
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How Important is PageRank, Really?

Webmasters can spend most of their waking hours doing everything they can to raise their Google PageRank. It is common knowledge that PageRank, which is largely based upon the number and quality of backlinks a webpage has, is an important factor in how well a particular webpage ranks within the Google search results. Since webmasters spend so much of their time worrying about PageRank, an important question is: how important is PageRank, really?

Many webmasters will tell you from experience that other factors besides PageRank, such as keyword density and placement, have recently taken a larger role in website ranking. No one will argue that PageRank has become irrelevant, but there is significant evidence to suggest that PageRank is not quite as important of a factor in website ranking as it once was.

To illustrate this point, I utilized a very useful tool you can find at The tool returns regular Google query results with one interesting addition they also give the pagerank for every webpage. Thus, you can type in any word or phrase and see the pagerank of those webpages that rank well (or not so well) for that keyword. Looking at the results, you probably notice something almost immediately. Some sites with low PRs do surprisingly well in the results, while some higher PR sites do quite poorly. Some of this difference can be contributed to sheer content that is, how many times, and in what manner, the keywords you entered actually show up on the webpage. Google takes a close look at keyword usage and density in determining ranking. However, some pages clearly have very close keyword densities, yet in some cases the page with the lower pagerank will somehow still receive a better ranking.

Let us take a more quantitative look at this. Taking 20 of the most popular keywords from (for this particular day), and entering them in, it is possible to get a better feel for the importance of pagerank. Looking at the first five results only, I wanted to see how many followed in order of highest PR to lowest PR. Surely, out of the results for 20 keywords, a good portion of them will display such an order, right? I have listed the number of webpage results that appeared in correct PageRank order for each keyword (i.e. 5 would indicate that 5 out of 5 results were in order of highest to lowest pagerank). You can see the table with results at Google Advisor.

Although limited by sample size, the results indicated that PageRank is not an overwhelmingly dominant component of website ranking on Google. If it were, the average of correct PageRank order for these keywords really should be somewhere around 4 to 5 (the real average was about 2.15). Thus, other factors including keyword density in webpage content, title, and even the URL, play a significant role in webpage ranking. I want to mention that, while looking over these results, I noticed that about 4-5 of these keywords came up with at least one webpage within the first 10 results (first page on Google) that had absolutely no PageRank at all (PR 0). In addition, a couple keywords came up with results with exactly reverse-order PageRanks that is, the first result at the lowest PR and the fifth result had the highest (for example, PR8, 7, 6, 6, 5 or something similar).

So what does this all mean for the average webmaster concerned with SEO? The first lesson is that keywords and other non-PageRank factors can be absolutely crucial. They can put a PR6 site above a PR8 site (if you don't believe me just use the tool I mentioned above). Does this mean that website owners should not worry about links? Not at all. It's just that all the time people spend on exchanging and acquiring links for the sole purpose of increasing PageRank may be better spent developing website content and keyword strategies instead.

As far as keywords are concerned, we discovered that having keywords in the website title and URL can help a site rank much more competitively. Good content tends to have the fortunate effect of both increasing your one-way in-bound links (people like to link to sites they find interesting, thoughtful, informative, or helpful), thereby improving your PageRank, while at the same time producing keyword rich webpages good for both human viewers and search engine spiders.

The take home message here is that PageRank is important, but it certainly is not worth obsessing over; there are many other factors involved in website ranking that should be given nearly equal consideration. In addition, simply building a good website is the best thing you can do to attract visitors, even without a great PageRank. PageRank, however, will likely follow consider it a welcomed byproduct of your hard work.

Bradley James is Webmaster of, an informational site providing free information to casual searchers and Webmasters about the Google search engine.

40-40-20 of SEO

SEO, as we all know, is Search Engine Optimization. There are so many factors of SEO that it is impossible to fulfill all the factors and achieve a 100% in SEO. There is no such thing as "perfect" SEO. Regardless, what we can do is take note of the more important factors, and achieve that as best as we can. And a major part of it is the "40:40:20 ".

According to the analysis of numerous sites, the "40:40:20 " seems to be rather accurate across major search engines like Google and Yahoo!. So what exactly is the "40:40:20"? The "40:40:20" is actually a ratio between "on-page" factors, "off-page" factors and page URLs, with 40% of search engine rankings dependent on on-page factors, 40% on off-page factors and the final 20% on page URLs. However, do note that the exact percentage ratio varies between search engines, though only slightly.

Keywords belong in on-page factors. You will need to have keywords, for every main page in your website, in the right places and with the right density. There should be keywords in the title, description and META keywords. An acceptable keyword density is about 2% to 5%. Some sites use a density as high as 7%, which is not advisable. An overly high keyword density is known as "keyword stuffing". Keyword stuffing might have a negative effect on a website's ranking with the search engines.

Off-page factors center mainly on links; links from within your site's pages and backlinks, which are links from other sites, that link to yours. It is a rule of thumb that to rank well, backlinks are a must. It is however, probably the most difficult to achieve. It is necessary to constantly get new backlinks, or your ranking might drop! One of the methods most used would be article marketing.

Your website and its pages' URL take up the last 20% of the ratio. Webpages with keywords in the URL rank better on search engines. Try putting your key search terms in the page's URL. This will have a significant effect on ranking.

Lastly, there are SEO tools available, for free on the Web., a classifieds website, has just come up with new SEO tools, too. Make use of these free tools to improve on your website's SEO, to cut costs.

