
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Article Marketing At Its Best Is Free Marketing For Your Offers

There are reasons why some Internet Marketers outperform others. Article Marketing is one of the easiest ways to free unlimited web site traffic. Plus, you can do it without spending a penny using only free tools available online.

First #1:

Write an Article...

Yea, that's all there is to it.

Article writing and submitting those articles to the article directories is a powerful way to get more traffic.

Write a simple article that features some of the key benefits of the product or service you will be marketing.

Keep it as simple as possible and don't make it look like your typical sales page.

It doesn't have to be special.

Write it as a bullet point list and add a short benefit sentence to each bullet point.

Webmasters, bloggers and ezine publishers will search through these article directories and they will come across your article. Then, if it is a good fit for their readers they will be include it in their newsletter, blog or on their site.

When they publish it in their newsletter they will include your Resource Box, along with your link to the product or service you are marketing. The potential to get your article seen very quickly and placed on thousands of web sites is very real.

And you didn't have to spend a single penny for all this advertising.

Write a article a week, and then submit that article to as many article directories as possible.

Article marketing is a numbers game. The more articles you write and submit, the more traffic you will get.

Second #2

The Resource Box...

You will find at the bottom of each article a section known as the Resource Box.

This is your place to advertise your product or your service.

Your article should be to the point and without any sales pitch. Now in the resource box you can tell a little about yourself plus you can add a link to your web site. You can also suggest a solution (your product) that can help the reader.

Write your resource box so the reader will click the link and purchase the product you are marketing.

Your call to action has to leave the reader no choice but to click your link. Now, the sales page you are referring them to has to be good enough to close the deal and earn you some money.

Here is a simple example: "For more information on Article Marketing visit Today".

Third #3

Submit Your Article...

Submit your article to article directories such as GoArticles, ArticleAlley, SearchWrap, Wordpress and EzineArticles.

Also, for a nominal fee SubmitYourArticle will submit your article to hundreds of article directories, this will save you a lot of time and a lot of work.

Social bookmarking is another very powerful tool. It takes less than a minute to submit your article to such bookmarking sites as Onlywire. Once your article is submitted to Onlywire, they take it and submit it to other social bookmarking sites.

That is all there is to it. Really.

This may seem to good to be true, but it really does work. Try It.

Off course it will take a couple of weeks for traffic to start rolling in on a regular basis, but the magic of this method is that once you've written a article, it will generate traffic for months and maybe even years.

And the best part is it did not cost you a single penny.

James Derr

For more information on Article Marketing as well as Awesome Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Sites visit: Today! We specialize in Traffic Generation!

Article Marketing - 3 Ways To Make Money

These ways to make money from article marketing are, in fact, not the only ways to make money off of article marketing. These are just some simple and most popular ways to get some cash from article marketing.

3 ways to make money online from article marketing.

  1. Bum Marketing - One of the most popular ways to make some cash from article marketing. The best part about this way of getting paid is that you can earn residual income through your article marketing efforts. You can earn about $600 dollars a week from articles that you made months ago. It's simple to do. All you need is an article writing account and to be signed up with an affiliate program. They're both free to sign up for and they can pay you huge sums of money. Clickbank is one of the best affiliate program search engines.

  2. Ebooks - You can turn your articles into cash easily. Just take the articles that you wrote that are relevant to each other and put them together into an ebook with reseller rights. This can be a fast way to make some money. People love to buy ebooks with reseller rights because it's like they're buying their own business for only five bucks. Make an ebook with your articles and sell them in your own ecommerce shopping cart or the all powerful ebay or amazon.

  3. Selling Your Articles - There are millions of lazy people out there. I mean millions. They are so lazy that they would love to pay you to write an article for them. People can pay from $10 - $100 on every 10 articles depending on how good you are. In this money making machine, make sure to only write articles on what you know about. Don't take on challenges that you don't know anything about. This can lead to a bad reputation or bad feedback ratings.

These are just simple ways in which you can make money with articles. Try them out and I'll SEE YOU AT THE TOP!

Want to learn how to make some serious online income? Sign up for my FR-EE online money making ecourse by Clicking Here Now, and I'll teach you how to do it step by step!

Article Marketing Online - The Goldmine That Helps You Write Articles The Easy Way

John Huston, the director of such classic movies as The Maltese Falcon and The Treasure of Sierra Madre, once told the story that when a woman invited his good friend Ernest Hemingway out to the dance floor, Hemingway responded, "Criminy! I hate dancing in public so much I'd rather write!"

Many of us have been there done that. True, for article marketing online you do not have to write the Great American Novel but that doesn't stop people from hating it just the same. Some complain about doing the research, others don't like the brainstorming. While most of us can relate, the simple truth is many writers just cannot bare the thought of looking at a blank page and having to fill it. This is tough if you plan on making article marketing part of your online business plan; since you will have to repeat this process over and over again.

What's the solution? Articles which have already been written that reside in the public domain. An excellent definition of public domain is provided by the Online Library Learning Center: "Works which are not owned by someone, and therefore not protected by copyright." This occurs when the writer has voluntarily given up the rights to their own material, the copyright has expired or the work was published before the existence of any copyright laws.

Everything is basically laid out for you. It just comes down to finding the material that is right for your subject matter. Once this is completed you simply rewrite the article into your own words. Because the time to research your article has been drastically reduced and you don't have to start with a blank page, this may be the fastest and easiest way to churn out articles on a steady basis.

It's also very cost effective. Many new or successful online businesses would just resolve themselves to outsourcing the chore of article writing. Even if the funds are available, it is still going to get expensive. Why? Because you are going to need a lot of fresh unique content on your website to make an impact with search engines (the same engines that will bring you the bulk of your internet traffic). Rewriting public domain articles, optimized with the proper keywords, is an excellent way to grow your website.You can then use the money you would have spent on outsourcing to invest in some other area of your business.

Use public domain articles in your email newsletter or put several articles together and create an ebook that you distribute freely. Just make sure to brand your name and put a link in the book pointing back toward your website. The key to all of this is to rewrite the material thoroughly. Public domain articles may not have a copyright but it also means the public at large is familiar with the information. Copying almost word for word is quite amateurish and extremely lazy. Use a public domain article as a framework to incorporate your own original ideas.

Article marketing requires a steady flow of creativity. Public domain articles are an incredible resource which can provide the solution to your web content needs. Tap into this overlooked goldmine starting today and give your article writing a major boost.

