
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Article Marketing At Its Best Is Free Marketing For Your Offers

There are reasons why some Internet Marketers outperform others. Article Marketing is one of the easiest ways to free unlimited web site traffic. Plus, you can do it without spending a penny using only free tools available online.

First #1:

Write an Article...

Yea, that's all there is to it.

Article writing and submitting those articles to the article directories is a powerful way to get more traffic.

Write a simple article that features some of the key benefits of the product or service you will be marketing.

Keep it as simple as possible and don't make it look like your typical sales page.

It doesn't have to be special.

Write it as a bullet point list and add a short benefit sentence to each bullet point.

Webmasters, bloggers and ezine publishers will search through these article directories and they will come across your article. Then, if it is a good fit for their readers they will be include it in their newsletter, blog or on their site.

When they publish it in their newsletter they will include your Resource Box, along with your link to the product or service you are marketing. The potential to get your article seen very quickly and placed on thousands of web sites is very real.

And you didn't have to spend a single penny for all this advertising.

Write a article a week, and then submit that article to as many article directories as possible.

Article marketing is a numbers game. The more articles you write and submit, the more traffic you will get.

Second #2

The Resource Box...

You will find at the bottom of each article a section known as the Resource Box.

This is your place to advertise your product or your service.

Your article should be to the point and without any sales pitch. Now in the resource box you can tell a little about yourself plus you can add a link to your web site. You can also suggest a solution (your product) that can help the reader.

Write your resource box so the reader will click the link and purchase the product you are marketing.

Your call to action has to leave the reader no choice but to click your link. Now, the sales page you are referring them to has to be good enough to close the deal and earn you some money.

Here is a simple example: "For more information on Article Marketing visit Today".

Third #3

Submit Your Article...

Submit your article to article directories such as GoArticles, ArticleAlley, SearchWrap, Wordpress and EzineArticles.

Also, for a nominal fee SubmitYourArticle will submit your article to hundreds of article directories, this will save you a lot of time and a lot of work.

Social bookmarking is another very powerful tool. It takes less than a minute to submit your article to such bookmarking sites as Onlywire. Once your article is submitted to Onlywire, they take it and submit it to other social bookmarking sites.

That is all there is to it. Really.

This may seem to good to be true, but it really does work. Try It.

Off course it will take a couple of weeks for traffic to start rolling in on a regular basis, but the magic of this method is that once you've written a article, it will generate traffic for months and maybe even years.

And the best part is it did not cost you a single penny.

James Derr

For more information on Article Marketing as well as Awesome Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Sites visit: Today! We specialize in Traffic Generation!

The Road To Riches Through Search Marketing - SEO, PPC And Viral Marketing

The Internet has the ability to level the playing field between small and big business with regard to capturing market share. Search marketing - SEO, PPC and viral marketing is the most effective and least expensive method of driving traffic to a web site. Any type of business with a web site can participate.

Trends in Search Engine Marketing

North American advertisers spent US $9.4 billion on search engine marketing in 2006. This represented a 62% increase over the prior year and an 750% increase from 2002. The reason for this growth has to do with the explosive growth of the Internet worldwide - a trend that has impacted every industry in every developed country, producing billions of dollars in revenue for companies with a strong Internet presence.

Search Engine Marketing for Increasing Web Site Traffic

Search engine marketing (SEM) refers to listings and links to web sites that are produced on the pages of a search engine directory (like Google, Yahoo or MSN) when a keyword search term or phrase is entered. There are two types of results that are produced. Listings at the top and/or right column are sponsored results from advertisers who pay each time someone clicks on their ad and visits their web site. This is called pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. The largest SEM vendors for sponsored searching are Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing and Microsoft adCenter.

The second type of search results are the free organic listings that are produced because of content and code on the web site that match criteria determined by the search engines- essentially the search engines look for keywords, relevant content, meta tags, alt tags, back links and traffic flow. The process of getting web pages to match these criteria is called search engine optimization or SEO. The closer the site matches the search engine's criteria, the better the ranking order for that web site. If a web site is not found on the first or second page of search results, it is unlikely to be found and result in traffic. Any number of pages on a web site may be optimized and found through the search engines. There are hundreds to thousands of search engines. The majority of searches however come through Google, Yahoo and MSN. Each search engine uses different rules or algorithms for determining ranking order. These rules can and often do change over time. That is why it is an ongoing process to achieve and maintain a good page rank with SEO. When SEO includes a presence in forums, blogs, social networks, and multimedia directories, the result is viral marketing - this is where traffic and results get very exciting!

