
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

It's not a secret. It isn't as if no one knows she is there. We even know that she controls over 50% of the purchasing decisions in her home. So why don't we spend more time talking to her? Asking her questions? Finding out what she needs and wants? Of course, I am talking about the stay-at- home mom.

I have known about you since my first introduction to home based business. I have read statistics about you and read articles written by you since I started looking around the Internet for ways to make money from home. Yet, since then, I have read thousands of emails, hundreds of sales letters and websites, and yet, you don't seem to be getting your due recognition.

When I first started interviewing women looking for home based business opportunities, you would tell me that you are on the Internet very regularly looking around at everything. You see all of these claims that you can make all of this money from home, but most of them are like a shell game.

They promise the world, they say all the right things, they get your interest, but they never seem to just come straight out and tell you what the business actually is. You tell me things like, *It usually turns out to be one of those pyramid schemes.* The truth is after a year or so, you have just about lost hope. Now it all sounds the same; it reminds you of the teacher's voice in the Charlie Brown classroom scenes. (whaa whaw whaa whaaaaw)

So what is the answer? Article marketing. When I was in grade school, I hated the girls the teacher put on my left and right to keep me out of trouble, because they had perfect handwriting. They would pass notes back and forth day after day. When we needed to write a book report, it was more like an art project. Their hand writing was so consistent and readable.

Since then, I have even read books about, and practiced my hand writing, and still my office manager will hand me a note, or my mother, and the hand writing is beautiful. So how does all this lead me to the conclusion that article marketing is the solution to your problem?

I think many women as girls were encouraged in there writing pursuits. They have a writing voice, the know how to express themselves and their not afraid to write. If you combine this with some of the opportunities that are opening up on the Internet, I think you have a good fit.

The truth is there is an information gap on the Internet. Thousands of searches come back without results every day. Even the guy whose writing was destined to be a doctor, and whose brain was destined to be a janitor is writing and making money on the internet. Thank God for spell check and grammar check -- did I mention the thesaurus button?

So start simple, go to and set up your blog. Then setup an account on this article directory. Then just start writing articles. Don't know what to write about? Start by writing about your frustrations of trying to find ways to make money from home online. Want to understand something on the Internet better, like SEO? Then write 50 articles about it, and soon you will be the expert that people will be looking to for advice. Go ahead, give it a try.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

So many people look at article marketing as just a traffic source. And it is a traffic source. But it is so much more. You see, with most traffic sources, the impact of the traffic source ends once the traffic is delivered.

But with article marketing, the traffic source continues creating credibility long after the initial traffic is delivered.

In my case, with 1000's of live articles online, someone may join my list, and later decide they want more information about something online, then they go to read some of my other articles. The advantage to this is increased credibility, and that helps me generate more sales in the long run, as my subscribers continue to look to me for advice, knowing they can get it either directly from me or by reading more of my articles online.

This creates long term credibility online, which of course is what I am looking for.

Also, with article marketing, once I publish an article, I may get several visitors from that article the first month, much as any other traffic source would provide. But I will also get traffic the second month and the 3rd month and so on. I continue to get traffic from articles I submitted over a year ago - which means I am getting much more traffic than if I had paid for traffic one time up front.

These are just two of the reasons I favor article marketing over other traffic sources.

The bottom line is that article marketing is good for so much more than just traffic, but it helps me to build long term relationships online, hence increasing long term visitor value and profits.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1565 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Building Links is the greatest thing any website owner can do for his or her website. By building links to ones website, they will also increase their chances of ranking high for a certain keyword.

How Can Link Building Help My Website
Lets say you have a website that focuses on nutrition. You find a great keyword, nutrition of fruits and vegetables. The only problem with this keyword is that there are a couple of websites that are already ranked pretty high for this keyword. One way to rank ahead of your competitors is by creating links to your page. Google sees these links as a voting system. When you have tons of high quality back-links pointing back to your page, Google will recognize it, and boost your page ahead of the rest for that certain keyword.

What Are One Way Back-links
One-way back-links are links that point to a website, in exchange for nothing. For example lets say you have a friend named Kyle, that loves the content your page has to offer and decides to put a link on his page that points to your page. This is a one-way back-link that benefits you, not Kyle. However, if you decide that you appreciate Kyles favor, you can put a link on your page that links back to Kyles. However, it will no longer be a one way back-link, because there are two links pointing at each other.

Where to Start Building Links
It is important that you know where to start building links. It is important to request one-ay back-links from high quality pages as opposed to back-links to from tons of low quality pages. Remember that Google rewards quality, not quantity, so it will definitely be important that you find high quality web-pages that offer one way back-links. There are tons of ways to build links to your website, but it is important that you perform a great deal of research before you start building links.

