
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Article Marketing - Create Your Own Home Business Writing Articles For Others

Article marketing has a huge and growing popularity as a form of online advertising. By providing free information in the form of articles, Web sites attract customers to their businesses. So if you can write articles, you can develop your own home business.

Because there's such a good Return on Investment (ROI) with article marketing when compared with other advertising, businesses pay well for custom articles written to their specifications.

In this article we'll look how you can start a home business writing articles.

Your first step is to get some experience in writing articles. The more articles you write, the better your income, so look on this start-up phase as way of streamlining your processes, so you can train yourself to write articles fast.

1. Get experience in article writing at the out-sourcing sites

Go to one of the many out-sourcing sites, and bid on article writing projects. When you win some projects, write the articles to the purchaser's specifications.

Some article writers develop their businesses at the out-sourcing sites, however you'll make more money if you develop your own small Web site. Having your own site means that you can cut down on the time required to get article writing jobs, because your purchasers will come to you.

2. Write articles to promote your article writing business

Now you have some experience in writing articles, your next step is to promote your article writing home business - yes, by writing articles.

You need a Web site. Your site can be small and free. (You could create a free Blogger blog to act as your site for example.) On the site, advertise your availability as an article writer, and set your rates, as well as the topics in which you'll specialize.

3. Promote your article writing business to companies which use article marketing

Next, write some articles about article marketing, or about the topics in which you intend to specialize as an article writer, and post the articles to article directories.

In your resource/ bio box at the end of your article, promote yourself as an article writer with a link to your Web site.

You'll soon attract a stream of article buyers to your site, and your article writing home business will be launched.

Discover how easy it is to make money article marketing with Angela Booth's "Sell Your Writing Online NOW" Training Program at The program is fun and profitable too. There's a full year of lessons and assignments:"Sell Your Writing Online NOW" helps you to earn while you learn, even as a brand new writer.

New to writing? Visit Angela Booth's new Writing Hacker Web site at - watch Angela's "Make money Writing: Write and sell Web articles - they're in hot demand" video.

For free weekly writing information, subscribe to Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Ezine at and receive "Write And Sell Your Writing: The Power-Write Report" immediately.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Discover 4 Easy Secrets to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

If you are not using article marketing as traffic-generating and marketing tool, you are definitely leaving potential clients to your competitors. Don't let that happen and start writing your articles today.

1. Improve your writing skills. To be successful in this method, you need to produce articles that are not only content-rich, but also well-written. Hone your writing skills through constant practice and by reading articles and ebooks about such topic. You can also opt to work with expert writers who can teach you valuable tips and techniques that will enable you to produce quality articles.

2. Create effective resource box. This is one of the crucial elements of article marketing that will determine your conversation rate. You would want to convert every reader to potential client to boost your sales potential. Thus, you need to know how to create a resource box that is compelling, intriguing, enticing, and attention-grabbing. I suggest that you include incentives, like free ebooks or articles, to reward every person who chooses to click your website's URL.

3. Keep the rules of publishing sites in mind when writing your articles. You would want your articles to be accepted the first time you submit them to avoid wasting your time on revisions, right? Get to know the terms of service of various publishing sites to decrease or totally eliminate the chances of your articles being rejected.

4. Understand the algorithms of search engines. Knowing how they index articles and what elements they are looking for in ranking content will empower you to create articles that will satisfy their requirements. This can result to increased page views, higher page ranking, and more profits.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Breakthrough Article Marketing Secrets - Learn How To Maximise Your Results

Article marketing is a really good way to promote your business. I have tested different free methods like forum posting, web 2 sites and search engine optimization. Based on my testing I have to say that this produces the highest quality lead that you will get from all the different methods.

Now when you start out writing articles you may not get the results that you want. I remember when I first started I was struggling to write one article a day. To succeed with this method you need to be writing at least ten a day. If you really want to move things quickly then you need at least twenty a day.

I suggest that you focus on one niche market and concentrate all your efforts on this. Too many people create many different web sites and do not spend sufficient time promoting them. So write articles for the main site that you are promoting.

Initially, when I started I noticed that not many people read my work. The main reason was that I had very boring titles. Make sure that you have an attention grabbing title that will make somebody want to read your work.

You also need to come up with your own unique style of writing. Do it like you are having a conversation with your reader. This is a different style to what you have been used to in the past. Your style will appeal to certain readers who will become your subscribers and finally your customers.

Finally, make sure that you have a product that you can promote or sell. I see too many people only doing affiliate products or resale products. If you have your own product your sales will be significantly greater. It is however a lot of work, but well worth the effort.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Bridge the Article Marketing Gap - Reconciling Two Theories of Article Marketing

Article marketing should be an energetic and highly utilized part of any web-business strategy. The two primary ideologies of article distribution - wide array mass-distribution versus focused, small-scale distribution - seem at first to be irreconcilable. However, bringing the two methods together can multiply web traffic by exploiting the best aspects of each, so you can have your cake and eat it, too.

Conservative Distribution Theory

Recently, the most widely accepted theory of article marketing has been to use a focused technique of distributing articles to a handful of quality article directories. The primary reason this method became popular was that search engines began downgrading or penalizing websites that consisted of duplicate content. The search engines had good reason for that. It is not fair to rank cut-and-paste content the same as content created by the hand and mind of dedicated, interested people. The down side of that change of policy is that those of us who wanted to spread our homemade articles out to numerous sources found that our hard work was suddenly viewed less positively. The result was that the good, ethical article marketers set to work writing more articles and distributing them to ten or fifteen highly ranked article directories, while the black-hat guys searched for new dastardly schemes.

