
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

What is the main goal of every writer? Ask this question of one thousand writers and chances are strong that the overwhelming response will be: "To get published." I'm here to tell you that all of these writers are wrong. Here's why. If these polled writers were pressed further, I'd bet that they want to get published because that would get them to the real goal...Getting paid.

How many authors would agree to a publishing deal that offered no money? Would you? I thought not.

So, let's skip the publishing deal, and get you paid. We'll save the publishing thing until you're making a few dollars and generating consistent income from your writing. We've all done our share of research. Even when writing fiction, research comes into play and gives your writing a richer feel .You get depth and layers. But, this isn't a course on how to, or the benefits of, research. You'll need to know all of that to continue.

Think of Google as a publisher that will pay you to research a topic, and develop a web site with relevant quality content on that topic. You're also free to pick any topic you want. Once you write five to ten pages on the topic, all you do to get paid from Google is add some code to the pages from Google's AdSense site. If you don't already have an account, you will have to take the two minutes it takes to apply for one.

After inserting the code, when you post your pages to the web; they will display ads geared towards the topic you wrote about. Ads that will be targeted to, and of interest, to people who will visit your pages.

The AdSense ads aren't typical ads, meaning that no one needs to buy anything for you to get paid. They are Pay Per Click ads. You get paid every time someone clicks on the ad whether they buy something or not.

It's a great concept that writers just like yourself are using to build six figure incomes by building several sites. Once the initial work is done, the income is residual. The possible money to be made from dedicated writers is staggering. I've seen, and am, living proof of the power of this process. By employing these simple tactics, my online income has exceeded my offline writing income, and the online income continues to grow every month whether I work at it or not.

So, here's to you not getting published. Let me be the first to congratulate you.

Ray Mardo owns and operates various websites that employ pay per click monetization. An example can be found at

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Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Search Engine Optimizer's often have two different views when it comes to meta tags. One this is unanimous meta tags have definitely been devalued for use in most major search engines but you will find they are still being used as the description often times when your site is listed in the search results.

Meta tags were started back in the early 90's when the internet was just getting it's brand new legs and they were used to help the search engines organize the growing number of web pages. This was an easy way to make your site indexed and listed high. Soon after unethical webmasters started to abuse the meta tag by either spamming the page full of so many keywords or sometimes even made different websites appear in the results for a completely different keyword. Gambling sites would stuff their meta tags with more commonly used phrases in order to bring their sites to the first page and trick the search engine and moreover the user.

Now obviously, most search engines have discontinued the use of meta tags for organizing their search engines, algorithms have become much more technologically advanced and they use a number of other methods to index and sort. The big question is if they are no longer viewed as a helpful tag, why do some SEO's still use them.

Meta tags a a multitude of different uses and names, so which ones do you use? There are four that I often find myself using when I am optimizing a site. They are as follows:

Meta Robots: This tag is still widely supported and it simply tells the search bots to either follow the url through or you can ask them not to index certain parts of your site for aspects that may not be relevant to your actual site.

Meta Description: My favorite tag, this is your first impression, if you don't have this tag search engines will just tag clips of your index page including the keyword that was being searched for by the surfer. First impressions often is the difference between a sale or no sale.

Meta Keywords: A controversial meta tag, some use it, some don't. I still thinks it holds a bit of value if you keep it simple. Don't add more than 20 or so keywords, and I think it does increase your on page keyword density.

Meta Content Type: This is recommended because you may find that if you do not have this tag it could cause display problems

Now, well most search engines do not use the meta tags as they did in the early nineties, but as I explained you can still use them for a variety of other uses. There of course are a number of opinions on this matter, some SEO firms are strong believers in the meta tag and other firms are strongly against it.

In conclusion, my opinion is that meta tags can be used for a number of alternative reasons now and still offer you a great place to sell your stuff. I always will recommend the use of at least a small number of Meta Tags, and if used correctly will greatly improve your chances of higher sales & higher rankings.

Carrie Haggerty has been working in SEO and Internet marketing over the past 3 years. She has started her own SEO Firm, She also has started her own SEO article website strictly for webmasters to submit, and is marketing it the new internet business owners as a resource.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Inbound Linking is critical to securing a top or at least a viewable ranking on the major search engines. You are looking to maximize the exposure of your web site to a targeted customer base. A proper approach to your linking strategy will ultimately expand your web site's traffic and your online business.

Getting incoming inbound links used to be simple. Just troll the Internet for willing webmasters and ask for a link, in exchange for you linking back to them. Easy. Right? Not so fast. This is what is known as a reciprocal link. There are several types of links you need to be aware of, but the two most important are "reciprocal" where they link to you and you to them and "one-way" links, where they are only linking to you. Both types of links can benefit your site. Search engines look at your site from the standpoint of how many incoming links it has. The more links, the greater your rank.

But it gets more complicated than that. You do not necessarily want to call up Aunt Gertrude and ask her to for an inbound link from her old-fashioned cooking site she crafted within Geocities to your site about model rocketry. That does not work like it might have in the old days. Why? Because search engines are smarter these days. They have morphed. Now they want the link to be RELEVANT. If your site is about model rocketry, you need links from other rocketry sites or sites RELATED to model rocketry.

