
Friday, May 16, 2008

For Affective Online Advertising Write An Affective Subject Line

Being the Associate Director for an online business that puts businesses' products and services in front of thousands of potential consumers on a daily basis, I am constantly getting emails from our customers, and those looking to become our customers, on how to write an affective Internet promotion on our web site.

More specifically, how to write an affective headline or subject line that will really draw in a customer to investigate what you have to offer. That is what I am going to focus on in this article segment, the `art` of writing and developing a quality online promotion or advertisement subject line.

At any given time, we have thousands of promotions placed in over 4 dozen categories, through out over 20,000 cities worldwide. I have had the privilege of seeing some really good promotions and some really bad ones. Here is what I noticed. Let me start with talking about the bad subject lines I have read.

One thing the bad promotions all have in common in regards to their subject line is unrealistic over hype. I can`t tell you how much head shaking I do when I see a customer place an promotion, without asking us for advice first, and then write a headline that is so incredibly bad. I have seen things such as "Make millions today!", and "Click here for the greatest product ever!". Those are some of the worse headlines you can write. They are over dramatic and anyone with a half a brain knows they are unrealistic and a waste of time to look at.

Your headline or subject line should read something more realistic, yet `hook` your potential customer in reading further into your advertisement. A good advertisement would be, "We are Looking for Partners in Business", or "Our New Product Makes Cooking Easier", or something along those lines. You will have to tailor your online subject for what it is that you are selling or providing.

Keep in mind you have one line, sometimes with only up to 50 characters to hook the reader. Don`t over hype what is in the rest of your promotion with a gaudy headline. Make it simple, yet will intrigue the potential customer. In turn it will trigger their inner feelings to want to know more about what is in the rest of the promotion.

For an affective online advertising campaign, there are three separate parts, the subject line, which we have already touched on, the subject matter and then finally the close. In our next article segment we are going to go in depth about writing an affective promotion in your subject matter. I can tell you from our own business that we offer robust web tools so you can really make your subject matter shine. However, beyond the bells and whistles, you still need to make the content of that ad, reader friendly. With good promotion content, the reader, your potential customer, will get excited about what it is your offering. One they are excited you need to pull them in with the close, which will be part three in our article segments, in place online promotions.

Now you can start with a better understanding of approaching an affective online promotion, knowing that you need a subject line that will hook, not over hype, the potential customer.

Bruce A. Tucker is the Associate Director of an online resource that allows businesses and individuals to post their products and services for sale in 20,000 cities throughout 200 countries around the world.

Fast Article Marketing - Announcing 5 New Steps to Amplify Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is proven to be one of the most important aspects of internet marketing and search engine optimization as it provides online users what they truly need - information and make your website more valuable to eyes of search engines. That is why it is currently the number one marketing and product promotional tool that is being used by millions of online entrepreneurs and marketers worldwide.

Here are the 5 new steps to amplify your article marketing:

1. Offer useful information. In order to generate the right kind of attention online, your articles must contain information that will be truly appreciated by your readers. These can be potential solutions to their pressing issues, information that will help them understand their current situation or their areas of interest, or answers to their burning questions. When you are able to help you readers through your content, you can be assured that they will trust you and treat you as someone who is very knowledgeable on your chosen niche. This can promote customer trust and loyalty.

2. Multiply the number of your articles. You might have heard this before, but I'll say it again. Article marketing is indeed a game of numbers. Thus, you must strive to boost the number of your articles so you can easily augment the number of your inbound links and strengthen your online presence by giving your readers more quality information.

3. Consider your readers. This is one of the most important elements that can guarantee you success in this marketing tool. You have to consistently keep your readers in mind when writing your content. Strive to give them everything they want so you can easily convert them to potential clients. Offer them the information they need, write your articles using their own language and preferred terms, and connect them to your content.

4. Avoid making your articles sound like sales letter. Instead of giving your readers blatant ads, which can be downright annoying, strive to give your readers the information they need and save your sales pitches for your resource box.

5. Proofread and revise. Check the general flow of your articles and make sure that they are focused and coherent. Eliminate grammar, spelling, and factual errors to give your potential clients great reading experience. In addition, strike out fillers and fancy words that can make your articles confusing and lengthy.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Create Your Own Home Business Writing Articles For Others

Article marketing has a huge and growing popularity as a form of online advertising. By providing free information in the form of articles, Web sites attract customers to their businesses. So if you can write articles, you can develop your own home business.

Because there's such a good Return on Investment (ROI) with article marketing when compared with other advertising, businesses pay well for custom articles written to their specifications.

In this article we'll look how you can start a home business writing articles.

Your first step is to get some experience in writing articles. The more articles you write, the better your income, so look on this start-up phase as way of streamlining your processes, so you can train yourself to write articles fast.

1. Get experience in article writing at the out-sourcing sites

Go to one of the many out-sourcing sites, and bid on article writing projects. When you win some projects, write the articles to the purchaser's specifications.

Some article writers develop their businesses at the out-sourcing sites, however you'll make more money if you develop your own small Web site. Having your own site means that you can cut down on the time required to get article writing jobs, because your purchasers will come to you.

2. Write articles to promote your article writing business

Now you have some experience in writing articles, your next step is to promote your article writing home business - yes, by writing articles.

You need a Web site. Your site can be small and free. (You could create a free Blogger blog to act as your site for example.) On the site, advertise your availability as an article writer, and set your rates, as well as the topics in which you'll specialize.

3. Promote your article writing business to companies which use article marketing

Next, write some articles about article marketing, or about the topics in which you intend to specialize as an article writer, and post the articles to article directories.

