
Monday, May 19, 2008

Internet Marketing - 3 Ways To Market You and Your Products On The Internet

The internet is being used more and more by the average person. It has become a major source of advertising for people who would not step into the world of products and services as easily. Individuals have so much to offer yet in the past would forgo pursuing because of the costs and difficulty of getting things advertised. Then along came cyberspace. And with cyberspace came an incredible power to reach millions of people. This opened up a whole new world for a person to not only explore but to get themselves and their products and/or services seen in homes and businesses around the world. There are numerous ways to utilize the internet to market to others.

One way is to set up a website for either information or to include shopping pages with a shopping cart. Just recently the ease of one page websites has made it easier and more cost effective to advertise a product for purchase. With newer programs in place the average person can develop a simple website that will speak effectively and efficiently. Your product could be a virtual product such as an e-book or e-course. The page could also advertise items for purchase that need to be shipped which could be just about anything you can imagine.

The second way that you can become known on the internet is to create a blog. Blogging has become a huge way to get information out to thousands of people. Although there is an etiquette as to how you can advertise in your blog, people connect and pass information along with simple entries on their blogs. With ways to get updates, your reader can just sign up to get those updates without having to go out to your blog, your blog comes to them via email. This is an easy way to network with others and gain internet recognition as well. A blog is a website and when it is done well can prove to be an asset to your business.

A third way to attract others to you and/or your website is to write articles. These articles become an information source to the readers. As you become more known by writing articles the chances are that people will be more likely to visit your website or websites that you recommend. Make sure that your articles are not blatant advertising because that is likely to turn people away after a time. Articles offer information and assistance to your reader. Even if your reader does not go to your website, they have gained valuable information and are more likely to past that along to others. These others could then be those people who do visit your website.

As with anything, it takes time to become proficient with using the internet to connect with people no matter where they are. These are only a few simple ways to reach people on the internet. But if you keep at it and find other people who have gone before you to become successful, you too will grow and create your own success. There are a lot of resources available to help you in whatever direction you decide to go. There are also many other directions you can take to get known or make money using the internet.

As you develop your abilities on the internet you will find a number of individuals that have gone prior to you and can assist on your journey. For marketing information and resources, you are encouraged to visit

When setting out to writing articles as a beginner or even more advance writer, you will find great tips and resources at to help you fine tune your article writing to be more effective.

Bulletproof Article Marketing Secrets That Will Give You The Competitive Edge

In this article I would like to go over some techniques that you can apply to your business that will give you very good results from article marketing. If you have not seen any good results before you will when you start using these techniques.

Let me stress that the most important part of your article marketing efforts will be to build a list. The reason for this is that most people need to have email contact from you at least seven times before they will buy from you. So if you are not doing this then you will be leaving a lot of money on the table. It does not matter whether you are promoting affiliate products or your own.

The way that you would do this is to write in a conversation style like you are talking to a friend. Also ensure that you keep your articles short about 250 to 350 words in length. This will make it less likely that your reader will get lost and not make it to your resource box. Share a slice of your expertise without giving the farm away.

Also make sure that you have a killer resource box. This will be your 30 second elevator pitch. You have to make the reader of your article want to click through to your website. I suggest that you offer a free report on your squeeze page as an incentive to subscribe to your newsletter.

Now after doing all the hard work this is where most people get it wrong. The fortune is in the follow up so you need to take very good care of your subscribers and relentlessly follow up with them.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Almost Criminal Article Marketing Technique To Automatically Create A 6-figure Income

In this article I would like to go over a technique that you can easily use to build a six figure income. Now when you read that statement you may be thinking that this is impossible.

The biggest problem with this method of promotion is actually writing enough to be successful. The higher the volume of articles, the greater the number of your subscribers will be and sales. Lets face it writing a large number of articles can be a real challenge and this is primarily the reason that you are not earning more.

On some days you just won't feel like writing and that will be when your sales are hurt the most. The solution to this common problem is to hire a ghost writer. Look on sites like Elance and set a bid for a project. I suggest that you pay no more than 5 dollars per article. If you pay anymore then it will be difficult to turn a profit.

Now this is the important part. Before you start doing this you need to know how much money you will earn per subscriber. I suggest you start out by writing articles yourself until you have built about 500 subscribers. You need to have a very good backend system in place to monetize your subscribers. You will then be able to calculate how much a subscriber is worth.

Based on this information you can work out how much money you can spend. So for example if 300 articles a month produces six hundred subscribers then you can work out how much money you will earn.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing - The Cold, Ultimate Truth About Article Marketing

The myth of autopilot income from articles is truly a myth. I know I'm going to receive a ton of flak for this, but there's no such thing as truly automated income from article marketing. The reason for that is this: articles lose some of their traffic generation power after some time, you'll have to keep pumping them out to keep your profits coming in. Information is growing exponentially online; if you don't continuously release new content, your traffic will drop.

It's also not good enough to submit five to ten articles a month. Many article marketers simply submit a number of articles similar to that and stop. Totally. They don't see results and they give up! Five to ten articles will never create hundreds of visitors to your websites, you have to be pumping them out in the hundreds to see any "real" traffic.