Daryl Campbell invites you to get more free tips, video, step by step coaching and up to the minute information to help you grow your business into a long term success at Internet Marketing Guide

Productive Article Marketing - Latest 3 Comprehensive Methods to Advance With Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the most powerful website marketing strategies in the internet today. As search engines remain to the be best source of warm and targeted traffic, more and more webmasters are using article marketing so they can fare well on major search engines.

Here are the 3 comprehensive methods to advance with article marketing:

1. Write for your readers. Article marketing can bring you numerous benefits. It can improve your page ranking, increase the number of targeted visitors to your site, and it can help you communicate your expertise to your potential readers. However, before you can achieve all of that, you must know how to attract and please your target market first. You can easily do so by writing content that is targeted to their needs and demands. That is why, it is very crucial for you to get to know your readers first even before you start writing your articles so you can effectively adjust your writing style and language on the level that they are most comfortable with.

2. Widely distribute your articles. It is not enough that you submit your articles to major submission sites. To get maximum exposure, you must consistently find avenues where you can post your content. Some marketers are submitting their articles to websites that are syndicated by Google and Yahoo News. While others are posting their writing materials to various sites like wikis, forums, blogs, and on their own websites.

3. Bank on the quality of your content. It article marketing, it is useless to write numerous low quality articles. Why? Because these articles are unlikely to get distributed or republished by other marketers. Thus, they will not be able to help you augment your traffic and your page ranking. So, instead of focusing on the number of your articles, concentrate on your content. It is better to have few articles that are worth distributing that more articles that will just sit on publishing sites and will not have the chance to go further.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Uncover 3 New Steps to Improve Your Article Marketing

Writing and submitting articles to publishing sites is currently the most lucrative way to promote websites, products, and ideas. That is why; it is no wonder why more and more webmasters are getting into article marketing not only to increase the number of their online visitors but also to increase their visibility online. If you have been using this technique and would like to further benefit from it, these 3 new steps will help you improve your article marketing campaign:

1. Make your readers your number one priority when writing your articles. Keep your potential audience in mind when tapping your keyboard. Make sure that every word or information you put in your articles are targeted to their needs and demands. When you are able to give your readers with data that they truly need, they will instantly trust you and support your other writings. They might even consider you as great source of information and products that will address their pressing problems.

2. Consider the requirements of major publishing sites. To make sure that your articles will be posted online, you must follow the basic guidelines set forth by article submission sites like Some of these requirements are the following: articles must not contain blatant advertising, must not talk about inappropriate topics like terrorism, and they must not have hyperlinks in the article body.

3. Learn how to increase your traffic and sell your products through article marketing. In order to drive readers to your website, you must know how to craft a powerful resource box so your potential audience will be enticed to click your website's URL. In addition, you must also write topics that are relevant to your products so you can easily up sell them either on your resource box or on your webpage.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Writing - 5 Tips To Help You Write Winning Article Titles

Writing an article title that is optimized for your chosen keyword phrase will help your article to be found by people using the search engines and people searching through article directories.

In addition, engaging titles invite people to read your work. They're the first step to getting people to visit your site because people will be first attracted to your article by your title.

Below, you'll find 5 useful tips to help you write winning article titles.

1. Start by choosing a keyword phrase to use in your article's title.

Keyword phrases are simply two or more words (keywords) that people type into a search engine to find information on topics that they're interested in. For example, if you're selling an ebook about writing articles, some keyword phrases you might use are how to write articles and article writing tips.

If you have a product, you may already know what keyword phrases that you want to use to get people to find you in the search engines. If you aren't sure, do some research to find phrases that are searched for a lot, specific and targeted to reach people interested in what your business offers.

2. Lead with your keyword phrase.

Place your keyword phrase at the beginning of your title. This is a strategy that many article writers use, including myself.

Doing this puts your chosen keyword phrase right at the beginning of your title which is thought to be helpful in getting your article found by searchers. It can also make it easy for skim readers to see what your article is about and spur them on to reading the rest of your article.

3. State benefits.

In your article's title, tell your readers exactly what they're going to get out of reading your article. Make it a benefit that is important to your target audience.

Doing keyword research and paying attention to your customers' questions and problems should help take care of this and help you to write articles that result in more traffic to your site and also more sales.

4. Be straightforward.

Cute, tricky or clever titles don't do as well as straightforward ones. Plus making your readers feel misled can cause you to lose their trust and not purchase from you. They probably won't even make it through your article.

5. Write about what you sell.

Here, the idea is to choose topics that deal with products that you offer and eliminate topics that don't have anything to do with what you sell.

For example, if you sell herbal supplements, you might guess that your customers also buy vitamins.

Probably, some of them do, and some of them don't. However, if you write about what you sell, such as herbs that are heart healthy or lower cholesterol, people that read your articles and then visit your site will likely be interested in what you offer and more likely to buy from you.

Ken writes articles on a variety of topics including business, nutrition, and health. If you would like to read more of his articles visit

Powerful Article Marketing - Latest 4 Ultimate Methods to Energize Your Article Marketing

Are you currently using article marketing in popularizing your website and promoting your products but can't seem to augment your page views and your sales potential? I'd say, you have to energize your strategies to maximize the benefits you are getting from this amazing marketing tool. Here's how:

1. Multiply the number of your articles. Strive to increase the number of your output to obtain more quality inbound links for your website. You can either extend your writing hours or pick topics that are quicker to write. You can also hire ghostwriters who can provide you quality and well-written articles for $5-$12 each depending on your topic and required word count.

2. Create a compelling author's bio. If you want to easily build rapport with your potential clients, you need to find ways on how they can know more about you on a personal level. Create an author's bio on every article submission sites where you normally post your articles to. Make it interesting and personal by communicating your hobbies, interest, personal stories, and experiences. You can also post your most friendly-looking picture to give your readers an idea on how you look like.

3. Make your articles search engine-friendly. Download a free, reliable keyword suggestion tool online that can help you identify the most common searched keyword and key phrases within your target niche. Sprinkle these words and phrases all throughout your content to make your articles highly searchable online.

4. Content. To increase the chances of your articles being read, picked up, and republished by webmasters and other online users, you must strive to make them content-rich, useful, informative, direct to the point, well-written, and highly relevant to the needs and demands of your potential readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Earn A Lifetime Of Income Without Lifting A Finger

We all know the money is in the list, but is it possible to make money from your Free viral eBooks and eZine?