In your resource/ bio box at the end of your article, promote yourself as an article writer with a link to your Web site.

You'll soon attract a stream of article buyers to your site, and your article writing home business will be launched.

Discover how easy it is to make money article marketing with Angela Booth's "Sell Your Writing Online NOW" Training Program at The program is fun and profitable too. There's a full year of lessons and assignments:"Sell Your Writing Online NOW" helps you to earn while you learn, even as a brand new writer.

New to writing? Visit Angela Booth's new Writing Hacker Web site at - watch Angela's "Make money Writing: Write and sell Web articles - they're in hot demand" video.

For free weekly writing information, subscribe to Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Ezine at and receive "Write And Sell Your Writing: The Power-Write Report" immediately.

SEO Content Writer: How To Find One

There are many people who still don't identify SEO with a content writer or content writing for that matter. To them SEO is some complicated technical thing that a content writer can not possibly be able to make head or tail of.

This kind of thinking is extremely expensive because it is currently costing many site owners millions of hits. The truth of the matter is that a very important and key part of SEO is the use of the best non-competitive keyword phrases for the particular site. One keyword phrase can produce millions of hits via leading search engines. Keyword phrases are used on the content and that is why it is so important for a content writer to understand the use of keywords, even if somebody else is researching them for him or her.

Hiring a content writer who understands and uses seo techniques can therefore gain you many million hits over a relatively short time. It will also save you the time and money in researching the best keywords for your site yourself, or hiring a different person to do it for you.

Finding a good SEO content writer is easier than you think. For starters carefully trace your steps backwards to how you found your seo content writer. If they used seo methods to advertise their services, then you will be pretty sure that they are experts and know exactly what they are doing.

How can you possibly believe in a seo content writer who does not use seo content writing techniques to advertise their own services?

Christopher Kyalo Is A leading web content provider who provides all the key traffic generation ingredients in all his work for clients. He is occasionally available to handle new client assignments. Get the details on how you can contact him at his content provider blog. Or learn all the inside secrets of high traffic generating content from his free newsletter. Subscribe now by sending a blank email to

What Does the Proposed Purchase of Yahoo by Microsoft Mean for SEO?

The big news in the world wide web is the proposed purchase of Yahoo by Microsoft for a stunningly large amount of money. If you consider obtaining organic search engine rankings part of your marketing, the question is what this means to you.

44 billion dollars. Any way you cut it, that is a lot of mulla. If the deal falls through, it appears that Microsoft could seriously consider buying a few states. Regardless, this must be a huge event for the web with so much money on the line, right? Yes and no.

There is little secret that the efforts of Microsoft on the web have pretty much met with bleak results. The MSN Live search engine is weak and the total traffic controlled is miniscule compared to Google and even Yahoo. In short, this deal should be viewed as a "if you can't beat them, buy them" effort by Microsoft. Yahoo may be losing out to Google, but it is still a much stronger presence than Microsoft on the web. The question, of course, is will a combined effort do anything to slow Google down? Your guess is as good as mine, but I doubt it.

From an SEO point of view, there proposed purchase means little. If Microsoft was able to finalize the purchase tomorrow and take over Yahoo, it would take probably a year or two before we noticed any significant changes. As you can probably guess, the deal is going to take much longer to get through regulatory agencies and the like, so three to five years is a more likelihood for seeing any impact on the search engines.

Ah, but what about the long term? What if the deal is approved and Microsoft eventually takes over Yahoo? Will Google be running for cover? Not likely. Nobody is entirely sure what Microsoft will do with Yahoo, but many feel the deal would result in and the Live search engine being rolled into Yahoo in some manner.

In theory, this will result in Yahoo picking up a bunch of new users. These new users would increase its percentage of traffic controlled compared to Google and, supposedly, give it more leverage to turn deals against the interest of Google. This theory assumes, however, that all of the current MSN users would start using Yahoo. There is no evidence that this is true. A more likely scenario is the traffic would split up between the two search engines.

Ultimately, nobody really knows what the impact of a Microsoft purchase of Yahoo would mean to SEO. Heck, Yahoo hasn't even agreed to the deal! What we do know, however, is that if it goes forward, any impact probably will not be felt for years, so don't get to wrapped up in it.

Sam Alucard is with - providers of SEO services.

Article Marketing - Search For Material for Writing Better Articles

It is important that you do a good amount of searching on the topic you would write. An article written after researching is a always a better article.

You must have come across half baked articles which seem as if author is not fully able to express himself. Such articles occupy unnecessary digital space and do not serve any purpose.

How to make sure your is not such an article?

The only answer is to gain a complete knowledge about the topic you write beforehand. If you do not know it from previous learning or experience, then you must search for the material you need to before you write.

There is ample material that you can use to enhance your subject knowledge. Not a long time back it was just books, newspapers, folklore, teachers, radio and TV.

Then came Internet.

Information arena was never same again.

At this time every information is available on internet. Apart from above listed resources you would also use this on a regular basis.

A novice might be daunted by the task that research on internet might appear. Because web is so large and interconnected, it is easy to loose the track and get astray.

Therefore it is prudent to know how and where to search for the relevant material.

Search engine would be the place where you would rush every time you need some information. They are free and they are good. Google, Yahoo and MSN are popular search engines that most of people use.

But it may be difficult to locate information sometime. Also, search engine would display only the pages it has indexed. Therefore you should also have list of other online resources. is an online encyclopedia where you would find information on almost anything. It is community driven non profit organization. You would find in depth information on this website.

Article directories are themselves good source of information.,,, are one of the good article directories where you may find the required info.