Go to sites like Ezine Articles. The top writers churn out hundreds and thousands of articles and they are doing it for a reason. Because it works. It works in generating traffic, and it's also a great branding tool. Having hundreds of articles out there is a great credibility weapon.

I don't care if you are marketing affiliate products, an ecommerce store, an eBay store, or selling your own digital products. Article marketing works, but only if you work it. Most people give it a try and declare that it doesn't work. Maybe they are too lazy to write the articles. Well, if you have a bundle of extra cash, you can certainly outsource the articles. But if you don't, you'll just have to keep churning them out. The rewards will be totally amazing.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Killer Tools For Internet Marketers

Automation is the name of the game when it comes to Internet marketing. Even though you also have to pay attention to customer service and provide the personal touch when necessary, it's the ability to run your business on autopilot that is key.

Autoresponders are a high priority for any area that you might be marketing in. They'll let you keep in touch easily and effectively with all of the contacts generated from your site. You can be creative as well, using your autoresponder to deliver series of staged email messages.

Whether you have a site or not, consider a blog. They're hot in the search engine space and readily get listed in search results. They encourage your contacts to contribute to discussions around the service or product that you offer and they can considerably easier to update with new information. Use your autoresponder to regularly direct your contacts to your blog, for example. You can send out short emails that give a summary of the news and contain a link to the latest blog post.

Google tools deserve investigation. Google is steadily building one of the most comprehensive platforms of marketing resources on the web. You already know about AdWords and AdSense? Check out Google Analytics and Google Trends for hot information on who is visiting your site and what the market is doing. You can compare trends for the same time period in different years, understand seasonal variations and see if a particular market is fading away or taking off.

Article submitters that take the load off you for getting your articles published. Writing articles can get a good return on investment for traffic and ultimately sales - but you also have to submit them. Submittal is sometimes as long as it took to write the article in the first place. Article submitters can provide a solution.

Press release distribution. Don't neglect possibilities like these, either for online press releases or offline. Many companies have understood the potential of combining offline publicity with online activity and vice versa. Press release distribution tools on the web can point you in the right direction.

Contact Management software. The choice is varied, but it comes down to one thing: organizing your contacts and automating different tasks like preparing distribution lists and reminding you about calls and emails to be sent. Whether you use a specialist package on your PC, an online solution or the database module from Open Office, you'll be more on the ball and on the money.

Come Visit Today and Let US help You Build a Fortune From Scratch or You pay NOTHING!

Choosing The Right Internet Marketing Program

When you start out as an Internet Marketer, you may feel lost, frustrated and overwhelmed. With scamsters galore and fake Gurus creeping everyday, it is little wonder that people are losing faith in making money online. If you are a student looking to choose the right university to graduate in, you ideally want to join the best university. Similarly when you want to learn Internet Marketing, you should learn from the best. Joining the right program is the first step towards becoming a successful Internet Marketer. The second part is taking action from what you have learned.

In this article, I am going to talk about one program that I highly recommend every Internet Marketer to join- Wealthy Affiliate.

Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or an expert in Internet Marketing, the best program you can benefit from is the Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate is the first Internet Marketing program that teaches the A-Z of Internet Marketing.

The resources are excellent- well organized lesson plans, video tutorials, invaluable e-books, timely guidance, free resource tools and a great forum community.

In Wealthy Affiliate, you will learn how to make money online without any investment to the most advanced techniques. There is a neatly organized 8 week lesson plan that has lesson plans every week. Moreover you can build your websites free without any HTML knowledge and also get web hosting free of cost.

Wealthy Affiliate offers a job section where you can also earn money by doing tasks for other members like writing and proofing articles, designing graphics and websites etc.

Though there are many other programs that teach you Internet Marketing, Wealthy Affiliate is easily the best and the most sophisticated program. For a comprehensive review of Wealthy Affiliate, click here.

Sri is an independent reviewer of the Top Internet Marketing Programs. Learn more about Affiliate Marketing at Internet Money Marketing.

How To Promote Your Affiliate Programs With Article Marketing?

As an affiliate, you need to drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website every single monht if you want to earn money and finally quit your day job. A few hundreds visitors is not enough.

If you don't know how to build a money making website, don't worry, just register with or and create you first blog. It will take you less than five minutes.

If you are brand new to online business, I recommend you start with blogger because it is newbie friendly and the best part is that it' totally free.

For the rest of this article, I assume that you already have a niche and an affiliate program.

Next, write an article about your topic. If you decided to promote dog training ebooks, write an informative article about dog training.

Let me show you a quick and easy way to wrire an article in any topic even if you never wrote a single word for the last two years...

Step 1: Wikipedia

Just go to and type your keyword in the search box. You will be taken the dog training page. You just need to read the article and take note of the main keywords.

Do not copy the article there. It's not ethical.

Step 2: Search Engines

Type your main keyword in any search engine, and browse the various websites to find even more information.

Note: You will find more information in the organic results because those webmasters need good and original content to get high rankings.

Step 2: Write your own article

Will all the information you gathered in step 1. Voila! you are now an expert. Just write a "7 steps article". Basically, you list seven important points and add a few paragraphs.

Step 3: Submit your article with a bio box and a link to your site.