The benefits of the new rules were twofold:

1) Instead of spreading a few articles over a very wide area, we were creating more articles on our topics, which helped to bolster our image as experts in our field. Even if we got a bit less traffic, the traffic we did get was of a much higher quality.
2) Submitting to fewer directories meant that we could focus on getting our articles into the proper categories on the higher tier article directories. Once again, this seemed to result in better traffic.

Liberal Distribution Theory

This technique evolved quite naturally from the early days of internet marketing. As soon as we were capable, of course we submitted our articles to as many directories as possible. The more links we had floating out there, the more traffic we received. Much of that traffic was of lower quality, but that was not as important. As long as our servers could take it, we wanted it.

The benefits of the old way were, coincidentally, also twofold:

1) We were able to cast a much wider net. We could throw out the garbage and the small fish, and we kept only the fish we wanted. (I know it is a hackneyed metaphor, but it is true.)
2) With the advent of automated mass-distribution technology, we could get our message and our links out there with one click of the mouse. Maybe our articles were not always placed in the best category, but there were so many instances of our work on the internet that it did not drastically affect our results.

Then, in a story that seems to keep repeating itself, the spammers ruined it for everyone. Of course, they only ruined the easiness of article marketing, not the effectiveness. I must reiterate that these conditions forced us to work harder, which led to our increased knowledge, which then led to our being even better in our niches. Take that, spammers.

The New, Centrist Distribution Theory

Very simply, this is a combination of the two previously described theories. This method was created because although search engines downgrade duplicate content, they do not discount it entirely. If an article marketer today were to use mass-distribution alone, his work would not draw traffic to the level it would have a few years ago. However, his net would still be cast wide, with little effort required after writing the article.

It is now becoming clear that these two techniques can coexist. The trick is to find the right blend.

Some very successful article marketers use mass-distribution services for ten to thirty percent of the articles they write. The rest are submitted by hand (though there are software programs that can simplify this process) to specific categories in article directories that publish high quality, original content. This gives them two nets - one wide net and one deep net. They get long-lasting backlinks that bring them targeted traffic from the manual submissions, and they get volume from the mass-distribution.

The last remaining task is one that never actually ends. Successful article marketers never stop experimenting with which articles to mass-distribute, and with how many to mass-distribute. Start your campaign today, and watch your traffic skyrocket in a few short months.

Article Ranger is a free submission article directory where authors may post articles about subjects of interest, and publishers may pick up articles for use in ezines, newsletters, etc. Michael Rasco is the Owner and Chief Editor of Article Ranger.

Niche Browser Review

Jason Moffatt's new Niche Browser program is an absolutely amazing program. There are so many ways for you to find niche markets with the program that it would be almost impossible for you not to make money with it. Not only will it help you discover markets but you can also find things to give away as bonuses such as audio content, articles, videos, and more - this feature alone is worth having the program for me.

Here is a list of some of the things that you can do with Niche Browser:

1. Generalized Keyword Search and Query Tools This part of the program contains a textbox called "Main Search Text Box" where most of your searches and queries begin. Entering your keyword(s) into this box and clicking the Search button will bring up Google Search Results in the main browser window.

2. Categorized Keyword Search Here you will find a plethora of search tools. The features included for searching are web search, news, audio, video, entertainment, shopping, and RSS & Blog search engines.

3. Main Browser Window This is just the main browser window where everything happens. Just like a normal browser with forward, back, refresh, and stop buttons.

4. Side Panel For each type of search there is a category to help you narrow down what you are looking for.

5. Related Searches This area contains shortcuts to various tools, such as Overture and Google Sets. This helps you discover more topics and keywords related to your current niche market.

6. URL Tools These are site-related tools that give you information on the current page or entire domain.

Now, I do not think that Jason Moffatt's Niche Browser will make-or-break your internet marketing ventures, but I do know that it will save you a heck of a lot of time. The time I use to spend finding audio, video, and article content for autoresponders or blogs has been more than cut in half.

Be sure to discover more about Niche Browser at Niche Browser.

Getting Started With The Bum Marketing Method

The Bum Marketing Method was created by Travis Sago, who explains that he can literally pick up a Bum off of the streets and show him how to make money online with little effort. Is it the real deal?

In a simple answer: Yes, it is the real deal.

Bum Marketing takes more than a little effort, it takes quite a bit of effort and it takes a little knowledge in Writing Articles and Search Engine Optimization. In the shortest Bum Marketing Tutorial ever, I'm going to attempt to break down this process for you, so that you can better understand "BMM".

Bum Marketing is very similar to Article Marketing, in which you need to write articles (duh!) and submit them to places such as based on a set of Keywords with little competition. Take, for example, "Blue Widgets". Let's say that we joined an Affiliate Program for Blue Widgets and we want to promote this product.

If you were to type "Blue Widgets" (with quotes around the term) into Google - you would see the number of results given back. These numbers (results) are actually "competition". These are your competitors that you need to beat. When I say "beat", I'm talking about getting to the top of the results for this keyword (Blue Widgets).

You want to get the top results so that when a user searches for the term Blue Widgets, they visit YOUR website. Once they visit your website/blog/article - there is a good chance that they will follow the link you want them to follow (ie, Affiliate Link to make the purchase) to get the results you're looking for.

For Keyword research, we can use a free tool such as the Google Keyword Tool, or even a paid tool such as NicheBot

OK, so we've got the gist of it all, right? Alright, let's continue.

So here's the plan:

1) Find a product you want to promote (Green Widgets)

2) Find a search term you want users to type into the search engines (keyword research - NicheBot?) ... let's say it's "Green Widget Review".

