
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What is SEO?

When creating a website we always seek to find free traffic to that website without having to work too many hours to achieve that free traffic. By successfully developing a good SEO strategy you can increase your rankings within the Google and Yahoo searches and top your competitors.

First we need to understand how SEO is determined by the search engines. The search engines determine placing your website on the first two pages of a searched keyword by these main criteria:

    Popularity or rankings
    Link connections
    Viewings online
    Good content


The more narrow a search is the more likely your website is likely to be called up for specific searches based on relevance. It is therefore important to include a lot of content within your website.

The more content you have the more likely you are to stumble upon people searching for obscure keyword searches which will only be determined by content within a site or blog pages.


This is determined by how often your website is viewed and also if it registers with any major other websites or social marketing means. These can substancially increase your seo as they are often owned by the same search engines - hence blogging and UTube have become so successful.

Link connections

The more companies you link with the better. It is all about who you know. (as in real life!) The more highly ranked those websites are that you link with, the better it is for you. By ranking with a website that achieves a ranking of 4, you are almost guaranteed a top ranking within a short 48hrs!

Viewings online

By placing your website address on various different forums and chat rooms owned by the various different search engine companies, you are almost guaranteed to increase your rankings. Get involved in as many forums and chat rooms as you can (specific to your industry) and you are likely to gain an increase in SEO and natural traffic from those viewers. Google and Yahoo search through each others sites to determine SEO by popularity and how often your website is seen on the world wide web.

Good Content

Google and Yahoo want to give their searches a solution to their search. By offering good relevant content which really solves the readers problems or answers their questions, you are giving their readers what they want. Don't just write arbitrary information - you never know who might be reading it and making a judgment call on your website. It could be the difference between a sale or not!

SEO is a much more involved concept and there are software tools to determine rankings, anchor text and how many linkages high ranking websites have.

All tips and advice are given to aid internet marketers and business owners. For a full review of how to market your website, design it, research your market and earn an income from your website, please visit Easy to follow chapters guiding you through the process step-by-step.

Profitable Article Marketing - 6 Quick Tips to Effective Article Marketing

As the online business evolves the more competitive business people get to be. This is the reason why a lot of innovative and fresher methods on how to better do article marketing are being demanded by the business and marketing sector. Below are some of the suggestions on how to effectively perform article marketing:

1. Assess your capacity to produce more articles. The more articles that you are able to produce the greater your chances to attain more visibility in the online arena, thus potentially accessible to majority of the net users.

2. Come up with a long list of topics that you want and can write. This is to prepare you in meeting the demands of the online industry for more possible articles to be published. Articles are becoming the source of information of many net users, thus the rise in the demand.

3. When prompted to write articles, write the topics that are most significant to you and to your potential readers. Not only this becomes easy for you to do but more especially, this becomes a lot of fun.

4. Fill in your article content with the right amount of keywords and search terms to make sure that you get to be accessed easily by the net users and search engines.

5. Develop a good sense of checking your work. Remember that your article material is going to be publicly accessed and read. The word of mouth is very contagious and powerful. Thus, when you have a good quality of work, it is going to be easier for your readers to refer it to their friends and even business associates.

6. Make a good strategy on how you can better have good publication slot in the publishing sites. You will need to make sure that you get to have the spot where your presence gets to be easily noticed by the readers.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.