You can choose to subscribe to a newsletter on the topic you would like to learn. That way you can get the material in your inbox. But in this case you need to plan in advance.

Forums are great places to learn, find ideas and brainstorm. You would get forums in your niche by searching in a search engine. A beautiful thing about forums is that you can ask question and someone would definitely answer you within few minutes. It is kind if instant information.

Ebooks are source of learning and information. Both paid and free ebooks are available. If you do not want to search you can join our website where you would get plethora of ebooks.

It is a good habit to make record of the resource you visited and found useful. By and by you would create your own resource directory which would come handy when you need to search.

Arun Pal Singh is an internet marketing consultant and web author who runs website to help online entrepreneurs with information and ready made products.

Visit to find how his information can provide the leverage that your business needs to grow and expand.

Paris Hilton's Mom and Other Article Marketing Ideas

You want to write about the Paris Hilton scandal? That's a hot topic. How about the show her mother put on in the courtroom? Or better still, you're sick of Paris Hilton and the media's celebrity obsession. Write an article on how you wish they would all go away.

As you can see a celebrity jailbird offers a boatload of article marketing ideas. Nothing illustrates this better than the supermarket tabloids. They are covering this story from every nauseating angle they can think of because it's a story people are interested in. Whether it's the shopping habits of pop singers or drunken termites from outer space, tabloids have mastered the art of grabbing attention and providing a constant stream of unique content.

Getting someone's attention and holding it goes double for writing articles on the internet. Access to unlimited information online makes people very impatient, so it is crucial to keep coming up with fresh article ideas. Many would-be writers seem to have trouble in this area. As a result they don't write anything at all.

The good news is there are resources available right now to keep your creative juices flowing.

1. Television
Listen to people at your job, on the elevator or anyplace else people gather. What are they talking about? Odds are it's something they saw on TV. Yes it's been called everything from the idiot box to a vast wasteland but the power of television to connect people and get them talking cannot be overstated.

For instance the Soprano finale (lame) still has people buzzing. There is plenty of mileage you can get out of that subject. This doesn't mean you have to sit in front of the TV hours on end but you should find a way to add it to your article generating toolbox.

2. The Magazine Newsstand
There is a lot of talk that the internet will eventually replace books magazines and newspapers. I don't see it that way, especially since much of what you read online is regurgitated from the offline world.

Even if it does, the newsstands as of this writing are a huge reservoir of article ideas. Start checking them out on a regular basis. Newsstands are also great places to find topics with built in target audiences. You can tap into these markets and learn how to adapt it to your online article writing.

3. Discussion Forum
Chat rooms, message boards and forums are the water coolers of cyberspace. People are talking, asking questions, trading information and sometimes insults. A large and lively online forum is a great place to get article ideas.

According to a recent survey done by Digital Future Project, 43% of internet users who belong to some type of forum identify with their community online just as strongly as they do with their community offline. That's pretty powerful and it's only going to grow. Find a good forum and become an active participant. This will provide you with a constant source of article ideas.

There are of course other techniques you can use including creating surveys, checking out product advertisements or just asking questions. Whatever methods you prefer start using them now. Not only will you create for yourself a pool of article marketing ideas that never runs dry, but you will also make Paris Hilton's mom really happy.

You could live without that last part right? I understand.

Daryl Campbell is an online business owner and affiliate marketer. Get more free information including, tips, tools, video, step by step coaching and up to the minute news to prosper your internet business at Internet Marketing Guide

Superman Has a Great SEO Guy

Here in Metropolis, online advertising is at a premium. You have to make sure it is catchy and if it isn't, you have to sign a superhero (or villain) to a contract to endorse your product. It's a cut-throat world and in constant change.

So how does Superman stay at the top?

I'll tell you how... he has a great SEO guy.

Mind you, the hero won't tell me the secret identity of the genius behind his online image, but it is clear that he knows what he is doing.

Owning Keyword Phrases

It's always important to own your keyword phrases especially your company name. If you don't own this, then you are going to lose money faster than Lex Luthor lost his hair.

Superman's SEO guy understands this and has spent hours ensuring that the word "Superman" points straight to the superherp. Open up Google and type "superman". He owns the first three pages. Don't you wish you could get the same for your client?

Try typing some other phrases.

  • "Superhero" - The third link should be to Wikipedia. Who is the first hero that they mention? Superman.
  • "big blue Boy Scout", "dc" and "daily planet" - He is listed in the description of the first link.
  • Even if you put in "Lois Lane", you get info about Superman.

To do this, you need good content, effective META tags and strong H1 tags. (And it helps if you save a school bus or two to get some good buzz.) This just goes to show that writing good content with great keywords can do you wonders.

The Importance of Good Link Campaigns

It also helps that Superman's SEO guy has spent time building legitimate linking campaigns throughout the web, starting with Wikipedia. Inputting a legitimate page on Wikipedia became a goldmine! There are 8,756 pages linked to the Wikipedia page. Fourteen of these links are from inside Wikipedia, creating some excellent inner-linking campaigns. If you branch out and check all fourteen of these links, you'll see that there are thousands and thousands of secondary links built in that eventually lead back to Superman.

Are Taglines or Mottos Important on the Web?

You bet they are! If you are known for a certain catch-phrase, then use it to your advantage. That's what Superman does.

The Man of Steel? The Man of Tomorrow? The Last Son of Krypton? All of them lead to Superman.

Faster than a speeding bullet? More powerful than a locomotive? Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Even though all of these phrases contain common words, the SEO guy has spent years flooding the internet with the phrases in content near the word Superman. You can't go to the web and type in those keywords without seeing Superman on the page.