3) Create an Article based on the term "Green Widget Review" (honest review is what really works!)

4) Use the term "Green Widget Review" as the Title of the Article -- and then use it somewhere near the top of the Article, but use it for readers - don't make it look and feel spammy

5) Make the Article at least 500 Words Minimum and try to include some other Keywords that are related to the Product for extra searches. (Blue Widgets, Red Widgets, etc)

6) Submit the Article - but be sure to include a link to your Website/Landing Page/Blog at the bottom of the article in the Author SIG - Resource box.

7) Be sure that your landing page is ready for these articles. Have more information related to the product, a better review, a purchase page, etc.

8) You can also just link straight to the Merchants page if you use a site like

9) Rinse and repeat, but use a totally different article for another Article Directory)

Sites such as and are also great resources to build review or comparison sites or even Informational sites for the Affiliate product. These sites, including, get a ton of traffic - but they also get GREAT Search Engine Results!

I hope you've learned a little about Bum Marketing, and I hope you continue your Learning experience on the subject!

Learn more about Bum Marketing and Affiliate Marketing

Looking to get started with Affiliate Marketing? Want to see what it takes to become a successful Affiliate Marketer? Check out my blog: Affiliate Marketing For Newbies

Profitable Article Marketing - Uncover 4 High Impact Secrets To Excel At Article Marketing

If there is one marketing technique that you would like to dominate, it must be article marketing as it is the best free product and website promotional tool in the internet today. If you excel in this field, you can be assured that your ebusiness will grow by a hundredfold.

Here are the 4 high impact secrets to excel at article marketing:

1. Write to inform and not to impress. Some writers think that they can easily earn the trust of their readers by showing off and presenting all the things they know in their articles even if they are not related to their topic. Truth be told, online users do not usually care if you are jack of all trades, they are more concern with your ability to help them out by offering solutions to their problems and information that can empower them to do things on their own. So, stop impressing your readers and just focus on giving them information that they will find useful and valuable to their lives. If you can offer a slice of your knowledge in a very down-to-earth tone, the better.

2. Use simple terms. When writing articles for the web, it is important to remember that the audience you are serving come from different backgrounds and nationalities. If you want to touch more online users, you must use simple terms that are more likely to be understood by all types of surfers from all points of the globe. Steer clear from using highly technical terms as they can be downright confusing to average readers.

3. Offer useful substance. Your articles should contain practical information that your readers will find useful and valuable to their lives. Remember, one of your main objectives in writing your articles is to impart knowledge while building your credibility within your chosen niche. Draw from your knowledge and experience and do your research to make your articles content-rich so they will be very much appreciated by your readers.

4. Write in a conversational tone. The best way to connect with your readers is to adopt a conversational tone when writing your articles. However, make sure that you do not lose the professional feel so you can still earn their trust. Write just like the way you talk but avoid using colloquial or slang terms.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Get Started With Article Marketing

Online businesses are the buzz word in todays world, with the widespread of business on the internet; newer ways of promotion and marketing are also being devised everyday. In order to attract customers and also to keep the existing ones interested, innovative and creative marketing tools have become mandatory.

Article marketing is one such tool and is a very appropriate way of promoting your online business. It is a means of creating awareness amongst your target audience about the services you offer. Article marketing provides yet another successful tool to promote your business in the extremely intense competition of the online word. Always make sure to develop articles which are relevant and compelling.

Try to capture the attention of the audience by first highlighting the idea and giving a general introduction, after that slowly mould you details towards the point of focus, and narrowing down to the central idea.

The most effective way of article marketing is to use keywords which have the highest chances of appearing in popular searches. For this, you will have to keep your knowledge up to date of the most popular keywords being used. The higher the rate of popular keywords in your articles, the greater the chances of them to be viewed and in return bringing more traffic to your website.

Try to maintain the quality of the articles, as much as quantity may give you results, quality a helps in keeping them, always keep in mind that a below quality article can create a bad impression about your business and thus, may not prove to be profitable for your business. Always present your ideas in a creative manner, give the readers something fresh to read, so that their interest can be captured.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Impossbile to Create a Passive Income Without a Website Online?

If you want to start an internet business, it is always encouraged to have your own website. However, there is always a mislead that every internet business requires to have a sales page and opt-in page. No doubt, having an opt-in capture page builds your leads list and a good sales page with well-defined features and benefits of the product improve sales conversion. However, you can still create a passive income without a website.

Building a sales page and opt in capture page is mandatory if you have a product of your own which you want to promote and sell. This is definitely essential as your opt in and sales page serves as a communication tool to bring across your product's benefits to your potential prospects. If you have just started out or simply have zero knowledge in html programming and web hosting , which most of super affiliate experienced and gone through this initial stage, you can simply opt to become an affiliate promoting other people products that will still create a passive income without a website.

Registering yourself as affiliate is easy and there are plenty of good opportunities around on the internet. By simply do a quick search in the search engine for affiliate program, you will be spoilt with the wide selections. There are several good affiliates site around like clickbank, cj, richdadpoordad, marketingtips and many more. Registering yourself as an affiliate is usually free and for good affiliate companies, they will provide with all the essentials tools and resources to help you promote their products. For instance, marketingtips has a comprehensive layout plan for her affiliate in the promotion of their products. They give tips and pointers on the promotion strategies through articles written by top writers and newsletters to her affiliates through email. They have a wide selection of banner links, text links, pop ups and products reviews which are easily available to affiliates upon registering.

