
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

This is an interesting trick. Some internet marketers may not consider this a "trick" per say. First, let me tell you what WIIFM stands for. This stands for "What's In It For Me". And it is simply one thing your current sales page CANNOT afford to be without.

Anybody who buys anything always wants to know how this purchased product will benefit THEM. They don't care about what it will do necessarily. Rather what it will do for THEM is the key point.

People are selfish by nature. Especially online. They don't care about you, or what you're trying to accomplish. They only care about themselves. It's harsh, but it's also true.

I can guarantee you this. . . No matter what internet marketing training course you take, article you read, ebook you buy, they will all tell you the same thing when it comes to making a great sales letter, telling your customers What's In It For Them.

Don't make your sales page about YOU. NO ONE CARES! Most of your visitors will skip that part anyway. They don't want to hear about YOU. Even if it's the most interesting story in the world. They didn't come to your sales page to read about how interesting your life has been.

They came there to SPEND THEIR CASH. Don't distract them by writing your life story. Save that for your personal page. Get to why they should buy your product because it will do x-y-z for them.

Another thing you will commonly hear from internet marketers that have been on the scene for a while is this: List Benefits, Not Features. Pretty much they're saying the same thing in a different way. Look at it like this, who freakin' cares if your "widget" comes in 3 sizes and 5 fabulous colors? What you REALLY need to be telling them is how they can order a customized version of your product to fit their lifestyle. See the difference there?

You've told them the SAME thing, but in a way that will directly benefit THEM. Selling isn't about YOU, it's about THEM. You aren't trying to sell something to yourself you know.

This dirty trick can, and should be, used on anything and everything you sell!

Come Find Out Why Some Marketer Selfishly Generate Massive Success and see HOW You Can do the Same -

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

What exactly is niche marketing?

Niche marketing is marketing to a select group of potential customers inside a much larger customer base. This is often done because there is a need that is not being addressed by providers who target the larger customer base. In other words, there is a demand for something that isn't being supplied. If you can satisfy that demand, you have a potential market waiting to pay you for what you can offer them.

The Internet Marketing niche has many sub-niches

For example, inside the target market of Internet marketing, there are many niches, including search engine marketing, PPC marketing, Google AdWords, article marketing, bum marketing, and more. Those who write eBooks on just Internet marketing don't directly address these niches.

You could further refine those to include even more specific niche markets. For example, you could fill the niche market of PPC marketers who just use Google AdWords or just use Yahoo Search Marketing, etc.

As these niche markets have grown, so have their desire for information and resources that they can directly use for their businesses, which are not satisfied by those who just target the large Internet marketing market. Those businesses that primarily focus on article marketing are not going to be very interested in PPC marketing, just like those who primarily use Google AdWords are not going to be very interested in article marketing.

That's why there are marketers who market directly to niches - they can better satisfy what those niche customers are asking for because those niche marketers directly address the problems facing the niche target markets.

The over saturation of a niche

Niche marketing has become one of the primary ways to market over the last few years because many are starting to realize that Internet marketing is becoming over saturated with Internet marketers and their products. This makes it much harder to earn profit from the large Internet marketing market. Those who are new to the Internet marketing world will have an even harder time breaking through into the Internet marketing market because there are many established Internet marketers who have very loyal customer bases that trust those specific marketers and their products.

New Internet marketers can better compete or even dominate a niche because there is little to no competition in that niche. The more you can target a specific niche, the better the chance you will have of carving out a profitable piece of that niche and/or even becoming the main provider to that niche. This is how new Internet marketers especially can make it big online.

Niches can be discovered in just about every market

Many Internet marketers make nice sums of income online by targeting different niches, some not even related to each other. They'll do the necessary research to determine whether a profitable niche market exists for a product/service they can supply, select a domain name, build a website, and start marketing it to the niche target market.

However, niches don't have to deal directly with marketing. Niches can be carved out of almost any possible market, whether it would be dogs, cats, plants, electronics, writing, cars, etc.

For instance, talking about electronics, you can have niches that involve computers, stereo systems, televisions, MP3 players, DVD players, etc. Furthermore, you can narrow those niches down even further; for computers, you could have desktops and laptops. You could break those down even further - with laptops, for instance, you could have whether they utilize Centrino technology or not, as well as what computer brand they use and what processor powers them.

You can also limit niches to other factors involving the target market, such as age, occupation, income, place of residence, etc.

For instance, you can target teenagers who want MP3 players. You can make your offer more appealing to that market by including free music downloads of the most popular young artists today when they purchase the MP3 player from you.