A related topic to link relevancy is the discussion of where the link points to on your site. The more relevant the link is, the better the search engines like it. This is commonly referred to as "deep linking" because the site linking to yours is not just pointed at your top page, but is linked deep within your site's structure. This increases the links relevancy. It's also known as "context-relative" linking.

A linking strategy often overlooked by novice webmasters is the tactic of creating the appearance of an inbound link within the content of a relevant article on the site. As long as it does not appear out of place, and particularly if it is serving a useful purpose to the reader of the article, it helps the site's linking strategy, and therefore it's link popularity.

At the end of the day, when implementing a good linking strategy, think with your WHITE HAT on, not your black hat. This is a simple set of phrases that denote whether a webmaster is trying to trick the search engines, or staying with the practice of being a good Internet citizen and providing valuable content to the world at large. Think quality. Think relevance. And the traffic will beat a path to your door.

Steve is a CPA, real estate developer and author who has been an online entrepreneur since long before the web arrived. To learn more about web traffic tactics and strategies, check out his community.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you open your eyes and observe the online marketing world, it is clear that the competition is increasing every single day as more and more websites enter the online marketing world. It is becoming more difficult to extract all the traffic you need due to the competition. The search engines, thus far, are the best resource for receiving high quality traffic. But in order to get this traffic, you really need to increase search engine rank for your website. Listed below are five basic steps to increase search engine rank for your website.

The first step to increase search engine rank for your site is create your website content in accordance with the search engine guidelines. This one step will make it a lot easier for the search engine spiders of the various search engines to locate and spider your entire website.

The second step to increase search engine rank involves the use of keyword optimized content for your website. In order to increase search engine rank, you really need to sprinkle your chosen keywords across the content pages of your website so that you rank well for those particular keywords. You want to make your content keyword rich in order to rank well in the search engines.

The third step to increase search engine rank involves the building of your websites link popularity. In other words, the more websites that reference and link to your website via their site, the more popular your site will appear to the search engines, thus causing an increase search engine rank for your site. You can make your link popular by doing forum posts, submitting blog comments, and submitting articles to article directories. You can also do a bunch of blog trackbacks to point some one way backlinks to your site as well.

The fourth step to increase search engine rank for your site deals with the use of free web directories. In this step, you will just submit your site url to a bunch of the free web directories in order to improve the number of backlinks to your website.

The fifth step to increase search engine rank for your website involves paid directory submissions. In this step, you will pay a web directory a fee in order to be listed in that particular web directory. Google places a lot of favor on paid web directories so getting a link inside some of them will definitely increase search engine rank by a lot. So make sure you submit your url to some of the paid directories out there to get some nice ranking favor from Google.

Melvin Perry is an internet entrepreneur that specializes in building large email lists within a matter of weeks. He currently teaches marketers via free step by step videos how to earn thousands monthly through the list building model and search engine optimization. You can snatch these 2+ hours videos at no cost by visiting FREE Internet Marketing Videos

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is


Stop whatever you are doing, get out a piece of paper, and takes Notes! What I am about to share with you is no big "secret", it's what all the successful online entrepreneurs are using to driven quality traffic to their sites.


In order for you to give people searching the Internet what they are looking for, you have to know the following...

They want valuable, FREE information.

It's why we all use the search engines, to find resources that will and answers our questions and solve our problems. So how do we get our valuable information out there on the web for people to find?s


As you're probably aware, there are vast numbers of online publications that focus on content relating specifically to your field. You've probably seen that most online articles include an "About the Author" or resource box, which often contains a link to the author's Website. Almost every reader who has finished reading you informative piece will want to read more, and will inevitably follow the link that you include in the "About the Author" box.

You write articles relating to your field, and by doing so, you can have your own "About the Author" box that spreads quickly around the Internet. As your information becomes indexed in the search engines, you will be seen by the people that want to learn more about that specific topic.

Fresh, high-quality content is always in demand, and your articles supply them with the content that they need and want. By supplying this content, everyone benefits. The reader gets what they have been searching for. The website or ezine owner now has valuable information, and you get to be branded an authority on your topic, and you get the author/resource box in which to put your link back your site. Pretty clever, right?

Writing articles is one of the fastest, easiest, and most productive way for you to grow your business even with the smallest marketing budget. For more information about writing and submitting, start with Ezinearticles, GoArticles, IdeaMarketers. They are just a few of the sites that cater to this niche. Go ahead get started and watch the results.. you'll be very happy you did!

Keywords: make money, online, success, traffic

**Ezine Editors/Site Owners" Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site as long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include the resource box as listed

Alexa H. Davis is an accomplished Internet Marketing Coach. She teaches online strategies to help her students build successful businesses. Alexa's specialty is in Next Generation Network Marketing! Learn the Secret to using the Internet to Explode your Downline Growth the Simple, Fast, Rejection-Free Way!" For the exciting New Free Report click here ==>