You must be wondering where should you insert a banner link, text link, classified ads link or how to incorporate product reviews without web page? How should you make full use of the resources available to create a passive income without a website? Being an affiliate, your responsibility is to adopt marketing strategies to promote the products to the wide masses out there. Article marketing is an effective marketing strategies. If the affiliate company provides templates of their product's review, you can simply use their templates or modify the contents and submit them to article submission sites such as ezinearticles, ideamarketers, isnare, articledashboard and many more high ranking articles. The most important section is the resource box in the article submission sites and this is where you should write something about yourself to up your credential and insert your product affiliate link. You may include part of their text link or classified ads link in your resource box.

Learn the secrets of how an ex-air traffic controller earned a whopping profits of US$436,797 in a year without having a product of her own. With her secrets and strategies in hand, your learning curve can be shortened substantially and start seeing your money grows like wild fire in the shortest time possible. Click here to seek this sought after earning opportunity by many. ->

Advanced Linking Strategies Revealed That Will Explode Your Search Engine Traffic

Linking on the internet for any website is of primary importance. The main reason for this is that search engines value the importance of search engine rankings by the amount of websites that link to your website.

If you have very few websites linking to you then you probably will not have very good search engine rankings. In this article I would like to go through some things that you can do to improve your search engine rankings. The most important part is that you need to build a high quality website. If other webmasters see it they will want to link to it because you have very useful content on the site.

You can start off by submitting to quality directories like Yahoo and Open Directory. Google has admitted that links from these will improve your ranking as these are trusted websites. After this you can submit to other second tier directories like Gimpsy.

Post frequently to forums including a link to your website with your signature. Write articles and submit them to the major article directories including a link to your site in your resource box. These will become viral in nature as other publishers publish your articles increasing your link popularity.

Finally, you can use link baiting to take advantage of web 2 traffic. This could be writing controversial articles with a killer headline and submitting it to story sites like Digg. If it generates enough interest it may just make it to front page generating lots of traffic and links to your website.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Your Article Marketing Concentration

When your writing an article, you have to be dedicated to writing that article. You cannot have any distractions. The more distractions you have, the worst your article will turn out to be. Even if you just have relaxing music in the background, your writing style will become diluted and tasteless.

You want your article to scream out that you made it. You have to concentrate on your article. But don't concentrate too hard. Just hard enough that you can write nonstop without stopping because of a distraction. Remember, the best way to dominate the market is to flood the market as fast and as much as you can. You can't succeed in flooding the market if you keep stopping to sing along to a song or watch a video. These distractions will murder your article marketing.

Just keep writing. Don't worry if you get bored. Just keep doing it. The more you keep writing, the more you'll get over the wall of being bored. Soon you'll have written so much that it won't be a chore anymore. You'll be able to write 20 articles in less than 2 hours and it won't even be a problem because your just so used to it. Just keep writing. Don't stop.Your consistent writing will be your advantage and key to your article marketing success.

Many article marketers stop writing after their first ten because they don't have enough will power. Just keep writing, and soon you will surpass them and create a fortune off of article marketing. You just have to concentrate and write without distractions.

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Affiliate Article Marketing And You

Affiliate article marketing is your chance to distinguish yourself from all of the other affiliates for the same product or service.

Writing articles about the products or services you represent as an affiliate gives you the chance to create a certain amount of trust with your prospect. A well written piece that is informative provides information about your professionalism and the product you are representing.

If you do not respect your reader and give them an article that has poor grammar, spelling mistakes and NO valuable information about the product or service, you have lost ANY chance at getting the reader to either finish reading your article or clicking through for more information.

* Honest product reviews on the products you represent are always welcome.
* Videos showing how the product works are priceless, especially if they are of a REAL user and not a commercially made advertisement.
* The consumer wants to be ensured that their problems are going to be solved so itemizing the benefits of the product that are NOT listed on the product sales page or in commercials helps create credibility.

The affiliate articles you write are your chance to sell without selling.

You do this by capturing their interest with the title, building on that interest with the first paragraph, create a desire in them for more information with the body text then give them a call to action at the end where they can have the desire for more information sated.

There are going to be a LOT of other affiliates for the product you represent and not all of them do affiliate article marketing. Some may dabble at it but aren't willing to put themselves, their personality and their personal integrity into their business.

Take the time to know and understand your product before you write your first affiliate marketing article and you will be separating yourself from the herd. Be honest and find a marketing approach that differs from others and you'll be exploiting a niche within that market.

The bottom line is always respect the reader, respect yourself and be a prolific writer if you want to win the affiliate article marketing war with other affiliates in your niche.

If you enjoyed this, you may enjoy some of the articles in the ArticlesBin Video Article Marketing Directory.

Article Marketing Service - Strategically Increase Online Sales Using Article Marketing Advertising

Article Marketing Services are the fastest ways you can boost your website traffic and sales. Many webmasters have suddenly realized the need to have keyword focused niche sites, and the easiest way to create niche websites fast is to search for niche marketing article web sites that specialize in producing original articles for their clients. This article will discuss internet article marketing for small business, article marketing strategy and article marketing advertising. With this information, we will grasp the importance of relying on article marketing services as the best way to go.

Small businesses can get free traffic to its website by utilizing Internet article marketing. The best resource for original articles at affordable prices is to use article-marketing services. This service is the best because it uses experts that write greatly focused content. These articles are in the lightest mood but professional manner, with a little not-so-obvious sales pitch, that can convince would be buyers and searchers, thereby boosting conversion rates with the article marketing advertising. Strategic article marketing is achieved given that articles on good content are traffic-bringers to websites. They understand the basics of search engine optimization together with keyword focused niche articles,resulting in free traffic to websites, which is another example of article marketing advertising.

