
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Internet marketing has become this huge phenomena in the last ten to fifteen years. Literally thousands of internet businesses are being started every single day in North America alone, and the interesting thing about it is that a good percentage of the people that start these businesses, don't know a thing about the internet. Let alone marketing on it!

I remember when I first started online (this goes back years), I got a hold of a recorded video seminar and as you can imagine, I was glued to the screen watching every move of these multi millionaires. They were supposedly THE deal and everyone expected to receive a magic success formula from them. After all, how else would these gurus have made their millions?

Well, I don't remember much about that particular video anymore, except for one scene - where the guru jokingly promised that she would tell everyone exactly where she got all of her secrets from. She had everyones attention all of a sudden. To their disappointment though she says: "GOOGLE".

Now, I am certain that you have heard gurus say that in the past as well and whether you agree or disagree is irrelevant. Fact is, there really is no magic or secret when it comes to internet marketing. Take my word for it: I have seen it all.

If anything, there is a formula, and here it is: Do what successful internet marketers do, and you will be successful. It is as simple as that!

Having said that though, google might not always be the best place to go to if you are just starting out. There is a lot of information out there and by the time you have sifted through it all, you will most likely suffer from information overload. So what do you do?

Join a webmaster forum, bookmark webmaster resource sites, and last but definitely not least, read articles that have been written by experts in the field.

By joining a forum with like minded people, you will find that you are not the only person on the world wide web that has questions about whatever it is you are struggling with. Forums are the ideal place to discuss these problems and to come up with a solution. Remember: two minds are better than one.

Another advantage about webmaster forums is that even though you are all a like minded bunch of people, you all have different strengths and weaknesses. Something you might consider straight forward might be something someone else is struggling with. On the flip side though, if YOU are the one struggling with something, someone else might just be an expert in that.

Build a reputation as one who likes to help, and guess what... other webmasters will have no problem helping you either. Remember: It is always better to give than it is to receive!

This author has proudly added to his favorites. Feel free to distribute this article in any way or form as long as you include this resource box.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Since it seems that any potential remedies offered by the federal government to address the frozen market for home sales and mortgages could take months to have a large impact, both builders and existing homeowners stuck with unwanted inventory have, by necessity, become much more creative. From housing swaps, auctions and providing insurance against pricing declines to leveraging unused home equity with reverse mortgages or offering hard money property loans, some sellers and buyers are finding that a little ingenuity can sometimes trump a market in paralysis. For some sellers not willing to wait for the market to rebound, swapping one home for another can break the logjam starting with the most efficient of mediums, the Internet. Starting as low as $19.95, potential swappers can list their homes on one of several websites which, according to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, collectively offer 16,000 such postings. Over at classified advertising behemoth, home swap listings soared to nearly 7,400 by the end of 2007. Builders are also getting jumping in - albeit gently - by offering to buy older trade-ins much like car dealers have done for years. Although that can simply mean substituting older inventory for new, by spreading out these unsold homes builders can more effectively control potential pricing declines and defend already fragile images. To protect everyone's interests, experts strongly recommend using the same escrow company which won't close the deals until all parties are in agreement, especially in those instances in which money exchanges hands.

After a hiatus during the boom years, real estate auctions have also made a comeback, but now are increasingly used by individuals just as much as developers. Now approaching a $60 billion industry, both sellers and buyers agree that auctions are an efficient and objective way to determine a property's true market price. In addition, buyers at auctions are more serious than model home 'be-backs': to even participate they usually have to arrive with cash or casher's checks of $10,000 to $20,000 and close within 30 to 45 days. Although accepting discounts of up to 40 percent or more may be hard to accept for most builders, the associated carrying costs for finished inventory over weeks or months in pursuit of a full-price sale could very well be a wash. And of course to a builder saddled with empty streets, an obviously lived-in house lit up at night pays even larger marketing dividends well after the sale.

Since many buyers continue to stubbornly await some mysterious green light to tell them it's again time to buy, some builders are offering a form of pricing insurance that protects customers during the time period between a signed contract and a closed escrow. While Ryland Homes will reportedly offer price protection to anyone who asks, KBHome is taking a more aggressive stance and planning to launch its program to 35 markets in early 2008. A high-rise condo-hotel project in Seattle is even getting into the act -- reportedly the first development of its kind to do so in that region. Still, such an idea is still in its test phase - something Lennar found out in Florida before ending its own program. But with cancellation rates remaining at record-high rates, even denting them by 10 percentage points could make a big different to the bottom line.