The author writes occasional articles of interest in finance, advertising and IT related topics.

Best Article Marketing - 3 Steps to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

Gone are the days when you need cash and manpower just to advertise your products and make a sale. Today, you can easily promote your offering by simply going online, write articles, and submit them to various publishing sites. It's free, you can do it all by yourself, and it works!

1. Know how to please the search engines. Your articles must be search-engine friendly, meaning they should contain just the right amount of keywords so they will be properly indexed. They must also be original, so you can avoid penalties that may arise due to content duplication. In addition, your content must be highly relevant to your keywords.

2. Know how to please your readers. The best way to give your potential audience with great reading experience is by presenting them quality, well-written articles. It also helps if you can make your content easy to understand, scannable, content-rich, flows logically, free from any grammar or spelling errors, and most importantly, your articles must contain accurate information.

3. Know how to please publishers. To make sure that your article will make it on major publishing sites, follow these universal requirements: your articles must run at least 300 words, they must not contain blatant advertisements nor hyperlinks on the article body, they must not abuse the use of keywords, and they must be well-written and highly useful to your target niche.

Succeeding in article marketing can be very easy as long as you know how to please the 3 major elements that will directly have an impact on your article marketing campaign and these are the search engines, online users, and publishers who are running the article submission websites.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Are Search Engines Devaluing Directories?

Recently as many as one hundred plus directories, so far have dropped in search rankings or been removed from search engine results pages. Some are saying as many as five hundred directory owners have been hit with this new adjustment. This update has been going on for months proving that search engines have begun targeting paid link directories that SE's feel are in violation of the search quality guidelines (link buying). Just one more thing for website owners to worry about when they are fighting for website traffic. I would recommend people change the paid links to no follow if traffic from links is not substantial.

Search engines are not not sending out notices in most cases or giving website owners answers to directory with new guideline questions. This is clearly all about money and advertisers need to get web exposure in th results pages. Further more this is also another step in crushing seo companies, because natural search engine optimization takes ad space away from them.

I believe natural search engine optimization techniques and are still alive and always will, be so be smart and don't manipulate search. Remember that all your sponsored or advertising links should be clearly labeled the rel= "nofollow" attribute to the link. You can also use Java script to direct the link or add

<meta name = "robots" content = "nofollow"/> to the meta tags. Finally do not waste your time buying links from other websites. If it is a directory it should be free like a natural web site back link.

Danna Williams seo strategist and article writer with 10 years experience. For more information about optimization services, please visit SEO Company Services

Internet Presence - First Page Of Google In Under 30 Days

Internet Presence - Case Study: Recipe for Success

Learn how - anyone - can leverage this Case Study to build a visible Internet presence.

I'm constantly amazed at the number of business professionals unaware of how straight forward it is to build a visible Internet presence. I recognize there may be business professionals who also don't care about this whatever there reasons. That's fine.

I'm writing this for business professionals who care about how they can leverage some very simple and non-technical concepts in an incremental attempt to impact either themselves or their businesses professionally.

In July, I spoke at the San Francisco Chapter meeting of the Marketing Executives Networking Group about leveraging on-line networking platforms and article publishing sites to build a visible Internet presence.

Many of the Silicon Valley Marketing Executives in attendance were amazed to learn how powerful on-line networking sites (e.g., Ecademy, et al.) and article publishing sites (e.g., EzineArticles, et al.) are to not only build a visible - personal - Internet presence, but they were also amazed to learn how you can leverage the exact same principles to drive a visible - corporate - Internet presence.

I used an on-line networking platform member as an example of how he's driven his website not just the 1st page of Google, but the 1st hit in Google out of over 100 million hits, against the keyword phrase: Personal Success Program.

I decided I needed to build my own Case Study after this presentation. In short, here is what I did:

I drove a website against a keyword phrase to the 1st page of Google in less than 30 days leveraging the power of an on-line networking platform and article publishing site.

And if I can do this (i.e., someone who doesn't know anything about Search Engine Optimization), anyone can do this.

What's the recipe?

Let me first start with the chronology.

  • I built my Search Advantage "Case Study" website
  • I launched my "Case Study" website July 31, 2006, and leverage a specific on-line networking platform to promote my "Case Study" website against the keyword phrase: Internet Presence (approximately 170 million hits).
  • My on-line networking platform content started to index quickly (Aug. 3, 2006).
  • My actual "Case Study" website started to index quickly hitting the 2nd page of Google a week after launching (Aug. 8, 2006).
  • My actual "Case Study" website makes the 1st page of Google 10th hit (Aug. 16, 2006).
  • My actual "Case Study" website make the 1st page of Google 5th hit (Sep. 20, 2006).
  • Less than 60 days after putting effort into raising the ranking of my "Case Study" website (against the keyword phrase: Internet Presence) my"Case Study" website consistently ranks in the middle of the first page of hits in Google out of approximately 170 million hits. Incidentally, my actual "Case Study" website also consistently ranks in the middle of the first page of hits in Google out of approximately 347 million hits (against the keyword phrase: Search Advantage).

    The specific details of how I leveraged these concepts to drive my "Case Study" website to the first page of Google are visible to anyone on the Search Advantage website.

    Applying these - exact - same principles, substituting your name for the keyword phrase, will drive - any content associated with your name - higher in Google as well.

    This capability is priceless. For anyone can have this kind of control over proactively creating not only a visible personal, but also a corporate Internet presence, is extremely powerful.

