
Monday, May 12, 2008

Amazing Article Marketing - Latest 5 Fast Steps to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered as one of the best off-page SEO solutions in the internet today. It has the ability to drive quality, targeted traffic to your site, pull up your search engine rankings, boost your sales potential, dramatically increase your profits, and most importantly, position yourself as a key person in your industry.

1. Know your target market. Get to know the people to whom you are writing your content for. This can make you more effective in writing articles that are targeted to their needs and demands. This will also empower you to choose the best writing style and most appropriate words that your readers can easily identify with so you can get your message across quickly.

2. Pick the best article submission sites. To date, there are thousands of publishing sites but only few of them are highly visited. Don't waste your time on websites that cannot give your articles the exposure they need and stick with the ones that have impressive page views and higher page ranking.

3. Keep your articles focused. By this, I mean ensuring that all your data are closely related to your topic to avoid confusing your readers.

4. Your articles must be easy to understand. Communicate your ideas using the simplest terms and writing style. Avoid using never-ending sentences and check on your punctuations as these can alter your ideas when not used appropriately.

5. Have your articles automatically submitted. Manually submitting your articles can be tedious, time-consuming, and downright exhausting. Save your time and energy by taking advantage of electronic submission software that can help you post your articles in just few clicks in your mouse.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Amazing Article Marketing - Latest 5 Fast Steps to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered as one of the best off-page SEO solutions in the internet today. It has the ability to drive quality, targeted traffic to your site, pull up your search engine rankings, boost your sales potential, dramatically increase your profits, and most importantly, position yourself as a key person in your industry.

1. Know your target market. Get to know the people to whom you are writing your content for. This can make you more effective in writing articles that are targeted to their needs and demands. This will also empower you to choose the best writing style and most appropriate words that your readers can easily identify with so you can get your message across quickly.

2. Pick the best article submission sites. To date, there are thousands of publishing sites but only few of them are highly visited. Don't waste your time on websites that cannot give your articles the exposure they need and stick with the ones that have impressive page views and higher page ranking.

3. Keep your articles focused. By this, I mean ensuring that all your data are closely related to your topic to avoid confusing your readers.

4. Your articles must be easy to understand. Communicate your ideas using the simplest terms and writing style. Avoid using never-ending sentences and check on your punctuations as these can alter your ideas when not used appropriately.

5. Have your articles automatically submitted. Manually submitting your articles can be tedious, time-consuming, and downright exhausting. Save your time and energy by taking advantage of electronic submission software that can help you post your articles in just few clicks in your mouse.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Amazing Article Marketing - Latest 5 Fast Steps to Breakthrough with Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered as one of the best off-page SEO solutions in the internet today. It has the ability to drive quality, targeted traffic to your site, pull up your search engine rankings, boost your sales potential, dramatically increase your profits, and most importantly, position yourself as a key person in your industry.

1. Know your target market. Get to know the people to whom you are writing your content for. This can make you more effective in writing articles that are targeted to their needs and demands. This will also empower you to choose the best writing style and most appropriate words that your readers can easily identify with so you can get your message across quickly.

2. Pick the best article submission sites. To date, there are thousands of publishing sites but only few of them are highly visited. Don't waste your time on websites that cannot give your articles the exposure they need and stick with the ones that have impressive page views and higher page ranking.

3. Keep your articles focused. By this, I mean ensuring that all your data are closely related to your topic to avoid confusing your readers.

4. Your articles must be easy to understand. Communicate your ideas using the simplest terms and writing style. Avoid using never-ending sentences and check on your punctuations as these can alter your ideas when not used appropriately.

5. Have your articles automatically submitted. Manually submitting your articles can be tedious, time-consuming, and downright exhausting. Save your time and energy by taking advantage of electronic submission software that can help you post your articles in just few clicks in your mouse.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How To Create Sales and Marketing Automation For Your Network Marketing Business Online

Many network marketers fail when it comes to creating an automated marketing and sales process. This means that your visitors are properly funneled so that by the time you talk to them or work with them they are extremely qualified. This is no doubt due to the fact that network marketers simply are not used to being taught or teaching attraction marketing and automation. Network marketers are used to being taught the wrong things to do.