Research your way to discover new niches

As you can see, virtually any market can be broken down into smaller markets, or niches, by way of the product, the target market, or both. The key is to finding out what needs are not being satisfied by companies and websites that are already out there and then providing a valuable offer that that niche target market will be eager to purchase. With an almost unlimited number of niche markets, and more appearing every day, niche marketing will likely not become saturated anytime soon.

Sonja Davis provides valuable resources to HOT Tips, Tools and Information to help your Internet Marketing business prosper. For more information on these topics please go to Sonja's Blog

Subscribe to my newsletter for valuable information along with weekly gifts to help you with your marketing needs. For more information on these topics please go to Sonja's Newsletter

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

A lot of webmasters, especially those who are just starting out, have limited marketing budget. But that doesn't mean that they cannot popularize their websites. With the advent of article marketing, a free and effective marketing tool, anyone can make a name online by just writing and distributing articles online.

1. Pick the best topics. In doing so, you must remember that your topics must be able to generate the interest and attention of your target market or those people who are most likely to buy from you. So, if you are selling golf equipments, you should write about golfing tips, world's famous golfers, upcoming tournaments, etc. These articles will surely attract those people who are playing or at least interested about golf - these are the people who you would like to drive to your website to augment your sales potential.

2. Widely distribute your articles. The effectiveness of your article marketing campaign lies on how many targeted people you are able to connect to. So, aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles on your blog, social networking sites, social bookmarking sites, forums, or on your own website. You can also use them as newsletter content when you publish your ezine or compile them to create an ebook.

3. Be particular with your titles. Your articles, no matter how good they were written, will be ignored online if your titles are lousy. Improve your click through rate by using headlines that are attention-grabbing, enticing, direct to the point, intriguing, and keyword-rich.

4. Don't forget your potential audience. Always keep them in mind when writing your content and make sure that you design your articles to meet their needs and demands.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is a means of using articles to generate traffic to your website. You achieve this initially by writing articles containing useful content, relevant to the topic of your site, and then submitting them to article directories. If your writing is sufficiently compelling, readers will want to know more about what you have written, and will click on the link you provide to your website.

Article submission does two things. Firstly it provides you with the opportunity to persuade the reader to find out more from your website, as inferred above, and it also provides you with a one way link back from the article directory. The higher the page ranking of the directory, then the more credit the search engines will give you for the link. Engines such as Google take your link popularity as a significant factor when calculating where your webpage should be listed in the index for the specific keyword your page relates to.

Your Article Must have Merit

However, it does not stop there. Should the visitor consider that your article is of sufficient merit to warrant them using it as content on their own website, they are entitled to copy it so long as they include your name as author, and your authors resource box, complete with webpage URL. You then get a one way link back from all the sites that use your article, and also visitors that click on your link from these sites.

Thats the theory, but how about the practice? In fact it is slightly more difficult that that. The article has to be well enough written to be accepted by the directories first, though from what I have seen that is not too difficult. Some directories are quite liberal as to what they call writing. It is not the directories that are the problem, it is the readers. People have a certain standard that they expect of internet writing, and if they feel that it is not met then they will click away from the article.

Dont Try to Fool the Reader

The article must also be of interest and relevant to the theme. You dont get people clicking to visit your website unless they find your content of interest and feel that your website could be of potential use to them. So write about what you know, and dont try to fool anybody. Many people who access your article will know more that you about the topic, and will spot any inaccuracies immediately. Be accurate and try to provide information that will help them. Visitors to your website want to be helped, have a question answered or a problem solved.

Your resource box is also important. Dont say too much about yourself: readers are not interested in your life history. Just tell them that they can find out more on your website. Provide them with a link a page in your site that deals exactly with what you wrote about and preferably with the same title, so that when they get there they will start reading.

Use Anchor Text where Possible

If you provide a link to a page within your site, rather than just the home page, it is regarded as of being more important to a search engine, especially if that link is provided by means of anchor text. That is text that indicates the topic of your web page, rather than being just a URL. You can do this if html is allowed. If you dont know how to use html, just write something to the effect more information on this topic can be found on my web page This Topic.

Write that exactly, inserting your own website and page URL, and your resource box will have This Topic as a clickable link. The search engines will associate your web page as being connected to This Topic, and that will improve the listing of that page.

Article marketing is a powerful way of using articles to promote your website, increase your traffic, and improve your search engine listings. Do it well, and you will see a significant difference in traffic to your site.