Builders which cater to an active adult buyer - such as Del Webb, Meritage Active Adult Communities or Shea Homes' Trilogy product line - could also conceivably benefit from a recent boom in reverse mortgages. With private lenders such as Countrywide, Wells Fargo and IndyMac's Financial Freedom now rolling out jumbo reverse mortgages that don't cap loan amounts like the FHA variety, borrowers can use the cash proceeds for any use they want - including the purchase of second homes that are used less than 50 percent of the time. Once derided as loans of last resort for poor seniors, reverse mortgages are increasingly seen as unique and useful financial planning tools that can leverage untapped home equity and can provide long-term security as well as maintain comfortable lifestyles. Best of all, the proceeds from reverse mortgages - whether in the form of a lump sum, monthly payments or credit lines - don't count as income against Social Security or Medicare benefits.

Finally, for those buyers who simply can't wait to move and with sufficient equity of their own, 'hard money' mortgages - which require collateral as high as 30% to 40% to minimize risk but charge an interest rate premium and high fees -- can lend borrowers some time until some much-needed liquidity returns to the market. Although used mostly by the wealthy, some experts believe that the disappearance of the sub-prime market could prove a boon to investors looking for a higher rate of return than can be found on Wall Street but without the risk of today's mortgage securities. After all, the markets can't thaw out until even the most creative of players are willing to act.

Patrick S. Duffy
MetroIntelligence Real Estate Advisors

Author, the Housing Chronicles blog

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative and successful online income resources that exist. Most great affiliates have researched many different ways in which they can be successful with their affiliate marketing. This is how they are successful, in fact. Keeping up with an ever-changing market can be tough and sometimes frustrating, but in order to earn a real income as an affiliate, it is necessary. As an affiliate, have you ever considered article marketing? As one of the best ways to generate traffic and build lists, this is a great thing to couple with affiliate marketing.

Article marketing is when you submit your own unique, quality, and keyword-rich articles to article marketing directories like Ezine Articles or Article Feeder. The articles would have to do with the product or service that you are offering, and may outline the benefits or the reasons to purchase this product or service. The best way this is accomplished is with a freelance writer or ghostwriter who can create this article to be subtle but have it speak to potential customers. These articles are published under a corresponding category, and when people search for keywords that are placed in the article, yours pops up. Of course, in order for your article to be displayed with the search results, several things must be accomplished.

First of all, there has to be a correct amount of SEO within the article. Of course, this means keywords. The proper keyword density is around 3 to 5%. When more than this is added, the search engines consider the article to be keyword stuffed, which is pretty much another term for spam. The article also has to flow well in order to interest the readers, and contain enough information for them to trust you and consider you an expert in your niche. After they read the article, they will see your author byline, which will include a call to action and a link to your website. Ideally, if the article is good, they will click on the link, already prepared to purchase a product or service from you. At the very least, you should be able to have them sign up for a free newsletter or something similar so that you can build your list.

Article marketing can be very effective for affiliate marketers in order to boost their business, create more customers and sales, or build their contact list. It is a great addition to the other types of marketing in which affiliate marketers have become proficient. The credibility it creates for you will simply build your reputation as an expert within your niche, and this is great for your career. If you are skilled in SEO and the subtleties of article marketing, try your hand at it today. If you're not, find a great ghostwriter or freelance writer to craft your articles for you! Utilize the tips and ideas within this article to help you get your article marketing campaign started, and increase your affiliate marketing business. Good luck on your journey to great success!

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

When I set out to learn affiliate marketing in late 2006, I sort of knew how it worked, and I had some of the necessary skills already, so I figured it wouldn't be that hard. I bought a couple of ebooks that outlined "sure fire" methods to start generating multiple sources of income. I even bought a video e-course that promised the same thing. All of these made huge promises and returned squat for results. Their methods were just too vague to follow.

Finally after dumping about $300 down the proverbial toilet on total crap, (pardon the pun) I stumbled on a resource that has helped me a great deal in my quest to learn affiliate marketing. This resource, after about 4 days, taught me things that I had never even heard about before, and made complete and total sense. After going through a few tutorials and watching a few videos, I had a new outlook, and I set out to make money.

After 3 days, I had my first EVER sale as an affiliate. Success finally! The feeling was great and I wanted to learn more. I kept on digging and absorbing information in the forums as well as the more advanced sections of the learning resources and to make a long story short, today I am generating a part time income equal to about half of what I make at my day job in just a few hours a day, all of which is fun to me!

I don't think I would have ever managed to learn affiliate marketing the proper way if I hadn't stumbled upon this site. I would have ended up out in limbo making a sale every couple of weeks like most of the people who try it and fail. I'm glad I found it when I did, because I was so determined. Who knows how much money I would have wasted on junk ebooks in my inevitable quest.

Learn Affiliate Marketing from the best community of affiliate marketers on the web. Stop wasting money on ebooks that overpromise and underdeliver. Learn Affiliate Marketing Here.

Finally, you've found something that delivers what it promises and then some. Here's a site you can go to that will show you proof of what you've read in this article, and even grab a few surprises along the way. IronClad Proof