
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Article Marketing And Why Your Business Needs It

You have probably already heard about article marketing and now you are wondering if it might be able to help promote your business. Web sites by themselves can draw some traffic but are often limited in terms of successful business marketing or campaign marketing. Of course, that depends on the type of online advertising you are using. Article marketing, however, provides you with a very efficient and lasting tool that can bring lots of targeted traffic to your doorstep - ready to look at what you have to offer. Here are some reasons why article marketing should be part of your online marketing strategy.

1. It Provides an Excellent Product Marketing Tool

Whatever it is that you are selling, the Internet can put the word out faster than any other means. It can also reach a much wider audience, even providing you with a global outreach - at a relatively low cost. You may already know that keyword promotions, such as Google's Adwords, and other cost per click programs, can be very effective also - but they are not cheap.

Article marketing, on the other hand, which also uses those same keywords, is free - except for the cost to produce the articles (unless you write the articles yourself). These articles can be professionally written on the same keywords that your web site focuses on, and they can be distributed at no cost to you and posted online - in multiple places.

2. It Brings Targeted Traffic to Your Website

Once you have a number of quality articles written by a freelance writer - one who specializes in Website content, you have the quality you need to get the job done. Your article marketing starts when they get posted at some of the more popular article distribution web sites. The search engines find them - and they begin to direct targeted traffic to your web site.

3. It Directs to the Right Page

The article itself needs to be written around a keyword or keyphrase which will then direct people interested in that subject to a particular page on your Web site. For instance, if you were selling plumbing products, then you would want articles dealing with all aspects of plumbing. Titles may include things like How to Choose the Right Faucet For Your New Kitchen; or, How to Fix That Leaking Showerhead; to, What Are the Most Popular Bathroom Fixtures?, etc.

Each article leads people to the right page on your web site. The first article, for instance, How to Choose the Right Faucet For Your New Kitchen, would direct traffic to your Web page which provides more information, and some links where your visitor can find new faucets, faucet parts, and possibly books on the subject. As you can also see, a couple of the titles work to get people's attention - and you then provide the solution to their problem - and get sales.

4. It Is Effective Because of Multiplication

One of the great aspects of article marketing is that other people are most likely selling the same thing. You ask, how can that help you? Simple - every web page needs web site content. Since other people who have plumbing web sites (according to the earlier illustration), or blogs, also need web site content, they look for free articles to build their web site faster. Article distribution centers require that the author's name and web page links remain attached at the bottom. This means that for every individual that picks up one of your quality articles - it also provides another inbound link to your web site (at no cost to you) - increasing your search engine popularity.

5. It Works Around The Clock

Each article continues to be a part of your strategic marketing plan and efforts as long as it remains on the Web. Article marketing continues to work to promote your product or service around the clock. Because others will pick up some of the articles - your Web site popularity grows even more with time, increasing your targeted traffic - and profit.

A simple way to get started is to communicate with a web content writer who knows how to write for the search engines (SEO), and who can give you the quality web content articles you need.

By Mike Valles - a home business, finance and real estate writer and marketer. For more information about Internet marketing and tools you can use - including PLR and MRR materials, Web page templates and headers, go to his Web site at: Article Marketing To Go.

Powerful Article Marketing - Uncover 6 Hidden Steps to Energize Your Article Marketing

Are you looking for ways on how you can take your article marketing to the next level? Let me uncover the 6 hidden steps to help you do just that:

1. Submit only to reputable article submission sites. Don't waste your time submitting your articles to publishing sites that have little or no traffic at all. These websites cannot help you in any way reach your article marketing goals. Stick with the ones that are highly visited so you can increase the chances of your articles being read and republished.

2. Increase the number of your articles. In article marketing, more articles mean more inbound links. More inbound links can lead to increased targeted traffic. As you know, when you have enormous traffic on your website, you can tremendously increase your sales potential and your online revenue.

