
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Search engine optimization is the art of upholding the search engine ranking of your web page. And this art is crafted by artisans called SEOs, who can feel the pulse of web and move with a bang followed by cutting-edge optimization techniques. There are innumerable tools and techniques of a successful optimization. A few are outlined below:

  • Link Building: Link building is an effective tool of search engine optimization. For a sound optimization, you need to exchange links from those who share interest similar to you. It is good to stare at those links which are worth important and share with those who are having a good page rank. Search engine usually do not consider those sites, which have no link/s pointing to its web page/s. Apart from giving links, you should check twice if someone is requesting you for a link exchange. Check out his site, its subject, page rank, value. If nothing is worrying you, add his link.
  • Web Site Design: For those, who want to get indexed, web site design is of great importance. It's good to go for a design that appeals but it shouldn't be over emphasized. Opt for a design that speaks for you more than itself. If possible stay away from flash websites. Give due importance to text content than HTML. Use all the latest and graphic designing tools to make it relevant and appropriate. However, shed those who sound too much.
  • Title tag and Alt Tag: Title tag has its necessary importance in a successful search engine optimization. Put title tag in every single web page. Put exact keyword for a web page in the title-tag. Alt tag is equally important. While optimizing, you should put the main keyword/s in Alt tag. But restrain from over doing the same.
  • Page size: Size matters! To let the robots spider your web page faster, you need to mull over the size of your web page. It is suggested to keep your website page between 5k and 15k in size. Anything more or less might create troubles to open-up your web page.
  • Content: Content is king. And this king is not backed by soldiers but by keywords. Search out the right keywords, add matters according to the context and get it uploaded. Optimize the site regularly and you are sure to garner innumerable clicks a day.

Above are a few of many important tools of a successful search engine optimization. The main purpose of it is upgrading the essential value and dignity of any website. And in course of doing the same, they decide, discover and develop. If every technique could be adapted and implemented thoroughly, your website will feature at the top of search engine rankings.

He is the founder of a resourceful SEO India company that offers complete SEO Services to carry out optimization activities successfully.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is undoubtedly the most efficient and cost effective product and website promotional tool these days. It is being used by a lot of webmasters from across the globe because it can easily augment website's traffic and increase their sales potential.

Here are the 4 popular steps to explode your article marketing:

1. Target market. The one element that will guarantee you success in article marketing is knowing how to satisfy your target market. When you do, you can be assured that your articles will be widely read and distributed online. This is the reason why it is very crucial to know the people you are writing for even before you tap on your key board. Get to know their needs, demands, profile, and preferences. These can help you make your articles more targeted and focused to their demands.

2. Titles. When people search for information online, they are usually presented with numerous articles. People choose the article to read based on title alone at least on this point. Don't let your articles be ignored by giving them titles that are truly interesting and attention-grabbing. This can help you dramatically increase your clickthrough rate.

3. Writing skills. Never be contented with what you know and strive to improve on your craft so you can always offer the best to your readers. This can easily be done through constant practice and by attending seminars or coaching programs that are specifically created to help you excel in the field of writing.

4. Quantity. One of the best ways to excel in article marketing is to multiply the number of your output to easily augment the number of your inbound links. If you can't extend your writing hours, you can hire ghostwriters to do the legwork for you.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

There are a few marketing tricks you can use to begin building traffic to your website. If you are an affiliate marketer, or network marketer, this method will bring you target traffic by using article submission.

The first thing to remember is that you should be the person writing your articles if you want this trick to work for free. You do not have to be a great writer at all. If this seems too daunting, then there are writers on the Internet that will take over this task for you.

Article submission to drive traffic to your site needs to have the subject matter of your articles be something about the product, or company you are trying to market on your site. It does no good to have your article be about pencils, if you are trying to market pens.

Break up your articles into small 500 word articles using SEO methods. Optimizing your articles for article submission to content sites is to get your articles listed naturally as part of that content site.

Google loves article sites. Their spiders index these article content sites on a regular basis. When your article submission is accepted, this then becomes a part of that site and gets indexed along with everything else for article submission into the search engine.

Use target keywords in your articles. If the product you're writing about is foreign auto parts with regards to hubcaps, then your keyword might be "foreign car hubcaps". You would want to use this keyword at least 6-8 times throughout your article.

This helps to make your article relevant to Google, when it is indexed. This also will go far to give your article a high ranking when someone is looking for foreign car hubcaps for their car. SEO article submission like this will target your market so your traffic is right on what you are marketing.