Best Results Through SEO and Viral Marketing

A good SEO program will not just produce a high page rank for keywords, it will also drive traffic from a particular target market to web site pages from many different sources. These may include links from relevant web sites valued by the search engines, forums, blogs, social networks, multimedia directories and online press releases. The sum total of all of this marketing produces a viral effect resulting in high search engine rankings and explosive web site traffic.

17 critical components for SEO with viral marketing results:

1. Keyword research and analysis to determine keywords that are searched in significant numbers and relevant to the web site's target market.

2. Incorporating an XML site map so that search engines can crawl the web site easily.

3. Incorporation of informative content-rich web pages to the existing web site based on targeted keywords.

4. Defining keyword-rich Titles and Meta tags for each and every page of the web site in order to make every page search engine friendly.

5. Hand submitting the web site to niche directories to get valuable one way links.

6. Writing and developing keyword-rich articles focused on targeted keywords.

7. Creating a blog for the web site and submitting it to blog directories and blog search engines.

8. Submitting articles to leading E-zines and other informative sites to get one way links along with relevant traffic towards the web site.

9. Exchanging links with other relevant web sites to increase back links for the web site.

10. Participating in niche Blogs & Forums to get quality back links and traffic.

11. Creating a presence in Social Book marking sites.

12. Creating a presence in Social Networking sites.

13. Participating in Video Sharing using video that showcases the web site's mission, purpose, brand and unique selling position.

14. RSS feed creation and submission to various RSS directories.

15. Press release creation and submission.

16. Including powerful and effective marketing copy in all content developed for the SEO and viral marketing program.

17. Tracking of results and making modifications based on traffic patterns, lead generation results and sales conversion data.

A plain vanilla SEO program that optimizes web pages will produce limited results. I have personally seen companies charge big bucks and stuff keywords into pages that no human being would read. They may get attention from the search engines but people will be off that site in a heartbeat. The bottom line is effective marketing copy in everything that is produced for the project.

Most SEO companies do not include many of these viral marketing concepts in their program. Using this list of criteria when shopping around for a company to do your SEO will help you to get the most value for the money you spend. Done well and responsibly managed, SEO and viral marketing can be your most productive marketing investment.

Online design and marketing specialist, Ruth Kuttler, "the Web PuzzleMaster," is the creator of "Winning Marketing Secrets" E-zine. Get my FREE SPECIAL REPORT, "10 Simple Secrets for Making your Website into a Selling Machine!" at

You are welcome to 'reprint' this article, provided it remains complete (including the contact information at the end). Thanks!

Article Marketing Keyword Parrots and Linking Fanatics in Web Content

It's stunning sometimes how far article marketing has come over the last few years as an effective means of promoting business through educational articles. But precisely because it is so useful to online business, it is getting perverted by overzealous marketers. Some are using software that "Blasts your Article to 10,000 ezine publishers!" and others are simply SEO copywriters who write horrible so-called articles disguised as keyword lists parroting repetitive keyword phrases 15 to 20 times in a 700 word article. Some submit their article perversions for their clients or even to benefit their own Adsense filled sites.

Other article marketing perversions include a sort of "advertorial" article, clearly written by copywriters, purely for promotion of client interests, in deceptive testimonial form to sell a service, software or product and gain links to client sites. Some using this technique loudly proclaim a service as though they just discovered it themselves when a simple search for their name beside the product they recently "discovered" shows that they have been hired wordsmiths for the newly "discovered" company for several years.

Further web content and article marketing perversions include the submission of press releases disguised as articles by clueless PR people who have little to no understanding of article marketing. They submit their client releases to article distribution services and article archives mindlessly without even attempting to change the distinctive form of a press release into something resembling an educational article. They even include the outdated -30- or ### which signifies the end of a press release.

As an online marketer myself, I've written and distributed press releases through appropriate PR forums such as PRWeb and the like for clients. They are used as one means of gaining visibility and exposure for online businesses. Sometimes we do rewrite them as articles and distribute those through article distribution channels if they can actually be adapted to a semi-instructional or entertaining form of web content. The standard journalistic five W's are entirely out of place in article marketing. The factual reporting must be converted to an educational "how-to" format or a form of instructional and entertaining short article.

