
Friday, May 16, 2008

Build An Email List - Is This the Online Success Code?

Build an email list and start to make profits online, at least this is the conclusion I came to after trying to find what really makes profits online.

I did a lot of research to arrive at this conclusion and I am sure you have done the same.

My researching efforts showed that to really make it online you need an email list of people who are interested in what you have to offer. It is no different if you set up a fish and chip shop - you will still need customers to come and buy what you are selling or you will go bust. It would be wrong to say that no other method works. It is just that this list building method is by far one of the most effective ways to really make profits online.

Allow me explain. The internet is one great massive frontier. It is like a place with no rules. Anything goes. You have to make your own rules or follow those laid down by others in cyberspace who have already made the sort of profits you are aiming for online.

Due to it's vastness and seeming featurelessness you need to master your own corner of cyberspace. You need to become an expert, a master in your niche. Once you have mastered the basics you can then add on any fancy stuff. - not before.

Look for people who speak your language. Yes, and bring them together -from the North, the south, east and west of cyberspace. Bring their search to an end.

Once you find them get their contact details so you can follow them up.

Present them with your offer.

I favour article marketing to bring my interest group to my site. I simply write and submit articles like this one you are reading. I invite them to my website using my resource page. Of course at my website I encourage them to join by offering a valuable resource. Once they join I follow them up and find out what they want. I simply provide what they want or should I say sell what they want to them.

Ready to build your email list?

Claim a Free list building eCourse at:

Willfred D is an expert author and marketer specialising in building email lists and pre qualified traffic generation techniques.


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