
Friday, June 27, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

When people come to your squeeze page, they give you something very valuable---their names and email addresses. Not all of them will buy from you, but when you're collecting names and email addresses, it's inevitable that some will buy from you. Did you ever stop to think that YOU are what will influence that outcome? You can have no sales and then, you can have an incredible response rate!

And it all comes down...

To one thing---

Your welcome message.

Yep. People sign up for your list because they like your squeeze page. They're interested in what you have to deliver, and in some respect, they like you. Otherwise, it's certain that they wouldn't have signed up. I mean, think about it. If you don't like someone, are you bound to sign up to do business with them? No. Of course not.

So, these people like you, if only just a little, because they don't know you.

That's where your welcome message comes into play. Make it great! Seriously, tell them something about yourself. What you're doing online and bring them into your life, if just a little. If you have kids, let them know that. If you're into a completely different profession, like maybe you're a Pediatrician or you train horses or whatever. People want to know you, and the more you let them know about you, the closer they will feel to you.

Now, I'm not saying that you should tell list members everything. Don't give them your bank account and social security number. Of course, that would be stupid. But there's no sense in being in this business if you're paranoid. There are bad people out there, but you can't worry a whole lot about that. You just have to be cautious, not afraid to show your picture, for instance. People like to know you're a real person. You can't hide in your rabbit hole.

So, don't go on for days, just tell them a little something about yourself--a story, and welcome them to your list.

Then, carry on business as usual. This entire email should be the same tone and composition as any other mail you send to your list, actually. By that I mean, it should contain the same type of information. If you always put three links in your email, put three links into this one. If you provide tips on your particular niche, then, give readers some tips. And if you always sell something, and you should, then sell something.

This sets up a pattern. Readers will always know they'll find a story from you, some tips, and an offer of something to buy with a link that you instruct them to click. You're training them to click. But more than that, you're going to do the same thing in each and every future email you send to them. You're being consistent. That's important in the trust issue. You want to be consistent, which helps deepened trust.

Don't worry too much about writing your welcome e-mail to start. Just get it written and get it out there. But once you're list building, you might want to think about going back and making that email a bit more interesting, more profit-pulling, and a tool of bonding with your audience. That's very, very important.

Tellman Knudson is CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc. Learn how to build a powerful and responsive list quickly through his premiere list-building course,

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The global internet is not as global as small business owners may think it is, in fact the global internet can be extremely effective for local markets. If a small business takes the time to develop their website to be an online marketing tool instead of just an online business card they could tap into a market beyond their expectations. The internet and website design are a tool and market that small business underestimate. The reason is most often that they think it is too costly. The truth of the matter is small business often make a very crucial mistake. They deal with a "website designer" instead of dealing with an online marketing company to develop their small business website.

So why would I call that a mistake? The reason is simple and what is worse is that many small businesses don't even realize they are making a mistake. Most of the "uncle john" website designers they are using have no idea what having an online marketing tool means. So their small business website becomes an online business card instead of an online marketing tool. To top it off, most of them choose a website designer that does not know how to optimize a website for local markets. So now one of the most effective marketing tools the small business could have had, has been completely wasted. If a small business would realize the potential of what a small business website could really be, not only would they have a much better marketing tool, but they could in fact end up saving thousands of dollars in advertising costs.

By simply making a good decision, and using a marketing company that specializes in small business marketing to build their website, the small business could streamline their marketing efforts. Wasting less money and making more, by putting a little bit more up front they could in fact be saving thousands of dollars a year while making more because their marketing is not only streamlined, but effective as well.

So the next time you see a small business without a website. Or you see a small business with a website that has "About us" as the first link on their website. Give them a friendly hint and tell them they could use their website to make money instead of tickling their ego. Be honest, is the information about the company really what sells and what should be the focus of a website from a marketing perspective? Or is it just there to tickle the owners' ego? Think about any large website that has had success, do they start by telling you about how long they have been around and who the owners are? What makes you think a small business website should be any different? It shouldn't be any different, what is different is that the large website or company understands how to use the internet like an effective marketing tool, while the small business owner does not. If you would like a good book that explains to small business owners the concepts behind setting up a small business website you can get a copy of 10make90: Get your website up right on