Is your website struggling?
Do you need help getting traffic to your website?

Read Here Free: SEO Elite Review.

Kyle Everette is an expert of keyword research & Search Engine Optimization, and believes anybody can build a highly successful website with the correct tools & knowledge.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The content of your website is your #1 sales tool. Pictures, tools, and other fun stuff can be important in making your site visibly and functionally appealing, but it is the content that sells. Well written and user focused content allows your visitors to "find out" more about your products and services, as well as how your company will be able to meet their needs.

Content weighs heavily both in terms of how users interact with your website as well as how visitors (both human and search spiders) are able to determine what you offer and what each page of your website is about. While solidly optimized content is important for search engine rankings, considering the usability of your content is of paramount importance for attaining good conversion rates.

Voice: The content of your website should be written in consistent voice from page to page. This voice needs to be one that is relatively consistent with your industry and resonates with your target audience.

Active words: Active words help the user engage with the content making them a participant rather than just a passive reader. The site's content should be full of active verbs that inspire visitors to take action.

Typographical errors: Website should be free of all typographical errors. Both spelling and grammatical errors can be an indicator that you lack professionalism. They must be eliminated to maintain overall trustability.

Skimmable & scannable: Visitors skim through and scan content to find what interests them before they actually read each word. As much as possible, use short paragraphs, headings, bullets and stick to a basic reading level.

Customer focus: Present your content in a way that speaks to your visitor's overall wants and needs. Focus on them, not on you or your company.

Personality needs: Content should use language that speaks to individual personalities of your visitors. Providing information that certain personalities "need" helps speak to those visitors more directly and move them through the conversion process.

Benefits vs. features: Present the benefits your visitors will receive. Don't write exclusively in terms of what your product or service does, but what benefits your visitors will get from your product or service.

Spammy text: Content should always read naturally and should never feel "stuffed" with keywords. Never hide content on the page, but us it effectively as a sales tool.

Calls to action: Each page should contain a close and one or more calls to action. Once you have effectively provided the necessary information, compel the visitor to take a desired action.

Bonus Tip:

Linking out: Whenever possible and only where relevant, link your text out to other areas of the website as they are mentioned within the body copy. Selectively link out to external sources that reinforce the information you are providing. All too often site owners want to sideline the content. They feel that pictures, tools and products are the only things that visitors want. Yes, these are an important part of the sales process, but so is the text. Properly developed text informs and persuades. It entices and encourages. It draws and drives. More than anything else, text sells.

Stoney deGeyter founded Pole Position Marketing in 1998 working from a home office and has since turned it into a leading search engine marketing business with a small team of seasoned Reno SEO and marketing experts. Stoney pioneered the concept of Destination Search Engine Marketing which is the driving philosophy on how Pole Position marketing helps their clients expand their online presence and improve online conversion rates.

Stoney is a moderator at the Small Business Ideas Forum, a regular contributor to the Search Engine Guide blog and has a monthly column on Search Engine Land. He posts his SEO and business insights at the E-Marketing Performance blog where you can also find his e-books: E-Marketing Performance: Effective Strategies for Building, Optimizing and Marketing your Website Online and Keyword Research and Selection: The Defin

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The worst thing to happen to your articles is when nothing happens. I have crafted this article to give you the 5 article marketing tips to avoid this from happening. Online authors like us write to get attention to our websites and to ourselves as the topic experts. When nothing happens meaning no one reads our articles, our efforts are washed down the drain. This happens to more than 90% of article writers most of the time. So let us get started on learning the article marketing tips to get some eye-popping attention to our articles.

1. A Good Title

The article title either works for you or kill your efforts. Period! So make sure you think of an appealing title. Since most people see your title first before your content, if they are not buying into your article title, then chances are they will click away so make sure it pulls their attention. See my article title as an example of such an effect.

In a few words, you must tell them what benefits they can get from reading your article so that they will read your entire article. People are always looking for tips like you are searching for article marketing tips now, answers and solutions, so make sure you craft the titles in such a manner. Examples are 10 ways to cure your baldness, How to attract her attention even if you are ugly, How to write a traffic-sucking article within 10 minutes flat. Create curiosity.

2. Paragraph your Content

People hate long and disorganized articles. Noticed that the first thing people does when they land on your article is to browse quickly. If they see super duper long paragraphs, they are going to get bored and skip your article all together. So be sure to organize your article into bite-size paragraphs ie 5 paragraphs and each containing 4 to 5 sentences ideally.

