
Saturday, May 10, 2008

How to Write Articles That Get Published

I get a lot of questions from my subscribers asking how to write articles. If my subscribers are asking about it, I assume that many others also want information on writing articles. Following is a basic outline on how to get started writing articles and getting them published on the Internet.

You do not need to be the next Stephen King to write articles. Most authors are people just like you and me. Write in a simple, easy to understand tone. Write it as though you are talking to a friend. An informal article written in a conversational manner is best.

Start out by writing on subjects you are familiar with. After you gain some writing experience, you can begin to research and write about topics you are not familiar with. Try to keep the length of your articles between 300 and 500 words.

One of the main components of your article is the title. Spend some time developing a good title that attracts readers. Your title is the advertising for your article. In most cases, your article will be listed along with many others. People normally scan through the article titles to decide which one interests them. If your article contains a compelling title, it will attract more readers. If your title is dull and uninteresting, few people will read your article.

Start your article with a good introduction. Tell the reader why you are writing the article and why how they might benefit by reading it.

After the introduction, start a new paragraph and begin the body of your article. Separate it into different paragraphs for each point you want to cover. By using a number of paragraphs, it is easier on the eyes and makes for a more attractive presentation. The body of your article should provide between three and ten points that you want to cover. Don't think that you have to include everything you know about the subject. Remember, you want you article to contain 300 to 500 words. Stay within those limits.

Finish the article with a solid conclusion. Recap what you told the reader and mention how they will benefit by using the information you provided.

After you've completed the article, use a good spelling and grammar checker on your work. Most word processors today include these tools so make sure you use them. If your article is riddled with errors, many publishers will not accept it. Before submitting your article, do a slow and thorough proofreading of your work. A spelling checker will not flag the word "kit" as a misspelling, even though you intended to write the word "knit".

These are the basics of article writing. As you can see, the process is easy enough for anyone to do. Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can. I'm not a brain surgeon, you know. Use the techniques described above to begin your enjoyable and lucrative career as a writer. Good luck.

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Article Marketing - The Failing Formula!

How can you fail at article marketing? The process is very simple actually. You have probably even heard of them by now. You probably even live by these failing formulas! They seem logical, but really, they don't work. What are these simple failing formulas?

The article marketing failing formulas

  • You should republish your articles for greater publicity. I don't know if you know this or not, but search engines do not index duplicated content. Well they do, but your duplicate content must get more inbound links than the original or other duplicates. Why should you duplicate content if it just means more work, for an article that might not even get more than 10 views? It's not worth doing, and it's not going to make your article marketing journey skyrocket.
  • Create tons of articles, it doesn't matter if they suck. This is completely false. All of your articles should be written well and it should have valuable content. If you think that your going to make it in article marketing by publishing articles that give the reader absolutely no information, you are sadly mistaken. It's true and there is no thought around it. Your articles should contain valuable information and it should be enjoyable to read. Article quality is very important to article marketing.
  • Only publish 1-10 articles. This is not a good tactic in this marketing strategy. The fewer articles that you make, the more likely your articles are not going to be viewed. Just writing 10 articles isn't going to get you the page ranking you deserve. It can, but it's very rare. It really is! You should be writing articles regularly, the more you write, the more publicity you're going to get!
  • Your title doesn't matter. This is my favorite failing formula. Your articles title is important. It needs to be able to attract your readers attention. Your articles title is what makes the reader decide to click on your link when there are other links out there. Your article title matters!

These are simple failing fomulas that you might be going by, so just sit down for a bit, and think about how you write your articles. If you use any of these formulas, you might find yourself in the fast track to article marketing failure!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Article Marketing - How to Improve Your Targeted Lead Generation Using Article Writing Techniques

Like most internet marketers, network marketers and online business owners you are always searching to find responsive sources of targeted lead generation and increased web site traffic, at least thats what I am constantly being asked about.

You have heard it all before, all the things you must do:

  • Target your market
  • Increase web site traffic
  • Entice responses to your opt in forms
  • Collect your leads contact information
  • Improve conversion rates
  • Build your lists
  • Monetize your lists

Your question is still - How do you do that effectively?