The key to people reading your articles then getting to your marketing page is simple. All of the article content sites will allow you to leave a link at the bottom of your article. This link would be the URL to your page so you receive the traffic generated from your article submission.

It helps to leave a closing comment to your readers, so if they are looking for a wide selection of foreign car hubcaps, they can follow your link to check out this resource. This is the key to making this trick work to receive targeted traffic.

Article submission to article content sites is not a new marketing trick, but it is an effective one. Done correctly, your article submission has the power to rank first page on Google and stay there for months, generating a steady income resource to you over and over again.

Another key to article submission is to engage your readers so they don't just leave without finishing the article. It has been shown that people reading online have a shorter attention span than when reading a magazine article. If your article entices the readers to want more information about the subject, then they are more than likely going to follow the link you left for them at the bottom of it.

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert on articles in the field of Internet marketing. He can be found on the internet at this website:

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert in the field of Article Writing and Submissions. He can be found on the internet at this website: :Article Distribution

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Unique Visitors to your site means more sales and more revenue. The term "Unique Visitors" denotes the number of visitors who are visiting your website first time. Unique visitors can be counted for a day, week or month as the case may be. For getting unique views for your site, you need to have content that are unique and apt for your website. A fresh content not only helps people to become more interested in your site but also helps the search engines to identify and track your website based on the keywords used in your content.

It is worth analyzing the tastes of new visitors to your site with the help of web analytic tools. Tune your website content based on these valuable information. These information can contain various keywords and combination of keywords used to reach your site, how many people visited to your site and the average time they stayed on your site, Geographical location etc. These tools help a Webmaster to analyze the traffic trends in depth and make adjustments in pages. Use this information for deciding your link building strategies for future. Every time a visitor visit your page the expect something from your site. It is your responsibility to fulfill their expectations. Usually a new visitor stays on a site not more than 10 seconds. So this 10 seconds are very valuable to you and make every effort to retain the visitor.

Visitors come through search engines and links or online advertisements placed in other sites. Make sure that these links are promoted to the right category of websites and is placed in a more visible area. You need to identify potential websites for your links to be placed in order to deliver quality traffic to your website.

Visit building good links for gaining an insight on various link-building strategies.

Gijo George

Visit Unique Gifts for gifts from around the world.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

When you know you have a great website or product to offer you want the world to know about it too. You could spend a lot of money advertising but in the long run this may cost you more money than you make. Alternatively, you could consider reciprocal links to other related websites. This could boost traffic to your website and the links will also increase your popularity with the search engines.

The advantages of reciprocal links outweigh the disadvantages for several reasons. When you link to another website it allows their traffic to click onto your website which increases your traffic.

When you use reciprocal links, their traffic can become your traffic and you do not face any advertising bills. Reciprocal links can be a great idea for those who are just starting out in their own business or website online and can't really afford to pay out a lot on advertising until they get more traffic to their site.

The main disadvantage of reciprocal links is that you share everything, including the customers. By placing links to other websites on your site, you are encouraging them to visit these other sites. So, while you may be getting increased traffic, you may experience reduced sales as visitors navigate away to other websites.

You may also need to watch out for reciprocal link scams. You may have seen emails from people requesting to exchange links to your website. Sometimes, these are legitimate, but often they are not and the link to your website may end up on a non-searchable site with a bunch of other links.

This brings us to the point that the value of reciprocal links depends very much on the site where your link appears. If it is on a popular website with plenty traffic and a good search engine ranking, then a reciprocal link is well worth it. However, a reciprocal link is worthless if it appears on some obscure website that receives few visitors.

If someone offers a reciprocal link to your website, make sure to check them out thoroughly to ensure that the link will genuinely be of benefit to your website and your business.

The benefits of reciprocal links for your website will depend very much on your own circumstances and the quality of links you can find. If you are just starting out and are receiving few visitors to your website, some good reciprocal links could help kick start your website. However, if you are already well-established there may be better advertising and marketing options available to you.

For more freelance business ideas, visit

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Try to use both these techniques for search marketing

If you are contemplating using pay-per-click (PPC) advertising or search engine optimization (SEO) for your marketing efforts, here's what need to know. PPC advertising is, beyond doubt, one of the most favored (read effective) ways of generating new leads and prospects for your website. Within a fraction of a second, any business-large or small-can achieve the top position for any keyword that describes its product or services. However, the moment you stop paying for clicks, you lose all your advertisements from the search results.