The Love of the People

Because of his noteriety and high visibility, Superman shows up all over the place on forums and community message boards. Don't forget that this can be extremely valuable. Those messages usually stay on the web forever and if you get a link in there, it will build history. Who knows? Maybe it will even gain you new fans.

History, History, History

Speaking of history, did you know that Superman is 70 years old? He's also been on the internet since its inception and continues to build up his reputation with Google. I hope Google still knows who I am in 40 years. Heck, I hope they still know who I am in 10 years! You can't buy that kind of history.

We can all take a lesson from this ingenious, unnamed guy who continues to retain his secret identity (until some villain uncovers it). He has taken basic SEO principles and applied them in a manner that is natural and unassuming. It's almost as if he has super powers.

This article was written by Kimberly Carrillo, an SEO Specialist with IF marketing & advertising and IF Development and is also the resident comic book nerd of the company. Kimberly has spent much of her adult years reading comic books and continues to get annoyed when someone forgets to put them back in the protective bags. IF marketing & advertising is an agency in Austin, TX that specializes in making you and your website a superhero on the WorldWideWeb.

3 Steps To Article Marketing Success

With the high cost of advertising especially Google Adwords and ezine advertising article marketing has become a very important aspect of driving traffic to your web site. It allows anybody to start a home based business even if you do not have much money initially to invest in advertising.

In this article I am going to go through the 3 things that you need to do to ensure that you succeed with article marketing.

1) Use the AIDA formula for writing articles

You need to use the Attention, Interest, Desire and Action formula for writing articles that pull results. You need a headline that grabs attention. An opening paragraph that will grab the reader's interest. You need to highlight a problem in your body so that you will create desire for your reader to purchase your product and solve their problem. Finally, you need to have a conclusion that will get your reader to take action.

2) Build an opt in list

I am sure that you must have heard this statement over and over again. You need to have an opt in list to be successful. I am sure that if you look at any successful internet marketer you will see that they have a big opt in list that they can market to over and over again. What you need to do is you need to have a link to your squeeze page in your bio. This will allow your prospect to download a free report in exchange for their name and email address.

3) Preload your autoresponder with proven emails

Once you start building your opt in list you need to be able to monetize it. You need to be able to write emails with effective copy that convert into sales. Some key points is that you need to have an interesting subject line that will actually get opened. Only promote one offer in your email. If you have many different links it is unlikely that your prospect will click on them. Your primary objective in your email is not to sell to your subscriber, but to get them to click on your link and go to the sales page which will do the job of selling.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Adsense and Pay Per Click For Writers - Exchanging Words For Dollars

What is the main goal of every writer? Ask this question of one thousand writers and chances are strong that the overwhelming response will be: "To get published." I'm here to tell you that all of these writers are wrong. Here's why. If these polled writers were pressed further, I'd bet that they want to get published because that would get them to the real goal...Getting paid.

How many authors would agree to a publishing deal that offered no money? Would you? I thought not.

So, let's skip the publishing deal, and get you paid. We'll save the publishing thing until you're making a few dollars and generating consistent income from your writing. We've all done our share of research. Even when writing fiction, research comes into play and gives your writing a richer feel .You get depth and layers. But, this isn't a course on how to, or the benefits of, research. You'll need to know all of that to continue.

Think of Google as a publisher that will pay you to research a topic, and develop a web site with relevant quality content on that topic. You're also free to pick any topic you want. Once you write five to ten pages on the topic, all you do to get paid from Google is add some code to the pages from Google's AdSense site. If you don't already have an account, you will have to take the two minutes it takes to apply for one.

After inserting the code, when you post your pages to the web; they will display ads geared towards the topic you wrote about. Ads that will be targeted to, and of interest, to people who will visit your pages.

The AdSense ads aren't typical ads, meaning that no one needs to buy anything for you to get paid. They are Pay Per Click ads. You get paid every time someone clicks on the ad whether they buy something or not.

It's a great concept that writers just like yourself are using to build six figure incomes by building several sites. Once the initial work is done, the income is residual. The possible money to be made from dedicated writers is staggering. I've seen, and am, living proof of the power of this process. By employing these simple tactics, my online income has exceeded my offline writing income, and the online income continues to grow every month whether I work at it or not.

So, here's to you not getting published. Let me be the first to congratulate you.

Ray Mardo owns and operates various websites that employ pay per click monetization. An example can be found at

Article Marketing Service - Strategically Increase Online Sales Using Article Marketing Advertising

Article Marketing Services are the fastest ways you can boost your website traffic and sales. Many webmasters have suddenly realized the need to have keyword focused niche sites, and the easiest way to create niche websites fast is to search for niche marketing article web sites that specialize in producing original articles for their clients. This article will discuss internet article marketing for small business, article marketing strategy and article marketing advertising. With this information, we will grasp the importance of relying on article marketing services as the best way to go.

Small businesses can get free traffic to its website by utilizing Internet article marketing. The best resource for original articles at affordable prices is to use article-marketing services. This service is the best because it uses experts that write greatly focused content. These articles are in the lightest mood but professional manner, with a little not-so-obvious sales pitch, that can convince would be buyers and searchers, thereby boosting conversion rates with the article marketing advertising. Strategic article marketing is achieved given that articles on good content are traffic-bringers to websites. They understand the basics of search engine optimization together with keyword focused niche articles,resulting in free traffic to websites, which is another example of article marketing advertising.

Article marketing publishes articles that help clients meet the requirements of the ten major search engines, especially Google, Yahoo and MSN. This allows them to save money on other SEO services.