    An expert in mission critical retained executive search, Ron Bates is a Managing Principal with the retained executive search firm Executive Advantage Group, Inc. (

    Ron has also coached former SAP, E&Y, Oracle, WorldCom, et al. executives responsible for multi-billion dollar business units, and co-founded, a self-guided executive coaching process and resume development toolset.

    As a recognized talent assessment, deployment and development expert, Ron has been an invited speaker at venues such as the Marketing Executive Networking Group, British America Business Council, Expert Connections, Business of Success radio, a regular on Netshare's "Ask the Coach", and most recently Ron's interview was included in Leadership Without Borders: Successful Strategies From World-Class Leaders, by Ed Cohen, 2007 John Wiley & Sons. With +34,000 direct on-line professional networking platform contacts, Ron has been referred to as "the most connected man on Earth."

    For career info go to:

    How to Better Optimize your Search Engine

    When people talk about Search Engine Optimization they immediately associate this with getting high ranks with the most popular search engines in the Internet arena Google and Yahoo. While it is true that Google and Yahoo stand the strongest position in giving the website ranking, getting an optimized search engine would also mean that you satisfy the readers needs. To arrive at a satisfying end-result, the following tips may be used.

    Create a top caliber site with contents that are informative, relevant, and up to date. Make sure that you essentially give to your readers what they are looking for as information without compromising the quality of your web site. With these characteristics in mind, there is a guaranteed assurance of an optimized search engine on.

    To attain high ranks, you may want to engage in submitting your site to some directories. While the submission process is relatively tedious and lengthy, the end result is seemingly effective.

    Allow inbound links on your site. By allowing other sites to embed their links onto your site, it only means that these site owners trust so much on your website and that they rely also on your website for their sites to generate traffic and eventually earn a good ranking from search engines.

    Create articles that will be directly embedded on your own site. When this is effectively done, directories can actually capture your site to having a great content of linked articles, thereby facilitating more traffic on your site.

    Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

    Article Marketing - Latest 3 Persuasive Steps to Excel At Article Marketing

    Article writers cannot be more in-demand these days. With millions of webmasters constantly seeking for articles that they can use in their article marketing campaigns, they can indeed keep millions of article writers busy for a while. With it's proven ability to generate traffic and communicate the webmaster's knowledge and abilities, article marketing is fast becoming the most sought-after traffic-generating tool.

    Here are the latest 3 persuasive steps to excel in article marketing:

    1. Determine the use of your articles. Article marketing isn't just about submitting your articles to publishing sites. It also pertains to the distribution of your written materials in the internet using other different avenues. Thus, in writing your articles, you have to determine its usage. Are you going post them on publishing sites, on your blogs, on your website or perhaps you'll send them through e-mail marketing. In doing so, you can effectively plan the elements that you will incorporate and other add-ons that you will strike out. You would not want to use your articles with resource box on your own website, do you?

    2. Be specific. Explain your ideas by giving concrete examples and specific information. For instance, if you would like to teach your readers on how to make money online, cite specific methods like blogging, article writing, and affiliate marketing, instead of telling them to google search certain terms to get the information they want. If you already have the information, why not just give it upfront? It will not only help your readers but it can also be your effective way of getting your potential audience's trust.

    3. Be original. Don't be just another writer. Be different by exhibiting a new level of creativeness in your articles. Develop unique methods that can easily be associated with you so you can make a huge mark online.

    Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

    Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

    Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

    Bad SEO's? What About Bad SEO Clients?

    You hear all the time about bad SEOs. Bad SEOs are offering worthless services, failing to deliver on their internet marketing promises, polluting the search engine resultswell, a lot of bad things. But how much ever gets said about bad SEOs' spiritual counterparts: bad SEO clients?

    As an SEO, I can see things from the other side of the table. You see, despite trying hard to make it clear I'm a good, ethical, results-oriented, smarter marketing, white-hat SEO, I have gotten no end of inquiries from bad prospective SEO clients. Sure, no one who gets cheated is ever entirely to blame, and some cheated businesses are entirely blameless. But the bad SEOs would have too small a market to stay in business if it weren't for almost-as-bad clients.

    Shades of Bad SEO Clients

    First, let me make clear what I mean by bad SEOs. Bad SEOs are bad because they either do unethical things to get e-marketing results, or because they consistently fail to deliver results. A good SEO delivers results and does it without trampling over other people's rights (like submitting automated comments to their websites or trying to get good sites de-indexed).

    A bad SEO client, in turn, is someone who will only be satisfied (albeit temporarily) with a bad SEO. Because they refuse to consider ethical web consultants or smarter marketing strategies, they are creating markets for the e-marketing charlatans and black-hats. There are two basic types of bad SEO clients: crooks and fool--oops, I mean, ethically challenged and judgmentally-challenged.

    Ethically-Challenged SEO Clients

    I haven't gotten so many inquiries asking for out-and-out unethical services. Still, I've been asked about blog-sp@mming software and other shady internet marketing tactics a couple times. A colleague shared this gem with me: Have you thought about just scanning a book from the library and using it for web content? Or is that too high-risk? (Seriously, someone asked him this.)

    Of course, judging from the amount of comment sp@m and SEO-motivated hacking on the web, there is plenty of demand for this stuff.

    Judgmentally-Challenged SEO Clients

    A much larger group of bad SEO clients are simply those who insist on putting themselves in the way of fraud. Yes, that's right: I'm blaming the victim. Someone who goes looking for a $5 gold watch can't cry too long if the watch turns out to be fake or hot. With SEO, there are a few more nuances, but it's the same essential idea.