Next among web content clueless come the newbies who have been told that article marketing is useful for gaining links. Often these newbies will include a half dozen of their own URL's without the http:// portion - unaware that web content management software will NOT turn those web addresses into clickable links and losing the value of those links wherever the do manage to get published. These dimwits fill the article with links to their own sites and affiliate program or ad-tracking redirect links, very nearly turning the article into a directory menu of their own site in the hopes of gaining multiple links from a single article.

Just one thing stands in the way of that silly expectation of easy link popularity - NOBODY will publish the article except those worthless Adsense filled automated sites which blindly publish EVERYTHING distributed through some freebie article distribution lists. Those links will do the author very little good coming from worthless, poorly ranked sites. That is if the distribution list will even publish that type of blatantly self serving article. Most article sites refuse to accept and distribute articles with self-referencing links within the article body and say so clearly in their guidelines for submission.

But then - Keyword Parrots, PR shills and linking fanatics don't read web content article submission guidelines.

Copyright August 12, 2005

Mike Banks Valentine operates Mike Valentine Provides content aggregation, press release optimization and custom web content for Search Engine Positioning

Search Engine Optimization : On-Page SEO Guidelines

There are two aspects to the search engine optimization (SEO) of a website: on-page and off-page. This article will give the a set of guidelines to follow for on-page seo.

Your website will have one Keyword (or keyword phrase) which is what the website is all about (and often this is the target keyword for the index/main page) and then as many Secondary Keywords as appropriate. You must have a separate page for every Secondary Keyword. Start with 5 Secondary Keywords, then gradually add a new page each week to your website, each focusing on a different Secondary Keyword.

1. Your Title tag must contain your keyword - that is, the keyword that you are targeting that specific page to. Do not include such things as your website name or other irrelevant words such as 'welcome" in your title tag as this will dilute the value of the tag.

2. You need two sitemaps - an HTML Sitemap for your visitors to use and an XML Sitemap for the search engines. Another article will follow shortly about these two sitemaps specifically.

3. Every page of your website must have relevant, quality content - that is, the content should supply the visitor with the details, the information that brought them to your website. The content should be between and 500 and 800 words. Judicious use of small graphics to break up the text is recommended.

4. Keyword Density - many seo authorities will tell you not to focus on keyword density and they are correct as quality content is more important. However, if your page is selling blue metal bolts, and this is your keyword for that page, if it is not mentioned on the page the search engine will not be able to categorize your page; the keyword needs to be there. More importantly, it needs to be there quite a few times and a recommended density (number of times) is approximately 5%.

On a page, try to use your Keyword 5 times in every 100 words, and also sprinkle through some of your other secondary keywords. On each page, ensure your target keyword is used in these tags: H1, strong, italics and as regular text. Try to use your keyword in the opening paragraph twice, at least once in every paragraph, and as near to the bottom of the page as you can.

5.Every page of your website must have two Meta tags in the Head section - one for your web page description < meta name="description"..., and one for your web page's main and secondary keywords < meta name="keywords"......

6. Every image on your website must have an associated Alt tag, and this tag must describe the image itself and can include content also.

7. Inbound links. One of the many criteria used to rate your website for relevancy is inbound links. These are links from other website to yours. It is important that these other websites use relevant anchor text when linking to you, for example if you are selling Blue Metal Bolts then the ideal anchor text another website would use is "Buy blue metal bolts here". The ideal links would be embedded in content, for example: "There are many retailer of blue metal bolts but aware that the quality of some producers is questionable", and within that sentence the 'blue metal bolts' would be the anchor text, linked to your website. Your website needs as many inbound links as it can get, and it is the Anchor Text that plays a big part in the search engine assessing the value of the link.

8.Do not try to build a website with many pages in a short time; the search engines see the steady growth of a website (content and number of pages) as good. Focus on providing your visitors with the information they searched for.

9. Your main page does not have to be your landing page - every page on your website is a landing page, for its particular keyword, and every page needs seo focus. providing website hosting solutions for the dog sites of breeders, owners and friends of The Dog since 1997, together with the free webtools necessary to ensure website building success for our clients!