Franck Silvestre creator of the FREE Affiliate Marketing Course earns thousands of dollars every single year. His own methods have increased traffic to his website by more than 467%! If you want to boost your website traffic and sales, download his amazing report today. Visit his website at:

Local vs National Keyphrase Searches

When trying to determine what are the best key phrases for your industry, one of the most important and overlooked questions is, Should I focus nationally or locally? Sure, we all want to be the big fish in the big pond, but lets face it most businesses are still wandering around looking for the waters edge!

The reality is that your particular product is going to determine the best and most cost-effective path you should take. If, for instance, you are selling dog food supplements, then it would be safe to assume you have a universal audience. If, however, your business is to provide specialty haircuts from the 1980s, you might want to focus on a much smaller geographic region (lets say Huber Heights, Ohio, for instance).

There will be a large percentage of businesses that have products and/or services that cover both a regional and national customer base. Lets use our dog food supplement company again. It will obviously have a strong customer base unilaterally across the city, state, and country. Therefore, it should be going after both the regional (usually easier to garner top ranking), and national key phrases to attract new customers.

Sure, its great having a shiny new web site - great design, flash-elements, well- written content and proper clean coding. But if no one knows youre there, its just money in the wind. Remember, just because you built it doesnt mean they will come!

With such huge numbers of potential customers out there why not put your business in front of as many as possible? Once again, if this crazy internet thing keeps going, and you dont have a presence you might as well set up shop on the beach selling high-quality sand!
Copyright -

James Lipson -

Free Internet Marketing Classes - How To Quickly Become an Internet Marketing Expert

Free Internet marketing classes I thought was a pipe dream, why would anyone share their knowledge with total strangers? So I bought e-books, I joined programs, I bought leads, I did what 99% of people before and after me have done, and unfortunately will continue to do, and which for the most part will be totally in vane. You know I keep hearing that up to 98% of what is offered as online income opportunities are scams, schemes and ripoffs and I must say, after almost 8 years at this I must agree. So how does the average person find a legitimate online business and discover how to become an Internet Marketing expert?

A few years back I was fortunate enough to meet a group of Internet marketing experts that were willing to share their knowledge and expertise with me. I started to realize you don't need to spend money on programs that require a monthly autoship to succeed online. These free Internet marketing classes that I attended taught me that most of the tools that are needed to learn how to become an Internet Marketing expert are free, you just have to know where to look for them.

I was so fortunate to have this knowledge because it started to open many doors of opportunity for me that I never thought I would have. I am and will remain forever grateful to those special individuals for their unselfish and giving attitudes, that are what has made me the success I am today. True success takes effort, commitment and a never give up attitude.

Roxanne Jenkins is an Internet Marketing Consultant. She writes on a wide variety of topics that interest her.
Discover How You Can Become An Internet Marketing Expert! - Register Today - Lessons Are 100% Free - Step By Step Instructions Provided

Feel free to use this article in your blogs, newsletters or websites but please leave the resource box and links in place.

Targeted Article Marketing - Uncover 5 Practical Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools that you can use to promote your website and market your products. This tool can help you increase your website traffic and improve your search engine ranking as long as you consistently produce quality articles that are helpful and related to your target niche.

1. Deliver fresh information. If you would like to set yourself apart from the rest, you must give your articles an edge by filling them with information that are either new or are not often discussed. People will find your articles more valuable if you can provide them with data that they cannot find elsewhere.

2. Never advertise on your content. Keep your content free from blatant advertisements and strive to give your readers information that they are looking for. Save your sales pitches for your resource box.

3. Write short articles. People online do not have much time to spare when browsing the internet and they do appreciate reading articles that are straightforward and short. Make your articles run between 300-500 words to increase their chances of being read by online users.

4. Make use of compelling resource box. Strive to increase your conversation rate by making your resource box enticing and powerful. Keep it short, direct to the point, and irresistible. Include your name, the problems you solve or the product you offer, the reasons why online users should check on your website, and your website's URL.

5. Distribute your articles to various posting sites. Pick the ones that are highly visited and have impressive page ranking like ezinearticles and goarticles. Make sure that you submit on a regular basis to strengthen your online presence.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Website Traffic - Why Article Marketing Blows Away Pay-Per-Click Marketing

It's always great to compare traffic generation strategies because you can tell which strategy is giving you results and which isn't. Or maybe both strategies may be giving you results but you want to know which is more effective in generating qualified prospects.

Two of the most popular traffic generation methods online today are article marketing and pay-per-click marketing. This article won't talk about what both methods are (there are already tons of articles on that) but will compare the two to see which strategy you should invest your efforts in.

Personally, for me, article marketing blows pay-per-click marketing out of the water. Pay-per-click marketing consists of Google's Adwords and Yahoo's Search Marketing, so that's no small statement I'm making. Well, there's a reason why I say article marketing is more effective.

Let's say that you spend $10 a day on Adwords. That's $300 a month. Now take that $300 and spend it on 100 articles written by a freelancer. Those 100 articles will bring you traffic for a long time, whereas your Adwords traffic was a temporary thing. And prospects generated from articles are way more responsive!

You'll often people willing to spend crazy amounts for cost per click on Adwords, but you won't find that many 'insane' competitors in article marketing. Although the competition has grown massively in recent years, it is still nothing compared to pay-per-click marketing.