Not only will a free eBook or ezine can give you massive exposure, it can lead to a lifetime of free traffic to your website and build an ever growing pile of cash.

The best part is, the Money will be working for you.

But this is only possible if the free product is marketed properly and in demand.

By focusing on the relevant topic for a niche audience, you can compile a free product with links to your favourite affiliate programs (preferably from a product youve used), and resell products.

This is a big reason, why free products, especially free eBooks are popular.

BIG BENEFIT is you can be creative and make money these ways- You can add affiliate links to products that complements your topic;

You can add affiliate links to your own high demand product, resale rights product;

You can offer to brand the eBook with your JV partners name and website, and charge a branding fee to their list;

In your Welcome Message (for people who sign up via your OPT IN form), add a link that takes your new subscribers to a page on your website to receive their free eBook and gifts, PLUS a once only, never again discount to one of your products or services.

Alternatively, you can promote affiliate program. For an example of how it works, visit my site

Notice the second you subscribe you are a given a link for the download page and a once off discount to Add affiliate links onto your Recommended Resources section;

You can promote affiliate programs (relevant to your topic) that pays monthly;

After your customer purchases an order, they are automatically taken to a Thank You page, where your backend product(s) are promoted as well;

Send customers a Thank You email after their purchase and include your advert for your resell product(s) or your own product.


The customer is in the mood to buy;

Anyone who makes a purchase, allow them to sign up for your ezine. Once they sign up, you can promote your products on the ezine issues at regular intervals; And many more.

Furthermore: Free Quality Product (filled with affiliate links to recommended products / services) + Viral Marketing + Right Audience + Opt In Subscription for free giveaways + Game Plan and Benefit for Joint Venture


Thousand and Thousands of Exposure of your product + A growing list of Opt In Subscribers + For each potential purchase, commission is generated from an affiliate link!

Commission from affiliate links can only be generated if it can benefit the reader. Put it simply, a quality affiliate product with a good sales page and client testimonials will generate commission.

Therefore, the content of a subject should lead towards the benefit of using such recommended products.

However, affiliate links should be used sparingly, and more importantly staying true to the core of the topic. Overuse of links will only result in harming the quality of the product and worse, lose your readers.

Focus on providing quality content and build a brand readers can trust.

With increasing trust, your readers and subscribers will be more responsive.

The above are just only a few ways to profit from a free eBook and eZine.

Although a quality product can lead to free massive exposure, it can also build a lifetime of ever growing passive income without you lifting a finger.

But then again, an Opt In list should be your priority, thats where the money is!

Jason Oh is the author of a Free eBook 'Opt In Secrets Exposed'.

The eBook will reveal how to turbo charge your targeted list by 300%, earn massive profits and never spend a single penny on any advertising! Download it now at

And visit his blog at

The Truth About Co-Registration and How It Works

Popularized by the Pipeline Profits promotion, Co-Registration has captured a lot of attention recently. This article will give you the facts about Co-Registration.

Co-Registration is a way of buying targeted subscribers and leads to your newsletter/ezine from a 3rd party service in bulk.

The leads are gathered by websites who are offering something in return from people opting in to that website's newsletter.

It basically involves having your subscription offer listed alongside other publications' offer, so that when someone signs up to the other newsletters, he or she is given the option of signing up for yours as well without needing to re-enter his or her personal information.

Well known Internet Marketing Expert Dr Raplh Wilson has said that, "Co-Registration is a widely-used approach to increase the size of your e-mail lists. Co-Registration works this way: After completing a subscription form or upon leaving a website, visitors are invited to subscribe to one or more e-zines. If yours is listed among these and the site gets a substantial amount of traffic, you'll begin to receive a number of subscriptions. "

Let me give you an example: If you go to a website like, and register for a their free content, you will have to give up your information such as your name, email address, phone number etc.

Once you're registered, you will then be taken to a page that shows you some other offers and newsletter you can subscribe to as well. This is where your subscription offer is listed, and the chance for the surfers to subscribe to your list. The website will then send you the subscribers that have chosen to subscribe to your offer for you to add to your list.

Hotmail does something similar as well when you sign up for a free email account.

When you are buying Co-Registration leads, you are basically buying a ready made opt-in email list that belongs to you. You can make your Co-Registration leads into a regular list that knows you and buy from you.

Many people think that Co-Registration leads are some sort of SPAM, therefore do not use it. They are NOT SPAM. Co-Registration leads are 100% CANSPAM compliant and safe. They are made up of opt-in subscribers, not gathered by some sort of software that craw the web looking for email addresses.

The reason I highly recommend using Co-Registration to build your list is because it easy, quick and cost-effective. It is also highly targeted, because you are only paying when the person joins your list and having seen your offer and the value you're offering.

There are many Co-Registration services and lead suppliers on the web that you can buy Co-Registration leads from. Some of these services gather leads from those offer pages with other publications on websites such as NYTimes. Some of these Co-Registration services use their own offer page to collect leads.

Make sure that the subscribers you are receiving from your Co-Registration services are targeted, and are looking for what your list is offering. No matter how good the leads are, if they are not targeted, they will be useless.

Ensure that the lists they are providing are fresh. Ask them how old the leads are. If they are more than 30 days old, do not use them. You do not want to buy cold lists; you may run into trouble. Just like any regular lists, you want to mail to the freshest list you can get your hands on. Fresh lists are more responsive.Make sure you have permission to send emails to the Co-Registration leads. You do not want to be receiving nasty SPAM complaints. Some leads suppliers provide you leads that are being forced to join. These people are usually being paid by money to join, or somebody who wants to win the sweepstakes. Do not ask for leads from these services and suppliers.

Ask your lead supplier how many times the list of leads has been sold. Some services sell the list to 5 different people, causing the list to become less responsive. If the list has been sold more than 2 times, do not buy from them.

I highly recommend Co-Registration services and suppliers that are integrated with 3rd party autoresponders, as this allows the subscribers to subscribe DIRECTLY and INSTANTLY onto only your list, meaning you would not have to wait to be sent leads from the suppliers for you to upload into your autoresponder.

You should always make sure that you can get your email address as soon as possible (what else is better than instant?), as you want to start making money from them right away. The longer you wait, the more likely these addresses become outdated, the higher the chances of getting spam complaints.

I also recommend that you should use Co-Registration services and suppliers that use double opt-in to decrease the chance of spam complaints.