3. Number Your Key Points

Put in nice numbering. Number the points you are trying to get across. It makes the article highly readable. Our brains analyse writings in such a systematic manner. So condition your reader with a smooth flow of points presented in numbers. It has the effect of convincing them and giving them a great feeling about what they are reading.

4. Provide Catchy Sub-titles

Always give a sub-title or sub-header to give them a quick summary of what they are reading. I love this one as my favourite among all the article marketing tips. This is a short snappy summary just like what you often see in newspapers. At one glance, they can get a hint of what they are going to get when they read your content. This is also where you can have some teasers in the sub-titles.

5. Use Facts, Figures and Examples

People like facts, figures, examples and case studies so be sure to give them some. When delivering a point, give them a few of these to convince them of its factuality. This adds a sense of urgency and increase the trust they develop in your content and yourself.

You have it, all 5 of the most powerful article marketing tips to create traffic sucking articles that drives sales and subscribers.

Davion has created multiple affiliate income machines since 2006. For a limited time, you can download his FREE report Secrets of Affiliate Marketing which reveals killer secrets of affiliate marketing you can use immediately to supercharge your affiliate income! Full giveaway and resale rights worth $97 included. Also read this interesting article to pick up 10 affiliate marketing secrets.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The term "Internet Marketing", also referred to as E marketing or online marketing, is an incredibly broad one. The internet has brought many advantages to marketing including low costs in distributing information and media to a global audience. Internet marketing may mean one thing to you, but to another person it could produce a completely different set of values. You may see this as a problem, but it is actually an advantage because this shows that internet marketing is a vast industry and can be worked with in many different ways.

Companies that use internet marketing can save money because of a reduced need for a sales force. Consumers can access the internet and research products as well as purchase them, at any time of the day, not just during average working hours. Internet marketing is growing at a faster rate than other types of media so it is a worthwhile and desired tool to adopt.

If you have identified internet marketing as your favoured method, then you should learn about the industry in which it is in. First ask yourself 'why do I need internet marketing skills?' The fact that you have a website is the answer to this question. When the website is developed, you will want to drive traffic to it and the most effective way to do this is through internet marketing.

There are many business models based on the specific needs of each person or business who launches an internet marketing campaign. These include e-commerce which refers to retailing over the internet i.e. goods are sold to directly to businesses or consumers; publishing, or the sale of advertising; and lead-based sites where a company generates value by getting sales leads on their sites.

The first thing to do when getting started with internet marketing is to gather as much information together as possible. Internet marketing is a popular topic so there should be many resources available both online and offline. Just make sure your online information is from knowledgeable people who provide credible sources.

If internet marketing seems slightly out of your realm, then it is best to get in touch with companies who specialise in this area to allow you better insight and inside knowledge. There are many companies that will work on your behalf to ensure that your online marketing campaigns are a success. You will obviously have to pay for such services, but it will ensure a worthy investment and money-making results for you in the long-term.

As you can probably gather, getting started in internet marketing is just the beginning. After you have decided that an internet marketing campaign is needed for your project, it is then important to consider all of your options closely. As discussed, you can do many things to make internet marketing work to your advantage, as it is such a vast area.

To conclude, internet marketing involves carrying out your own research, and then hiring a company to work on your behalf, ensuring great results for your website.

James Copper is a writer for where you can find internet marketing help.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Is your company listed in online directories? If not, it should be.

Directory listings are vital to your online visibility, and it should be a top priority for your online marketing strategy. Directory submissions provide inbound links to your site, which help your search engine rankings. The more inbound links you have, the better your placement in the search engines. Isn't that where we all want to be?

Submitting your link to relevant directories is a great way to maximize your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Some sites offer free listings while others charge a fee. There are general, specific, and regional directories. When you submit your site under a particular category, such as hospitality or travel, the search engine will categorize your site under a relevant topic. Do not ignore the niche directories, as they are an excellent way to link to relevant sites and increase rankings.

While submitting to directories is something you can do now, it is important to note that it may take days or months for directories to approve your links.

Listing your link proves that marketing doesn't have to cost you a fortune. In fact, many sites are free. The process can be time consuming, but the payoff is worth it.

How to list your website:

Research all the possible relevant directories and submit your link to them. Googling "Free Directory Listings" will pull up numerous sites to explore.

If you don't have hours to spend surfing for relevant directories, there are online directory submission services available. An excellent resource is Best Web Directories, which offers a listing of the top directories, both free and fee based.

Tip: If you have an ezine, make sure you list it on those directories as well.

Dare to double your sales in 2008. Sign up for my monthly newsletter Your Business Marketing Solution at and receive my FREE report, "5 Secrets for Creating Web Copy That Will Increase Your Sales and Double Your Profits."