And that's why I say article marketing trumps over Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, or any other pay-per-click network. If you don't want to write, outsource your articles. You'll see some terrific results from this marketing strategy if you do it right.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing and Traffic Building - 4 Practical Pointers on Increasing Your Customer Base

One way in which article marketing can serve your overall business interests on the Internet and World Wide Web is assisting you in traffic building your website. Towards this important goal, there are four practical pointers that you should bear in mind when it comes to increasing your traffic and customer base through article marketing.

First, with your well written, timely and topical articles you can include links back to your website. Provided you do prepare and create interesting and informative articles, you will find that an ever growing number of people will click over to your website after reading your articles.

Second, you can place your articles at article marketing websites or on ezines that bear some sort of more natural connection to your website and your business. This will be another technique through which you can increase traffic to your Internet website.

Third, you can utilize article marketing as a means to connect directly with potential customers. In this regard, you can send informative and useful articles to individuals that are on your opt-in email list. Time and time again this technique has proved effective at drawing people to your site with increasing regularity.

Fourth, article marketing can be used as a means of more generally promoting your business, website, products or services to a broad audience. This can be accomplished by making certain that you widely distribute a significant number of your articles on a regular basis.

Want to learn how I do it? Download my free guide here: Article Marketing Secrets

Mike Upshaw is an experienced internet marketer specializing in list building, traffic generation, article marketing and affiliate marketing.

Keyword Research - Why It Can Make Or Break Your Business

Keyword research is the most important thing you need to do for your online business. If you fail to do your research properly you are literally leaving cash on the table. This article will explain the importance of finding the right keywords for your online business empire whether you are an affiliate marketer or selling your own products online.

Firstly, if you are using the free keyword research tools then you are wasting valuable hours. To truly succeed in finding the right keywords you will need to invest in a keyword tool which will automate the process for you.

Researching many thousands of keywords, which can make you money, will take you days to complete, the powerful keyword research tools of today can do it in seconds.

These keyword tools extrapolate their data from a number of sources and and give you search data,,RS rations, and kei you will also be shown how much competition there is in the search engines at a push of a button.

When you analyse this data, you will want to be looking at which keywords represent a searcher looking to buy your product. Forget about broad search terms as people researching a product use these terms. You want to target keywords towards the end of the research cycle, such as digging for keywords based on the product name such as " product name review" " but product name" and " where to buy product name" etc.

If you are selling a product that will help your potential customer cure or help them with something look for those types of keywords. EG lets say your selling an ebook on the "golf swing" target keywords that are being searched about how to cure a slice or a hook or how to drive further etc. These are keywords being used to help the searcher cure their problem. You just have to target the keywords with your product and give them the solution... for a price of course...

Keyword research need not be a time consuming problem when you can automate the process by investing some of your cash into a keyword research tool that can give you all the data you require in minutes.

Keyword Research is a need for any online business. Visit to discover how you can automate your keyword research in minutes

How Do You Get 50,000 Plus Authors All on the Same Page?

It has been discussed with at least one online article submission website that it is time now to ramp up the quality of content on the Internet and get those who participate in online article writing to pony up and make it happen. Some wonder if there is a simple solution to the issue of a few online article writers who write thin content.

There may not be a simple straight solution, but the most important thing that can be done at an online article submission site is to develop a sense of Nationalism, Team and Community and thus no one would want to write a crappy article, because they would not wish to let down the team or themselves or the future of the online article marketing venue.

It will take a little work and it will require talking to a few folks, but you are correct the current levels of Basic, Platinum, etc. do provide much of what is needed to bring up the level of quality and expert perception status. By rewarding quality authors by their level of achievement it is a start in the right direction, one which the top online article submission site is now taking.

It really is up to each and every individual to find their strength and press on to do the best they can at everything they do, especially here as they post their articles. If so, then you are right, there really are no problems, only 50,000 plus solutions, also known as the greatest collection of online article writers the world has ever known.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Internet Marketing Training Program - How to Choose the Right Program

Are you one of those who aspire to earn money online on a consistent basis? Internet marketing provides huge opportunities to earn income online and many people have been eager to jump on this money-making bandwagon. However, not many people realize that to be successful in making money online requires proper learning and business planning. Many aspiring internet marketers have been taken in by the countless online promotions and advertisements that promise quick money in the quickest time possible. However, they also fail to realize that they are quickly losing their money in purchasing and investing in many over-hype products that sorely under-deliver. With so many over-hyped and under-performing products online, how then do you choose the right internet marketing training program and start making that first elusive dollar online?

Here are some quick tips which you can use to help you choose an internet marketing training program that delivers. The key thing here is to do a proper research.

1) Read up reviews online and see what people are saying. Look for balanced reviews and comments. Bear in mind that some reviews are written in such a way that blatantly promotes certain products. It is always good to read multiple reviews to have an informed and balanced perspective.

2) Check out internet marketing forums. These are one of the best places to read candid comments about the online purchases people have made. Forum members usually have bought and used certain products, and thus are in a good position to tell you how good or lousy these are.

3) If a website promises overnight riches, chances are, it will under-deliver and you will be sorely disappointed if you choose to purchase the product.