Article marketing services on the net are the best places to get original articles that satisfy the major search engines, resulting in steady traffic and income, especially for niche marketing and small businesses. Any article marketing service that can deliver 30,000 words of original content for you monthly for under $1500 is worth investigating.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier article marketing service. To get pricing send an email to with "Articles Order" in the subject line and your website link with a little about your business in the body of the email.

Build An Email List - Is This the Online Success Code?

Build an email list and start to make profits online, at least this is the conclusion I came to after trying to find what really makes profits online.

I did a lot of research to arrive at this conclusion and I am sure you have done the same.

My researching efforts showed that to really make it online you need an email list of people who are interested in what you have to offer. It is no different if you set up a fish and chip shop - you will still need customers to come and buy what you are selling or you will go bust. It would be wrong to say that no other method works. It is just that this list building method is by far one of the most effective ways to really make profits online.

Allow me explain. The internet is one great massive frontier. It is like a place with no rules. Anything goes. You have to make your own rules or follow those laid down by others in cyberspace who have already made the sort of profits you are aiming for online.

Due to it's vastness and seeming featurelessness you need to master your own corner of cyberspace. You need to become an expert, a master in your niche. Once you have mastered the basics you can then add on any fancy stuff. - not before.

Look for people who speak your language. Yes, and bring them together -from the North, the south, east and west of cyberspace. Bring their search to an end.

Once you find them get their contact details so you can follow them up.

Present them with your offer.

I favour article marketing to bring my interest group to my site. I simply write and submit articles like this one you are reading. I invite them to my website using my resource page. Of course at my website I encourage them to join by offering a valuable resource. Once they join I follow them up and find out what they want. I simply provide what they want or should I say sell what they want to them.

Ready to build your email list?

Claim a Free list building eCourse at:

Willfred D is an expert author and marketer specialising in building email lists and pre qualified traffic generation techniques.

Free Website Traffic For Pink Cows And Purple Pigs

Web site owners looking to gain more free search engine traffic will need to be working on the area of link building. Offsite factors such as gaining external backlinks, have shown to give proven results. Unfortunately some webmasters actually confuse The major search engines by telling them that that sell "purple pigs" when actually they sell "pink cows".

Then, as if to make it worse, they miss the human or "real factor". This was provided in a recent interview on a top ranking site in a very competitive industry, golf gifts. A search term that has over 20 million results and an estimated 57,838 searches per month.

Lets look at a website that sells exclusive gifts, like pink cows and purple pigs. They plan a linking campaign and firstly aim at the first single keyword term "pink pigs" and so they structure the link text and description as follows:

"Pink Pigs" All pink pig gifts - all sizes and shapes.

Using the anchor text "pink pigs"- to link back to the home page. Now lots of effort goes into seeking the correct links, aiming at this term. It progresses well and the ranking is achieved to every ones delight- " Look a number ranking for pink pigs! we are really great!" (large pat on the back)

Then the term goes of in hunt for the second term purple cows and follows the same process. They achieve the same results- however they have dissolved the anchor text of the number of links and the first ranking achieved, slips. It then becomes a juggling game to get the ranking for both keywords.

Essentially the have Google "scratching its head" .what subject is the page/site really about?

So what is the better option so as avoid this- two options:

Deep linking- This is the linking to internal pages rather than the home page, so in the first case, you would generate links to this page as and then proceed to do the exact same process for the other search term.

The downside of this is that it still does require different linking campaigns takes time and splitting of resources. A better option is that of combining and adding the human factor, after all, Google provides results for humans after all, and the quality of the results is high on the agenda. In this case, you could create a better anchor text and description such as:

"Purple Cow Gifts - Shop online for all manner of purple cow and pink pig gift sets, with discount specials every week"

This is also human friendly, and although its main aim is top search engine ranking, it could be seen as a normal, human based link. Include both the terms in the description, and then on the actual site the title of the home page makes sense. Then in the first paragraph on the home page could mention both search terms as well as link directly to those specific pages ( etc) this would make sense to both the search engine spiders, used for finding and displaying results, and to humans.

A site that has realised this, and has the results to show it is which has the number 1 ranking for not only golf gifts but number 4 for golf accessories out of 20 million results.

Lets take a site that sells gifts, like pink cows and purple pigs.

For this reason, planned keyword research is needed prior to any linking campaign for SEO results, for both the anchor text and the description.

An excellent tool for information on keyword research is Aaron Walls keyword tool:

This tool should be used together with an Adwords Campaign to gain the most accurate measure of the volume of searches for your terms, before any SEO link building activities take place.

The human that is searching has to be kept in mind. You want people to click on the link. It should appear to Google and the other major engines that this the primary purpose of the link. This SEO link building strategy will bring your success for years to come and large amounts of free traffic your competition would love to get there hands on. To your success!

Paul Easton is an Internet Marketing Expert, and the owner of, The Link Exchange Directory that helps the small online business get traffic from links. You can instantly get 20 High Quality Free Links to your website by visiting:

Link Exchange Directory

Article Marketing - Write for Quality or Quantity?

This is a question that is floating around many article marketing and internet marketing forums and it is very hard to find a clear answer. Should you be writing articles for quality or concentrating on quantity? Read on to find out if article marketing is better with quality articles or the quantity of articles.

Let us look at the quality of articles first. Writing for quality will allow you to create unique content that readers will want to finish reading and will be helped by your article. When you write for quality content you are looking to help your reader, but you have to be careful to leave them wanting more or you will lose out on what you are really after, which is traffic to your website.