More information on the use of article marketing to promote your website and get increased traffic can be found on his webpage

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is one of the most common Internet marketing techniques discussed. The "guru's" say "market your site by writing articles & distributing them for free and you'll see a dramatic increase in site traffic". Skeptics say "I've tried that and it doesn't work". Here is what I say:

The most common mistake I see in article marketing is a lack of focus. I see so many people trying to promote their sites by writing about things that are not related. To put it simply- that is not going to be effective.

If you have an online pet supply shop, you cannot write articles about home tanning salons and expect that to bring in traffic. Sure, you might pick up a few backlinks which could increase your ranking in Google, but I am sure you want more for your business.

Step 1 is to write about a subject that is related to your business.

Step 2 is to make sure it's well-written, informative, and not a rehash of another article (stay away from the article scraping software)

Step 3 is to not expect overnight results

Step 4 save yourself time by outsourcing the distribution of the article

I will be honest and say that article marketing does not work well for every business.

For example, when I write about marketing and writing I see a surge in my site traffic and I always get contacted by several potential clients. In fact, most of my clients have read an article that I have published somewhere.

However, I am involved in other endeavors and article marketing has not been beneficial at all. For one of my sites, I tried an aggressive article marketing campaign and I got a ton of backlinks in google but nothing else. I tried article marketing on another site of mine and it did absolutely nothing but fine-tune my writing skills.

In summary, does article marketing work? Yes but it all depends.

DJ Nelson is a marketing communications writer. Subscribe to her monthly newsletter "The Write Business Strategies" and learn how to drive sales to your product or service by using effective Marketing Communication (Marcom) strategies. Visit her site at

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

In my last article, I suggested that you can change the world by writing articles that make a difference to you. Also in that article, I said that if you want to write more articles, then you should read more articles. It seems like there are two ways to do everything on the Internet: the fast, easy, massive powerful way, and the right way. Now, if at this point you are thinking why are those three sentences all in one paragraph, and does this maniac think he is going to be able to pull these three different things together. The answer is *Yes,* and in less than 10,000 words too... Let's get started.

When I first started online, I was fortunate enough to be taught to start with a content website. After learning about search engine optimization (SEO), keyword content, authority sites, and back links, I knew I needed to submit articles to article directories so I could built back links to my site, helping me give my site more credibility and increasing my rankings in the search engines.

I was taught that I was not to expect the articles to bring traffic to my site, but that it was the links I wanted for better search engine rankings. (I no longer believe that last statement.) I was also taught that it was better to pick specific directories that were actually related in theme and content to the theme and content of my website.

So, what did I do, I came across and ad that said I could have my article submitted to over 500 directories in less than a day. In case you have not noticed, I am the kind of guy that thinks if two aspirin are good, then ten must be better. I also want to say, that in my training they did teach that SEO was not a fast process, but that if done correctly, it was a lucrative one. Anyway, I thought I was going to jump right on the fast track and get two or three of my articles posted in over 500 directories, and this would bring hundreds of people to my site, and that the search engines would want to put my site to the top of the page, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

Well, like I said, there is the fast, easy, massive powerful way, and then there is the right way. Guess what, I did not get much traffic, maybe 3 or 4 visitors, and I did not get my article posted on hundreds of directories. Did I mention that deep down inside of me a little voice was saying, if everyone did this, there would be millions of worthless articles stored on hard drives that would serve no purpose except to create back links? Then the little voice said, if millions of people did it, it would be valueless to the search engines or anyone else. Let's contrast that to what I am doing now.

Now I am trying to write 30 articles. I have 21 active articles on I have had about 300 people read these articles and about 10 of them have been published elsewhere by I don't know who. I have personally read about 50 to 60 articles in this directory myself. I really like this article directory. I have confidence that my articles bring value to my readers and to the directory, because I write about things that I think are honestly interesting and important.

When I finish writing 30 articles, I plan on making keyword content videos out of some of them and posting those videos on YouTube with back links to my site. I have my profile filled out on and my picture posted. I did a search to see if I could find any of my old articles, and I found one in a directory that I never heard of and it has been viewed 5 times and although it did have my resource box, all it had in the profile was my first and last name. I surprised that I haven't had a hundred people call me off of that one article aren't you?

Once I get these 30 articles written, I may do some research and pick a few more directories and post some of them with those. I will read articles and do a little research before I pick those new directories. Now, ask yourself one simple question. If everybody did it the way I did it the first time, who would benefit? Now, ask yourself another question, if everyone started with one directory completely filled out their profiles, read several articles from different authors before carefully writing articles of their own giving their unique perspective and then actively participated and contributed to another directory a few months later, who would benefit? Like I said, there is the fast, easy, massive powerful way, and then there is the right way. By the way, if you look closely, you might be able to see how you can change the world with one of these methods.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.