Another idea is to approach ezine publishers directly to see if they are interested in a Co-Registration agreement. You can arrange a deal with the publishers to put your newsletter offer on their registration "thank you page" and you put their offer on your thank you page. Just make sure that you are not in direct competition and only share a similar target market.

You can go to Google to find a list of newsletter/ezine directories.

No matter which method you choose, just ensure that you are getting quality email addresses, and ensure that your offer is placed next to publications that share similar target market with you. You don't want your offer being grouped with a bunch of newsletters offering free golf tips if your newsletter is about home business opportunities.Co-Registration leads usually cost anywhere between 15 cents and $1 per subscriber, depending on where your source is, your niche market, and whether it is double opt-in or single opt-in.

The subscribers can be worth far more than $1 if you calculate the value of these potential customers.

You will be able to get a feel on how much each subscriber is worth after sending out few promotions using this formula (it's only an estimate): For subscribers generated from Co-Registration only, you can usually get around $1-$1.5 per subscriber (varying from niche to niche), spending only around $0.3 - $0.4 per subscriber.

That's around $1 profit per subscriber. What if you can buy a co-registered list of 10,000 or even 100,000? That would be a profit of $100,000!

When used correctly Co-Registration leads are a great way to build your list fast!

Steve Renner, Best Selling Author, Internet Marketing Expert Get my free eBook "Million Dollar Secrets" Plus over $1,000 in Internet Marketing Training

Article Marketing - Should Be Reader Friendly

Article marketing is an excellent method of increasing traffic to your site. There are a lot of writers out there who are talented and can write articles for your site. With a large pool of potential employees who usually work free-lance, this is a marketing campaign that a site can undertake with little financial risk. You hire a person to develop creative content that will draw online surfers to your site. This small investment is an opportunity to increase site traffic as well as your search engine rating.

Article marketing, is placing your articles in online article directories for everyone to read. These articles usually will have a link to your own website at the bottom, with a photo and a short biodata about you. If someone reads your article and clicks on the backlink, your website gets traffic. Your article has to be impressive enough to induce the visitor to click on the backlink.

You can be successful if you remember a few things. You have to compose copy that reflects your readers' concerns. Perhaps you can inform your audience about a previously unpublicized service or give them pointers on how to do something for themselves. You want to create one-of-a-kind articles to get their attention, and unique content is what accomplishes that.

Use words that are easy for your readers to comprehend. Avoid flowery phrases that may tax the ordinary person's vocabulary. Avoid complicated concepts as well. Define any words you think will stump your audience. You can render copy more readable if you use boldfaced headings and bullets in front of the items on your lists. You want to offer your audience useful information and communicate to them that you have expertise pertinent to the topic.

As soon as your copy is prepared for publication, put it on a popular article directory. This is a kind of site that solicits columns from authors of all nations throughout the globe. It provides room for your contact information and for a backlink. It is crucial to post your copy on more than one directory at a time in order to raise your internet profile and generate more visitors to your site.

Article marketing can periodically fail to generate the funds it promises. A poorly written article will not attract viewers. The writer must possess rudimentary literary skills. The abrupt disappearance of the writer from the internet may also contribute to lack of income. Article writers must consistently provide new articles with fresh ideas. For a productive and gifted writer, article marketing is a great way to make a living.

In today's technologically driven world there are many ways to earn money through Internet and article writing is one of them. Many article writers are happy writing content for websites. If you engage yourself in article marketing, then your article will pay you as long as it is present on the site. Write something your reader is interested in. Your subject matter can be about a little-known but useful service or a self-help guide, a how-to article or handy hints about something. If your unique articles contain stimulating information, their unique content is sure to arouse your reader's interest. Write in a reader-friendly language and style.

The Google Sandbox - Want to Catch It By the Horns? Part 1

The Google sandbox is like an enemy worth loving. As a webmaster/ SEO do you have any other option? If you want to generate traffic, you just cant ignore Google!

But first the primeval question. Does the Google sandbox really exist? The answer to this question is tricky at most times; there are conflicting opinions and no straight answers.

The majority opinion: Google sandbox definitely exists

The minority opinion: Many search engines veterans firmly believe that the sandbox theory is a figment of imagination from the Black Hat SEO

However, the exact positioning is somewhere in-between the YES and NO of the Google sandbox theory. Thats because there are strong indicators towards both the ends.

The YES Google sandbox exists theory

Proponents of this theory point out the fact that any new website (with a newly registered domain name) gets listed on Google after a delay of around six months, although the same website starts showing up on other search engines almost instantly The question they ask is why?

What gives more credence to this theory is the fact that many purely White Hat SEOs have admitted that they too have faced this problem. So, the moot point here is if you are doing everything in a purely ethical manner, why isnt your website showing up on Google? The answers to these questions are hard to come by, albeit they form the foundation of the NO theory.

The NO Google sandbox doesnt exist theory

Many of those who advocate this theory are in fact industry veterans, having years of experience in dealing with the search engines. The major points they have put forth against the sandbox theory pertains to the reasons why the websites dont show-up on Google and they are:

  • Application of unethical techniques like
    • Reverse engineering of the search engine algorithms, trying to find the errors in it and then exploiting it for their own cause.
    • Link farming
    • Creation of duplicate content
    • Keyword stuffing
  • Lack of knowledge up-gradation: Search engine algorithms change quite often and thats why the techniques to be employed need constant fine tuning. To be successful as an SEO, you need to intricately understand the changing algorithms and its significance. But, what most SEOs do is; believe in what they do and when the results dont come-up to the expected levels, they blame the Google sandbox.
In short, the Google sandbox theory is portrayed as a way employed by less competitive SEOs to cover up their in-competencies.

There seems to be truth on both ends, but our focus should be on the ways to get the website listed as soon as possible and to that end it's pertinent to note here that all is not lost as there are certain ways by which you can minimize the sandbox effect.

To be continued in part 2.

About The Author

Search Engine marketing expert, Tarun Gupta is one of the most prolific writers in the internet marketing domain with his articles being published in numerous websites and newsletters. He is the founder and director of web development and SEO Services Company =>

List Building - You Can Laugh At Writing Focused Articles Worries -- If You Follow This Simple Plan

Writing articles is one way to get people to come to your list building page. You may think, "I'm no writer," but you might fool yourself. Articles are an incredible list building tool, and if you aren't doing it or at least paying someone to do it for you, you're missing out on a whole lot of traffic.