3. Make your content targeted. To drive quality traffic to your site, you must produce content that will attract the right kind of online visitors. For instance, if you are selling cosmetics, you must write about beauty tips and other related topics. These can attract people who are deeply interested in your products who might consider buying from you.

4. Keep you articles focused on one theme. Avoid presenting irrelevant data or content that can greatly confuse your readers. Prepare an outline first before you write your articles. By doing so, you can decide on what information you need to include or exclude on you content.

5. Keep SEO in mind. Don't forget to design your articles in such a way that they will be search engine-friendly. This is the best and only way to give your articles good page ranking.

6. Read and follow the rules set by publishing sites. This is to save you from the hassle of revising your articles should they be rejected by article submission sites.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Almost Criminal Technique To Build Your List Using Free Advertising

For most people that are starting an internet business they are very limited with their advertising budget. There are free advertising sources that you can use.

I have tested these free advertising sources with varying results of success. The first one and probably the easiest is forum marketing. Based on my own personal testing I found that about fifty percent of people would remove themselves from my newsletter. The second was web 2 advertising like articles on Digg. However, I found it extremely difficult to get this traffic to actually convert. The only method that I found to convert leads into customers consistently was article marketing.

I promote my internet business using the following method of article marketing.

Choose a niche market to focus the articles that you are writing for. Create an attention grabbing headline first. Write the introduction and conclusion next. Brain storm ideas for the body encapsulating each idea in a bullet point. It is very important that you share a slice of your expertise. Make sure that you help your reader. If you do this correctly then they will want to subscribe to your newsletter and learn more.

In the resource box you can offer a free report for download from your squeeze page. When your reader actually clicks on the resource box they will go to your squeeze page. You need to ensure that the squeeze page submits the name and email details to your autoresponder. I suggest that you use a professional service like Getresponse.

Finally, you will have a series of opt in emails that will follow up with your prospects, build a relationship and sell them products.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Diversified Marketing - Beating a Different Drum of Marketing Concepts

You know, there are some days when it really doesn't matter what you do, it just all comes out wrong. Today may be the closest I've come to one of those days in a long while. But all these crisis gave me an opportunity to vent my spleen about the basic issues of marketing, with an unusual twist.

1. Marketing Gurus rank high because they use keywords.

Have you ever met a marketing guru that didn't talk in keyword phrases and niche jargon? I'm not sure they exist. It's frustrating, but true. They seem to understand the words they use and the phrases that come out of their mouths, but the rest of us are sitting in the corner wondering when they'll shut up. Effective? Perhaps. Their points are made within the context of what they do, who they're talking to, and the niche they develop. Those of us sitting in the corner are not part of their market. The solution, find a different guru to listen to.

2. Links revitalize and article or kill it.

Following the rules doesn't even guarantee you'll be published. For some stupid reason there are always specific rules that when you follow them to the letter, someone disagrees with your perception. If you slip outside the narrow path of leadership, your steps are taken out of context and you probably won't have a clue why. Links are one of those issues. Links to one person may not constitute links to another. If you refer to a website, by name, that's a link. If you use the html code, that's a link, but if you refer to a website by the title of the page, that's NOT a link. Let me hit that link with one last slam of the hammer before I move on to the next paragraph!

3. Move on by that issue and find a new one.

The options are clear. You can stick with your Marketing Guru who isn't making any sense and hang onto your links, continuing to lag behind in the industry, or you can move on. Write another article, change the title, and move right into the next phase of your business existence online. Give yourself a break and step over the mud puddle. You can get where you want to go without walking through the muck of fixing the Guru, rewriting the link, or going back through the hassle. Just simply move on. If your priorities include that one event, and you can't get past it, do it. Then move forward immediately with a new project.

Jan Verhoeff offers new insightful thoughts about marketing at if you're looking for something new, come by and sign up for her News and Updates, FREE.

Are you ready to make your market ZING?

Post articles using these 2 FREE Article Marketing Templates from and you'll find it's easy to step out of the beaten path into new and adventurous prosperity online. Give it a go!

