
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Breakthrough Article Marketing Secrets - Learn How To Maximise Your Results

Article marketing is a really good way to promote your business. I have tested different free methods like forum posting, web 2 sites and search engine optimization. Based on my testing I have to say that this produces the highest quality lead that you will get from all the different methods.

Now when you start out writing articles you may not get the results that you want. I remember when I first started I was struggling to write one article a day. To succeed with this method you need to be writing at least ten a day. If you really want to move things quickly then you need at least twenty a day.

I suggest that you focus on one niche market and concentrate all your efforts on this. Too many people create many different web sites and do not spend sufficient time promoting them. So write articles for the main site that you are promoting.

Initially, when I started I noticed that not many people read my work. The main reason was that I had very boring titles. Make sure that you have an attention grabbing title that will make somebody want to read your work.

You also need to come up with your own unique style of writing. Do it like you are having a conversation with your reader. This is a different style to what you have been used to in the past. Your style will appeal to certain readers who will become your subscribers and finally your customers.

Finally, make sure that you have a product that you can promote or sell. I see too many people only doing affiliate products or resale products. If you have your own product your sales will be significantly greater. It is however a lot of work, but well worth the effort.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.


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