To start, what niche are you list building around? That should be your topic. Yet, if you're list building around golf, for instance, how broad a topic is that? Pretty wide open, there, I'd say. So, you need to focus. Come up with one aspect of "golf," and write about that.

So, let's narrow that down. I want you to do an exercise, and don't think it's silly. Before you go on, pull out a piece of paper right now.

At the top of the paper, I want to write your list building target, which will be your niche. Let's stick to the golf example. So, you'll write "GOLF" in the middle of your page.

Now, how many things can you think about that pertain to golf? Golf clubs, shoes, tees, and carts. Then, you may have country clubs, courses, and ideal days to golf. You may also want to add golfing books, golf videos, and golf shows on TV. You see those are all smaller, more narrow focuses.

But you aren't finished, though think about it: You've really been list building around all those things.

Let's just take one of those categories, like golf clubs. How many different kinds are there... drivers, wedges, putters, etc. Right? So, from your "clubs" entry, make ray lines and put those at the ends.

But you aren't finished...

Now, you can start to narrow even further. How about putter manufacturers, materials, sizes or whatever. I bet you can think of even more.

Probably, you're at the article writing stage. Write the best article that you can, based on titanium golf putters. Bam! You have a narrow enough focus, and you're no longer overwhelmed.

Regardless of your list building focus, you can take this idea and use it. You can download mind map software and use it. Or, you can keep working your ideas out on paper. Whatever you use, I'll bet you come away with not just one idea, but at least 10 good ideas for writing articles about.

Next time, we'll start with how articles are written, and how you can apply them to your list building focus.

Tellman Knudson is CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc. Learn how to build a powerful and responsive list quickly through his premiere list-building course,

Internet Marketing: Integrating Online And Offline Strategies

The biggest businesses have already realized that integrating online and offline marketing strategies is the best way to tap into a larger customer base as well as make customers spend more. The best shops always make it easy for customers to shop - wherever they want be it online, in a store or via direct mail. Such is the power of using multiple channels to maximize the potential of your marketing efforts.

To successfully integrate your online and offline strategies follow some simple steps and rules.

1. Firstly, establish a web presence by building a website. Depending on the nature of your business you can choose to have a corporate website, an ecommerce store or an information based website. The important thing to remember is that your website must be search engine optimized so that it ranks high in the search engines. This allows customers to find you. Often customers who have heard about your business log on to the Internet looking for more information about your company and your products and services. A well-marketed online presence is the right opportunity to introduce you to the customers.

2. The next important thing to do is to integrate your marketing campaign and messages. So whether you are using magazines ads, banners or television spots all your marketing efforts must be coordinated. If you are offering a fabulous Christmas offer via print and television then ensure that your website has details about the offer as well. The idea is to provide the customers with a cohesive experience from your company. You can use your print ads to direct customers to your website and then draw them into more details about the product.

3. Ensure that your website is continuously updated with the latest information and products. Your online presence is the place where customers will go seeking more information. You can use print and television to create an impact and then deliver via the Internet.

4. Have a program in place to track leads and evaluate the success of the different marketing channels. You can have a feedback form on the website as well as in stores to learn which channel is most effective.

5. Often businesses like to follow up on initial sales leads via different marketing channels. You can start off making cold calls via telephone. If an individual shows interesting your company products you can then send them some printed brochures or an email with further details. The individual can then be directed to purchase the product online or go to the store and buy it.

Thus, to successfully integrate your online and offline marketing strategy you need to ensure that all the promotions are created by the same set of artists. In addition they must be executed simultaneously so that customers get a single, unified message from the company. The fact that multi channel marketing results in increased sales is a great incentive to get planning.

Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazines e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories. Discover The Secrets To Unleash The Powerful Promoter In You! Sign up for Matt Bacak's Promoting Tips Ezine ($100 value) just visit his website at or

Powerful Article Marketing - Rewarding Steps to Energize Your Article Marketing

These days, when almost all webmasters are using article marketing in generating traffic for their websites and promoting their products, you need to find ways on how you can stay on top. These rewarding steps can help you energize your article marketing so you can get ahead of the pack:

1. Your articles must be search engine-friendly. As you know, search engines are still the best sources of traffic. Knowing how to please them can tremendously boost the number of benefits you can get from marketing and distributing your articles online. So, learn how to identify and strategically place the most important keywords on your chosen niche on your content to make your articles highly searchable online.

2. Your articles must be reader-friendly. In your effort in making your articles keyword-rich, don't forget to consider your readers. Your content must read well and your keywords must sound very natural.

3. Your articles must be publisher-friendly. They must conform to the standards set by various publishers to increase their chances of being posted online. Your articles must be keyword-rich, informative, and useful to your readers. They must also be free from hyperlinks, inappropriate content, and blatant ads.

4. Give your articles interesting title. The first step to succeed in article marketing is to ensure that your articles will be opened and read by online users. You can do this by using attention-grabbing and striking titles for your articles.

5. Write in a conversational tone. Strive not to sound stiff or too formal as this can easily alienate your readers. Instead, write the way you talk to put your readers at ease and make them feel that they are just having a great conversation with you rather than a boring lecture.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - How to Make It Work For You

Information based marketing is one of the oldest and most effective techniques for bringing targeted prospects to your site and converting them into buyers. This is part of the reason that software, and distribution services that make the process of article promotion easier are so popular lately.

Though the various tools you can use to make the process of distributing your articles more easily are invaluable in getting your content the most exposure, thats only half of the story.

Getting article marketing to work for your site lies primarily in two things:

The article youre submitting, and
The preparation you do before a single word of your content is written.

Since those two determining factors make at least 50% of the difference in bringing you success, lets take a look at what the most common mistakes are in that area, and how to overcome them.

Mistake Number 1 - Confusing the Reason to Promote with Articles with the Reason to Write an Article

There are three key benefits to promoting an article - branding, lead generation, and as a corollary, online promotion, particularly as part of your optimization efforts.

Yet there is only one reason to write an article, and that is to inform your audience. If your article is not geared towards this as its primary purpose, you will fail to see the three benefits of promotion - because no one will want to read your article.

How many links youre able to generate by submitting your article to hundreds of sites will matter little if youre unable to get them picked up by publications, or read by people who search for information.

Sure, if you know what youre doing all those links pointing back to your site will count for something in your search engine results - but remember that generating links to your site is only one part of optimizing your site for Google, Yahoo or MSN.