Michelle Salater is the owner of Michelle Salater Writing & Editorial Inc., a copywriting company specializing in writing marketing materials for small to midsized businesses.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

As many writers would attest, article marketing is never an easy task especially for first times. You will be undergoing a lot of thinking and re-thinking, writing and re-writing, research and investigation just so you can reach the perfection of a single article. A lot of writers have developed and re-designed their own paradigms of effective article marketing just so they can be able to have a more solid and dependable theories on how to improve the craft of article marketing. Below are the three most innovative and inventive techniques to uplift the standards of article marketing:

1. Come up with as much topics and sub-topics as you can. Trim these down into what you may consider as topics which you are most passionate about. After having these topics trimmed down, make sure that you make a list of priorities from among the topics that you have selected. Number them in accordance to your interest and the availability of resources to support your ideas when you begin writing them.

2. Draft the article. Prior to commencing your article writing, make sure that you are able to come up with a concrete draft of the article material that you are going to write. The draft may contain a structure on how you plan to write it down - an outline. Create the draft based on the free flow of your own ideas first and have these ideas supported by your textual references.

3. Write down the final article material. Make sure that you do not deviate from the draft that you have made to ensure that your ideas are anchored from the same direction. The actual writing will be a lot less burdensome when you basically follow what you have drafted at first. You can make some necessary revisions however; do not go overly exaggerated in revising things.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The value of article marketing is several fold in that it performs several different functions for the marketer simultaneously that all work together to achieve the common purposes of positioning and profitability.

The positioning is two-fold in that search engine listing positions can be influential in determining the amount of traffic received to the article and the corresponding sales page located on the other side of the link in the resource box just below the conclusion of the article and also the positioning as how the marketing article effectively pre-sells and qualifies the visitor to the website by placing content that is niche related to the website with the product and/or service directly in front of the viewer so that the viewer then may decide to become a targeted website visitor or simply leave the article with the new content retained.

Both of these positioning abilities of articles in marketing make article marketing a very viable strategy in extending market reach, web presence and even sales conversions in the long run.

A well written article such as this one or one that might be created by the world's best article marketing service, ArticlesInMyInbox, will be effective in search engine rankings as well as delivering fresh, original, unique and interesting content that keeps the reader captivated and longing to see just what awaits them at the web site prepared expressly and exclusively for their enjoyment and service to them.

Sometimes the most helpful advice can be found in that very resource box where an ebook containing steps on how to build a list or write an article would be. Yes, sometimes, it's just simple to see the straightforward effectiveness of caring for your customer.

After all, you are always going to be number one to me. Thank you.

Don't forget to download the free ebook below that'll show you how to build a responsive opt in list, quickly.

"Learn How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Most webmasters and ebusiness owners have unleashed the power of article marketing in terms of improving their online traffic and augmenting their sales. That is why, more and more marketers are going out of their ways to make sure that they are getting the maximum benefits of this method. If you are one of them and are currently looking for ways on how you can multiply your article marketing, these 3 ultimate methods are definitely for you:

1. Increase the number of your articles. This is the only way to augment the number of links for your website as each submission grants you one quality inbound link. To multiply the number of your articles, you can either write additional 3-4 articles everyday or you can hire ghostwriters.

2. Never sacrifice the quality of your articles. Though you must increase the number of your articles, it is of out most importance that you make sure that all your articles are still of high quality. Why? It's because online users will gauge your expertise and knowledge based on how your articles were written. If your articles sound hurried or if they don't make sense at all, no online users will be willing to read your other articles much more distribute or republish them.

3. Use automatic submission software. By doing so, you will be able to submit your articles in few clicks in your mouse. That would mean more time for you to write your articles and much lesser wasted time.

Improving your article marketing campaign is probably one of the best decisions you can ever make to further improve your online traffic and page ranking. By following the 3 steps, you'll be sure to succeed in this method in no time.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Many people who are looking for ways to get traffic to their website are familiar with article marketing. The way it works is actually quite simple. You write an article that is based on a long tail keyword phrase and post it to a website that has weight in the eyes of Google. One of the most popular places to post these particular articles is EzineArticles.

What many people don't realize, however, is that there is another way to do this article marketing that will actually generate, not only traffic but will give your website additional weight in the eyes of the search engine's. It is basically a means in which you will capitalize on the success of other websites.

Almost all webmasters are looking for unique content. If you find websites that are similar to your own, write them an e-mail and offer to put a unique article on their website, one that you wrote yourself. Be prepared to send them a sample of your article writing abilities. You would be surprised at the number of webmasters who are willing to post your content on their website in exchange for a link back to your own site.