Article marketing publishes articles that help clients meet the requirements of the ten major search engines, especially Google, Yahoo and MSN. This allows them to save money on other SEO services.

Article marketing services on the net are the best places to get original articles that satisfy the major search engines, resulting in steady traffic and income, especially for niche marketing and small businesses. Any article marketing service that can deliver 30,000 words of original content for you monthly for under $1500 is worth investigating.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier article marketing service. To get pricing send an email to with "Articles Order" in the subject line and your website link with a little about your business in the body of the email.

Developing A List Of Keywords For Marketing

Keywords aren't just some words that allow search engines, like Google, to find your web site. They are also key elements for creating attractive language to use in your marketing or advertising material. For instance places such as: brochures, business cards, flyers, and ads. Keywords can also fit well into speaking engagements scripts or audiotapes scripts as well as audience handouts.

It is important to create a keyword list for each product or service you have. The keyword list might even change slightly if there are various groups or audiences for that product or service.

For simplicity, I have omitted the word service and for the word product to reflect both.

Creating your keyword list can begin after you have clearly identified the buyer or audience for a particular product or service. You will need to know as much about the buyer's demographic and charactertics as possible. I also recommend including their descriptive qualities and personalities. Here is a list to kick start your brainstorming process:

Socially conscious
Early adaptor
Later buyer
Has to see it to believe it
Guarantee a must.

The list of keywords will describe the product and target the specific quality you have isolated as most important to those buyers. No grabbing out of midair. Take the time and research, this will help you save money and reduce costly marketing experiences.

You can complete your research with any combination of methods. Here are eight methods to help you build from:

Yellow Pages or other indexes for services or products.
Reviewing your company literature already created
Checking out the competitors literature
Surveying key customers
Searching through trade publications (articles and ads), and contacting them or visiting their web site looking for their buyer statistics/demographics.
Use a general dictionary and thesaurus
Use a specialized dictionary like the, Flip Dictionary.

You can use resources like the yellow pages or other catalogue-type indexes listing grouping to discover keywords your product or service would be listed under.

Lets move through an example. If you were selling a professional development product you could be in any one of the following professions: professional speaker, life, business, or executive coach, consultant or trainer. Your buyer or audience is somewhat successful you're your product will help them add additional success. Here is a list of keywords that could describe their characteristics or qualities:

Able to motivate others
Committed to achieving excellence
Demands excellence
Full of character
Has good judgment
Has a wonderful stress-free life already
Highly perceptive
Lives up to her or her potential
Life-long learner
Sts high standards for themselves
Stays on track
Strives for perfection
Strives to excel
Takes the initiative
Motivated to achieve

Okay, good start. Now, lets begin to put all this together. Lets zoom in on one of these: strives to excel. Lets narrow down further to one word: excel.

Look up the word excel in a synonym finder, thesaurus or my preference, the Flip Dictionary and you find the following keywords that you can add to your keyword list: best, better, exceed, outclass, outdo, out rival, outstrip, shine, star, superior, surpass, take the cake, transcend, dominate, tower above, be head and shoulders above, stand out in the crowd, hold sway, lead, take the lead, lead the pack.

The list can go on, however, will stop here because the point is made.

After this, you could let your fingers travel through the thesaurus and then add those words.

Alternatively, you could continue your list by visiting a few of your competitors web sites and see what keywords they use. You do this by visiting their home page, right clicking the mouse on the page, and select "view source." In the HTML code look for "keywords." These are the keywords they use for the search engines to find them.

You will want to specifically focus on the competitor web sites that appear in first ten spots on one or two major search engines, like Google.

Next, select another method from your list of resources and continue until you feel you have enough right words.

After completing your list, you will want to review and place the keywords in priority order as best possible and eliminate any words that might be misleading. If you market globally, make sure none of the keywords mean something offensive in their language.

Catherine Franz, a Certified Professional Marketing & Writing Coach, specializes in product development, Internet writing and marketing, nonfiction, training. Newsletters and articles available at:


Amazing Article Marketing - Latest 5 Rewarding Methods to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is getting so much attention these days. Webmasters from all over the globe agree that this is one of the most reliable traffic-generating techniques that does not only bring steady traffic, but more importantly, it pulls up a website's search engine ranking. In addition, this technique is widely used by webmasters who would like to show their expertise to their target market.

If you are a new webmaster who would like to get the benefits mentioned above, these latest 5 rewarding methods can definitely help you out:

1. Post your picture and your author's bio on major publishing sites. If you are aiming at establishing personal relationship with your potential clients, this is one effective way to get you started. Post some information that will convince your readers that you are an expert on your field. Do not forget to post your recent picture so they can associate the personal information with a face.

2. Widely distribute your articles. Do not limit yourself to publishing sites; you can also submit your articles to blogs, websites, and ezine. This is the best way to syndicate your articles and give them maximum exposure.

3. Write quality articles. Remember, the success of your article marketing campaign relies heavily on the quality of your articles. As such, it is important to proofread your articles to make sure they are easy to understand, useful, concise, and informative before you submit them to publishing sites.

4. Write more. To get more quality inbound links to your website, write and submit as many articles as you can. Just make sure that all articles are related to the product or service that you promote so you can easily drive visitors to your website to check what you offer.

5. Pick the best publishing sites. In submitting your articles, it is important to consider the page ranking of the submission sites. If they are not even indexed by Google, take them out from your list. They cannot in anyway help you generate traffic to your website.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - The Fourth Step to a Profit-Pulling Resource Box at the End of Your Articles

Article marketing requires you to ask the reader to take an action at the end of the article. One of the great things about article marketing is that at the end of every article is a resource box, that when used properly, drives the reader back to your website or blog.