To overcome this issue, youll need to figure out how to get people to read what is in your article, and then click through to your site from your resource box. The best start to a solution is to produce better content.

In the end its a matter of choice. You can get a little exposure from increased link backs, on a very basic level, or enjoy massive exposure from a little extra work.

Mistake Number 2 - Starting The Article Promotion without a Plan

Not every article can fulfil all three purposes of promotion. Some will work better for branding, others can generate leads and increase sales. But if you dont start out with a plan for what the function of your article should be, youll end up unhappy with the results.

To overcome this issue, before you write a single word, decide what purpose the article is supposed to serve. An article meant to brand you as an expert should display your knowledge. One for generating leads may need to be geared towards solving a very specific problem.

An article that gets published every where and helps to make you known is not meant to have the same level of exposure as hyper-targeted content geared towards a narrow group of people. Learning the difference will help you know what kinds of articles to write.

Mistake Number 3- Publishing Content That Doesnt Help Your Reader

Maybe youre thinking: All I want is links back to my site - any visitors the article generates is gravy.

Well guess what? Not all article banks and directories are going to accept your content automatically. You can double the number of sites you can submit to by writing articles that the directories want to share with readers. And all it takes is one publisher with a hundred thousand readers to increase your potential audience tenfold.

So if you want article marketing to work for you, write articles that publishers want in their publications.

This also means obeying the standard guidelines, running a spell check, researching a good topic to write about, or even hiring a writer to produce articles on your behalf.

Mistake Number 4 - Failing to Maximize the Promotional Opportunities of Article Marketing

You already know that articles marketing can help you generate additional links back to your site. But did you know that you can get more visitors and better search engine results from articles in a variety of ways?

You can mention your desired keyword in strategic places, though you should take care not to overdo this. Some people will also tell you to make use of anchor text, which can also be an effective method. However, you should know that the majority of directories and publications arent able to support this.

There are alternatives to this method that are just as effective, if not more so, but they require more space to explain.

Its not just about the links back to your site either. Part of doing well with article marketing is getting picked up by publishers with large audiences, or gaining the ability to leverage other brands due to the quality of your work.

Better search engine results are great.

But by themselves they dont put money in your pocket - there are a myriad of factors that can turn your article marketing efforts into an opportunity to increase your income, not just the number of visitors to your site.

Tinu Abayomi-Paul is a Web Promotion Specialist who runs the Free Traffic Tips Blog. You can read part two of this article at and learn about three more common mistakes even veteran article marketers make.

Article Marketing Secret It's Not All About the Links

You submit an article to as many article directories as possible with a link to your site in the signature block and you get loads of one-way links Thats what we see everyday right? While that statement is true, it is not the key to article marketing success.

The key to article marketing success is obtained by

1. Creating quality articles that are interesting enough for the viewer to follow-through to your signature block and click on your link.

2. Maintaining a constant flow of articles to the top few article directories and sites in your niche.

You may have heard these two statements in the past and chalked it up as not important. If you did, you made a big mistake.

The fact is, your articles MUST be interesting and valuable. If the viewers are not interested enough in your article they will not go past the description, let alone follow-through to your signature block.

At the same time, even if your articles are of great quality and do convert article viewers to website visitors, if you only have a few out there you will not get a considerable amount of traffic from them.

Sure, its true that on rare occasions an article could go completely viral and generate thousands of site views but it is likely? Even if you do have an article or two that goes extremely viral, the traffic will most likely not last.

If you are creating quality articles, every one that you publish to the Internet will bring in a small trickle of website visitors. The more articles you have out there, the larger that trickle will grow.

If you implement the two very basic tips that I just outlined into your article marketing campaign, along with a good signature block and title, you will see the true benefit to article marketing in a very short amount of time.

Joshua Spaulding is an Author and Webmaster who has been effectively marketing with articles for over 2 years. If you would like to learn effective Article Marketing and begin to see the Free visitors that everyone always seems to talk about but never prove, then take a look at You can also promote Article Marketing Domination and earn 50% on every sell you make by visiting

Article Marketing to Build Credibility in Your Campaigns

Credibility is incredibly important, and its impact cannot be underestimated. You see, if the people on your list do not trust you or believe that at all times you know exactly what you are talking about, they will not buy from you. They must trust you to buy from you.

So how do you create trust?

One of the important things in creating long-term trust is that everything you do is congruent. You cannot say one thing in your articles and another in your email campaign. You cannot do things one way and then teach your list to do things another way. You must be consistent and congruent in everything you do, to maximize revenues from your email list.

You must be willing to tell the truth, no matter what. If someone asks you a question, even if you know they are not going to like your answer, tell them the truth anyway.

They will respect you for it, and their bond with you will increase. As that bond goes up, credibility goes up, and with it sales revenue.

One thing that I have found really increases credibility is my powerful combination of article marketing and list building.

When someone comes into my list via article marketing, they already trust me. They have already had an opportunity to get to know me and the way that I work and think via my articles.

Once they get onto my list, they need to see that what I discuss in my emails is congruent and consistent with what is in my articles.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Extremely Dangerous List Building Secrets That Will Explode Your Business

Let me ask you a very important question. Do you know what the key is to a very successful internet business? I am sure that by now you know the answer is a huge responsive list.

I remember when I first started building my list. I had bought several ebooks and was extremely disappointed. It was not as easy as what people made it out to be. It is like weight training. You need to do it consistently to get better at it. The longer you keep at it the better that you will become.

The problem for most people with list building or internet marketing in general is that there are so many sides that it is very easy to become overwhelmed. You want to try too many different things and in the end nothing works out.

There are many different ways that you can build a list. The three main ones are article marketing, ppc and ezine advertising. I suggest you choose one method and focus on it.

My favourite method is article marketing. I write articles and submit them to article directories. I include a link back to my squeeze page in my resource box. If somebody likes what I have said in my article they will click through to my squeeze page and subscribe to my newsletter.

This is a time intensive strategy, but is really working for me. I have written over 600 articles and currently get between 10 and 15 leads a day. The more that I write the greater the number of leads that I generate.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: The Biggest Mistake Real Estate Agents Make And How You Can Avoid


The market is so slow and I don't even know where my next sale is coming from.

How often have you heard someone say that when business is down and the economy is questionable? It seems logical, doesn't it, to tighten your purse strings?

What! Are you suggesting that I should invest in my business now?

