
Friday, May 9, 2008

How Article Marketing Can Get You More Visitors To Your Website

Article marketing is one of the best ways to get more visitors for your website. In case you're not familiar with the term, article marketing is a technique where you write articles about topics related to your website and then submit them to one or more websites called article directories.

As you know, having fresh content on your website and blog is key when it comes to getting search engine traffic. Many website owners and bloggers visit article reprint directories on a daily basis, in search of articles to use on their sites.

When you submit your articles to the various directories, you give permission for other webmasters to use them on their websites or blogs, with the condition that they include an "about the author" section that you include at the end of your article.

This section lets you include more information about your website, as well as links back to it where people can get more information.

When someone posts your article on their site, they also post this about the author section and everyone who reads the article on their website sees it. Your article can ultimately end up on hundreds of websites, with thousands of visitors reading it and clicking the links through to your own site.

It is very easy to find these reprint directories on the web. Just do a Google search on 'free reprint article directories' and many listings will pop up. Some are highly targeted and feature only articles health articles; or only articles about food; and other directories are more general. You can submit your article to more than one directory, and there are even some software packages that will submit the articles for you.

Coming up with ideas for article topics is really not hard. Just take the topic of your website and think of a question your visitors would have, then write an article answering it. For example, if you have a gardening website, you could write about how to care for your indoor plants or when to start planting seeds.

And if you don't really enjoy writing, it's not a problem. You can hire writers to ghostwrite your articles at various places on the internet. How much you'll pay will depend on different factors, but usually you'll wind up paying between $8 and $20 per 500 word article.

Are you using article submission to increase web site traffic? Sign up for the internet's first viral article network, where you'll make money on your article submissions PLUS you'll get hundreds of links back to your website. Visit to find out more.

Article Submission Secrets - 4 Things to Never Ever Do in the Resource Box of Your Articles

Here are 4 things to never ever do in your article resource box.

1. Don't put your phone number in there, and don't put your email address in there. If they want to contact you, get them back to your website or your blog, where they can email you or contact you.

2. The second thing not to do - and this sounds crazy, folks, but I've read articles where they've written about let's say gardening, and the resource box has invited them back to their race car site. I'm making up those categories, but the examples were as disparate as that. That makes no sense at all. Don't do that.

3. The other thing I've seen people do is put in what I call diverse domains in their resource box. You're allowed three active links back to your website or blog. If you've got multiple niches, fine, if you can handle them all. I've found over the last couple years that my business grew as I narrowed from multiple niches into one niche in article marketing.

Let's say you've got a niche in relationships and you're also an expert on civil war history, and you've written an article on relationships and there's a link in your resource box to your relationship site, but then you also throw one in there to your site on civil war trivia.

Huh? I guess that might be connected if you want to call some relationships a civil war, but basically those would be called diverse domains.

4. Here's the number one thing to never ever do in your resource box, and the one I see people trying to do the most, and that's trying to convince the reader in your resource box that you're the expert.

Now that sounds like a good use of a resource box. You want to list all your accomplishments and all your awards all the way back to first grade. But guess what, if you have not convinced the reader in your article that you're an expert, it is way too late to try to do so in the resource box.

They are probably not even going to be reading it anyway, because if you haven't demonstrated that you know what you're talking about in your article, it's very unlikely they're going to be reading your resource box.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

You can also catch a free audio recording of a recent teleseminar on "Resource Box Secrets" by going to

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Best Article Marketing - 7 Most Tremendous Tips to the Best Article Marketing

We all know and agree that article marketing is such a great piece of a marketing instrument. Being great and powerful as it is, all we need to do is to make sure that all its potentials are properly explored and used. Below are 7 tremendous tips on how to do the best article marketing activity:

1. Make your articles short and compacted. A 300-words article is usually the standard article size. This makes it easy for potential readers to grasp and understand what you are trying to convey. A novelette sized article is not usually being favored as online users today do not have much time to spend reading lengthy copies.

2. Strictly follow the protocols used by publishing sites. Every publishing site has its own protocol and standards. It is suggested that you carefully follow these rules and guidelines to make sure that your articles are more likely to be favored against the others.

3. Provide a meaty article. Make it a point that you come up with an article that is full of relevant information. It makes sense because after all, every person who goes to the net and searches for something is after reliable and useful information.

4. Maximize the use of the Internet search for more article directory sites where you can have your articles published. Do not settle to having your site displayed in just one publishing site. Distribute it well.

5. Make a compilation of the best articles that you have and have it placed on an e-book. This is another form of an effective marketing using your articles and you can even use your ebook as giveaway for potential clients who would like to be a member of your email marketing list.

6. You can "syndicate" your articles via the Really Simple Syndication or RSS feeds. By doing so, you can provide your subscribers with information even if they don't have the time to visit your website everyday.