Gudmundur Sigurdarson (Gummi) is the founder of Redknight Marketing online marketing and website design, Mindformula, life and executive coaching and 10make90 internet marketing resources. He is the former VP of DesignEuropA where he worked with several hundred businesses over the course of 6 years, helping them grow their business both on and off line. Mr. Sigurdarson created the sales manuals, sales training, franchise model and franchise training program for DesignEuropA. In addition Mr. Sigurdarson has written a number of books on personal and professional development, online marketing, website creation and business startup guides. Mr. Sigurdarson has a dedication to helping people succeed, be it in their personal or business life, he does this both as an author, corporate trainer, speaker and coach. If you would like more information about Mr. Sigurdarson, or would like to get him as a speaker, then feel free to visit any of the websites.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Why do other online businesses succeed while others don't? It is because they have not really implemented their internet marketing strategies well, including article marketing. You should stay away from the notion that this technique only requires you to write articles, and that's it. Otherwise, you will definitely fail.

Here are 3 fresh secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Improve your writing skills. All things change, even the tastes of your readers. You will never be able to satisfy their needs if you are not also going to improvise and innovate your writing techniques. This is going to be quite a challenge, though, but this will surely pay off when time comes. You can learn to develop your skill by reading other people's works and by enriching your vocabulary.

2. Spend money in article marketing. If you think that the only way to get published in well-established magazines is to pay for space, then so be it. After all, when you're in article marketing, you have to exhaust every possible means to have your copies read by as many targeted customers as possible. However, you have to make sure that your paid membership or inclusion is truly worth it. Otherwise, you can stick with free article directories in the meantime.

3. Build relationships with other writers and webmasters. Perhaps you may have never felt it, but sooner or later, you need help of other people. For example, you can request your webmaster-friends to publish some of your articles with links to your website in their pages. When you don't have much time to produce your own articles, you can always runt to your article writers. Finding friends in the World Wide Web will surely make article marketing a much easier technique to implement.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

When it comes to article marketing, writing skill is important. If you possess such skill, congratulations, you are well ahead in the game. The question is, how can you format your article in such a way that produces the best results you want?

Usually, a good article starts with a striking and attention grabbing headline. But, the headline cannot be hype. Right after the headline, you should have a sub headline, which also should not be hype. The ability to create good headlines is very important, especially in the Internet World.

Bear in mind that other than the headline, there is no other means like a cover to judge your article by. The headline must attract the potential reader to read the article, and the sub headline should also serve the same purpose, stating what the article is all about.

An effective article will be between 300 and 500 words in length, consists of not less than three paragraphs. Paragraph with only 1 sentence should be avoided, unless that sentence is just a few words long and needs to stand out for special attention.

The opening paragraph is important because it contains the main key point you want the reader to know about the article, and what they will learn in the following sentences. Remember the thesis you wrote in high school or college? The same applies to articles writing too. You can either make a statement or ask a question, then prove it or answer it within the context of the article. It is crucial that you keep the reader interested and hence he will continue reading the next paragraph, and the next until he reaches the end of the articles.

You should wrap up your article at the last paragraph, summarizing what has been conveyed in the body of the article. Following the final paragraph, a resource box should be provided, which contains critical information about the author you and should include a link to your website, where the reader can learn more about the topic you have discussed in the article.

Last but not least, you want to let readers know that they are free to reprint your article or even post it at their blog as long as it stays intact and includes the resource box. This is where your article can become a viral marketing tool.

When you have finished writing your article, put it aside and read it again the following day. You will find that you may have been too subjective about the topic. Seek a second opinion about your article and ask for criticism.

CW Teo established as his Home Based Business. He advocates articles marketing as one key strategy in Internet Marketing. For quality articles, he recommends Free Expert Articles Pack worth $67 is available for download here.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Basically deep linking is the linking of information to another page from a website page instead of the actual home page itself. A regular link will point to for example, where as a deep link will point to a particular web page inside of yahoo. Or perhaps consider a regular link will point to the MySpace homepage, a deep link will point to a members profile or some other specific feature page inside of MySpace.

Many large companies discourage the practice of deep linking into pages on their own websites as it allows visitors to go directly to a specific page of interest and avoid their sponsor advertising or other such features that may be a source of profitability for the company. Deep linking however is very desirable to an average internet user who is intent on going directly to the relevant pages of interest. The truth is that companies or owners of website can actually benefit by allowing deep linking to pages inside of their websites.

