
Monday, May 19, 2008

Local vs National Keyphrase Searches

When trying to determine what are the best key phrases for your industry, one of the most important and overlooked questions is, Should I focus nationally or locally? Sure, we all want to be the big fish in the big pond, but lets face it most businesses are still wandering around looking for the waters edge!

The reality is that your particular product is going to determine the best and most cost-effective path you should take. If, for instance, you are selling dog food supplements, then it would be safe to assume you have a universal audience. If, however, your business is to provide specialty haircuts from the 1980s, you might want to focus on a much smaller geographic region (lets say Huber Heights, Ohio, for instance).

There will be a large percentage of businesses that have products and/or services that cover both a regional and national customer base. Lets use our dog food supplement company again. It will obviously have a strong customer base unilaterally across the city, state, and country. Therefore, it should be going after both the regional (usually easier to garner top ranking), and national key phrases to attract new customers.

Sure, its great having a shiny new web site - great design, flash-elements, well- written content and proper clean coding. But if no one knows youre there, its just money in the wind. Remember, just because you built it doesnt mean they will come!

With such huge numbers of potential customers out there why not put your business in front of as many as possible? Once again, if this crazy internet thing keeps going, and you dont have a presence you might as well set up shop on the beach selling high-quality sand!
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James Lipson -


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