the most connected man on Earth". View Rons networking profile on Ecademy.

As a recognized expert in building an on-line personal Internet presence, Ron has been an invited speaker at venues such as the Marketing Executive Networking Group, British America Business Council, Expert Connections, and is a regular guest on Netshares Ask the Coach.

My new Website: Internet Presence Do you exist? can be found at

For more information on Conducting a Job Search Campaign go to

Article Marketing - When Is Writing More Articles Detrimental To You?

Question - When is writing more articles detrimental to you?

Answer - When what you write is useless cr*p.

There seems to be a preponderance around article marketing sites that the more articles you write the better your return will be. Well, that may be the case if you are an Adsense marketer. However, what is the point of pumping out one useless, barren, valueless article after another if your intention is to get people to click through to your website? Quite simply, there is NONE!

There is a mathematical LAW that is called the "Multiplication Factor of Zero." Basically, what that means is that anything multiplied by zero is still zero. I have a saying that I use quite often which is: "Three fifths of five eighths of nothing is still nothing."

Pumping out dozens or even hundreds of poorly structured, grammatically incorrect, boring, useless, rubbishy articles will only hurt you in the long run. People will see your name and immediately peg you as a purveyor of junk and nonsense. Word gets out folks. Think about it. You probably already know the names of some people who have so completely bored you in the past with such mindless drivel that you wouldn't read another thing with their name on it in a pink fit.

So, having said all that, when is writing more articles beneficial to you?

Answer - when you become known for supplying good, solid information that people can use. The high views can then be used to click through to your website(s) for more information.

Look at your statistics. Are you getting a lot of views? Are you getting a decent click through rate? If you aren't then there is absolutely no point in writing more of the SAME articles because all you will achieve by that is getting more of the same with a greater volume. It will only be a waste of everybody's time - mostly yours.

By examining your statistics you can "tune" your articles for better results. When you keep doing this you will get more views and your click through rate will climb. Even better, you will develop a good name and people might even begin to search for your articles rather than run away from them whenever they see your name.

Research your statistics and give people more of what they want and you, too, will benefit from the exercise. Everybody will WIN!

Even though I have written quite a number of articles on this subject I don't have an Article Marketing website. I write these articles for education purposes only because I am sick of seeing junk. If you search on my name you will find the others. But I do have a wealth creation website. So, if you think that I have presented you with valuable information in this article and you want to know about how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then, click HERE.

Why You Should Write Articles To Make Money Online?

If you are an Internet Marketer and are not writing articles then your business is not reaching its fullest potential. There are a couple of different reasons why you should write articles for your online business and in this article we will discuss them.

1. Adding Content to Your Website

The first reason for writing articles is to add content to your website. To receive a lot of visitors to your website you really want your site to rank well with Google and other search engines and one of the best ways to improve your ranking is to add a lot of content to your site.

Google loves websites with good quality original content. There really is so many pages that you can add to your site for your visitors to find what they need so to add more content the best way to do it is to add articles.

2. Article Marketing

The second reason why you should write articles is for the purpose of article marketing. This is one of the best methods of promoting your website, blog, product or affiliate product.

If you write an article to grab your reader's attention but don't quite give them all of the information they want then they will want to click on our link and visit your site to receive the rest of the information.

Many Internet Marketers are using this method of marketing and are extremely successful with it.

Writing articles is very easy to do and anyone can do it and the fact that they make a huge difference to your success online you'd be crazy not to write articles.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Niche Marketing Online: How To Easily Develop Your Internet Business Focus

If you want to make money online, youll need to have the right combination of products and services, marketing tools, and systems in place to ensure that people will want to buy what you are selling. If youre competing with thousands of other businesses to sell general products and services, your chances of success as a new competitor in the market are pretty low.

However, if you use the power of niche marketing to meet a demand for products and services, you can set yourself apart from your competitors and create a market for your services.

Just what is a niche?

A niche is simply one distinct piece of a market. If youre a writer, you can split all the different types of writing up into different niches. You can be a legal writer, a medical writer, a writer who writes specifically for the Web, a marketing communications writer, or a writer focusing on short fiction. Finding your niche is a matter of identifying a need that has not been filled by other professionals in your industry and coming up with a way to meet the demand.

If youre interested in marketing products, marketing hundreds of products that are marketed by many other companies is not a good way to make sales and gain market share. However, if you can come up with a very specific product that meets an unfulfilled need in the industry, you may be able to make your business a success. One good example of niche marketing with products is found in the pet products industry.

Many companies market pet food, collars, and leashes, but there was a market for personalized pet products that wasnt being catered to. Someone figured out that people really do have a need for personalized pet picture frames and bowls and that person is now successfully selling personalized pet products. Its all about finding a need and being able to fill it with your products or your skills.

How do I get started in niche marketing?

When you start marketing within a specific niche, start small. Dont start offering every product in your niche before youve found out if you can be successful with that niche. You can start by offering information on a specific topic. If you get a lot of traffic and inquiries, you can add a few products to your site to test out how well they sell and how many people keep visiting to look for more products or information.