Deep linking improves the usability of a website for their visitor, new internet users or users less knowledgeable in the ways of web world are most likely to easily find what it is they are looking for by going directly to a page within a site by clicking on a deep link. Imagine for a moment you were searching for a particular recipe, chicken casserole for example, when you click on a link that promises a chicken casserole recipe, not a whole lot of other information with little or no clue of how to find that cherished chicken casserole. Allowing your site visitor to go straight to the recipe they are looking for ensures that you will have a returning visit, confusing and disappointing your visitor is not the best way to create interested visitors.

Certainly there are even more advantages for allowing deep linking into your website. Allowing deep linking makes it far easier to follow your website visitors viewing tracks. Your website stats will display exactly what pages and information your website visitor was interested in viewing when they entered your website. This will clearly define what you have that is of value and know the true popularity of your website content.

Deep linking also greatly improves your websites attractiveness for search engine rankings. Take for example a website devoted to dogs that provided links to each specific breed of dog from the homepage, when someone searching the internet is looking for Husky information the search engine will include this website and the person looking easily find what they are looking for on your website.

Pay per click advertising or PPC, as it is often referred to uses deep linking to point to exactly what your advertisement is about, this helps your conversion rates. Let's say that your site is devoted to home furnishings and place an advertisement for beds, deep linking the advertising to point directly to your beds. If this advertisement pointed only to your homepage some visitors may wander off looking at bits and pieces they are not interested in actually purchasing.

You may experiment with these ideas and see the results for yourself. Begin by creating deep liking a blog and link directly to specific content inside of the website. Be sure to include deep links in articles submitted to article directories. Successful results will certainly be evident real soon.

Robert Paul Williams is the Editor of Work At Home Business Website. Are You Promoting a Product or Service Online? Come Visit WAHBWS to Get Your Free and Low Cost Website Advertising Ideas

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

You have probably already heard about article marketing and now you are wondering if it might be able to help promote your business. Web sites by themselves can draw some traffic but are often limited in terms of successful business marketing or campaign marketing. Of course, that depends on the type of online advertising you are using. Article marketing, however, provides you with a very efficient and lasting tool that can bring lots of targeted traffic to your doorstep - ready to look at what you have to offer. Here are some reasons why article marketing should be part of your online marketing strategy.

1. It Provides an Excellent Product Marketing Tool

Whatever it is that you are selling, the Internet can put the word out faster than any other means. It can also reach a much wider audience, even providing you with a global outreach - at a relatively low cost. You may already know that keyword promotions, such as Google's Adwords, and other cost per click programs, can be very effective also - but they are not cheap.

Article marketing, on the other hand, which also uses those same keywords, is free - except for the cost to produce the articles (unless you write the articles yourself). These articles can be professionally written on the same keywords that your web site focuses on, and they can be distributed at no cost to you and posted online - in multiple places.

2. It Brings Targeted Traffic to Your Website

Once you have a number of quality articles written by a freelance writer - one who specializes in Website content, you have the quality you need to get the job done. Your article marketing starts when they get posted at some of the more popular article distribution web sites. The search engines find them - and they begin to direct targeted traffic to your web site.

3. It Directs to the Right Page

The article itself needs to be written around a keyword or keyphrase which will then direct people interested in that subject to a particular page on your Web site. For instance, if you were selling plumbing products, then you would want articles dealing with all aspects of plumbing. Titles may include things like How to Choose the Right Faucet For Your New Kitchen; or, How to Fix That Leaking Showerhead; to, What Are the Most Popular Bathroom Fixtures?, etc.

Each article leads people to the right page on your web site. The first article, for instance, How to Choose the Right Faucet For Your New Kitchen, would direct traffic to your Web page which provides more information, and some links where your visitor can find new faucets, faucet parts, and possibly books on the subject. As you can also see, a couple of the titles work to get people's attention - and you then provide the solution to their problem - and get sales.

4. It Is Effective Because of Multiplication

One of the great aspects of article marketing is that other people are most likely selling the same thing. You ask, how can that help you? Simple - every web page needs web site content. Since other people who have plumbing web sites (according to the earlier illustration), or blogs, also need web site content, they look for free articles to build their web site faster. Article distribution centers require that the author's name and web page links remain attached at the bottom. This means that for every individual that picks up one of your quality articles - it also provides another inbound link to your web site (at no cost to you) - increasing your search engine popularity.