4) Look for a membership program that provides you with well-grounded instructions and continuing support for your online marketing efforts. It is important to know that having the proper knowledge, in addition to the desire to succeed, is crucial to making money online successfully. If a program offers one-on-one coaching and support, that will be a true gem. Many programs on the market promise that you will make money online, but never provide the help and support when you need it most.

5) Tools and resources are critical to an internet marketer's arsenal. Examine what the product has to offer. For example, a website builder, website hosting, keyword research and analytic tools, all provided in an integrated portal, will be extremely useful in building up an online marketing campaign. A well-supported members-only forum, if it is part of the package, will be a truly valuable resource to share ideas and obtain advice from members.

Forget about websites that promise you fast money with minimal effort. Invest your time and effort in an internet marketing training program that delivers, by following the above tips. If you get your online marketing basics right, you will be well on your way to lifetime financial success. Imagine what this could do to your financial security and independence.

Wealthy Affiliate is my recommended online resource to speed up your learning curve in internet marketing. Visit my website at and learn how with Wealthy Affiliate, you can earn your first dollar online. Thousands are already earning money online with Wealthy Affiliate. Why wait? Get inspired by Wealthy Affiliate and start earning online now.

How to Write Search Engine Optimized (SEO) Articles

Your articles must be optimized for the search engines. In the internet, content is king and keyword rich-article is the most powerful way to generate content and traffic. Article is like an open book for all to read. Content is not just king, the search engines also love fresh and original, and focused content.

Many article authors are afraid of keyword SPAMMING but what I found out is that a lot of articles are not optimized for the search engines as such lose their relevance to surfers who are searching for information or solution to their problems and challenges. As an article author, you have to reprogram your mind to write SEO article not just another regular article. For instance, if the keyword you are targeting is meditation, instead of writing articles I should be specific by writing meditation articles

The heart and soul of SEO article writing is keyword research. Without relevant keyword or key phrases, your articles will lose focus and will not benefit your surfers, web traffic or ranking. Keyword-rich and relevant articles are win-win both for the web surfers, you the author of the articles and your search engine ranking. This is because the search engines treat your article as an individualized web page. If your articles are not search engine optimized, people will not find your site and you will not rank high, generate traffic or make money. Note that every article is a soft sell or subtle advertising for the article writer who is positioning himself as an expert or problem solver in a target niche.

However, do not position yourself as an article author; position yourself as an information marketer. Why? Because SEO article writing is a powerful strategy for your search engine marketing, traffic attraction, lead generation and monetization. Yes, most info-marketers make money; most authors have empty pockets.

Choose one or two keyword to optimize in your SEO article writing. The rest should be synonyms of the key phrases you are optimizing for the search engines. The search engines dont only look for your keyword but also the keyword popularity, keyword density, as well as on-page placement of keywords in your SEO articles.

Generally, SEO (keyword-rich and focused) articles should be between 350 to 700 words. Search engines love focused content and great attention must be paid to targeted keywords to enable web surfers find what they are looking for.

Within the body of the SEO articles, a lot of work and attention should be paid to the headlines (nicknamed titles when it comes to articles). Search engines pick on headlines first. Work hard to craft your headlines with one or two of your targeted keywords. Try as much as possible to remove stop phrases like a, and, the, of, and because. These are called stop words and most search engines do not index them. The title font should be H1 tag-- fancy way of saying that the title should contain the biggest letters.

The next biggest header type is H2 tags reserved for subheading or subtitles found inside the body an SEO article. Some people call these set of tags scan or paragraph breakers because majority of people scan instead of reading for lack of time. This is the case with especially long articles.

In the body of the SEO article, the first two sentences in the paragraph should also contain your keyword or key phrases if those articles must be relevant for the search engines.

The next thing you must bear at the back of your mind is that every subsequent paragraphs in an SEO article should have at least one keyword. Dont over do it by writing more than two keywords in a paragraph. In my case, I try to use synonyms (keywords that are similar in meaning) for variety. It makes you dynamic, creative and more natural.

Your conclusion or summary towards the end is also where search engines look at for keyword relevance. Incorporate this in your SEO article writing.

Generally your keyword density for an SEO article should be about 10% or less of your total word count (350-700 words).

Your SEO article resource box may be the most powerful part of your unique selling proposition and search engine marketing promotions.. Make good use of your author's bio for your search engine relevance and ranking. Thats also the spot for your call to action. It is also the only place where Ezine Articles.Com and other article directories allow you to insert your URL of the SEO article. Make sure you use anchor text instead of direct URL. Anchor text tells search engine more about your keyword relevance and direction. If you want deep links, place the articles in your blog first before submitting it to article directories for distribution.

Uzo is business strategist, platinum article author and copywriter. His passion is in the psychology of sales and human behavior. For more information about common sense copywriting, subscribe to his Web Copywriting Tips--FREE.

Profitable Article Marketing - Discover 4 Persuasive Secrets to Amplify Your Article Marketing

A lot of webmasters can attest to the effectiveness and efficiency of article marketing not only in terms of augmenting the number of your page views but also in increasing your sales revenue. If you want to enjoy these and other amazing benefits, you must learn how to improve your techniques in writing and distributing your articles.

1. Pick the best article submission sites. There are hundreds of publishing sites in the internet today. While others can help you realize your article marketing goals, some can be just waste of time. Identify the sites that are well-visited and have impressive page ranking; these are the sites that you would want to focus your energy on.

