
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

You want to lead the reader into your resource box to be successful at article marketing. This can be done in two simple steps.

Step 1 - Give good information and do it in a way that's conversational and inspires people. Write like you talk and make sure you offer at least on good gold nugget of actionable information.

Step 2 - Then in the resource box you then invite them back to your website or blog and exchange their email address for more great quality information from you. You don't even have to be salesy in your resource box. You just follow what I call my FIB formula:

Flow: The resource box flows out of the article body, because the resource box is the next paragraph in the article. Don't do what most article writers do and start the resource box with your name and qualifications. That is like shouting at the reader "The article is now over and you can stop reading now!"

Invite: You invite them back to your website or blog for more information. In internet marketing this is called a CTA or Call To Action. I like to think of it as an invitation, and I even word it that way.

Brand: You brand yourself by mentioning your name and the name of your business. You do this at the end just to make sure that the reader associates the good stuff they are getting with you and your business.

And all you have to do is give them great content and invite them to get some more, from you.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

In What is SEO? Part 1 you learned what SEO means and is and you learned what Search Engines are and how they work. Now you will learn more about some basics and techniques that professionals do to optimize a website for the search engines:

Keyword/Phrase Research - this step is key in the SEO process and should be first above any other step. First, you need to find the keywords/phrases that you think a person would search for to find your website. Really you are researching keywords that are targeted and relevant to your market. Next you will research the traffic volume or popularity of the keywords/phrases, this is essential because it would be pointless to optimize your website for a keyword or phrase that gets zero (0) searches. Next you will research the Competition of the keywords or keyphrases that you have chosen. If a keyword/phrase is too competitive you have to analyze whether or not it is worth optimizing. The reason for this is simple, if you have chosen the keyword "Real Estate" then you have a huge task ahead of you. We are not saying that you can't get ranked on the first page of the major search engines for this keyword but you have to decide if it is worth the time and effort. Choose keywords/phrases that are unique and yet are attainable.

Url/Domain Name Optimization - Once you have found your main keyword you are going to focus on the next step, which is to decide what your Domain name is going to be. You might ask, "What is a Domain Name?" A Domain Name is the name that a person would type into a web-browser to visit your website e.g. To optimize your Domain Name you will want to find something that is short, targeted to your market, explains your site, and uses the main keyword you have chosen through your Keyword Research. So for example if your keyword was "Real Estate" then you would want to use those keywords in your domain name. Some may argue that using the keywords in your domain name is to general and doesn't brand your company. This is for you to decide, but it is proven at least for now that the Search Engines use the domain name text in their algorithms of how they see your site's relevancy to the search criteria. Note: The domain name you choose needs to be available to purchase. On-Page Optimization - another important step of optimizing your website is optimizing the web pages that the user and the spiders see. Now this is the trickiest part of SEO because you want to optimize your site for the Search Engine Spiders but you also want to optimize your site for your users/visitors. The best rule of thumb is to lean toward optimizing your site for the users first because more and more the search engines are looking at your site as if a human was, this is called Latent Semantic Indexing, optimize as natural as possible. So on-page optimization uses the following techniques:

* Content Optimization
* Keyword Placement (Frequency, Density, Proximity, etc.)
* Title Tag Optimization
* Meta Tag Optimization
* Spider/Robot Tag Optimization
* Image Alt Optimization
* Internal Link Structure
* 301 Redirects
* Robot.txt Creation
* Broken Links & Page Optimization
* Site Mapping
* Avoiding Specific Design Optimization Issues (Graphic, Flash, Dynamic, Frameset, and Javascript only Sites)

Off-Page Optimization - As important as any of the other steps of SEO, Off-page optimization is key to your success. Think of it this way the search engines want to see how popular your website is to the online world. This strategy of off-page optimization is where you optimize your website off the pages of your site. Link Building is most important to the off-page optimization process. Link Building is where you get a link back to your website on someone else's site. The important step is to have your keyword within the anchor text of the link not just simply putting as the link text. Getting links from Authority Sites (high traffic and highly ranked sites) is also very important again letting the search engines know that your site is popular. Most importantly with link building is getting links from sites that are relevant to your website and your keywords/phrases, if you for example get 100 links from Health Care websites and your Keyword is targeted toward "Real Estate" then the search engines won't think you are really that popular or relevant to the criteria of "Real Estate". Note: Getting links from irrelevant sites is not bad just not going to optimize your off-page process. Here are some of the important items of off-page optimization:

* Link Building (One Way and Reciprocal Links)
* Link Baiting (Luring others to want to link to your website)
* Article Submissions (Keyword rich content with links back to your website submitted to Article Directories)
* Press Release Submission (Optimized content with keywords & links, and also a great Link Baiting opportunity)
* Directory Submissions
* Search Engine Submission (Submitting your website to the search engines saying, "Spiders come look at my site, I have food for you.")
* Sitemap Submissions

Monitoring Search Engine Rankings (Analytics) - One important skill in SEO is measuring the results of applying some of the basic SEO techniques that we have mentioned above. To be a successful Search Engine Optimization professional you must Test, Test, and Test again. Patience is another quality that someone doing SEO must possess. You need to realize that you will not see results in one (1) or two (2) days actually you must be prepared to begin waiting and it could take time to see results maybe for two (2) to even (6) months. A quick way to see if you website is even seen (indexed) by the search engines is by typing into the search engine, if your site is indexed in the search engine you will see results in the query if not you will see "Your search - - did not match any documents". The manual way to monitor your rankings is simply typing in your keyword/phrase you are trying to rank for and search through the search engine results until you find your website. There are tools that you can use to monitor your rankings. Web analytics measures your online activity such as how much traffic your website is receiving, from where, and also measuring conversion. The most famous and may we add free Web analytic software is Google Analytics. This free web analytics tool is very robust giving you the geographic, trends, exit pages, and referrers of where your traffic is coming from and leaving from.

Now we hope you have learned some key terms, techniques, and basics of what Search Engine Optimization is and how it affects your business and even your life.

So "What is SEO?" well have given you some of the very basics above in this article but we realize that there is much much more to SEO than just these things and you must keep up on all the changes and updates of the Search Engines.

Learn SEO with the easy way, just visit:

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There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

In creating crawlable SEO copy, yes, keywords are very important. But what SEO enthusiasts fail to see is that competent content is what also matters. It may seem tedious and over rated but creating crawlable SEO copy is just the tip of the iceberg to actually ranking inside the search engines.

Believe it or not, there are guidelines in creating SEO copy. Of course keywords and long tail phrases are important as well, but without good copy, the potential of getting readers interested in your website is close to zero.

Based on experience, I have observed that effective placement of keywords on the web page should be at the top. This is because robots crawl the first one hundred words or so, and this is for a fact!

What has also worked for me is writing the keyword or keyword phrase within the first two opening sentences of the copy.

As this technique has done wonders for my career, I was able to come by basic copy guidelines so that it would make writing much more convenient (all you had to was make sure that each step contained a keyword or keyword phrase).

Step 1: Paragraph
Step 2: Call-to-action
Step 3: Intro-bullet list
Step 4: Paragraph
Step 5: Paragraph
Step 6: Call-to-action
Step 7: Closing

Some people prefer to write between 400 to 600 words and sometimes even longer! But what holds true to the engines is that the more pages you have, the more crawlable they are. Robots tend to crawl and index light weight pages better.

With this said, Yahoo doesn't index over 200KB whereas Google finds 500 to 550 as preferable in terms f page weight. My advice is to create more small-sized pages but do remember that competent and good content is the challenge here, filling them with keywords and phrases are the easy parts.

Maria Paula Tolentino

Maria Paula Tolentino
SEO / SEM Specialist

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Perhaps the hardest type of copy to write is SEO copy. SEO is an acronym for search engine optimized content. This simply means that your article has been decorated with keywords that the search engines will include in their algorithms as they index your page.

Sadly a lot of SEO copywriting is not very charming for humans to read. That is because most people think that the key word has to be repeated again and again in order for the page to rise to the top of the search engines. In fact this SEO technique is called keyword stuffing and many search engines will now penalize you for it. Unfriendly garbled copy that is ridden with too many of the same words can make visitors to your site think you are illiterate as copy with too much SEO looks like a moron wrote it.

Remember that the goal of effective SEO writing is to not only to improve your searchability and search engine rankings but also to lure customers to your site. The last thing you want your carefully written SEO coy to do is turn your visitor off your web page because they are grossed out by your blatant attempts at marketing. However this is precisely what happens when people click on a site that is filled badly written SEO articles that are strewn the keywords. Even worse, this type of a hard sell is because it makes you look greedy and desperate for business.