5. It Works Around The Clock

Each article continues to be a part of your strategic marketing plan and efforts as long as it remains on the Web. Article marketing continues to work to promote your product or service around the clock. Because others will pick up some of the articles - your Web site popularity grows even more with time, increasing your targeted traffic - and profit.

A simple way to get started is to communicate with a web content writer who knows how to write for the search engines (SEO), and who can give you the quality web content articles you need.

By Mike Valles - a home business, finance and real estate writer and marketer. For more information about Internet marketing and tools you can use - including PLR and MRR materials, Web page templates and headers, go to his Web site at: Article Marketing To Go.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

One of the biggest complaints I get from people who have just started article marketing is that it is not working fast enough for them. You see, article marketing takes time. You cannot just write 10 or 20 articles and get response over night. What I have found is that an article produces over time month in and month out.

This is pretty important to recognize. You see, with article marketing, you are doing one or two things (or both): you are either writing a lot of articles and submitting them to a few high-traffic article directories, to generate immediate direct traffic, or you are writing a few articles and submitting them to a long list of article directories, building backlinks for high search engine rankings.

But in either case, your results will occur over time, over the course of months and years, not days and weeks. Sure, you may notice that your web site goes from a low pagerank to something higher, and often in a short period of time, but in most keyword markets you need multiple inbound links before you see huge levels of traffic to your web site, and that just doesnt happen overnight.

So you have to persevere.

You have to write a lot of articles, and submit them diligently, even before you begin to see results. I had about 200 articles online before I could claim quantifiable results but now, I am glad that I continued to submit articles, as I make a fulltime income doing just that.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Creativity is the one virtue a site must possess to win the race in internet based business competition. With so much competition, many methods of marketing must be employed to stay in the race and win. It doesnt matter if you have a killer product or a web site with awesome web design, if people dont know you exist, youre dead in the water.

While there are many methods used by e-commerce sites today, one method that's come into its own is called viral marketing which has helped many a site gain an extra boost in popularity ratings. Though the term viral depicts virus in the worse possible way, it isnt what you may think. You do not use a computer virus to spread your business.

Viral Marketing also known as viral advertising is a marketing technique used to build the publics awareness of your product, company, or web site. Many forms of the media are used to reach out to the public without actually promoting the product. The premise is to use methods that are somewhat addictive in nature to get people hooked and obligated or amused enough to actually pass it on along with the product, company, or web site advertisement.

Basically, marketers ride on the idea that if people like the content of a media enough, they will pass it on to their friends, family, prospects, or customers. They sponsor the particular media such as cool flash games, funny videos, amusing stories, or informational reports, which are passed on with the company brand, logo, product description, or any other content to help promote the company or its product.

Viral marketing has become a popular means of marketing and advertising because of the relatively low cost. To avoid being labeled as spam mail, viral marketing counts on the eagerness of people to pass on the product. If the person sees the name of the person theyre familiar with as the sender, they wont block it but, open it instead.

Many companies offer incentives such as rebates and discounts when prospects or customers help in spreading their viral marketing. They rely on the number of recipients viral marketing gets from one person, in determining the amount of incentive they can be attributed with.

The foremost advantage of viral marketing is the publicity and public awareness your site or company receives. You get to generate a traffic flow of potential customers. With a little imagination, some incentives, you can reach out to a great number of people and announce your existence.

Many web sites are now aware of the effectiveness of viral marketing. Along with other promotional methods such as search engine optimization, viral marketing could easily push you ahead in the ratings game. Consider the benefits, increased traffic flow, customers, and revenue increase that could incur from this one marketing resource alone!

As mentioned earlier, viral marketing is a great way to make people aware of your online presence as you get them to pass your advertisement along, like a virus. Many affiliate programs and webmasters offer reports and ebooks centered around their product and in many cases, they offer free branding rights which permit you to brand your website and affiliate link into the report or ebook. As you pass these on to your customers, prospects, you increase awareness of your online presence and hopefully increase sales and revenue in the process. As you can see the potential can be phenomenal!

Consider this, many big companies have used viral marketing successfully. A classic example is Hotmail. They were the first known company to employ viral marketing and the rest, as they say, is history. Why not incorporate viral marketing into your marketing and advertising arsenal, imagine the wonders it could do for your web site traffic and revenue!