2. Advertise only on your resource box. Free your article from any sales pitches or blatant advertisements. Focus on giving your readers information that they will find useful and relevant to their needs and demands. After you have shared valuable and highly relevant information, you can pitch in your products or website on your resource box. Make it compelling and enticing so you can effectively increase your conversion rate.

3. Stick with attention-grabbing titles. Your titles can either make or break your article marketing campaign. Treat them as your trailers and your whole article as a movie. If your trailers are enticing and intriguing enough, you can be sure that your movies will fare well at the box office.

4. Learn from the experts. Make it a habit to read articles that were written by popular marketers. This can help you understand how they create powerful and effective articles. Take note of their strategies and techniques and apply them on your writing.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Great SEO Tips That Work

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization also known as SEO almost all website technicians have heard of it and wish that they could do it as well. Well guess what, SEO is possible to do to your website, you just have to keep in mind that SEO isnt all the website is made up of. You will also have to keep up with the website in general and not focus too much on the SEO where the web page gets outdated.

First you have to focus on the keywords. A keyword is the word that you will be using a lot in the Web page text. In 250 word texts on your web page use the keyword about 5-15%, You may think that there is no such thing as using a keyword in your web page text too many times, but the truth is that you can. Using the keyword in your web page text too many time can create the negative effect from what you are wanting. You may discourage people away from your web page and they may not be able to find it if you use that keyword too many times.

When it comes to great SEO tips that work something else to concentrate on is maybe to find someone who will compose the SEO text for your website for you, you could pay a friend or family member a little bit of extra money to write the SEO text for you, make sure you tell them exactly what you want and what you are looking for and if the first time they mess up, or perhaps even the second time isnt quit what you want, dont discourage them away from it because at least you have the base of some type of SEO script to go by. Nothing will be the way you want it unless you do it, so of course there will be a bit of editing to do to an SEO if you have someone else do it.

Written by Ross Jonson. Find the latest information on SEO as well as a Web Design Agency.

Article Marketing Tactics and Misuse of Trickery in Titles Discussed

So often article marketers who author online articles and post them to online article submission sites use misleading titles, which have nothing to do with what the article is about, but rather attempt to trick the reader into clicking on the link. You know many people feel it is okay to embellish "titles of articles" because the evening news does it every day.

"Late Breaking News - New startling information in the Natalie Holloway unsolved murder mystery"

Then the media baits you into watching 7 minutes of commercials and two more un-related news segments where they cut of the interviewees mid-sentence, then they tell you something you already know, do not care about or is simply irrelevant.

The print media is just as bad. So much "fluff" and leading embellishment that it has trained most in the society to act and write like that. Of course it has also trained people to become numb to the news and leery of purported trickery in article titling. Using such tricks and tactics often works, but a stupid person may not be your target market, so article marketers should be thinking here.

Additionally, if you trick your good potential clientele they will be somewhat upset, although some marketers use this to lure them further and further, as their desire grows to seek the real information, then they pitch them with an offer: "buy this information" click here to buy, with a low price of $19.99 and throw in free ginzu knives? These are all tactics of the get-rich-quick crowds.

Whereas most non-marketer article "writers" do not use this tactic, their book editors or publishers often do overdo the titles in order to sell their books, or at least push the socially acceptable limit too often. Publishers are always looking for a hook or an angle to sell their works. It seems everyone attempts to use titles to entice readership. Yet we are told never judge a book by its title, that goes for online articles too unfortunately.

Some article marketers realize that even an underwhelmed reader who does not like an article will "click a link out" perhaps a slight percentage of the time rather than hitting the back button on their browser. The Internet Marketer will often have an enticing byline to get them to do just that.

Writers of articles, who are not engaged in marketing, might be trying to convince someone of their opinion or trying to get them to do something else, thus in a way some of these writers are in fact marketing - no, not a consulting job, product or service, but rather an idea, opinion, trend or concept.

Some article marketers imitate other media and consider it business as usual think that it is okay when in actuality it is somewhat pathetic. Article marketers often mimic what they observe on the Internet, in print, on the radio or on TV or perhaps a combination. It would behoove online article authors to consider these facts as they promote their writing on the the Internet. Think on this.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Article Marketing - Does It Pay Off To Market In Other Niches?

Many people who get started in article marketing or even Internet marketing in general try to market Internet marketing products. However, they themselves have not made a few decent sales online, let alone make a full-time income on the Internet.

Truth is, there are not many people out there who are interested in making money online as there are people who want to...

- Lose weight

- Get better in relationships

- Get happier

- Have less stress

- And lots more of other stuff!

And there are many more other niches. You'll also be competing with article marketers who are not so into Internet marketing like many of the readers of this article will be. Most of the writers in those niches submit a few articles for testing or merely for small branding purposes.

However (and that is a big however!), if you use them purely for out and out traffic generation to your websites, you can get almost all your articles in the 3-digit zone easily. Many of my articles in other niches reach a 100+ page views after just a week or so and many others hit 300 or more page views.

The simple fact is this: articles in other niches away from the 'make money online' niche or 'Internet marketing' niche generate far more page views, which means far more traffic to your website. You'll also get far less sophisticated competition who are no well-versed in Internet marketing tactics!