Most network marketers are used to the familiar advice of creating a warm market list and contacting those people to introduce your business to. Once you run out of people to contact you either go through the list again or try to add more names to the list. This advice along with most other advice is completely worthless. Especially now that the internet has advanced so much. With the old approach you would be lucky if you have built any type of business and still have friends after that nonsense.

Marketing online is easy, if you know how. Fortunately we have internet marketers to thank for the strategies already used that can drastically improve a network marketers business too. This can be called Internet Network Marketing and uses internet marketing techniques to grow ones network marketing business.

This is how to develop your automated marketing funnel to build a network marketing business. First you need your own squeeze or lead capture page to send visitors to (from your online advertising). This capture page needs to be focused on capturing your visitors name and e-mail address. This is important because this allows you to use an auto responder such as Aweber to follow-up with your prospect and build your contact list. If you were to advertise your main business site instead that would be a huge mistake because then you would not be building your list or improving your chances of making a sale. On your capture page you should have a picture of yourself so they can know they are working with a real person. However do not have other links or options on that page, simply have an opt-in form so they can request more information. It is also a good idea to offer your visitor something free in return for opting in. The best way to do this is to provide a free report, e-book, or just helpful information. People are always hungry for information that will help them.

Once they have inputted their name and e-mail your auto responder should start immediate follow-up for you. Your follow-up sequence should be about seven messages or more (one per day) and educate the prospect about yourself and the benefits of working with you and your team. People work with people who they like and trust. It is hard to come by great sponsors in network marketing so be the rare find that they are looking for. You would also then send them to your company site so that they can join your team. Serious prospects may then want to contact you, so you should provide them with your contact details so they can reach you... this is attraction marketing. Instead of chasing after them they are requesting information from you.

As you can see there are also many benefits to this approach. Instead of a visitor coming to your site with the choice to either buy or leave, they now can join your contact list and not be financially obligated at all. One of the major keys to becoming a successful marketer is building a large contact list. With a large contact list you virtually have customers on demand. These are highly valuable contacts who will be highly attentive to your future offers.

Darren Olander is a network marketing consultant dedicated to teaching others how to effectively build your mlm business and attract more prospects and generate more leads. You can learn more about him at

Word for Sale - Online Marketing Strategies

Have you been looking around and browsing several ways to build links for your website? Perhaps you have thought of a main keyword which could be attributed to your site and would describe the site as a whole? Some people agree that their sites can be summarized in just one word, for instance people who have dating related sites may summarize their site using the word "dating", others who offer internet marketing services may use several terms which are descriptive to their activities such as "SEO", "marketing" and such.

Following this train of thought we can conclude that every single site can be "tagged", this special way to redefine a word and your site is actually a very useful idea which has been recently developed and changes the way online directories do business with the people they list and how those sites can get better results in the search engines by getting hard links which use the core keyword for their site.

People who have a network of sites or just one which could use more than one term to define it are able to search these keywords from a robust dictionary incorporated in such directories.

In addition, if you are new to the entire link building process and would like to know what keywords are ranking or have good traffic in Google you can choose to do your own research and find the best keyword for your site or you can use built in tools in these new keyword based directories which allow you to see Google's trends for hot words.

As you know, Google analyzes traffic trends every month and provide such data in the form of flexible charts, link building enthusiasts are able to use this data to determine which keyword term will bring them the most traffic. Unlike other web directory platforms, word based directories allow the links to be very visible in the site's home page and can even be featured, in traditional directories you would have a big list of text links which use very small fonts and make it hard for the surfer to differentiate one from the other.

The keyword market is constantly expanding as more terms are used to define not only concepts but websites, so if you think your site is "cool" then you might want to use such keyword which might bring you great traffic. Keywords, terms and words are all used to give meaning to things, this is basic just common sense, using the same idea in your link building campaign can provide great results while allowing your visitors to think of your site first when they read a specific keyword.

WordForSale provides great website branding through keyword definition. Get relevant words for your site and secure valuable one way links, visit us today!