Copyright 2006

Looking for effective internet marketing tools that work? Maxine Hough has created the ultimate web site of "cutting edge" internet marketing tools designed to increase your sites traffic flow and revenue significantly! =>

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you have been in the internet for quite sometime, you probably know that article marketing is dominating the World Wide Web. Millions of webmasters from all sides of the world are using this technique to either popularize their website or promote their products and services.

As more and more people are taking advantage of this impressive marketing method, the competition in getting the attention of online users has grown stiffer. As a marketer, you must device mechanisms on how you can constantly improve your article marketing strategies so your articles will stand out above the rest.

Here are the 3 fresh secrets to improve your article marketing:

1. Titles. The competition begins when online users search for your targeted keywords. When they search content using search engines, they will be presented with numerous articles that are related to the keywords they have keyed in. To give your articles an edge, you must give them titles that are keyword-rich. This will help them get better placement on search page results. However, it not enough that your titles are keyword-rich, they must also be appealing so online users will be enticed to read your articles. Consider your titles as baits that must attract online users at first glance. Let them know what is in store for them when they read your content.

2. Content. Once you have successfully grabbed the attention of online users through your titles, learn how to sustain that attention by making your articles content-rich. Provide the information that your readers are looking for so they will be glued on your article. Keep your content short, concise, and direct to the point by presenting the most important information upfront.

3. Resource box. This is the element that you would like to focus on if you would like to improve your conversion rate. Make it powerful and compelling so it can effectively move your readers to click on your website's URL.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

I assume you have heard the term SEO before, but if you haven't, SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization. SEO is essentially a collection of methods aimed at positioning your site among the top sites in today's popular search engines. The major benefits of SEO are increased site traffic, brand awareness, and sales. Other additional benefits of SEO are increased site usability and accessibility.

The enormous benefits of SEO services have made the art of optimizing websites increasingly competitive. This article will provide effective methods of increasing your websites visibility in today's popular search engines.

The Keys to the Kingdom
Determining what keyword sets to focus your SEO efforts on is of the up most importance. Poor keyword focus can make even the best SEO strategy perform disappointingly. There are several tools available on the internet that will allow you to conduct keyword set analysis and to determine what keywords will work best for your application.

Content is King
Search engines love content rich sites, because this allows them to easily categorize your web pages. Your content should focus on your designated keyword sets and be relative and informative. Avoid using excessive amounts of graphics and flash, because search engines are unable to index these types of content.

Keep it Fresh
New content is not only appealing to your audience, but will provide tremendous benefits for your sites overall visibility. A good way to include new and relevant content is by implementing a blog. A blog provides a great medium for introducing fresh content, and will increase your sites search engine rankings by creating quality back links. A blog is also a good way to position you or your company as an authority in a specific field or industry.

Landon Wisser is a content developer and web specialist at NLI Media Group.

NLI Media Group is an Austin based web development and media firm that uses cutting edge online marketing and traditional advertising and promotion to create premium brand experiences for clients.

Article Marketing - How A Former Body Guard, SEO Dummy Got Top 10 Rankings For All His Websites!

Writing articles is an amazing and powerful way to increase the number of backlinks to your websites. However, there are many elements that you need to get right to make the whole process work. If you don't follow the exact steps I am going to show you right now, you will waste your time or get your website banned by the search engines.

Please understand that your website is not going to be on Google's first page tomorrow. The strategy you are going to learn work, but the nature of the search engines is such that you will see results after a couple of weeks if your website is brand new.

While many so called SEO experts claim that you need to learn a bunch of very complicated strategies to get top rankings, my websites do very well in the search engines and I am going to show you the right way to do this.

First, you need to submit your articles gradually. You don't want to alert the search engines and "tell" them that you are launching an aggressive backlink campaign. Remember, they don't like to be forced.

I have a couple of websites, and I noticed something truly amazing by accident. Listen up... It seems bizarre, but the more great and original content you have on your site, regardless of the number of links, the highest rankings you will get.

Another fact is that you don't need to do mass submission with or to get top rankings. I just submit to the 5 top article submission sites with the right anchor links:


There is another thing that I wanted to tell you today. Don't focus on getting a top ten ranking. Focus on building the number one website in your niche. Build an authority. The search engines will reward you overtime.