    The overwhelming majority of these judgmentally challenged souls are private individuals whose only business is the business-in-a-kit variety. Yet they are also sometimes representatives of actual successful companies. The real businesspeople tend to be quicker to let their misconceptions go (after all, they can afford the real SEO alternatives), but not always. Let's look at some representative types of this group, straight out of my own inbox (note: these are inquiries from prospects, not actual clients).

    1. Something-for-(Little More than)-Nothing Clients
    2. Really, I tend to think these people should be in the ethically challenged group, but maybe that's just the remnant of my work ethic making me be mean There are actually two kinds of these clients:

      • The ambitious but cheap client: I'd like to get to the top of Google for the keyword, 'mortgage' so I can turn over $100,000/month in revenue. I can spend up to $1,000.
      • The Adsense-is-my-business-plan client: you wouldn't believe the numbers of inquiries I get from people who only plan to make money off Adsense or other on-site advertisingthey don't even have a plan for getting repeat traffic, nor do they have content to synergize with the SEO effort. By buying promotional services, they would essentially be buying advertising in order to make money off advertisingyou see where that could be a problem?
      Another way of looking at it: why wouldn't I just create a site myself and keep all the profit from my efforts? In fact, most SEOs do have their own project sites, which are often monetized by Adsense. The money we could otherwise get from Adsense is one very low baseline for pricing our services. Legitimate SEO clients are typically selling goods or services at a profit rate that works out to ten or more times what they could get from Adsense.

      In addition to the greedy, I also see a few other kinds of less common, but still problematic prospective SEO clients:

    3. SEO-Starry-Eyed Clients: Search engine traffic is definitely the best way for me to get pet-sitting clients in my tiny Himalayan village.
    4. The Little-Knowledge-Is-a-Dangerous-Thing Client: Don't tell me about keyword research, content, anchor text, or natural linking strategy, just get me the PageRank (or links, keyword density, or whatever the fad is).
    5. Gullible-and-Not-Letting-Go Client: I know of at least two services that will submit my site to thousands of search engines for $29.95. If you can't do that, I'll take my business elsewhere.
    6. I-Will-Never-Trust-SEO-But-I'll-Consider-It-Anyway Client: No one can guarantee a good search engine ranking so this is all pointlessI'll just go with that $29.95 search engine submission package someone just emailed me about. At least it's cheap.

    In short, if you are going to find good SEO web consultants, you need: 1) realistic expectations; 2) a realistic budget; 3) solid information. Don't expect something for nothing, do a little reading, and it's much less likely you'll fall victim to bad SEOs.

    About the author: Lee Rummage is a good SEO and internet marketer. Check out his internet marketing website at:

    Making Online Article Marketing Work for a Brick and Mortar Business

    You have a brick and mortar business in an outstanding location with good signage and an effective advertising program. So why would you write articles for the internet? There are a number of good reasons to use internet articles as part of your marketing mix.

    First, it's effective it's easy and it's no cost. And once even one article is out there it's available for people all over the world to read anytime, any day. And if your product is shippable there is no reason not to have an international business.

    Second, articles position you as an expert in your field. This may not seem as important in a retail business but people like to know that they're buying from the best, no matter what they are buying. The easiest way to position yourself or your business is to be published. And published is published whether it is on paper or on the internet.

    Third, articles help you build an email mailing list that you can then use to do email promotions - locally, if that is your preference. Or internationally if you have a digital product or sell things that are shippable. Once people have opted-in on this list, they are more predisposed to buy what you sell than people on a list acquired any other way.

    To illustrate what an article writing campaign might look like for a brick and mortar business, let's imagine you have a decorative glass business in northern Virginia. Here are some ideas of articles to write to drive people to your website, and we've barely gotten started.

    7 ways to use decorative glass in your home

    Creating a welcoming entrance to your house with decorative glass

    Custom furniture that includes decorative glass

    Stained glass window - using decorative glass to enhance your home

    How to enhance your kitchen with decorative glass door inserts

    If you are specializing in working with architects and interior decorators as well as homeowners, being positioned as an expert is certainly a plus for your business.

    If you would like to learn more about internet marketing tactics to use for your brick and mortar business, I invite you to look at

    From Jane Trevaskis and

    Article Marketing- Increasing Your Website Traffic With Articles

    Websites the world over depend on articles to draw attention to potential readers and customers. This does require a few key steps to make sure your that you succeed in your marketing strategies.

    You can use an autoresponder program to automatically send articles to all your customers. The autoresponder program can be set up to deliver emails at set intervals to a list of email addresses. You could gather together all your articles into one giant electronic book. Then simply transfer your text to the autoresponder and let it do the work for you. Some people prefer to read books this way because they can download the information into their PDAs and take it with them wherever they go. This could be an excellent gift idea you could offer free to your regular customers.

    Submit to free article directories. There are countless article directories that accept copies for free. This will surely give you maximum exposure as they do have lots of subscribers. Don't forget to add a well-written resource box, with appropriate link going to your website.Load your articles with information. The main reason why someone is reading your copy is because he or she is looking for information. So stop beating around the bush and get to the point.

    Do your research carefully, because that's the only way to get information that is consistently timely and accurate. There is a nearly infinite amount of data on the internet, most of it known to very few people, and you can use that data to support your articles. Articles need to appear professional, so make sure that you proofread them to eliminate spelling and grammar errors that can detract from your message.