Start by learning how to deploy an article writing strategy to target your lead generation efforts by:

  1. Researching the categories in popular article directories, and select topics that are relevant to your target market for your article writing campaign
  2. Researching keyword phrases related to those topics, for example, if you Google "targeted lead generation" or "lead generation you will find the competition is 11, 300 for the former compared to 1,900,000 for the latter, hence you would use the phrase "targeted lead generation" to attract visitors interested in that segment of the broader lead generation market.
  3. Targeting your keyword phrases in your article writing, to improve your conversion rate of article readers to visit the "targeted lead generation" anchor text in the link of your articles "bio" or "resource box" leading them to your web site.
  4. Providing valuable content to help your readers answer their questions, or solve the problem is your primary purpose in article writing. By doing so you will establish yourself as a "go-to" resource in your target market, that your targeted leads will want to hear from, so they will be willing to give you their contact information, if you ask them in an appropriate manner.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new e-book, a guide to creating profits online successfully - "How to Breathe Life into Your On-Line Business"

- Download it here - Free: - Learn How Targeted Lead Generation Starts the Art of Creating Profits Online

Are you just getting started online, or trying to jump start your sagging profits online again? Discover How to Help Your Online Business with Targeted Lead Generation Here Now

Leo Hanes is full time internet marketer, writing and publishing over 100 articles and four books primarily focused on the core principles of creating profits online.

Article Marketing - Where to Market Your Online Business With Articles

You've written about a thousand articles and they're sitting right there in your computer waiting for you to do something with them, but what do you do with them? You can't use them all in your own site, but you want to use them to promote your work. Here are three wonderful places to post those articles for profits in your pockets.

1. Article Submission Sites

Regardless of how many sites you submit your articles to, this recommendation will save you time and effort. Select five of your favorite article marketing submission sites, and ALWAYS submit to those five sites. It becomes easy to keep track of all your articles. You have five backup copies of your articles. And, those five article marketing sites can count on your expertise in your field. Readers come back to find you. Don't disappoint them!

2. Your Website

Whether you publish an unending stream of your articles via RSS Feed, or whole articles in your blog, or links to your latest content, your website should showcase your articles in some fashion. You'll want readers to come there first! Bring them in with high quality content. Keep them with dynamic value only YOU can provide.

3. Submission & Resource Links

Submit your articles to ezine publishers who value your incites and perspectives. By submitting your articles to specific publishers, you may receive monetary reimbursement as a regular writer, but more importantly, your readers will have a resource where they know they can read your work. Perhaps a column in your favorite publication would be a helpful resource for both of you. They get fine content, you get exposure.

Are you ready to learn more about Article Marketing?

Obtain 2 FREE Article Marketing Templates at and learn more about the SECRET of Prospering from Online Marketing. Advertize is an online business owned by Jan Verhoeff, an Internet Marketer who believes Content is King. You may visit about online marketing and a wealth of information.

Article Marketing - Ideas For Using Article Marketing To Promote Your Website

This can be a very effective promotional method. The amount of traffic and backlinks that you can obtain from article marketing is only limited by your efforts. Here are some ideas.

Copy writing has the potential to increase your profits. Incorporating these four ideas into your promotional efforts is sure to inject your marketing plan with a new vitality and renewed success. If you do it correctly article marketing can become one of your most effective means of building page rank and direct traffic to your site.

You absolutely must have a detailed and in depth marketing plan for your articles. Your article marketing deserves as much attention as any other service or product being marketed anywhere. Not only must they be marketed, they must be sold. In order to accomplish this it is essential that you have and use a coordinated strategy. Just having the plan laid it is not good if it is not followed.

Now more than ever the field of copy writing and article marketing is a highly competitive. It is entirely appropriate to consult with and even obtain the services of a profession when creating your marketing plan. Professionals in this field have experience in helping create plans and keeping clients on track with their marketing efforts. A web site is one thing that every successful individual in article marketing agree upon. This is a definite must have as it allows you to showcase your articles and skills as a writer. This gives you a place to promote your skills and talent. Keep in mind that this web site must be appropriate to your work and goals as a writer.

Last but not least, you should consider forming strategic alliances with businesses and others. This can be online or off. Joining forces with others increases your exposure and expands your potential customer base. Work smarter not harder and watch your profits grow.

You can get a free copy of our latest ebook by clicking here: The 7 Keys To Business Marketing Success Sean Milea writes about Business Marketing