So, now that we have mentioned a little about traffic let us move on to writing a quantity of articles. When you write articles for quantity you are looking to drive traffic to your website. You are trying to drive as much traffic as possible to your websites and you are not as concerned with how good the articles are. This is a type of writing that allows you to pump out articles like a machine. They are usually very much structured around keywords and you are more concerned about your ranking on search engines than how good your writing is.

Which one is better, Quality or Quantity? The best answer to this question is that you should combine the two methods. Never write specifically for quantity because your readers will not want to read your articles, therefore, they probably will not finish them and click to your website. You do not want to get too caught up with the quality though because you don't want to spend hours upon hours on each article.

Make sure you write for your readers and give them something that they want. Answer a burning question, give them a handful of good tips, or define something that needs to be defined. If you don't give your readers anything they won't read the entire article and won't click through to your site. You also have to make sure you leave them wanting more so that they will click through to your website.

Writing for quality is a good way to create good articles, but you need to also write for quantity because it is a numbers game and the more quality articles you have out there the better chances you will have to create a ton of traffic. So combine quality and quantity writing in your article marketing and you will see better success than just writing a few articles that are very good or putting out a ton of junk articles.

Ready to learn how to write faster and still put out great content? Get more Article Marketing information here:

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Popular Steps to Explode Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is undoubtedly the most efficient and cost effective product and website promotional tool these days. It is being used by a lot of webmasters from across the globe because it can easily augment website's traffic and increase their sales potential.

Here are the 4 popular steps to explode your article marketing:

1. Target market. The one element that will guarantee you success in article marketing is knowing how to satisfy your target market. When you do, you can be assured that your articles will be widely read and distributed online. This is the reason why it is very crucial to know the people you are writing for even before you tap on your key board. Get to know their needs, demands, profile, and preferences. These can help you make your articles more targeted and focused to their demands.

2. Titles. When people search for information online, they are usually presented with numerous articles. People choose the article to read based on title alone at least on this point. Don't let your articles be ignored by giving them titles that are truly interesting and attention-grabbing. This can help you dramatically increase your clickthrough rate.

3. Writing skills. Never be contented with what you know and strive to improve on your craft so you can always offer the best to your readers. This can easily be done through constant practice and by attending seminars or coaching programs that are specifically created to help you excel in the field of writing.

4. Quantity. One of the best ways to excel in article marketing is to multiply the number of your output to easily augment the number of your inbound links. If you can't extend your writing hours, you can hire ghostwriters to do the legwork for you.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Basics Of Article Marketing Tor Traffic

With the arrival of e-zines, content-rich materials, etc, their publishers are desperately looking for resources that can provide them with articles having caliber content at minimum cost. Today, Article marketing is an effectual method of diverting traffic especially to their site.

Some fundamentals on which article marketing are based are as follows:

Consecrating importance to the reader

The most significant point that needs to be considered while writing an article is consecrating importance to the reader. We should write keeping the readers in mind what they want to read. While writing an article, you should be able to perceive what the reader expects from the article and try to deliver it. This process initiates with choosing the topic. Topic or the subject of the should be such that it should have a blend of both the current issues as well as contents that are already published on the net. However, the ratio should be maintained that the readers get more of the new details. The past reference is only given to let the reader relate the article with the past ones. The second thing needed is that the article should have a relation to with the site it is formulated. The motif of the article should not divert from the notion delivered by the site. If importance is given to the readers on these issues and values, trafficking is bound to increase in your website.

Articles related to the website

One of the most important concepts to be kept in mind in Article Marketing is to make your article available on the web by linking it to several search engines, if not all. This helps your article to be noticed by readers when they give the key word related to your article while browsing on the web. Today, Articles can easily be linked manually with the advent of technology. Today we have submitting and linking soft wares available in the market and on the web at reasonable prices. Again, there are sites with subscription facilities for submitting articles to article directories. These facilities help in buying time from publishing these articles. One thing to be considered for making the articles of some use, before submitting them to the directories, is that they should always relate to the theme of the website of which they are a part.

Formulating a Resource file

After finishing the article, we should always remember to form a resource file for the same. It should contain all the information related to your article. It should have the copyright information for barring any somewhat copying. It should contain that special feature or the uniqueness of the article. It helps the publisher to make his decision easily. At the same time, reader also gets impressed seeing its values. It should also contain the links related to the website in which you publish your article. You can even mention any special offers related to your article (if any). In general, that resource file should be a data bank of all the information related to your article. This resource file should always be there with your article appended either to the title of the article or after the closing of the article.

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How To Get Rid Of SEO And Make More Money

So you started doing SEO, to get some keywords ranked at the top of the search engines and get lots of traffic.

First of all Google provides the best customers for your business. Simple because most people use Google since Google provides most accurate results. So focus on getting high rankings in Google. I simple never check where I rank in other search engines.

You need to know how to automate your business, so you don't keep doing all the search engine optimization strategies manually. Once your website is receiving traffic you start making money. That is your ultimate goal.

You can then outsource the tasks you do such as link building, article creation, article submission, forum posting and anything else.

Why you outsource?

If you want to expand your business further, you need to focus on product creation, other marketing methods, copywriting and other things. SEO is just one part of your business. On the other hand if you like to work everyday, and enjoy a four figure income you may want to keep doing what you are doing.

But most people want to increase their income to make five and six figures online. To do that you need to outsource and use software instead of doing everything manually. Once you start making money, you have more cash to invest in these things.

Link builders or any other employer can be found on one of the freelancing websites.

Depends on your needs, you can hire people full time or part time. You save tremendous amounts of time doing this. That is why your business grows, because you work on other things with your available time.