Even though it seems logical to tighten up and constrict spending, it is actually based on a scarcity mindset. In a scarcity mindset you focus on lack in your business, and on lack in outer conditions and the market.

The result is a constriction in the flow of energy to your business. In fact, when you focus your thoughts on lack in your business, you have a problem even before you begin. Hence, THE BIG MISTAKE.

Are you constricting the flow of energy to your business? Here are some signs to watch out for:

1. What are your thoughts?

  • I don't have enough clients
  • My competitors are stealing business
  • I can't succeed in today's market
  • Here's an example that contains a scarcity mindset:

    There are so many new agents entering the business there isn't enough business to go around. Maybe I should just get a real job.

    Have you ever had that thought?

    2. What emotions do you experience?

  • Fear
  • Stress
  • Struggle
  • Anxiety
  • Worry
  • Any of the thoughts above are likely to create the emotions of worry, fear and doubt. You find yourself dwelling in these negative feelings that will prevent you from attracting to your business and the very things you desire, such as more clients and more income. Your thoughts create your reality. Therefore, if you focus on what you don't want, like the lack of money, you'll get more of that.

    3. ACTIONS

    When you're stuck in a scarcity mindset, not only does it affect your thoughts and feelings, but also your actions. For example, I was going to take the weekend off, but now I better not. Business is slow and I don't want to miss a call from a prospective client.

    Do you see how this is a scarcity mindset? What is the person missing out on? If you said self-care and self maintenance, then you are right. This is one of the actions that goes by the wayside when you're focusing on scarcity. You're simply afraid that you won't have enough so you ignore the importance of taking care of yourself.

    So what is the big mistake?

    The big mistake is that you are focusing your thoughts on outward circumstances, like the economy, to determine your mindset. If the economy is down you are down. Stephen Covey calls this the reactive mindset. You believe that you are acted upon, rather than being proactive and there is a constriction of energy to your business.

    When you are proactive, you don't focus on what the economy or the market is doing, you are coming from an internal state of prosperity consciousness. You don't look to outer conditions to determine your state of mind, you determine your own state of mind by your thoughts, emotions and actions. In essence you create the mindset of being the deliberate creator of your life.

    The solution:

    If the mindset is the problem, then how do you switch to a more positive mindset?

    1. Commit to building a prosperity mindset

    A prosperity mindset is not something you are born with, it's not in your genes; its something that you develop through practice. Think of it as a muscle that you exercise. The more you exercise it, the stronger that muscle becomes.

    It's the same with prosperity mindset. Successful people have one thing in common they believe in their own success and their ability to attract money into their life. They look for opportunities and find them... everywhere. Why? Because they had an internal prosperity consciousness and they focused on that state of looking at external conditions.

    2. Adopt the beliefs of success

    It's easy to adopt a successful mindset - it's just a shift in focus from scarcity to prosperity. The way you make that shift is to have a set of beliefs that are congruent and prosperous thinking. For example, Walt Disney once said, All of our dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them.

    Here are the beliefs of successful people:

  • Change is to be embraced because it represents more opportunity for growth and expansion.
  • Determine what you want, and assume you'll get it. Don't worry about the how.
  • There is an answer and solution to every challenge.
  • Discomfort is part of charting the unknown.
  • Obstacles will not stop them from attaining what they want.
  • Money needs to flow in order to grow.
  • You'll notice that if you practice the beliefs above, you will experience positive emotions that expand the flow of energy to your business.

    3. Be clear on what you want

    How can the universe give you what you want unless you are clear about what you want? A challenge for you here is to break the want barrier. Accept the fact that it is not only appropriate and proper, but critical, for you to want anything, of any kind, to any degree.

    The main thing is to be clear about what you want for your business. I hear too many people saying, I want to be successful without even knowing what success means to them. I suggest visualizing your ideal professional life in 12 months from today. See yourself doing work you love and noticing approximately how many hours a week you're working. Ask yourself what kind of people you want to be interacting with. Who are your ideal clients? Are they motivated, decisive and respectful of you and your service to them? What is your income in 12 months from today? How much are you making per year or per month?

    4. Clear away any opposing beliefs

    When you think about your ideal professional life, what beliefs do have that are opposing your vision? Here are some beliefs that I hear on a continual basis when people are honest with me about discussing their blocks to success:

    I like doing my work, I'm just not good at marketing. (Remember, it's only a belief)

    I'm really not smart enough or energetic enough to achieve what I want. (Remember, it's only a belief)

    The real estate market is so tough right now that I can't possibly make the income I was hoping for. (Remember, it's only a belief)

    5. Take inspired action not frantic action

    What kind of action are you taking? Are you taking action because you're afraid? If you are, your action may be frantic action rather than inspired action.

    What is inspired action? Inspired action comes from your intuition and listening to your gut instincts. You follow your heart, you follow your hunches; you don't wait for someone to hand you a formula because there is none.

    You will know if youre taking inspired action by the way you feel by the results you are getting. Youll be feeling relaxed and confident and the results that you will be getting will be one or more of the following:

  • Increased clientele
  • Increased income
  • Increased passion for your work
  • As a review, remember to avoid THE BIG MISTAKE by being conscious of what you focus on.

    Dont let the outer conditions determine your mindset. Keep a mindset of prosperity and practice the beliefs of successful people. Keep remembering to expand the flow of energy to your business, whatever the market is doing.

    When times seem tough, it is especially important to stay away from a scarcity mindset. Instead, go within and look for the opportunities for new ways to market yourself from a prosperity mindset.


    With her 30 years of psychological expertise, Dr. Maya Bailey specializes in helping Real Estate Professionals who want more clients, more free time, and a better lifestyle to create confidence, a positive mindset, and a step-by-step blueprint for success.

    For specific ways to master your psychology about getting clients and growing your business, and your personalized step-by-step success blueprint, visit to receive your FREE special report and audio mentoring session: 7 Simple Strategies to More Clients in 90 Days. To contact Dr. Maya Bailey, call 707-799-5412 or visit

    Article Marketing - What Is The Exact Blueprint For A Highly Effective Article Marketing Strategy!

    The best way to drive highly targeted visitors to your website is article marketing. This method has nothing to see with others because you will receive traffic many years after you submitted your articles to directories.

    It's really incredible.

    What is the blueprint for effective article strategy and where you should submit your articles?

    You must start with It's where everything start. Submit a lot of articles to this directory. Things will really start to happen when you submitted one hundreds articles.