So make use of this information to start marketing in niche markets if you haven't. I'm not saying don't sell to the Internet marketing niche (please do so if you have a quality product!), but venture into other niches where it is potentially a lot more profitable.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Two Part Promotional Product Marketing Strategies

Promotional products and giveaways are a marketing strategy with a long and lustrous lineage with good reason. They work. Giving people a free gift is a great way to make them feel good about your company, service or product. When people feel good about you, they are more likely to buy from you. Even when promotional products dont bring an immediate return, they continue to work for you as advertising. Most promotional gifts and items are far less costly than other methods of advertising. There are, however, some ways to use promotional gifts that offer far more return for your value than others.

One popular method of using promotional products is as part of a two-part gift marketing strategy. These are especially popular as promotions for a grand opening, trade show or other marketing event. The basic two-part gift strategy goes like this:

Your marketing department identifies your target market and sends out a mass mailing to them containing the first part of your promotional product set. Recipients of your products are invited to bring it in to the store or the event to receive the second part of the gift, or to call for a sales appointment to receive the second part of the gift. When recipients follow the instructions that they received in their mailing, they receive the second, more valuable part of the promotional product.

One of the main advantages of using a two part gift marketing strategy is that it allows you to track the effectiveness of your marketing campaign. One of the biggest problems with most promotional product or gift mail-out campaigns is that its difficult to track how well your strategy is working. While people may be drawn to your business because of your gift, in most cases you have no way of knowing that.

When you send out a two part product mailer, you can track exactly how many people respond to your product offer because they will be identifying themselves to you when they walk through your door. If you use more sophisticated tracking methods than a simple count, you can learn enough to evaluate and tweak your marketing strategy so that it works even better next time.

The effectiveness of your two part mail-out campaign depends a great deal on your choice of promotional products for your strategy. The first part of the campaign should be lower in cost, but enticing enough to bring people in to your event for the second part of the gift. Many companies use a coupon or flyer that can be brought in to redeem the free promotional gift. While this can be effective, its not nearly as effective at bringing people in as a small gift with the promise of a larger one at the end of the road.

By browsing the internet youll find an enormous selection of promotional products and items that can be used for your marketing campaigns of any type. Their consultants and account managers have been in the business of providing promotional merchandise for decades, and will be happy to help you choose just the right promotional gift items for your marketing needs.

Gareth Parkin is the co-founder of Ideasbynet, the UK's leading online promotional products company based in the north of England. Established in 2001, he has taken the UK gift market by storm by the application of modern business thinking. For more details visit

Essential Article Marketing Guide

These are the absolutely imperative items you must include in your bio box:

Authors Name: its absolutely amazing how many people forget to put their name in this box, this should be the very first thing you actually write

The website url: you must put in the website address for the product or service you are selling, for example,

An Elevator Pitch: this is where you put you USP (unique selling point), the main benefits to the product or service you are selling o A Call To Action: This is where you have to get your reader / prospect to do something, i.e. go to your website a buy from you.

Below are some extra items you are welcome to include in your bio box

Your business Contact Information: Such as your business phone number or how to reach you for interviews or your press/media kit. Keep in mind that article marketing is a timeless strategy and you may not have an easy ability to retract what you put in your article once it hits major distribution.

A Free Report: offer something free to the reader / prospect, this will entice them further to go to your website and BUY!

An anchor URL that is related to one keyword or the keyword phrase that you would like to build SEO strength for. Example: if I wanted to build search engine relevance/strength for the term "Article Marketing," I'd link up that term in my resource box to my website. This is an intermediate to advanced level strategy and should not be abused by over-doing it. Keep it simple.

A few things you definitely should not include in your bio box:

Listing every single website that you own, this will seriously decrease any credibility that you may have spent time building up.

Telling your reader / prospect about every major accomplishment you have made, to be quite frank the reader / prospect does not care!

Never advertise products or services that aren't related to the topic / article you are writing about.

As a general rule of the thumb your bio box should not exceed more than 20% of the article its self, all too often authors make their bio box up t 50% of their article

My final conclusion to your bio box:

When writing your article remember the main body of it is where you get to "give" information to your reader / prospect, the bio box is where you will get to "take" information from your reader / prospect.

Kieran Philip is a successful interactive marketer who has helped hundreds of people build successful online businesses. Kieran offers a unique coaching programme with his exclusive top selling business start up package. For your 100% free bonus gifts from Kieran Kelly go to

Article Marketing - 4 Highly Impacting Ways on How to Achieve Effective Article Marketing

The primary purpose of article marketing is to relay a message that you know will be of importance to your recipients. This is the only way that you can measure the efficiency and the success rate of your article - when you know that your article material has reached the people who need your information. It is for this reason that it is being suggested for article marketers to follow the below written guidelines to achieve an effective article marketing scheme.

1. Make sure you understand how the information that you have included on your article can be of use to your readers. When you know the answer to this, you will not then have a difficulty in understanding what sort of information that needs to be included on it. Always consider that the information that you put on it shall be used as a basis to come up with decisions.

2. Make sure that your readers have, to the least, an ample amount of understanding of what you are conveying to them. This means that whatever information that you include on your article, make sure that it is not a total stranger in the perception of the reader. Make sure that a generalized idea or concept is provided somewhere on the contents to promote an air of understand ability.