You cannot outsource if you are totally new to seo. You cannot hire a link builder if you do not know what the job of a link builder is. You need to know properly what seo is all about, so you hire the right people and give them to right tasks. Many people put up a website and then hire a so called seo expert. They pay a ton of money and they get scammed, because there are many so called experts who are not experts at all.

So, learnings and experience is required before you can give the job to someone else. There are legitimate seo companies too, but only if you know SEO well, you understand if a company is a scam or genuine company. The price is expensive as well. So it is not an option for a beginner. But once you have money to invest and experience you can find that genuine company and test them out, see if they can bring results and if so you can keep on hiring them.

So seo is what you may need to get a ton of targeted traffic, however do not ignore all the other opportunities to grow your business once you start making some money. There is no need to keep doing seo until you retire.

Do you want to make automatic link exchanges or find and get them manually? If you want to automate all link building tasks get OutRankSmart today.

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Decadent! Positively sinful, delicious chocolate doesn't require marketing or selling. It simply must exist in a world where it is recognized. Wealth and prosperity find chocolate. The concept is simple, you don't have to know what Belgium Chocolate is, to know the decadent rich flavor will satisfy your soul.

Passionate overzealous marketers often over sell their product.

The reality is, there is such a thing as too much selling. If your product is widely recognized, you don't have to tell people why they should buy it. Simply show it off. Give it the best introduction you can imagine, offer a delectable photo, and get the heck out of the way.

Expose your treasure for orgasmic results.

A beautiful woman doesn't have to say she's beautiful, she simply must exist. The world will find her. In most cases, the world lusts after her. She doesn't have to share her magnetism. It's obvious. She simply has to share her beauty and she's recognized for who and what she is.

Productive enticements cultivate enthusiasm.

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Article Marketing - How Using Keywords In Your Articles Will Help People Find You Online

Using your keywords is crucial if you are writing articles as part of your online marketing strategy. By including your keywords and keyword phrases in your title and article body, you will increase the chances of people finding you on the internet significantly. If you are not sure which words people use when they are searching for information on your topic, here are some ways to find out and use them to your advantage.

  • Go to a free keyword selector tool such as Wordtracker or good keywords. These are free tools that will help you to get an idea of which words people are using when they look for your type of products or services. You may not be sure where to begin, so type in the words you can think of and take it from there. You may be surprised at some of the words and phrases people are using that you might not have heard of before.
  • Ask people who currently come to you for your products or services which words come to mind when they think about what you do. Everyone has a different perspective of what you represent, so be open to hearing what they tell you.
  • Look at the websites of your competitors. By right clicking on their website you will be able to see which keywords they believe are important to use on their website.
  • Continue to do keyword research on a regular basis. You want to make sure that you are always optimizing the very best words and phrases possible for your business.

Write articles using these keywords and you will have a steady stream of visitors to your blog or website.

And now I invite you to join me for free weekly teleseminars that will teach you how to write, market, and sell your articles and ebook to increase your visibility, credibility and passive income by visiting and download two free article writing templates by going to to get started right away.

How To Use Content for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Use your keywords in your headlines with proper HEADING tags. Search engines pay special attention to the information within H1, H2, H3 tags. Put your most important keywords and information in your H1 tag. Start your page content as close to the top of the page as possible.

(Note: The above "tags" are not using any brackets due to the fact that this site does not allow HTML in it's articles. If you need to learn basic HTML please check out the following site for more information regarding HTML:

Start your first paragraph with a sentence that contains some of your keywords. For a page from, the keyword "music" could be used about 10 times. Make sure that your content makes sense and use your keywords as you would in speaking to a person in conversation.

Hyper-link your keywords; for example, "click here for more information about Brazilian Music" with the keywords "Brazilian Music" as the anchor text or hyper link.

Not all search engine robots are created equal; the menu or navigation panel on your site is what they use to get to your other pages, creating a complex java script menu looks pretty to the human eye, but to some robots it might be complicated for them to navigate.

Solution: create a keyword text link navigation bar at the bottom of the page so that all of your pages make their way into the index. This encourages your visitors to explore other pages and using keywords as the hyper-links on your navigation bar or menu highlights them again for the search engine robots.

Create an XML site map here: .

and upload it to your web hosting server. Then go to: to register it with Google and get site activity information.

Remember that Content is king and the SE's love it. Treat your content right and it will return the favor!

Find out what it takes to get better Search Engine Optimization Results

Discover new ways to get massive amounts of traffic with a little extra effort and Monetize your Website

Please Explain Bum Marketing To Me!

Bum marketing, a type of internet marketing, is gaining popularity among those who love to live in a virtual world. And it targets many people who want to be writers, even those who enjoy penning down a thought or writing diaries are some person's favorite pastime. For those who have an iota of writing skill have the opportunity to make money now, thanks to the internet. The ultimate bum marketing technique helps you to market your stuff.

You see the Internet is always flooded with plethora of information. So, it is imperative to carve a space for yourselves in the world there via article marketing. Keep in mind the following points about bum marketing.

Bum Marketing Tips

1) The ultimate bum marketing techniques are very simple; even a novice writer can make fortune. The most important aspect of the ultimate bum marketing technique is the proper use of the keywords. The keyword which you select should not have a lot of competition. It is always better to go for a niche segment; select that keyword which has minimum competition on the web. Use the keyword in your title once and in your article few times.

2) A user while looking for any information always types the keywords on the search engine. So, appropriate keywords ensure more number of viewers for your article. You can post your article to or or USFreeADs.

3) Provide a link in your article's resource box so that the person reading it will visit your personal website. If you do not have a personal website, then you can send them to your blog. Thus after the reader reads your article, she or he might be tempted to follow up, visit your site and purchase your products or services sold there....of course making you all smiles.