Is It Still Possible To Make Millions On Advertising On The Internet

It all depends on the way you look at things, and whether the odds are against you or in your favour.

If the economy is doing well on the Internet or better yet, if the economy is improving on the Internet, I don't see why anyone should have problems making a killing advertising their product just on the Internet alone.

Well I guess the real question is "Can I still make 1 million dollars or more on the Internet today?"

And No I'm not talking about if you plan to make 1 million dollars on the Internet and you end up only making $14,000 or $40,000 a year, I really mean making anywhere from $500,000 to $1,000,000 a year.

Well to tell you the truth, I have read a series of E-business Marketing Articles and purchased several marketing courses and I've actually learned a lot and found out that most of them share similar words of wisdom about believing that you can make it, all you have to do is find a unique product and a winning ad copy...

However the one that particularly interested me were the ones that were very specific and targeted a particular groups of people who for instance are spending too much money on advertising, they would be interested on Info on "How to lower your cost of advertising by 60%" or "Skyrocket & and increase yearly profit by 500%"

And of course the ones that I like to use for my marketing courses would be "How to use just to marketing resources to make $250,000"... Why? Because it's specific and it would be perfect for selling in a specific marketing on the Internet...

Instead of using the generic "Make $1 million on the Internet". But if that were the case, then you would have to find a general market with thousands of visitor and funnel them all to your web site every single day and you would probable make only $40,000 a year including your expenses...

However if you take the approach of targeting a specific market with a particular product and headline you may only have to generate 200 visitors a day to make $80,000+ a year... Wow, that's not bad for someone who just simply decided that he/she wants to target their market along with their product and headline to grab the attention of people who want or need to purchase a specific product or service.

Now suppose you took it one step further to use only 2 to 3 marketing resources and you learned how to use in a strategic fashion to actually generate 1,000+ visitors a day instead of just 200 visitors. You can easily start to generate $250,000 to $500,000 a year.

Because it has been proven that if you target a specific market and only use 2 to 3 marketing resources, you'll be able to analyze your marketing campaigns a lot easier, which will eventually help you to generate a lot more targeted traffic to your business, close more sales and eventually make you $1,000,000 if you ever decided to expand your business even further.

Copyright 2007 by Koffi Amouzouvi

Koffi Amouzouvi is the "author" of the Several Marketing Packages that you can start using today to Sky Rocket your sales by 300% or more... Check out these Packages "right now" visit:


Page Ranking System Explained! - How To Get High Ranking Web Pages

Why Search Engines Rank Web Pages

Search engines strive to produce quality search results for their users. They want to be able to give you exactly what you are looking for at the best quality. One way that the search engines can tell if you have important information for its users is if your page has other pages linking to it. Various other factors come into play to ensure quality search results.

Number of Links

Although not the most important factor in determining a web page's importance for a specific keyword, it is a popular way of getting up in the rankings. Every newly created page may give away a "page rank point" of about 0.10 or 0.15 in importance. This could be from external or internal links.

Percentage of Links

More importantly than number of links to a web page, is the number of other links on the page that link to a web page. To determine the amount of distributed "page rank points" to a web page from a link, multiply the total amount of "page rank points" distributed by the percentage of links.

The Dampening Factor

The dampening factor is the number that is multiplied by the distributed "page rank points" to a specific web page. This is then added to the given "page rank point" of an estimated 0.10 or 0.15. This dampening factor is usually around 0.80 to 0.85 .

Logarithmic Page Ranking Points

A web page with page ranking of 1 will have 1 page rank point to divide up and distribute. However, a web page with a page ranking of 2 will have 10 times that! And a web page with a ranking of 3 will divide and distribute 100 "page rank points"! This is why it is better to get a link from popular and respected web pages. This is the most important factor in getting higher ranking pages that I have found.

The Equation

Now, it's time to put it all together. Below I will provide a sample equation to which you can plug in numbers to predict your web page's future page ranking. Though the true equations that search engines use are trade secrets and the PageRanks are rounded to integers, this equation should give you a fairly good idea of your web page's future page ranking.

PageRank(YourWebPage) =
(0.15) + (0.85)*{[(#ofYourLinks)*10^(TheirPageRank - 1)]/(Total#OfLinks) + (MorePageRankingPoints)}


There are several important filters that each link goes through before distributing "page ranking points". These filters that can hurt or ban your web site include, but are not limited to...