    Talk to online businesses that are similar to yours, but not direct competitors. Many websites are related to yours and seeking out new content that you could provide, so by calling or e-mailing them to let them know you are interested, you may have a better chance of getting an article published on their site to attract traffic to your site.

    You can get a free copy of my latest ebook by clicking here: The 7 Keys To Business Marketing Success. Eric Menzies writes about Business Marketing at

    Article Marketing - How To Spit Out Unique Articles Without Writing A Word

    Article marketing has become so useful and popular among businesses that even this marketing strategy is starting to be a market! How? People are starting to offer article templates, discussions and others for article marketers to either buy or trade with. For article marketers, this is a really good thing since they would not have to rack their brains out for fresh ideas and they would even save time in writing their articles.

    A new innovation was also made in order to satisfy this flourishing strategy. Some websites are offering subscriptions that will give you tons of fresh ideas, articles, templates and strategies on how you can make your article marketing more competitive and easier to maintain.

    Others also offer software that instantly rewrites articles you got from your subscription. You can either reword or collate different articles into one. In this way, you only get the juiciest parts of the articles and make them into one simple, interesting and short article. This is a very good thing since most web users look for fast information. If you have an article that gives this, you can be sure that your website will be viewed. Here are some of the things that you can get from these kind of subscriptions.

    It offers hundreds of articles

    Subscription offers hundreds of new articles every month. If you think you know everything about your business, reading these articles would help you out to check the realm of the world you are trying to scale. In this way, the things you learn can be applied in your article writing, or you can even use these articles for posting on your website. But of course, plagiarism might get in the way. What you can do is to collate these ideas, and then reword them in order to give it a fresh style and meaning.

    It offers templates, headers and advices

    Aside from the hundreds of articles that you will receive, the subscription also offers different styles and advices that you can take when you create your article. For example, the tips include how to make your articles more visible to search engines, how to optimize your webpage and other strategies that you can take to improve the visibility not only of your articles but also your website. Proper strategies in giving the title of articles, managing the body of the write up and making an interesting ending are just part of the several advices and tips that you can get.

    It's cheap and subscription is limited

    If you are a serious marketer, subscribing on this deal is not much of a cost in your end. You can use it thoroughly and you can really get your money's worth. Aside from this, subscription is limited too. In that way, you can be sure that the sources you are getting and the articles you receive can only be used by several other people. This means the availability of the information is limited and therefore, making your websites more visible to others.

    It gives you the latest information

    A good businessman must know the latest information on his field. With knowledge of the latest information, you can make the right decisions at crucial moments. Even if you are just a small time farmer or a store owner, you should know the latest news and information about the products and the materials that you use. Like for example in farming, there might be latest strategies on how to plant a certain product better and can help your crop yield. These things are included in the package. In that way, you can stay ahead of the pack.

    Article marketing is a really effective and interesting strategy. Not only does it gives you customers, but you also learn a lot regarding your business since you feed yourself with information that you use in your write-ups. This is definitely a win-win approach in making your business more profitable and enjoyable. If you are starting your journey in article marketing, finding these software and subscription will greatly help you in learning the business and getting the vital information when you need it.

    Femi invites you to visit his site for starting a VERY successful home business using the power of article marketing at Break Neck Profits Learn how article marketing has made him profits of up to $600 per day by visiting this link right now:

    Article Writing

    Breakthrough Affiliate Marketing - 3 Components of a Highly Successful Affiliate Marketing

    Affiliate marketing is another way for businessmen to widen their visibility in the online market thru affiliates --usually hired on a commission basis - to market and promote their products in exchange of a pay. This is becoming a lot enticing to most home based job seekers, most especially those who are sales-inclined. This is a good avenue for them to earn and generate money while staying at home. However, the problem occurs visibly to those affiliate marketers who are not inclined at selling. The tips below shall help potential affiliate marketers to excel and be good at it:

    1. Give yourself the time to learn and understand the intricacies of affiliate marketing. As professional affiliates would always advice, there is no better way to deal with the unfamiliar territory than getting to know how it works. Take a deep initiative to engulf yourself with the fundamental ins and outs of the marketing medium. Do not be afraid to take the blow of every failure you will experience and learn from every mistake that you commit.

    2. Initiate a massive investigation as to which products are at present hitting the online market. By knowing this, you get to know which products should be your target for affiliation. Do not be enticed with products that are fads to be considered because these are usually short-lived. What is suggested is for you to look for a product which is predicted to be liked in a longer span of time.

    3. Prepare and test your marketing strategies. Since you will be involved with basically a tremendous job of marketing, then you should have a marketing plan that is built strongly and powerfully. After all, it is with your genius marketing plans where you get to earn your money. So, better plan this carefully and intelligently.

    Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

    Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

    Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

    Article Marketing Is The Bridge Between You and Your Customers

    With information technology on the rise and gaining relevance in the world today, article marketing has become a significant tool to promote businesses on the Internet. While it is well-known that articles make consumers understand a product better, a well-written article can be one of the main reasons why any product sells. These days, article marketing is so advanced that it has become the foremost advertising strategy for many online businesses.

    Central to the effectiveness of article marketing is the implementation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The primary function of this form of article writing is to achieve prominent rankings on the search engines by utilizing keywords which are popular among Internet users. When a user enters a search term which is identical to your keyword, the web page of your article will be displayed as a search result. With effective SEO strategies, you can rank among the top search results and benefit from a steady flow of incoming traffic, which will ultimately lead to increased sales.