This is one of the easiest ways to get your link on to some top ranking webpages online. Although it may be tempting to game the search engines by using tricky methods, using a solid marketing practice, such as this can give your site the momentum it needs for it to rank well on its own.

To discover more, download my brand new free audio report here: How The Internet Helped Me Build A $180,000 Service Business

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

I was speaking with the CEO of an executive career and job site recently. We were making another installment in our ongoing discussion about developing and marketing an on-line Internet presence by leveraging on-line networking platforms.

The CEO made a statement that reminded me of the national, multicultural, social marketing campaign coordinated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

VERB It's what you do.

To network does - not - mean to simply join a networking platform, create a profile, and passively expect magic to happen. It requires action. It requires reaching out. That's right - it requires effort.

I've talked to many people over the years that complain about not getting anything out of their membership to a given networking platform. When I ask, "What exactly did you - do - after joining the networking platform?" The response (all too often) is, "Do?"

There are millions of - inactive - members of networking platforms. Unfortunately, that translates into million of people that are not realizing the benefit of on-line networking.

Network: It's what you - do - that counts.

There are obviously multitudes of ways one can take action and reach out. You can reach out directly to specific individuals through personal messages/emails or indirectly by posting blogs on topics of common interest, subject matter expertise, etc., or starting a club/forum around a common interest, subject matter expertise, etc. They all require action.

I belong to and I'm a heavy user of on-line networking platforms. All on-line networking platforms are not created equal. From my experience, without a doubt, out of all of the on-line networking platforms I've experimented with, I've found - the best - place to network and start investing in building an on-line Internet presence. It is amazing how fast you can do this.

As an example, do a Google search on the key words: do you exist

The first thing I want you to notice is that the result is a search return of approximately 412,000,000 hits. Now note that my blog post "Do you exist? - by Ron Bates" typically comes up as the 1st - 3rd hit on the first page out of 412 - million - hits. This capability is invaluable to someone desiring to build and market a personal or corporate Internet presence.

I believe so strongly in the power of building an Internet Presence by leveraging on-line networkin that I built a website just to discuss specifically how to do this.

Happy Networking!

Ron Bates is an expert in mission critical retained executive search. He is a Managing Principal with the retained executive search firm Executive Advantage Group, Inc. He has delivered personal executive coaching projects to former SAP, E&Y, Oracle, and WorldCom Exec's responsible for multi-billion dollar business units, and co-founded, a self guided job search oriented executive coaching process.

With +27,000 direct contacts on on-line professional networking platforms, Ron has been referred to as "the most connected man on Earth". View Rons networking profile on Ecademy.

As a recognized expert in building an on-line personal Internet presence, Ron has been an invited speaker at venues such as the Marketing Executive Networking Group, British America Business Council, Expert Connections, and is a regular guest on Netshares Ask the Coach.

My new Website: Internet Presence Do you exist? can be found at

For more information on Conducting a Job Search Campaign go to

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

When a web site has been designed and launched everybody starts thinking about how to get links from other web sites and boost their Page Rank (the Google system for putting a value on a web site and the content contained in the site). There are so many different viewpoints currently circulating that it could be said that there is some confusion on the Internet as to what link building services actually work and what things should be avoided. Many people just storm ahead without giving too much thought and planning to this essential site element that they are missing out on a great opportunity to improve both the number and relevance of inbound links pointing to their web site.

The web site structure and site design policies play an important part in any link building campaign and also the relevance of sites that link to you are all part of a successful campaign. Some careful planning needs to go into how the site is constructed in the first place but if you already have a live site on the Internet and feel that it is too late to consider this, have a look at the existing structure and see if any improvements can be made to the navigation of the site so that visitors can reach all the available pages fairly easily. Try not to hide important pages in obscure places but imagine you were visiting your own site for the first time and ask yourself if you could really find everything quickly if you did not already know it was there?

Another big factor to consider is broken links within your own site and missing or removed or changed pages. There is not much point getting loads of links to your own web site if there are a stack of broken links or missing pages within your site content. Web site visitors have quite short attention spans and their imagination needs to be caught within the first few clicks. Try to add interesting and up to date content to the pages with some sharp high resolution images for nice effect.

One way links will always be more beneficial than these link exchange programs that end up giving you loads of so so quality links and require you to have a messy looking links or resources page to cater for providing outgoing links. To gain a good number of one way inbound links then have a look around at the many web directories that offer free and paid submission opportunities. There are some great site linking offers available so make sure you evaluate them carefully and concentrate on relevance.

For further reading see our site custom services marketing agency services and here for more details about our marketing agency and here to submit your site to 1 directory 1 business web directory - add url free which offers free and paid listing opportunities.