3. Consider the various types of readers that your article material may be encountering. Significantly, you have to make sure that your article material should be able to adapt with the immense cultural and intellectual differences of the readers. It is only with this that clear understanding of the article material can be achieved.

4. Proactively solicit for any feedback or suggestion that concerns the information that you have included on your article. This will make the writer more competent the next time he writes and all at the same time, it allows for diverse ideas to amalgamate that can produce far better form of information.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - What to Market in Your Online Business Articles?

Are you wondering what you can say in your articles that will bring your readers back to your site, ready to buy? Give them informative content that answers their questions.

1. User Information & Directions

Tell your reader how to use products you sell. Offer detailed directions that improve results of using the products you sell and promote good relationships with the users of the product. How often have you heard someone mention an NEW idea and said, "Gee I wish I'd thought of that?" Well, now you can. And when you publish those ideas, you get credit and new customers for your ideas.

2. Details of Understanding

Don't you just find it easier to use a product you know something about? You could give the reader user friendly directions that would promote their ability to use your products. Perhaps the history of your product is interesting, or you have a unique story to tell about how beneficial the product has been to someone? Add in some flair or an amusing tale and you've got a great article that encourages customers.

3. News & Announcements

Has your product saved a life? Perhaps it's been beneficial to a group of people who help others? Maybe your products were used to help a family in need? Or did you donate products to the needy for the holiday celebrations? Let your reader know of these newsy events, or send them an announcement of an event they can participate in. Give them an opportunity to get to know your products better.

Are you ready to learn more about Article Marketing?

Obtain 2 FREE Article Marketing Templates at and learn more about the SECRET of Prospering from Online Marketing. Advertize is an online business owned by Jan Verhoeff, an Internet Marketer who believes Content is King. You may visit about online marketing and a wealth of information.

Do The Latest Marketing Techniques And Strategies Actually Help Market Your Business?

I know, I know...


"Of course the best and latest marketing strategies are going to bring the boatload of profits and worry - free business they promise!"

Sure they can...but is your business at that level yet?

Come on now, put your ego aside and really do an honest self - evaluation here.

Does your current marketing process carry a client from "just looking" to "sold" effortlessly?

Some things to keep in mind when you are analyzing the strength of your current marketing efforts:

1) Message - does your marketing message contain and promote your Unique Selling Proposition? If not (and most marketing messages don't) then this is the first step of implementing the "basic" marketing rules to your business. If you do not know what a Unique Selling Proposition is...well...why even begin to look at the latest and greatest marketing techniques in the first place? Walk before you run, grasshopper.

By the way, this is the most basic of marketing techniques...and the most often overlooked or not even used.

2) Market - For those few businesses that actually have defined their U.S.P., the next step is to match your unique message to your market, or the clients you wish to target. The key word there is target. If you fail to clearly identify who your ideal client is...your money will run out someday and your business will fail, period. To start you off targeting your market, think of your market in this manner:

--You want the most clients in a pool of the most defined niche possible...for example:

Targeting a huge pool of clients like "all males" or "all females" is not good enough of a target.


a) Targeting "All females, 25 - 34, with median income of over $30,000 in the household" is a good start depending on your product or service, and your U.S.P. if it is well developed.


b) Business Opportunity seekers that have recently purchased a mid - level coaching program.


c) Real Estate Investors that deal specifically with pre - foreclosures.

Do you see the common thread in each of a, b, and c?

The market is actually narrowed a little bit further than the general category. What you are shooting for here is a sizable enough market of potential clients, but narrowed enough so you can be considered a "specialist" in that market.

Match your U.S.P. and message to your market correctly...

And you will have all the profits your business needs. But there is one more "basic" marketing technique that you need to master before you advance your business to the level where you can start to think about using all of those bigger and better advanced strategies you keep looking at.

3) Basic Marketing Media and Testing - The "how you're reaching your market" stuff. What is the best media to use? Are you testing different approaches and then developing those that work?

Even for internet may not be the best place to market your product, but rather the best spot for the client to place their order. Offline media such as newspaper, direct mail, seminar marketing, and others may actually work to promote an online business better than simply directing Pay Per Click ads at a website offering a "freebie" or introductory offer.

My own business is a perfect example of this.

I offer marketing coaching, copywriting, and a couple of internet resources on my website at but I do not use PPC advertising at all. Mainly local, targeted, direct mail and seminar marketing. I have found a greater response rate using these methods combined with article marketing on the web. I have thoroughly tested my market, my U.S.P (offering complimentary coaching sessions with my copywriting services), and found offline methods to be more profitable for my business.

But your business may be different. So test for yourself, use the techniques that work best with your U.S.P. and clearly targeted market...and watch your profits soar.

And quit searching for the "next big thing" until your business is in a position to maximize profits using those techniques. Master the basics first.

See you at the top.

Discover how you can build a real, sustainable business online with proven marketing strategies at your disposal...all geared to bring you massive clicking here to check out the Straight Line Internet Marketing Program This program is not for the person who wants to "Get Rich Quick."

Joseph Ratliff is a direct response copywriter, internet business growth strategist, and author of The Profitable Business Edge 2 located at .