    Due to the fact that SEO article writing involves a great deal of research and expertise, most website owners prefer to employ SEO experts to manage their web content. These specialized professionals will provide you keyword-rich articles that will dramatically improve the visibility of your website and win customers over with their convincing content. SEO article marketing is such a proven success in the world of online business that many website owners are willing to hire the services of top SEO experts to help them launch their businesses into greater heights of profitability.

    Other than its overall contribution to the betterment of sales, article marketing also brings professionalism and prestige to your website. With comprehensive articles that offer expert information about your products, your website will be widely regarded as an authoritative entity. It will assume a position as the favored destination for consumers seeking specialized knowledge pertaining to your products. As your reputation grows, your brand will be established as a trusted name in the business and this will in turn translate to a long-term influx of web traffic.

    Compared to other forms of online advertisements which incur quite a substantial amount of financial investment, article marketing is basically free advertising. Since your articles are included in the information base of search engines, they will automatically show up whenever a search term coincides with one or few of their keywords. In a way, an article is a living advertisement implemented on the Internet and it grows in recognition from time to time, without you having to pay extra for each and every appearance. Web owners who understand the full potential of article marketing will also post their articles in directories and ezines to boost their chances of drawing more visitors to their websites.

    As the Internet continues to extend its influence into our livelihoods, article marketing will prevail as the most important means to distribute information, whether for a product or a mere matter of general interest. There is no website that can communicate effectively without web content, and articles are indeed the most significant bridge between webmasters and users. By adopting an elaborate article marketing strategy, you can be sure that your business will achieve new heights of success.

    Need quality articles? Contact Allen Taylor at

    Article Marketing Secrets

    Article marketing is one of the easiest ways to generate quality, qualified traffic to your web site, and I want to share with you now some secrets of article marketing.

    First off, before I get into any secrets of article marketing, let me explain what is not a secret: how article marketing works.

    The basic premise with article marketing is that you write articles that are related to topics on your web site, and then you put links to your web site in those articles. You submit those articles to the various online article directories, and they publish your articles on their web pages.

    So what are the secrets?

    One more disclaimer these are not really secrets, but since almost nobody does these, then I assume most people dont know them. You see, the average person submits somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 articles. But the average fulltime article writer submits perhaps 20 or more per day. And you have to assume that article marketing works if people are willing to spend the time to write and submit 20+ articles per day, and call it a living.

    Now the secrets.

    1) You have to write more than 7 articles. If you write and submit correctly a lot of articles, people see your name online a lot, they run into your articles all over the web and they naturally assume that you are an expert. Who are you going to believe the guy with 1000+ articles, or the one with 4 articles?

    2) The article directories that have high page ranks in the search engines can get your articles into the top ten spots for select keywords something that your puny little site can scarcely do. So when they get your article to a top ten spot, you get clicks from the articles. And the clicks are high quality, because they not only originated in a search engine, looking for you (higher quality than PPC) but they have read your article and have decided they want to know more from you. This is really high quality traffic.

    3) Your own subscribers will develop more trust in you as they read your articles online. This will augment your web site, your email campaign, your sales campaign everything.

    Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

    Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

    Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

    Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 900 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

    Article Marketing Your Way To Success

    Article marketing is a great way for an internet marketer to succeed. How can you do it? Easy. Just sign up for any article hosting website, they're all free, I suggest, and start writing articles. Not just 1-3 articles, I mean as many articles as you can. This is the best way to dominate a keyword and beat out your competition.

    Whenever you have a subject that you want to talk about, break that subject up into 30 sub topics. Then do it again, then again, until you can't do it anymore. And when you think you can't do it anymore, do it again! Every sub topic is an article marketing gold mine! Every sub topic can lead you to the greatest traffic creating marketing asset that you'll ever encounter. Sub topics are the key to article marketing.

    Once you have found your sub topic's, start writing, and writing and writing. Write about your sub topics like your a professional. Write non-stop. Don't stop, keep writing. Don't think, just write. Write write write. That is the article marketing secret. To write an endless amount of articles without stopping to think if what you just said would work or not. Just keep writing.

    Why do you keep writing? That's the best way to dominate your keyword, to flood the market with your articles. Mind you, no spamming. Don't just cut and paste, this is a bad way to write an article, and your article hosting server will delete your account. So write unique and different content! But don't sit down and start writing rough drafts! Article marketing isn't about quality, it's about quantity! The more information you have to provide to the market, the more Google will think you're a valuable resource, and increase your page ranking.

    This is the marketing secret of every successful internet marketer. Use this tactic and other internet marketing strategies and I will


    Want to learn how to make some serious online income? Sign up for my FR-EE online money making ecourse by Clicking Here Now, and I'll teach you how to do it step by step!

    Article Marketing - The Importance of Writing 10 Articles A Day

    It's a known fact, the more articles you write, the more successful your article marketing is going to become. Why? Because if you were to write more than 300 articles, your articles will get onto search engines first page. I promise that they will. The more that you flood the market with your articles, the more that your audience is going to be able to touch onto your articles. The more that your articles are going to be able to touch onto your articles, the more your readers are going to be sending links to your article to other people. This is a great way to get inbound links!

    That is why I cannot stress enough why writing ten articles a day will help you in your article marketing journey. Writing at least ten articles a day will get you more publicity, and more traffic your website or more promotion about your business. Articles are very powerful in hoards. They really are. In fact, your not going to see the traffic that articles can really give you unless you write about 250 articles. This is a lot of articles. I'm not going to lie. So to break it up, just write ten articles a day. But some article marketers aren't able to write ten articles day. So to help you out, here are some helpful pointers to get you to write those ten articles.