7. As an additional exposure, you can have your articles posted and published on your own website. This gives your articles the added popularity that they need.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Profitable Article Marketing - 5 Profitable Methods to Breakthrough With Article Marketing

Building traffic and obtaining quality inbound links for your website cannot get easier these days. You can simply write and submit articles to submission sites and viola! You instantly gain quality inbound links. This is how article marketing exactly work. It's hassle-free, delivers quick results, and it's cost-effective.

Here are the 5 profitable methods to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Quality of your articles. You would like your articles to be read, picked up, and republished by online users. That can only happen if your articles are useful, well-written, and content-rich.

2. Quantity of your articles. In article marketing, each submission grants you one quality inbound link. The more articles you submit, the more links you obtain for your website. This could mean a lot of great things for your website such as increased traffic, improved page ranking, link popularity, increased sales potential, and positioning yourself as an expert on your specialized field.

3. Keywords. To give your articles an edge so they will be highly visible on online searches, you need to incorporate relevant keywords throughout your content. By doing so, your articles will be properly indexed by major search engines making them relatively easy to search online.

4. Article submission sites. There are over 200 article submission sites in the internet today but not all of them are created equal. Some, just like and, have impressive page views and steady traffic that can ultimately give your articles the exposure they need so they can be potentially distributed and republished.

5. Monitoring your articles progress. You can easily track down the number of times your articles were viewed. From this, you can gauge if your article marketing campaign is working for you or you need to make necessary revisions to improve your marketing effort to increase the clickthrough rates of your articles.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Get Massive Website Traffic For Free

How would you like to drive thousands or even millions of targeted visitors to your website ... For FREE?

This is exactly what happens when you start posting articles all over the Internet. The search engines are not the only place to get targeted traffic and sales. There is another proven method of promoting a business.

Writing and posting articles all over the Internet can guarantee you both massive targeted traffic as well as sales. It is the exact same technique that many successful marketers use to drive heaps of traffic to their websites.

Many publishers don't have time to write articles all the time, so they're always on the lookout for quality articles to send to their subscribers. This creates a profitable opportunity for you.

You can benefit from writing and distributing your articles. Some newsletter lists have hundreds of thousands of subscribers. And your article would be read by a large number of people once it is published. This will generate a stampede of visitors to your website.

If you can write a letter to a friend, or an email message, then you can write articles for publication. Writing and submitting articles is truly the most powerful way to get free targeted traffic.

So why not start posting your articles all over the Internet and drive targeted traffic to your website.

When you write the articles, write them like you are having a conversation with someone. Make it easy to read. Use simple, easy-to-understand sentences.

Here's how it works: You write an article regarding your chosen subject. Make it informative. Be sure to put your resource box at the end of the article so you can drive traffic to your website.

Your resource box is a short biography that promotes your business or website. It should include a little information on who you are and a link to your website or email address.

Re-read your article. Make sure it provides information that really is useful to the reader.

Proofread it. Check your article for grammatical and typographical errors. If you are not good at proofreading, or grammar in general, find a qualified person to do it for you.

Submit your article to article directories, article announcement lists and ezines.

If you've provided high quality information, then heaps of traffic are almost certain to start coming in when your article is published.

Article submission is a very powerful way to drive steady streams of traffic to your site, and possibly skyrocket sales. Many of the successful Internet marketers use articles to generate traffic and sales. You too can use this free advertising method to promote your business.

Conleth C Onu is the owner of several websites. To learn more about how you can write quality articles and drive targeted traffic to your website, visit:

What Is Article Marketing And How I Got Started With This Business Model - Part 1

The very first Internet marketing technique I learned when I started online in early 2006 was article marketing. At first, I didn't really believe this would work and I didn't take action.

I bought a cheap ebook called secret affiliate weapon and I read the material. One of the pdfs was about article marketing and was called lazy traffic. I read and didn't take action like most of the people online. After a while, I got a coach and he taught us affiliate marketing. I was stuck because he was teaching us the exact same tactics and strategies I learned before.

Since we had daily assignments, I was forced to write those articles because one of the condition of this coaching program was to do the tasks in time. If you failed, you could be dropped from the program.

I submitted article manually for the first time to ezinearticles, goarticles, article city, article dashboard and a couple of other directories. I can tell you that I was typing and submitting like crazy. I didn't have money in my early beginning and I couldn't hire a ghostwriter or even use a submission software. I needed to do the work alone.

I forget to say that I was enrolled in the program by submitting articles. The entrance fee was $197 a pop, and although I had a burning desire to enroll in this mentoring course, I didn't have the money at the time.

Happily, there was an alternative option for marketers on a budget. All I had to was to submit forty articles with the mentor's resource box at the end. I was so happy! I wrote those 40 articles on the fly. It was my very first batch of articles, and I must admit that grammar and punctuation was bad. But I have no choice, I took action and submitted the articles.

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Visit now!