The problem that I see every day with my students, members, and mentees, is that most writers do not know how to create or craft a powerful call to action.

How to create a powerful call to action

One of the principles on the Internet is that you cannot assume, ever, that the reader or visitor knows what to do next. In fact many readers do not know what to do next and therefore do not think.

I'll call to action is simply a request or invitation for the reader to take your most desired action. If you want the reader to download a free information product that your most desired action. If you want the reader to subscribe to a newsletter, then that your most desired action.

The point is simply this - you must invite the reader to take the next step which is your most desired action.

Here is an example of a call to action -

"Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to (my url)."

In the above example I have taken the reader by the hand and invited them to take the next action that I desire them to take. That is a gentle yet powerful call to action for your resource box at the end of your articles.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Get Ranked Higher in Google Search Engine Result Pages

Today Google is one of the most used search engines for searches today, I will provide a list of thing that you can do to increase your site search results for a targeted keyword. Using these tips will not only increase your results with Google but will help with other Search Engines such as Yahoo & MSN.

Before you start to promote your site over the internet, it is best to first find out what search term or also known as "keyword" that you want to use to build your campaign. It should be a keyword that is related to your site and one that is actually being searched for. A great keyword research tool that you can use is Google Keyword Tool. Using this tool you can type in a keyword manually or let Google analyze your site by typing in your site address. It will return all the keywords that are found on your site and you can filter the results by search volume and competition.

Once you choose your keyword or keywords you will want to implement this in your site which is known as On-Page Optimization. Ensure that your keywords Meta tag reflect that your keywords are included; the keyword should be in your Title or at least a variation. Also in your site content it is best to have this keyword in your content in the right places but don't keywords stuff your site where it may look unnatural. When a keyword accounts for 10% of the entire page content this is too much. When using keywords in your site, Search Engines will pick up if the keywords are in bold or italic. There are more ways to optimize your on page content but there is too much to cover in this article. I started with the basics.

Now for Off-Page Optimization also known as link building, this is one of the most important factors when it comes to your site getting ranked in Google. There are many options when building links. Generally it is best to get your site listed on high page rank pages that are relevant to your site. But that is always not so easy to do. The first link building technique I will mention is Article Submissions. Article Marketing can greatly increase your Google search exposure. You can write an article about something that is related to your site's content, and at the end of the article you can add 3 anchor texts and 3 hyperlinks that will point back to your site. You can then submit this article to article directories and when your site is accepted into the directory you will get back links from the hyperlinks in the article. When creating the anchor texts in the articles make sure you are using your targeted keywords that I mentioned earlier.

Another link building option is submitting your website to website directories or also known as search directories. There are many free ones out there that you can submit your site to. Just like the article submission, when your site is listed on a web directory you will get a backlink from the directory which passes "juice" onto your site. When creating the information to submit your website to directories the most important thing is choosing the right Anchor Text. Make sure when you create Anchor text you are again using your targeted keywords in it. Also make at least 5 variations of the anchor text. If Google sees your site was submitted to 500 directories all with the same anchor text this may be seen as duplicate content and then you most likely will not receive credit for the backlink.

These are just a few ways that you can increase your Google Search Engine Result Page's. There are many other ways for link building and On-Page Optimization.

One of the best directory submission services for helping your website is Nationsubmit Not only will they help grow the popularity of your site, but they will set it up for long term success in the future by establishing a trusted network of links from which the website will grow. View some of their link building Packages. You can also check out their Link Building Blog.

7 Ways to Link Popularity

Links play a very vital role when it comes to search engine rankings and traffic. When there are more people linking to you, it means that your website is very credible and informative.

Here are 7 ways to link popularity:

1. Make your content very engaging. If your articles are something that will appeal to the needs of your readers, then they will likely share them with others.

2. Get rid of grammatical errors. One of the best sources of great links are library sites. However, if you want to ensure that you will have higher chances of being included; make sure there are no errors in your grammar or spelling.

3. Build your authority. Include a picture in your website, or you can provide a privacy policy in your site. This will increase your credibility, and it's easy for you to ask for link exchange from any webmaster.

4. Offer exclusive content. You can scour for websites that have fewer contents and you can offer them free articles just for them if you are permitted to include a link pointing to your website. Once the site gains PR, you will benefit from the development.

5. Exchange articles. You can also opt to exchange copies with other webmasters. It's one way to practice reciprocal linking, only that you're trading articles and not simply links.

6. Register in Better Business Bureau. When you join this organization, you are only trying to increase the legitimacy and trustworthiness of your website. This will make it very easy for you to market your link even in forums, where moderators can be extremely strict about them.

7. Add your website in Craigslist. There are millions of people who are browsing through Craigslist for any announcements and even jobs. You can make use of this free service to market your products and services.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to link popularity success, 'Secrets of Link Popularity for Online Income'

Download it free here: Link Popularity

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Building a List? Its Fun With a Joint Venture Giveaway

Want to have fun while building your list? Try a joint venture giveaway. You give away now to make money online later.

But first, are you convinced of the need for building a list? Experienced webpreneurs tell us that building a list is the foundation of a long standing online business.

Not only can you sell directly to our subscribers, but you can use your list in so many other ways. You can generate feedback on new product designs before you launch them. You can find people to beta test your products. You can ask for testimonials to use in your marketing materials. You can conduct surveys and plan market research. You can even find joint venture partners for other undertakings.

Are you convinced that you need to start building a list?

Joint venture giveaways are one way of building a list, and theyre fun to boot. You join with a group of other joint venture partners, all of whom donate a free gift to site visitors. Each of these partners is obligated to send traffic to the site during the events lifetime. You collect the email address every time someone accesses the gift you have provided.