    • Just by sitting down and actually getting onto your article hosting server is a great way to get you to write your articles. Article marketers might become lazy and not even log onto their article writing account. Just log on and see how many articles your going to write.

    • Some marketers might have writers block. This is easy to overcome. Just read other articles about your subject. This is a great way to get new ideas and to get out of the slump that you're in.

    • Try setting a certain amount of time in your day dedicated to writing ten articles a day. It seriously only takes about an hour out of your day when you get the hang of it. Just try it out.

    Writing ten articles a day is important to your article marketing success! So get out there and write those ten articles!

    Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

    Targeted Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Exciting Steps to Advance with Article Marketing

    If you are looking for a marketing tool that can virtually do it all - drive traffic to your website, improve your page ranking, position yourself as an expert on your chosen field, augment your sales potentials, and secure more sales - article marketing will work best for you.

    Here are the 4 exciting steps to advance with article marketing:

    1. Do not advertise on your content. Instead, strive to provide valuable information that will be useful and relevant to the needs and demands of your potential clients. Talk about their problems, issues that are affecting the niche to which they belong to, and possible solutions that can improve the quality of their lives. When you are able to educate and help you readers, they are more likely to trust you and consider doing business with you.

    2. Improve your writing skills. The quality of the content of your articles is the major element that will determine the success of your article marketing strategy. Thus, it is vital that you continuously hone your writing skills to ensure that you will be able to deliver better articles each time you write.

    3. Pick topics that are closely related to your products. In writing your articles, you must remember that one of your main goals is to sell your products and that it would help if the topics you write about are related to your offerings. This will make it easier for you to attract targeted traffic that can lead to improved sales potential.

    4. Your articles must be scannable. As a writer, you have to accept the fact that most online users do not usually read articles word for word. They usually scan through the content to find specific information that they will find valuable to their concern and interests. To make it easier for them to read your articles, make them scannable. Use subheadings, short paragraphs, bullet points, and numbered lists whenever appropriate.

    To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

    Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

    The Real Powerful Squeeze Page Definition Secrets

    Have you ever wondered what a squeeze page really is? You have probably heard the term - squeeze page. Here are the real powerful definition secrets. This concentrates on acquiring your visitor's details - a form of contact in exchange for a newsletter or to sell a particular product or service.

    It should never allow an alternative choice for your visitors unlike those fuzzy and ill-defined websites which may lead your visitors wandering aimlessly. A squeeze page is also known as a landing page. It is deliberately built to acquire your visitor's names and email addresses and the way to do it is to have an opt-in form or box on a single page.

    So what makes a real powerful squeeze page?

    As your main goal would be to acquire leads so that you can market your product or service, it is important to use an opt-in form or box on your squeeze page. You must aim to communicate to your visitors what you need from them and to initiate them to take action. Stay away from having opt-in form on sidebars and keep your website's focus on your chief aim which is to turn your visitors into a subscriber or to make that purchase.

    A powerful squeeze page should include a short or long copy to present what you have to offer, a graphic or the product, your picture as the website owner, an all-important opt-in form, your signature in graphics and a call to action. You definitely want you visitors to take action so show them how.

    Do test if a short or long copy will work for what you have to offer. While there are those who have great success with short squeeze pages, there are also those which possess a high opt-in rate for their long ones as they utilise the space to make their copy benefit-rich.

    There you have it, the secrets revealed to you. Focus on the chief aim and there is nothing to stop you from getting your desired subscribers.

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    You may reprint or distribute this article as long as you leave the content, the links and the resource box intact.

    Article Writing and Article Marketing - How to Write a Prospect-Pulling Resource Box

    Article marketing is one of the best ways to market your business if you do it right. In my experience, you make or break your article marketing efforts in the Resource Box.

    Most writers are guilty of poor article marketing because they use the resource box as sort of a virtual "ego wall" in their office.

    "John/Jill Jones earned the Ph.D at Important University and is the author of several Important Books."

    Well, who cares? This is a slightly exaggerated example of a resource box that does not pass the who cares test.

    Article Marketing with Your Resource Box - How to Pass the "Who Cares" Test

    There are three crucial steps to having a great resource box and passing the who cares test. All three of these steps involve the links back to your website used in your resource box.

    Link 1 - Your first line should be a real url, or what is called an absolute url, as in For instance, "Visit for more tips and tools for writing great articles" is a great opening for your resource box.

    Link 2 - In link two and three you can use hyper-linked text. Drive prospects to your site with a line that reads like this: Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter

    Link 3 - In link three you simply repeat what you did in link two and invite the reader to another important page in your website, which could be a product page.

    I invite you to use these tips to increase the benefits of your article marketing.

    And I'd also like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

    Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

    From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy &

    4 Important Article Marketing Tips

    Article marketing has become one of the most important tools in today's internet home based business. Marketing with articles is very important to your success and to drive targeted traffic to your site. A good marketing strategy will be to include articles in your website, blog and submitting it to article directories. This article will bring you article marketing tips to help you drive more traffic to your website and increase your profits.

    Articles are known as one of the most important and powerful tools of home based business. Article marketing will help you drive traffic to your website, rank higher with the search engines and as a result increase your profit.

    Article marketing is not just about writing articles and posting them on websites and blogs. A good article is an article that has been read, an eye-catching headline, an interesting content and a regular group of loyal readers. If you write article just for the sake of writing, your readers will sense that and stop coming back to your site.