SEO is a whole new ballgame altogether. The aim of SEO is to make your website more search-engine friendly and increase its popularity by purchasing or exchanging links, so it can rank higher in the natural results. Unlike PPC advertising, you don't have to pay here for individual clicks.

But SEO is not as easy as it may seem, and no one has a quick, sure-fire way to accomplish it. It takes days, sometimes months, to reach the first page of results for specific keywords. Even then, there is no guarantee you'll stay there forever.

Additionally, the learning curve to optimize your website is steep. You end up reading a lot. Some businesses even hire a professional SEO expert to get the job done. In any case, SEO can garner terrific results over the long term, even surpassing PPC advertising in terms of its effectiveness.

If your website makes it to the top rankings for the most popular keywords relating to your business, you'll witness a steady stream of customers-new and old-without having to pay a dime. This is especially true since most customers tend to try out the natural listings before they click on the sponsored.

So there, is one method necessarily better than the other? Not quite. Try to focus on PPC advertising for achieving short-term goals (although it works like a charm in the long term as well.) If your objective is to produce the most results for your business, try using both these techniques for search marketing.

James O'Brien
Shopping cart software

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The greatest asset to your business is your Customer, specifically, your Customer Lifetime Value.

In my many years in Sales and Marketing, I've met many CEOs and business owners who don't have much clue as to what Customer Lifetime Value is, much less its importance and the impact it has on their bottomline. To most of them, what matters most is to increase revenue by continuously acquiring new one-shot customers.

This is one of the fatal mistakes that many business owners make; it's a sad scenario, but it's also the reality. Let me tell you something: it'll cost you 5 times more to attract a new customer than it is to bring one of your past customers back to you.

I don't know you personally, but if you're a smart business owner, you'll understand that every cent you invest in advertising is going towards acquiring new customers. You'll also realise that once you've acquired the customers, you just can't afford to let them go.

So what's Customer Lifetime Value?

Customer Lifetime Value is defined as the total value, in monetary terms, of your average customers spanning the entire period that these customers are likely to do business with you. It's the potential contribution of your customers to your business over a period of time.

Here's how to calculate your Customer Lifetime Value:

1). Let's say you've 2,000 steady customers and these customers remain with you for an average of two years; for the past two years, your net profit was $700,000.

The Customer Lifetime Value can be calculated as: $700,000/2,000 = $350.

What this means is that over an average customer lifespan of two years, each new customer you could acquire and keep is worth $350 to you in profits.

2). If you do not have the actual figures, you'll have to estimate. As the Customer Lifetime Value will have a significant impact on your bottomline, my advice is that you be prudent and conservative in your estimation.

Why is it so important to you and your business?

Lifetime Customer Value is important to you and your business for the following reasons:

1). Knowing the Lifetime Value of your customers is crucial to you and your business as it serves as a benchmark without which you'll be groping in the dark.

When you know the Lifetime Value of your customers, you can determine how much time, effort and money you can afford to invest to acquire that customer in the first instance.

In other words, you can invest more today to reap a much larger profits later down the road as long as your cashflow is healthy and can support it.

Every marketing campaign that you undertake costs you money as well as reaping you benefits such as increased sales, enhanced corporate image, etc. But how can you be sure that the benefits would outweigh the costs or investments? This is where knowing the Customer Lifetime Value is so powerful - it helps you to determine this even before you launch your marketing campaign.

2). When you realize that customers are actually an ongoing stream of revenue as opposed to a one-shot sale, you can re-focus your marketing efforts.

Instead of contantly struggling to acquire more and more new customers, you can now begin to focus on keeping your existing customers longer and selling to them repeatedly, in other words, repeat sales.

You may spend more like making stronger and more attractive offers than your competition in acquiring new customers now who will be your money spinners tomorrow.

This makes sense because you now know that on average you'll more than make it back over the years that the customers are with you and therefore you could afford to break even or even lose money now in acquiring the new customers.

Start shifting your focus to Customer Lifetime Value and maximise your profits today!

Start to have a proper understanding of Customer Lifetime Value because it's key to the success of your business. It'll allow you to acquire more customers than your competition through better and more attractive offers; it'll dramatically increase your bottomline through more repeat sales and shoot your profits through the roof.

About the Author

Copyright 2004 by Larry Lim,

Larry Lim is a practising marketing strategist and tactician who dishes out highly effective marketing strategies and tactics that will enable you to successfully start and grow your business on the Internet.

Check out his Internet Marketing Strategy website that is jam-packed with internet marketing secrets and softwares that will skyrocket your sales, and shoot your profits through the roof.

To read more of Larry Lim's articles, visit