No gift and no traffic to send? No problem.

The best gifts when you are building a list are often ones you create yourself. Ideally, they are items, products or services that can be delivered over the Internet. If you dont have an ebook or other electronic item to donate, you can get one quickly. Run a Google search for public domain ebooks and see what turns up. If an item is in the public domain, you can give it away. Alternatively, surf on over to eBay and buy a package of PLR articles or ebooks. You can often get these for two or three dollars a bundle. You can give away PLR products, rewrite them, or even add your name as the author.

To find traffic for the giveaway, consider your circle of friends, acquaintances, business colleagues or your contact list at Facebook or Squidoo. You might also post a message to an Internet forum or to an email group if the rules permit. If not perhaps you can include the information in your signature.

Now, back to collecting the email addresses since the whole point is building a list. The whole process is simple when you use a good autoresponder service. You set up the autoresponder so that when a person clicks through the giveaway site to collect your gift, they encounter a squeeze page. The squeeze page contains a form that asks for their email address. When they provide the address, the system takes them automatically to another page where they view the download information for their gift. In the meantime, the autoresponder saves the email address to a database. You are now building your list.

The autoresponder you use is vitally important when you are building a list. Please avoid the free ones. They lack the features that you need, plus the email messages they send contains other peoples advertisements. Instead, look for a reliable autoresponder service that automates the entire process. It should allow you to send follow up emails at intervals you determine. Building a list moves from daunting to simple when you use the right tools.

One last tip about building a list: Always remember your subscribers are a valuable resource and treat them accordingly.

Find out how the best autoresponder on the Internet just got better
and why you should care

Lead Generation - How To Mine The Web To Get The Hottest Leads For Your Business

Lead generation does not require a rocket science degree to achieve radical results. As long as you go the right places and market your website, and you do it the right way, you will build a steady stream of daily leads flowing into your autoresponder account literally even while you sleep.

Here are the best places to generate leads for your business:

1) Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Google is the first point of reference for most people that are searching for information on the Internet. So you can imagine that it would be a powerful tool for a marketer. Grab your piece of the advertising pie by using their Adwords advertising program. You only pay for clicks on your ad, making it extremely advantageous for marketers!

2) Message Boards

Message boards are usually places where like-minded people congregate to talk about their favorite topics and issues close to their heart. This makes it a fervent ground to get new leads! Simply advertise your website link in your personalized signature file and start posting. But remember, don't spam the message boards. Provide useful content.

3) Classified Ads

Classified ads are one of the hottest places to get fresh new leads because there are people actually looking for stuff to buy! They are 'warm' to offers. Write a compelling and irresistible ad and post it a premier classified ads site like Craigslist and and get leads added into your account.

So that leaves you with 3 of the best places to generate responsive leads that crave your emails...

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Link Building - Wake Up, Get Creative Or Get Left Behind!

Whilst traditional methods of researching and subsequently contacting related websites for both one way and reciprocal links might offer limited success to your link-building efforts, it is a dated process, and one becoming ever more difficult to reap rewards from.

This notion is given further credence by the recent decision by Google-in an attempt to quash manipulations of its ranking algorithm through the sale and bulk buying of links through link brokers and automated submission software- to drop the PageRank (the formula Google used to rank pages) from many of the offending websites, blogs, directories and forums, rendering those links worthless.

Automated submissions and outsourced 'black hat' link building efforts haven't helped matters and the whole 'link building' industry has been tainted with connotations of spam.

It is an inaccurate perception to assume that building links to your website is relative to how much you are prepared to pay. But even with a greater dedication of time to research and contact a range of complimentary websites, forums and blogs you will still be presented with perhaps the most unpredictable character within the link building process -the site owner.

Site owners or web masters and blog authors have noticeably become more closed to sharing their websites, promoting 'for profit' causes and recommending business or websites they have no prior knowledge or experience of. And whilst a review of how and why this has developed would not assist the situation, there are important points to consider:

Search engines ARE getting smarter in how they rank pages and how they detect genuine, paid, reciprocal and three way links and users ARE becoming ever savvier and critical of what they view whilst online.

"So if building high quality links to your website is a problem, then a solution would be to add value to your website."

Adding value that naturally attracts links, generates buzz about your product or service, stimulates conversations amongst the social spheres or perhaps crosses over to the mainstream (offline) press is perhaps a far more interesting proposition, offering the potential of increased brand awareness, traffic and one way links to your website.

Examples include:

- Creating compelling video content

- Writing thought provoking articles

- Engaging with your customers and actually listening to what they have to say

- Regularly updating the company blog

- Interviewing high profile figures on your blog

- Recording a quality podcast or a range of podcasts.

- Developing an online game

- Launching a resources section of your website in order to 'share knowledge'

- Developing expression and consumption widgets for your users to download to their desktops or embed within their blogs and social networking profiles.

- Create new pages of your website welcoming user generated content and reviews of your products and services.

This is just the tip of the iceberg but the power of "adding value" to your website can be seen in all sorts of sectors - from travel to technology and from FMCG's to fashion, but don't just rush in without conducting some form of research. Instead, take a step back from the business, the product and the focus on sales in order to create something your readers, your community, your customers will actually want or welcome. The reward for doing so will come to fruition as users spread your message virally through the social networks, potentially attracting substantial exposure and backlinks.

Simon Dance is the link and social media executive at Leapfrogg, a Brighton SEO and Search Marketing agency who specialise in best practise and ethical search marketing solutions.


Frogg Blog:

2008- This article is free for republishing - One link must be active.