Once you have established yourself, you can continue to add products, services, and information to your web site. Starting out small will save you the money of buying an inventory of products that wont sell. If you establish yourself first, youll be more confident in the amount of sales you can make.

What if I dont have a product or service to sell?

You should keep in mind that information can also be very profitable if you can find the right niche and marketing strategies. By starting an informational site, you can create opportunities for yourself to become an affiliate marketer or to offer paid advertising on your site to other companies and individuals. The key to using an informational site as a niche marketing tool is to offer solid content and resources for your visitors.

Breaking into niche marketing will take some great ideas and a commitment to marketing your web site as effectively as possible. If you can find the right niche and make the right decisions, youll be able to turn your small niche into a profitable online business.

** Rasheed Ali is CEO and founder of the Internet Coaching Academy where he and his team of internet business experts are helping people from all over the world start, build and profit from their own internet business. He also offers a FREE newsletter and gives away a video course on building a home based business on the internet. **

Do You Know the 3 Key Strategies to Using Lead Capture Pages?

Leads are the Life Blood of any Online Home Based Business. The Best leads are the Leads You Generate Yourself using Lead Capture Pages.

  1. Only Use LCPS Created by others and Hosted on There Site

  2. Only Use your LCPS Hosted on Your Own Web Sites

  3. The Hybrid which is a Combination of Both

The Advantages of Strategy 1 using Other Peoples Pages

  • Quicker Startup

  • Proven and Reliable

  • Use there Bandwidth

The DisAdvantages of Strategy 1 using Other Peoples Pages

  • They Get the Traffic

  • They are in Control

The Advantages of Strategy 2 using your own Pages

  • You are in Control

  • You decide what, Where and How to Promote

  • Much More Flexibility

  • You get all the Traffic

  • You own all the Banner, Text ads and Pop-Ups
The DisAdvantages of Strategy 2 using your own Pages

  • Slower Startup

  • More Work

  • Using Your Bandwidth

Strategy 3 the Hybrid Approach seems to Maximize the benefits while Minimizing the Disadvantages.

The First part of Strategy 3 is deciding which 3rd Party Lead Capture page you are going to Promote.

My All Important Rule 1

Only Promote 3rd Party Lead Capture Pages that Notify you with the E-Mail Address when Someone signs up to your Page.

  • Before I use a Lead Capture Page I sign-up Myself to see what kind of information I am given. If it passed the Rule 1 test then I use it. If it doesn't pass the Test I don't use it.

About The Author:
Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built an Organization of over 100,000 Members

Lead Capture Resources

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Copyright 2005-2006 Mike Makler the Coolest Guy in the Universe

Keyword Bidding Explained

Keyword bidding is closely related to pay-per-click advertising. The major ppc advertisers out there are Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, and Microsoft AdCenter. Here are some interesting facts about keyword bidding.

Keyword Bidding Fact # 1

One of the undeniable facts when it comes to the most popular ppc engine would be the undefeated Google Adwords. Advertise in Google Adwords properly, and you will see your online business skyrocket. This is simply because the majority of search engine users use google and the traffic that it pulls in are targeted.

Keyword Bidding Fact # 2

If you plan to use google Adwords you must know the three types of matches in your keywords. Knowing the differences in the match type will help you manage your keyword bidding more efficiently. The three match types are the [exact matches], phrase matches and broad matches. For example, if you bid for an exact match keyword [keyword bidding] your advertisement will only be shown when someone types in the search "keyword bidding" and not "bids methods for keywords". If you bid for an phrase match "keyword bidding" and matches "keyword bidding tools", but not "tools for keyword", and, finally, a broad match for keyword bidding will match the search of any keywords in any order.

Keyword Bidding Fact # 3

To achieve success with keyword bidding, you will need to know about click through rate which is also known as CTR. Google tracks the number of click through compared to the number of impression for your ad. Basically, if your ad or keyword has a high click through rate, you will be rewarded with a higher ad position and also reduces the cost of your clicks. It is crucial for you to consistently improve your click through rate if you are thinking of starting your own keyword bidding campaign.

Keyword Bidding Fact # 4

One of the ways to improve your CTR is to write a good ad for your keyword bidding campaign. One of the key notes of writing a good ad is that your ad must be able to attract the attention of searchers. Grab their attention with a good headline and tell them the benefits they will get if they click your ad. There is also other Adwords tactic.

Keyword Bidding Fact # 5

To become successful with keyword bidding, you will first need to learn how to analyze keywords and build a good keywords list. This process can proof to be a very tedious task. Some would call it a nightmare even. However, there are plenty of tools out there that can help you achieve success with your keyword bidding and one of them is Keyword Elite. You can use this tool to quickly generate a list of keyword and then analyze the keyword list that you built. Over thousands of marketers online have converted and are using this tool to grow their online business.

To find out more about my personal experience on keyword elite from a skeptic to a convert, please check out You'll also find out how you too can counter the flaws of keyword elite here. Say goodbye to your keyword bidding problems forever.

James has been successfully marketing online for over a year. Click here to get Keyword Elite today and get rid of all your keyword nightmares forever.