List Buidling With Articles - 7 Reasons a Highly Responsive List is Gold to Your Internet Marketing

Article writing and marketing is one of the very best ways to build a highly responsive list. And a highly responsive list is like gold to your internet marketing.

Here are 7 reasons a highly responsive list is gold to your internet marketing.

1. Anyone can build a list - You do not have to be some great big internet marketing expert to build a list. It's truly an equal opportunity situation. It's an all skate. You just gotta do the work.

2. Highly responsive - A small highly responsive list is much better than a huge unresponsive list. They will answer your questions and buy your products and stay with you.

3. Loyal - A highly responsive list sticks around. They are not fly by night internet surfers who subscribe on day and unsubscribe the next. You can count on them.

4. Viral - A highly responsive list tells other people about you. And guess what? - they help you continue to grow your highly responsive list.

5. Market research - You can do great market research with a highly responsive list. Ask them what they want and they will tell you. Ask for feedback about a new product and they will give it to you.

6. Buy on command - Here is where your fortune can be made. Loyal responsive list members will buy from you over and over.

7. It's all in the list - Your list is your gold. It's all in the list. Take good care of your list.

Use these seven list building tips to build your list of gold with your articles.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? You can get free access to an audio teleseminar and study guide of "How to Write 1 Great Article in Less than 30 Minutes and 8 Great Articles in 1 Day."

Download it free here:

Do you want to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Internet Marketing Secrets - It All Boils Down To Testing And Tracking

There are a lot of different business models in Internet marketing. You can choose to sell your own products or promote free affiliate programs. You can buy and sell websites or start a brokerage business. You can be a salesman and take a percentage when you close deals.

In fact, there are dozens of different Internet marketing models and that's why many newbies tend to be subject to information overload. They try the publishing business on Monday, and on Thursday they leave it to start making money with clickbank.

One week later, they find that they didn't make any money with any of these two models and they start complaining on various forums saying that this doesn't work

What a bad way to do business. Imagine for a moment that you are an offline business owner. Let's suppose that you are pizzeria owner. Would it make sense for you to try to make money selling shoes on Monday and then try your hands at real estate the day after?

Nope. This wouldn't make sense. If you are a pizzeria owner, you need to spend your time improving your business. For example, try to reduce the costs and expenses of your business. Try to find more customers. In three words: improve your existing business instead of chasing new opportunities.

If Internet marketer beginners could understand this, they wouldn't be failing. The secret of online business all boils down to testing and tracking. You need to tweak what doesn't work until it becomes profitable. The problem is that many people make the mistake of thinking that everything they start should work.

This is wrong. Most of the time, long term results are different than short term results.

To learn more about how you can master niche affiliate marketing, please visit his website today to start right away

Franck Silvestre specializes in providing a successful niche marketing plan right from the start.

Profitable Article Marketing - Advanced Tips for Article Marketing

What is article marketing?

Article marketing is the process of writing articles, including links back to your own site, and submitting them to the various online article directories.

Article marketing is considered to be as very effective method of promoting your web site. Many internet marketers today specialize in article marketing. The internet marketers pay all due attention towards it, because of the high quality leads that can be generated. These people help promoting the web site through writing high quality articles.

You only need to understand the importance of this kind of marketing. Article marketing may produce results on a slower pace as compared to the other kinds of promotional efforts. The results produced by the article marketing campaigns however will be long lasting. You will start getting more quality web traffic due to your article marketing campaigns. There are many ways of making your article marketing campaigns successful. Some of these ways are mentioned below.

If you want your article marketing campaign to be successful, you need to know your target market. You must be sure about the places which people from your target market may visit. Write good quality articles. It is very important. People nowadays do not compromiser on quality as they have so much to choose from. Write carefully and produce good quality stuff. The number of articles is also very important. You need to churn out more and more articles of good quality to make sure that your article marketing campaign is a success. Submit the articles to the right web sites. The quality and the frequency of your submissions will decide the future of your article marketing campaigns. If you are not very good at article writing, you can hire professional copywriters for this work.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.