8 Key Tips to Increase Your Blog Google PageRank

Are any backlinks also good for your blog? No, as only good backlinks are useful that help your blog PR increase.

If you are planning to reach PR4 from 2-3, you should pay attention to these tips as Google algorithm system is intelligent enough to identify where your backlinks are good or bad. Therefore, you should set up a long term strategy to do promote your blogs and keep in mind these tips even you are planning to pay a thousand dollars to reach PR4+.

Simply, Page Rank of a website/blog is a asset for a site owner, because if a site has a larger page rank it will be more visible in search engines and can get more visitors. There are a lot of ways to promote your website and increase its page rank. Some ways require you to pay for it and some are FREE but needs extra time and efforts. Remember in Websites the most important thing you need to remember is the patience. Below are some points which you can follow and improve your website ranking.

1. Linking is the best and fast way to improve your page rank. Try to get a link back from higher page rank websites. There are some free ways also but they will take a long time to insert your link in other websites. But if you can pay some $$ to get a link back from higher page rank websites, they will guarantee you for your link to be approved within a week.

2. If you are planning to purchase a link back then remember this point, some websites have PR4, PR5 or even PR7 for their home page, but no PR for any of their other pages, So remember to pay for only that link which will be displayed on a PR+ page.

3. Submit to directories and sit & relax. Start one by one and submit your link in all web directories. If you can, try to give a link back (reciprocal link on your page) to free directories, some directories does not need it, but if you provide them, their owners will look for your approval first.

4. Build a sitemap for your website (XML based for Google and text based for Yahoo!) and submit them to Google and Yahoo! Get a Google webmaster account and sign in there to see your website statistics. It will also tell you if you site is indexed or not, and your page rank in Google.

5. Update your website every day by adding more unique content. If you site has some information for a visitor then it is 100% chance for him to come back to your site again.

6. Provide inside linking to your website. For example you can provide a link of your previous and next articles on an article page. Or you can provide a list of related articles so visitor can remains a long time on your website.

7. Keep in touch with your website. If you do, you will get results from your statistics analyzer very soon that you are getting visitors and your page rank is improved.

8. And the most important tip. "Trade your link with other web owners". Put their link on your website and they will put your link in them. This is for free and the very fast way to improve your visibility in search engines.

Some other FREE ways that offer you put your blog link in their directory or group but it seems that Google does not like this type of exchange link and your page rank will not increase either.

List Building - Blogging for Traffic and List Building?

The hottest marketing technique today is blogging. Why? you may wonder. What does blogging have to do with list building?

Blogs are very search engine friendly because search engine spiders don't have to deal with java script or flash, or too many images, usually, and they don't get hung up on the crawl. And besides that, a blog is constantly updating with fresh content. That's what search engines love best.

So, what happens?

Your blog, which you've updated daily, winds up at the top of the search engines for a keyword you've used in every post you've made. That's great because what gets clicked when someone searches? Usually the first few links.

If you're one of those links, you'll have a ton of traffic just going to your blog, where you talk about your niche and send people to your list building squeeze page at the end of every post, right? You'll get all these people clicking to your blog, and if you set up your blog the right way, you're also collecting names for list building there, too.

Putting a list building opt-in box at the top of your squeeze page is enormous! You really should do that, if you can. It may not be possible with the managed blog sites, like Blogger, for instance, but you can surely do it, if you have a blog, like a WordPress blog, on your own server. It's pretty simple to do. You just get the list building form code from your autoresponder, and it plug it into the blog template.

This is probably hard for some of you, but if you don't know what you're doing with that kind of stuff, hire somebody to do it for you. It won't cost much to get a blog set-up and running, with your list building box at the top. Just don't let anything stop you from setting up your blog. It's a very good way to get list building traffic.

You may say, "I can't write. What would I put into a blog every day?"

Well... there are plenty of places to get content, too. You can go to the article directories---there are hundreds of them---and choose articles in your niche. Articles from free directories are all free to republish. Or, you can choose something in the news about your niche. Do a book review. Quote a couple of sentences from a magazine article and give your opinion on what was written. But content is all around you and most of it is free.

List building has many different facets, and what it all boils down to is getting people to come to your list building squeeze page and having them sign up for your list. Blogging is one great way to add people to your list, who like what you have to say. Set up a blog--anywhere, be it on your own server or at one of the services--and start blogging. Use keywords important to your niche, and watch your list grow!

Tellman Knudson is CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc. and a master of list building. Build a massive responsive list at

List Building - Learn How To Build A Money-Spinning List Through Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing and list building combined is one powerful combination for bringing in cash online. It's so easy to get started with it; literally anyone can get started with this strategy in a day or so. Here's how you can combine affiliate marketing and list building for massive profits:

1. Choose A High-Converting Affiliate Product

Find a product that you know converts; a product that has proven itself in the trenches, so to speak. Check out the sales letter. Ask yourself if you would buy from it. Does the affiliate product merchant provide many options for affiliate tools such as banners, pay per click ads and forum signatures?

2. Create An Attractive Opt-In Page

Create an opt-in page, where your aim is to get your visitor to opt-in to your list. This opt-in page will promote your affiliate product. You can position yourself as someone who has tried the affiliate product and seen positive results from using it (of course, this should be true!). Then ask your visitors to enter their email address and name to find out more about the product.

3. Send Automated Follow-Up Emails

Send your subscribers automated emails that you can set up within your autoresponder's control panel. These emails should be a series of informative emails containing articles about the topic that is related to the affiliate product. You can recommend your products at the end of every email. Following up with your subscribers can increase your profits by double or even triple. This is hands-off income for you, set up with just several minutes of work.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!