The key is to find a happy balance between copywriting for people and copywriting for the search engines while creating your website content. This is a talent that not too many people have in which case you might have to hire a professional SEO writer to ease your path for you when it comes to content.

Anthony Gregory is a SEO and website promoter, he can be contacted at sales(at)

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Email marketing is a very powerful tool and when used properly, has the ability to bring in massive profits in a very short period of time.

The following email marketing strategies will help you boost your results and give you the maximum return with your campaigns.

Tip #1 - Keep your email message short and the point.

Don't use long boring copy in your email messages. Stay on target with your readers. Make sure that each email you send contains just enough information to make your readers take action.

Tip #2 - Make sure your content is relevant and contains useful and helpful information. Don't send offer after offer to your list members. Give them free reports and free ebook that will be of great help to them.

Try to make sure you use one or two emails per week for nothing but content. No sales pitches. No selling.

This keeps your list fresh and responsive and will allow you to get consistent results from your email marketing strategies.

Tip #3 - Be sure to personalize every email message you send. Your main goal is to create a sense of trust with your list members or subscribers.

Use their first name in the subject line of your emails and in the introduction of the actual message. Building a bind with your list is important.

People will buy from someone they know and trust and if you follow these email marketing strategies, you will be able to make the most out of all your efforts.

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article writing is one popular method Internet Marketers use to promote websites or products. There are many different experts who suggest using this method to be highly effective, easy and inexpensive technique to adopt, especially for those working on a small budget.

In theory, a well distributed article will create tremendous exposure when published to various Ezines, newsletters blogs etc. If the writer's articles are of sufficiently high quality the author will be seen as an expert and their sites will gain authority from back links and resulting traffic.

Opinions vary on the best approach to use when creating articles. Some authors, experienced in this kind of marketing, suggest that creating articles that stir controversy is a good strategy. This however is a point with which others take exception.

It is sometimes recommended that by adopting a controversial writing the author can become more visible and creates buzz. Obviously this would then stir interest and perhaps generate traffic to a site. However using such an approach can also have a downside, which should be carefully considered.

Newspapers and magazine thrive on articles about topics which are current, newsworthy and of interest to their readers. Using articles as part of a marketing campaign is not the same as writing as a journalist, a reporter or even a blogger; it is a type of advertising.

The saying, there are two sides to every coin" is apt when it comes to controversial subjects. If an author creates a piece which is seen to be unfairly biased towards a particular point of view it may so alienate those with the opposite view that it will do more harm to a marketing program than good.

Further to that point, publishers might be reluctant to pick up articles which might offend some of their readers. Worse still, such articles might create a negative reputation for the writer which would impact their ability to get published in the future.

Some subjects might in fact have different aspects which can't be easily confined to a single point of view. By nature topics such as these might be more controversial than others and writing about them requires skill and a keen eye for balance and fairness.

Writing to be controversial is not a good idea as an article marketing strategy. However, writing about a controversial subject is not always a bad thing when certain caveats are observed. Bear in mind that readers will have their own opinions about your topic. The objective of such an article should be to inform not to confront or convert. Write about the nature of the conflicts or differences as a means of offering readers information that makes the issues clear.

The secret to an effective article writing program is no real secret at all. Write effective compelling, entertaining or enlightening pieces that provide readers with valuable and useful information.

If there are several opinions, points of view of ideas which the readers should consider, offer them in a fair balanced manner. Writers need to apply care and judicious use of the tools of their craft to create work that informs rather than inflames.

Many authors openly declare personal preferences or biases so as to prevent accusations of having a hidden agenda. They will also clearly point out where there are conflicts or differences of opinion among experts or as noted in the media on a given topic. This approach could be dubbed writing about controversy and not to cause it.

If you wish to take a strong position on something there are various other forums where one can express opinion and write with inspired passion. When writing specifically for the purpose of promoting a marketing campaign keep in mind the objectives of the piece and the intended reader.

Marvin Double is an experienced author who writes about internet marketing, e-commerce blogging and a variety of related and unrelated topics of interest. He brings over 30 years experience as a business entrepreneur off line to the internet marketing community. For additional articles or resources for internet marketers please visit

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