Viral Marketing Using Free eBooks

You can also adopt the viral marketing using free ebook techniques to market your articles. The positive word of mouth technique helps you to promote your product in the real world, but when the same technique is adopted for the virtual world, the term is called viral marketing. It spreads like a virus and grows exponentially. Viral marketing using free ebooks can help you to generate traffic to your webpage or blog.

The viral marketing using free ebooks technique is simple to follow; just create an ebook and distribute it among say two or three people. Grant them the authority to give your ebooks free to whomever they want. And within no time your ebook will reach everywhere; and you did not spend a penny for it. Just make sure to create a proper link to your web-page or blogs which you want to market. The user will follow the link and may even purchase your stuff linked through it and you can make good money.

The viral marketing using free ebooks technique can boomerang if others start modifying your link and promoting their own product. Software is available in the market place that will prevent miscreants from modifying the link.

The bum marketing and viral marketing using free ebooks techniques when used intelligently will help you to make fortunes. The content that you provide should be original, and the sales copy straightforward; i.e. never try to manipulate people or things (no hype) in order to get quick money. Remember once you earn the trust of the customers, your readers, you will become a brand; you then do not follow the money but money follows you.

Tanya Alston is an internet marketer who believes the only way to make real money online is to spend nothing on marketing. She firmly believes the best viral marketing methods are free and just happen to be the most effective. For more FREE info about how to break into internet marketing, even if you've never made a penny online, go to

Article Marketing - How to Build an Internet Business With Articles

The idea of article marketing has taken off in a big way in recent years guaranteeing instant success until recently. However, there has been a notable decline ever since the concept began raking in undiscovered, talented writers from across the globe in their hundreds and thousands. The effect of article marketing on page rankings has somewhat waned but is still considered to be a viable option as it is still the dominant promotional device.

There are two commonly known uses of article marketing that we shall discuss briefly. Firstly, the system intelligently filters incoming traffic to your website and redirects each user towards his or her subject of interest covered in your niche topic. However, you must make sure that the article is based on the theme of your website. As a direct consequence, the creator of the website can shift the emphasis from preaching about the niche subject (as the user shares your philosophy) to selling the actual product. This increases the potency of your web content converting guests into full-fledged consumers. Secondly, article marketing can be seen as a bridging technique over the wide expanse of the Internet. A user makes a choice when he clicks on your URL demonstrating his conviction in the content of your website. A subconscious connection is made between the user and yourself making it easier to actually sell your product. Article marketing does half your job, now its up to you to achieve your goals.

Do you want to learn about article marketing? Download a free guide today: Secrets of Article Marketing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic? Download a free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Article Marketing-Resource Box Revealed

Article marketing is simply the process of writing articles, including within them backlinks to your own web site, and giving readers a good reason or two to click into your web site, and then submitting these articles to the various online article directories.

The crux of article marketing is, surprise, surprise, the article. The article has to persuade the reader to want to know more. It has to persuade the reader that you can give them what they want. It also has to persuade the reader that you are reasonably literate or they wont even reach your resource box.

Whats the resource box? It is a box in which you can provide a brief few words about yourself and a link back to a page on your website. Poor article marketers link the visitor back to their home page; but savvy marketers lead them to a page that provides more information on the subject of the article they have been reading. Think about it.

This resource box is provided by most article directories, and is the whole reason for article marketing taking off as it has done. There are lots of article directories on the internet, and their purpose is to act as a database of articles on any topic for visitors to read. A visitor will generally register with the directory, then search for articles using keywords they are interested in. They choose the article they want to read from a list of titles, sometimes with a brief description.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Revisiting Perth Internet Marketing Tools

The Internet marketing tools are revisited again and again by web experts. Internet being the most impressive medium of promoting your products and services, loads of websites are coming into existence to share online space. The people, who are behind the scene of a website are in constant refinement of marketing tools to help these web resources attain a celebrated status. Thus, what are the most immaculate pearls in the ocean of web marketing tools?

Of course, you must have written contents for your website. But, are these contents powerful enough to leave a deep impact on the readers? You must cross check your articles for various ambiguities. The title of your article must lack stop words like a, an, the, of, on, in, it and other similar words. These words act like speed breakers for your website, as these are not cherished by popular search engines. Maintain the article containing 400-700 words with concrete contents.

The nomenclature of web pages performs an indomitable role for the ranking of your website. If you are capable of providing most venerable keywords in web page names, you are going to seize a position for your website on front page of any search engine. The search engines are happy to grasp specific keywords maintained by websites in their titles, articles, directories, graphic files and other associated components of the website. And if the search engines are happy, they can provide your website with its beloved position on Internet.

However, you may also provide those keywords at some places on your web pages, which have been less visited by other websites. The benefit of using such keywords is that they face less competition for dishing up your website in searches made by the search engine.

The discussion forums are most appreciable places on Internet to avail some promotion for your website. The experts are of the view that these groups are finding new status on Internet and are visited by many Internet users on the daily basis. Thus, it is an good idea to include your website name in the postings made by you on this web portals. However, one must be decent in utilizing these resources and must not involve in offences like spamming.

You must possess competence to comprehend the needs and obligations of most prospective clients for your website. If you have strong business ideas to sell, but fail in marketing these ideas using business websites, it is sheer wastage of such an imperative media called Internet.

Perth internet marketing tools are being revised day by day by the web experts to provide best way of internet marketing which also helps in perth web development. On authors site you would learn what all things should be kept in mind while deciding the perth website design of a website.