  • Duplicate Content
  • Irrelevant Content
  • Fast Link Building (100+ a month)
  • Links From Inappropriate or Banned Web Pages
  • Inbound Links Having a "nofollow" Attribute


There are several things that can boost your rankings in the search engines, too. Some of these are debated, but won't hurt to encourage. Several boosters include...

  • KeyWord in the Title Tag and Meta Tags
  • KeyWord Towards Top of the Body of the Web Page and in Header Tags
  • High Traffic
  • Linking Keywords (anchor text)
  • Links From Government, Educational, and Well Known Web Sites

For more information on internet marketing and tools to enhance your internet income, visit the Online Business Community and Resource Center, VestRite Internet Practices.

Incorporating SEO With the Little Guy Network Opportunity

As part of the Little Guy Network opportunity, you can take full advantage of products that have resell rights. What that means for you is that ultimately, you already have a way to drive traffic to your website right at your fingertips. When you incorporate an SEO strategy into those e-books and other resell products, your Internet marketing strategy will be primed to deliver the qualified prospects that you desire.

Most people wouldn't even attempt to write their own e-book much less their own article, so you can imagine that the resell products you have in your hands are a gold mine! Let's talk a little bit more about using SEO.

Driving traffic to your site using SEO techniques is great, but don't overdo it. Your keyword usage should look natural in your articles, blog posts and advertisements. Many people have a tendency to overuse keywords, thinking that the more these words show up, the better their chances of ranking higher on the search engines. One article says that 15 to 20 percent density is acceptable, but another report will tell you that only 1 to 4 percent is what is actually necessary. Just remember that the key is to have your keyword density look natural in your written web media.

Here's the real problem with overusing keywords. If your web page is over-stuffed with keywords, it will have a tendency to look unprofessional and "spammy" to your audience. This, by the way, will also get you penalized by Google be having your website removed from the search engine.

What should a good site look like? Here are some tips.

1. Don't overuse keywords in title tags and meta description tags. You don't have to stuff in as many keywords as possible to get good results. A few keywords used in your tags and descriptions will go a long way.

2. Tell your audience what you want them to do. If there are too many links or keywords all over the page, your audience might have a hard time figuring out what you want them to do.

3. Avoid misspellings. What professional do you know who would purposefully misspell? It not only looks unprofessional, it looks like you don't care enough about your business to ensure that these types of mistakes didn't happen.

4. Make your page easy to read. This means you'll need compelling titles and easy to read content in order to get them interested in reading what you have to say.

The Little Guy Network opportunity gives you the resources you need to become a success. Just know that a little education in SEO will help you to understand other types of Internet marketing available that can also enhance your marketing strategies. Lastly, your professional approach to employing your SEO strategy will bring you credibility and ensure that you develop a loyal audience.

Discover how to clobber the competition and dominate virtually any online market or niche. See the amazing strategy allowed me to personally sponsor 116 people in less than 60 days!

Visit for more information.

Powerful Article Marketing - Discover 4 Hidden Secrets to Excel at Article Marketing

One of the hidden secrets to excel in article marketing is carefully choosing your keywords. Pick the ones that are constantly being used by your target market when they searched for information online. By using the right keywords or search terms, your articles will become highly searchable and you will increase their chances of being opened, read, and hopefully republished.

Here are the other hidden secrets to excel at article marketing:

1. Observe appropriate keyword density. Publishers are now very strict about keyword abuse. They immediately reject articles that contain so many keywords that don't sound natural on the content. Stick with 3% keyword density to stay on the safe side and to increase the chances of your articles being republished on leading submission sites like ezinearticles dot com and goarticles dot com.

2. Hire some help. Manually submitting your articles to hundreds of publishing sites can take so much of your writing time. This can affect your productivity which is not good in your marketing strategies. Hire somebody who can post the articles for you. Although you will need to shell out some money for this, you can buy yourself more time doing what you do best - writing.

3. Stick to the facts. Never overstretch the truth or insert unfounded information on your content to avoid misleading your readers. Before you publish your articles, be sure to double check your content as factual errors can easily tarnish your online credibility.

4. Never advertise on your articles. Don't convert your articles to sales letters and focus on giving your readers what they truly want - information. This is the surest way to move them to click on your resource box where you can post your sales pitches.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.