    Here are some article marketing tips to help you in the process of writing your articles. I gathered 4 important tips that you must use in your articles, those tips will help you use your article for more targeted traffic and generating extra income.

    Tip #1 - Use Keywords and Keyword Phrases

    When writing your article, you must use targeted keywords and phrases, like targeting your website pages to the right keywords your article must be targeted to. Your readers are people who are looking for something specific, they usually type those words in the search engines and these are the words you want to target in your articles.

    Keep your article and keywords related to your website. Stay on topic, if your website is about dogs and dogs training write about dogs, pets and training methods and don't write about your home business and vice versa.

    Before writing your article, do a little research for the best keywords and use the right tools to help you find the keywords that suits your article and website the best.

    Tip #2 - Check your Keywords Density

    Keyword density is very important for the search engines to notice your article. After finding your keywords and phrases use them in your article, a good keyword density is about 10-15 %, if your word count is 700 words, then your keywords should appear 7 or 8 times.

    Using your keywords too much in your article will look like spamming and your article content would not make any sense to your readers, using little keywords will end up unnoticed by the search engine, and this is not the result you are looking for.

    Tip #3 - Writing Good Article Content

    As I wrote in the last paragraph, content is very important, too many keywords will make no sense to your readers and you will lose their trust, write article with good content and make your articles interesting, doing that and your reader will come back for more.

    Let your reader what they want, they came to your website because they were looking for information, writing an informative article will keep your readers on the page, gain their trust and increase your traffic and eventually your sales and profit.

    Tip #4 - Use Your Article to Get More Links

    My last article marketing tip is very important. Remember, you are using articles to market your business, always remember to include a link back to your website at the end of your article, if you are submitting your article to article directories a link back is the most important thing. Use a resource box to describe your website and add a link back to your website, if your article was written correctly and informative, most likely your readers will click on the link and end up in your website.

    Marketing with articles can be a very powerful tool to help you drive traffic to your website and increase your sales and profits, follow those article marketing tips and you will see how your website traffic will increase.

    Learn how to generate extra income online with 6 different online home businesses. Tanny Lahav is the owner of find your home business and start generating extra income.

    Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 6 First Secrets To Make Money Through Article Marketing

    Although there are so many product promotional and traffic-generating tools that have been introduced in the last couple of years, article marketing remains supreme in driving free, quality traffic to your website, improving your page ranking, and increasing your sales and revenue.

    Here are the 6 first secrets to make money through article marketing:

    1. To easily attract those people who are most likely to buy your products, write about topics that are closely related to your offerings. For instance, if you are selling jewelries, stick with topics that revolve around jewelries. People who are considering buying your products will surely look for relevant information and if they find those on your articles, you can easily increase your chances of making a sale.

    2. Write more articles. Download a keyword suggestion tool and identify the top performing keywords that are related to your chosen niche. List them down and create interesting topics about them. Write as many articles as you can so you can easily position yourself as someone who is knowledgeable on your chosen niche and boost the number of your inbound links.

    3. Strive to offer original, unique content. Copying somebody else's work can be deadly to both your marketing techniques and ebusiness as search engines will surely penalize you for it. So, make sure that you provide your readers with only unique and quality content not only to please the search engines but also to please your readers and make them feel that you are a great source of quality and valuable information.

    4. Stick with facts. As an expert on your chosen niche and a source of information, you must strive not to mislead your readers by not offering them unfounded data. Check all the information you have included in your articles against reputable resources before you make your articles available online.

    5. Be consistent. If you want to easily make a lasting mark online, you need to strengthen your online presence. This can easily be done by writing and submitting your articles on a regular basis. This will make your name highly visible on the World Wide Web that can promote easy recall among your target market.

    6. Bank on the quality of your articles. The quality of your content remains to be the most important single element that can ensure your success in this technique. When you are able to produce well-written, informative, content-rich, and useful articles, you will be able to generate more attention online and attract more people to do business with you.

    Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

    Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

    Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

    Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

    Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

    Article Marketing - Learn How To Get So Much Traffic You Couldn't Stop It If You Tried Part II

    How does all of this relate to article agents? I am glad you asked. Some articles you write will have amazing results, some will have terrible results, but most will be in the middle, and you will find that your ability to predict which is which will not be very accurate.

    I have written articles that I have poured my heart into and just knew that they were going to be read and syndicated by everyone. Then I have written articles that just flowed out so easy my cooling fan on my laptop did not even get a chance to start, and I had the article done and off to be reviewed.

    Do you think that the results were proportional to my efforts? If you said yes, you would be wrong. The results are just as unpredictable as trying to choose which sales rep in article one was going to be the best. You just can never tell.

    After all of that, we can finally make one more important point and that is that your control over the results of any individual article agent is very little, but your control over the number of article agents is completely in your control.

    Now that you have the understanding that most articles are going to fall somewhere in the middle and your ability to predict which is which is not going to be very good, you know that you can focus your energy on the one thing that you can control and that will have the greatest impact driving targeted prospects to your site. Write lots of articles.

    How many? Somewhere between 30 and 300, the more you write the greater the results, and yes, the results are exponential. What does that mean? It means that if 5 articles will get 100 visitors, then 100 articles won't get you 2,000 but probably closer to 3,000 or more. They build momentum from each other.

    The other day I heard someone say that after they published a certain number of articles, they could not turn the traffic off. I don't know about you, but I am dying to have that problem. I promise not to complain too

    What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.