    But you will get traffic and visitors to your site before that. In fact, you will get traffic and visitors almost instantly after your first article is accepted. Sales should follow a couple of days after if you created a good marketing funnel (this is where a lot of people miss the boat).

    How many words should you write?

    Good question. The minimum is 250 words, but it's better to write between 300 and 400 words.

    Should you give everything in the article?

    The answer is yes and no.

    You need the reader to take action and visit your website when he reaches the resource box (some visitors won't even read, they will skim and go straight to the resource box).

    You need to make your article interesting enough without giving all the goodies. Otherwise he will not need to find out more at your website.

    How to format your article?

    First, you need a powerful title. Then, in the body of your article, you need an introduction, a few paragraphs and some bullets to make it easy to read as well.

    Be sure to write short sentences like I am doing in this article. Don't write in 'blocks' of phrases. Write like you are talking to a friend.

    Then, add a conclusion, and let your reader know what he is going to get in the bio box. Try to give him one or several benefits.

    To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

    Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

    10 Powerful Internet Marketing Strategies That Bring In Sales

    Increasing website traffic is the name of the game on the internet. It's important to note, however that there is no one thing that can bring instant traffic or ongoing sales. It's a combination of strategies that promote contact and networking.

    Not all strategies work for everyone, so it's important to know what the options are, utilize a few that look appealing and stick with what works for you.

    Here's a few tips and strategies that have worked for me. Give them all a try or perhaps just one. Any or all can make a healthy difference:

    1. Write A Press Release

    A press release is not a sales pitch and sales hype is not allowed. It is, however, your chance to provide your business story which can be a powerful form of marketing. When writing your press release you'll want to provide the who, what, where, when, how and why of your business. Create interest by detailing who you are, what you are about, why you went into business, but more importantly, how your customers have benefited.

    An effective press release can create a newsworthy story that is capable of creating buzz and interest all across the web for a long time to come.

    2. Create A Blog

    Whether you have a website or not, a blog is an ideal tool for giving you and/or your business a favorable presence.

    Think of a blog as a diary. Create your blog by posting your products and information. Then on a daily or weekly basis add additional products, information or comments. Invite comments from others and before you know it you'll have a steady stream of visitors.

    If you don't have a website, creating a blog is a great place to start and you can create one for free. If you do have a website, a blog will help generate visitors. The beauty of blogs is that you can also add Google adsense ads for additional revenue.

    3. Create Special Offers

    A limited time sales offer will encourage your visitors to act. If you have customers that are interested in your products, give them an occasional boost by holding a sale. Chances are they've been eyeing your products for some time, and with a special offer incentive, they just might take the leap.

    4. Use Pay Per Click Advertising

    Every internet business owner should consider pay per click advertising. It's fast, it's targeted and can be cheap if done correctly. Therein lies the key, you must research how to create a cost effective pay per click campaign.

    It's not rocket science. You simply need to write a compelling ad, research relevant keywords and understand your return on investment. This means that if your product earns you $20 per sale then you must pay no more than 20 cents per keyword, preferably less. For example, on average, your ad will bring in one sale per 100 clicks on that ad. If 100 clicks brings one $20 sale then you've just paid $20 for that ad (100 x .20) and you broke even. Therefore, your goal should be to pay less than 20 cents per keyword but no more. Finding relevant, less popular keywords is goal.

    Of course, the better the ad and the better your website's sales copy performs, the more sales you will receive.

    5. Write An Article

    Don't put this one off. The internet is designed to deliver information and what better way for you to get the word out about you, your business and your expertise than by providing relevant, useful information. If you're selling scrapbooks, write an article on how to scrapbook. A well written article can show someone how easy scrapbooking is, boost their interest and therefore encourage a sale.

    If writing an article is not something you feel you can do, have it written for you, it's not expensive and it's one of the best ways to bring traffic to your site.

    6. Carefully Optimize Your Site For The Search Engines

    Don't build your site and forget it. Utilize the search engines to your benefit by taking the time to optimize your site. Optimization doesn't have to be complex. Simply create a title that clearly depicts what your site is about and write a description that accurately describes to your readers what information you have to offer. Research relevant keyword phrases as opposed to single words and repeat that phrase in your title, description and throughout your page.

    7. Create A Newsletter

    Your goal should be to keep your viewers coming back to your site over and over again. The best way to keep in touch with viewers is through publishing a newsletter or a periodical that offers beneficial, useful information.

    Post a newsletter form on your site and specifically direct your viewers to sign-up. Don't just expect them to notice that you have a newsletter, direct them there and be specific about what your newsletter offers.

    By publishing a weekly newsletter you are reminding your readers of your products, sales or upcoming events. Avoid pushy sales tactics and sales hype. Simply offer useful information, tips and advice. Make your newsletter a thing of value by keeping them interested and encouraged.

    It's important to remember that it takes an average of 7 visits for a viewer to buy; they're not likely to visit seven times without a reminder.

    8. Offer Something Free

    We all love free and the internet is no exception.

    - If you publish a newsletter, offer a free ebook or free e-course in exchange for an email address. In your newsletter also offer a free tips section that pertains to your site's topic.

    - If someone makes a purchase, consider offering a free bonus, this often prompts sales.

    - Offer free teleseminars. This is an excellent way to let your viewers hear your voice and experience who you really are. It builds trust and they won't soon forget who you are and what you are about.

    9. Make A Donation

    Create a promotion where you will be donating a percentage of your proceeds to your favorite charity. Donating money or services to your favorite charity builds trust and a positive image for your business. I'd much rather buy from someone that donates a few dollars to a worthy cause than someone who doesn't.

    10. Participate In Discussion Forums

    Take the time to find online forums that are relevant to your business. By responding to questions, offering advice or posting your articles, others will see you as an expert in your field as well as someone willing to help. Posting on a weekly basis will allow readers to become familiar with you and your business as well as regarding you as a respected authority.

    When registering on a forum be sure to create a signature file that includes your website address. This will post your website address each time you make a forum entry.

    Your business will do well to perform each and every strategy noted above, however, performing just one of these powerful marketing strategies will improve your chances of drawing visitors to your site, but more importantly, it will help keep them coming back.

    Elizabeth is a seasoned internet marketer focused on helping anyone interested in building a home internet business by providing free marketing advice, marketing product reviews, free courses, motivation and a friend.

    Grab Elizabeth's comprehensive home business and marketing ideas free newsletter today.