In conclusion, I would say that you must always go for quality in whatever you do. Write quality articles instead of hundreds of junk articles stuffed with keywords. Submit to the best directories instead of mass submission. And lastly, think long term strategy.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Most network marketers experience frustration once their perceived warm market has been tapped into. Many, at this point, give up. They don't know where else to go. The main issue is to understand that you have only tipped the iceberg. The world is a big place. And, with the internet at our disposal the sky is the limit. Let's go over a few ideas to make this happen for you.

The first important secret that is sorely underutilized is your mindset. Normally, network marketers focus on approaching others. This strategy, while successful at times, requires a certain steely personality. One that is immune to rejection and disappointment. Unfortunately, not many people fit this description. Instead, turn your attitude around. Think about having people come to you. How can this be done? Simple, Take a look at this...

Inexpensive online marketing. Google and Yahoo! advertising works well and, if applied properly can be very successful at minimal costs.

Article marketing...Right now you are reading this article. You have shown an interest in building your business using alternative methods. At the end of this article you will have an opportunity to learn the specific details on how to incorporate these strategies to take your business to the next level and beyond. Did I approach you to read this article? Do you feel any pressure from me as you read this information? Of course not. The beauty of online marketing is that only people who are really interested in what you have will contact you. There is absolutely no rejection. And, article marketing is free.

What about newsletter marketing, ebooks, MySpace advertising. The list goes on and on. Can you see the possibilities? Find out more. Learn the secrets of how you can incorporate online marketing in your business strategies, and watch your business fly!

To learn the whole package make sure you follow the links below.

Dr. Alfred Santoro is an internet network marketer who is passionate about helping people attain financial independence. To learn more about him and what he does go to:

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Profit in printing is obtained largely by the ability of the man who is "it" in the establishment. We have all noted how the great publishers tend to fall to decay when the light goes out that led them to success. Ability can find a way through many difficulties; without ability the finest collection of printing machinery will not return the cost of operation.

A few start small, virtually as amateurs, and build up. In the early 20th century, one of the most noted of these was A. E. Chasmar, who developed such exceptional taste in fine printing that his work was known clear across the continent. But usually the man who can make money and build up a plant has to be found. It takes a strong man at the helm to pilot the publishing craft into the harbor of steady profits, and continual good judgment to maintain such position when gained. The personal touch always seems to rise superior to conditions and to rules.

So far as I have observed, the large establishments are always built up by men who know thoroughly their trade, being well grounded in the details of their calling and familiar with the allied arts. Two sorts of ability are necessary the sort that goes to produce good printing, and the sort that can handle the finances successfully. Successful men have an exceptional ability to recognize what they are looking for when they see it, and we can all point to many other examples.

Large capital will make a printing plant go, if the capital can find the right managerial ability; but it is scarce. A printing office investment is a dangerous one for large capital, because of this necessity for brains of a certain type to secure profitable results. But large capital without the right ability will not win out, though it may keep a large publisher going for a long time, thus having a greater chance to find the right man to run it profitably.

See the top two 100% recommended online printing services at

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is the perfect content-based marketing solution if you want to popularize your website and gain steady traffic without spending a single cent. Yes, it is free and yet, very effective. This is the reason why it is the most used marketing tool in the internet today.

If you would like to breakthrough with article marketing, these 4 responsive steps will effectively help you out in reaching that goal:

1. Register on all major article submission sites. While you are at it, make sure that you read their terms of service to lessen or eliminate the chances of your articles being rejected online. Also, take advantage of their author's page and fill it with exciting information about yourself that could potentially help you build rapport with your readers. Post your most friendly-looking picture, your expertise, your desire to help, your hobbies, and your interest. Remember that although you need to market yourself as an expert on your chosen niche, you also have to make it personal so your potential readers can easily relate with you.

2. Check your resource box. Make sure that all the URLs and hyperlinks on your resource box are working as designed otherwise, all your article marketing efforts will just go down the drain. To make sure that your hyperlinks are okay, use the preview feature of submission sites before you post your articles.

3. Make your articles easy to understand. Never assume what your readers know and use offbeat acronyms and terms that are rather difficult to understand. To easily get your message across, stick with simple terms and short sentences.

4. Manually proofread your articles. Never put your credibility and professionalism at stake by taking the time to manually review your articles to eliminate run-on sentences, grammar errors, awkward phrases, and inconsistency in tenses or subject-verb agreement.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.