
Friday, June 6, 2008

Best Article Marketing - 3 Steps to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

Gone are the days when you need cash and manpower just to advertise your products and make a sale. Today, you can easily promote your offering by simply going online, write articles, and submit them to various publishing sites. It's free, you can do it all by yourself, and it works!

1. Know how to please the search engines. Your articles must be search-engine friendly, meaning they should contain just the right amount of keywords so they will be properly indexed. They must also be original, so you can avoid penalties that may arise due to content duplication. In addition, your content must be highly relevant to your keywords.

2. Know how to please your readers. The best way to give your potential audience with great reading experience is by presenting them quality, well-written articles. It also helps if you can make your content easy to understand, scannable, content-rich, flows logically, free from any grammar or spelling errors, and most importantly, your articles must contain accurate information.

3. Know how to please publishers. To make sure that your article will make it on major publishing sites, follow these universal requirements: your articles must run at least 300 words, they must not contain blatant advertisements nor hyperlinks on the article body, they must not abuse the use of keywords, and they must be well-written and highly useful to your target niche.

Succeeding in article marketing can be very easy as long as you know how to please the 3 major elements that will directly have an impact on your article marketing campaign and these are the search engines, online users, and publishers who are running the article submission websites.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How to Make Google LOVE Your Site Right Now!

Back in the early days of search engine optimization (SEO) getting top ranking was easy. All the tricks like keyword spamming worked great and there were only a few thousand competing pages for any given keyword at most. Those days are long gone.

Nowadays most of the "good old ticks" don't work and the majority will get your pages banned. This is great news for you. Over the next few minutes I'll show you how to make Google absolutely LOVE your web pages and help you jump to the top!

This is all you need to know... Search engines today place 90% or more of their ranking priorities on content and links. Keywords are still important, but more so in the text of your pages than in any sort of META tags.

Simple, right? It really is. The first step is to find the best keywords and place them just right in your web page text. Next you need to get great inbound links. And finally, you need to monitor your progress closely (and that of your competition.)

Part 1: How to Find the Best Keywords

Google gets more searches than any other search engine so let's peek into their database. Check out and type in any keyword or phrase you can think of that you believe your target audience is looking for. Not only will it give you tons of data on that and related keywords, it will also provide "Additional Keywords to Consider", which is a section at the bottom of the page.

BIG TIP; Try to use specific keyword phrases whenever possible. Let's say you have a web-page dealing with floral delivery. Instead of just the word "flowers", which has 233,000,000 competing pages on Google, try "send flowers", which has 1/10th the number of competing pages. Better still, think like people speak (I.E./ I'm sending flowers to my mom.) As you would soon see, many more people are searching for "sending flowers" than "send flowers" and here's the best part; "sending flowers" has less than 1% of the competing web pages as the search term we started with, "flowers". Now that's impressive! You have an advantage over about 99.5% of your competitors with just that single tip.

Now take the top three or four keywords (and keyword phases) and list them in order for best to second best and so on.

Part 2: How to Develop the Best Possible Content

Content is king! If you take nothing else away from this article, make sure you take this. Producing search engine friendly, optimized real-person content is key to your success. Today's search engines can read a page just like a human would. And thanks to natural text algorithms, the can easily tell if you are writing your pages for real people or just trying to get better ranking. With this tip, you can do both!

First, call a good friend and describe exactly what you want to tell your web visitors. Now write it down, word for word, as close as you can remember it. If you can record it, that's even better.

Now go back through your text and fit your top keyword as close to the beginning of the first sentence as possible. Now place your number two keyword someplace else toward the beginning of your first paragraph. If possible, try to get your third keyword into the end of your first paragraph or the beginning of the second paragraph.

Repeat this concept using only one of your keywords for each of the next three paragraphs. Remember to try to make it a natural fit in the first sentence or two for each paragraph.

Now do the reverse for the very last paragraph. Place your lowest priority keyword near the beginning of the paragraph and then end the paragraph with the most important. This shows consistency.

Finally, try not to repeat any keyword more than three or four times per page. Make it flow naturally.

Part 3: How to Get Great Links and Monitor Your Site

Having quality inbound links can account for more than 75% of you search engine optimization success. Getting these links is the crucial step that will get you over the top. Next you need to monitor your progress and your site's status (how search engine really see it). This will not only tell you not just where you are, but with practice, where you are likely to soon be. In the old days, we used to do all link work and monitoring by hand - and it took a long time (I averaged about 16 hours per week - per site!) My advice to you is to find a good SEO tool and let it do the work for you. If you get the right product, it's the best money you'll ever spend.

I used WebPosition Pro for a couple years but switched to SEO Elite because it has automated linking, which I find to be the most time-consuming aspect of SEO. Both are excellent products for tracking and reporting however.

#1 Pick: SEO Elite Cost = $167 (lifetime free upgrades and no annual fees) My Results: 121 top 5 placements on Google in three weeks - Typically 1's and 2's. Top Features: Finds best link partners; Automates link process; Provides great Site Monitoring Comments: I bought SEO Elite in 2005 and have used every upgrade - never spending another dime. I retired my other three programs after using this for just three months.

#2 Pick: WebPosition Cost = $389 WebPosition Pro or $149 Standard (plus $99 per year subscription fees for either) My Results: 44 top 5 rankings in Google in eight weeks - Mostly 3's and 4's. Top Features: Site Monitoring; Great reporting; Site Critic Comments: I stopped using WebPosition because there were no automated linking capabilities. I did however really like the reporting.

Now you're ready. Good luck!

Michael Small, former Information Technology manager for Harvard University, is the founder of , a well-known free search engine optimization (SEO) site. Author of multiple SEO books including his most recent SEO Notebook - , Mike can always be reached through

4 Effective Book Marketing Tips

It can be difficult for new authors to create the kind of publicity needed for book sales, though, not impossible. The most effective ways to market a book is to follow these simple tips.

1. Promote daily.

There are number of ways to market your book, and whether you are sending a book for review, lining up an interview with your local papers, or submitting articles to magazines, authors should make daily contacts. Author-Promotion ( is a resource directory for authors -- comprised of articles, marketing tips, and resources on book promotion. It is great way to get started. Youll be surprised at how much you can accomplish if you make a goal to promote each day.

2. Contact small and major publications.

Authors should also contact national newspapers, reviewers, magazines, or other forms of media. Though all forms of marketing have value, the larger your audience or exposure, the easier it is to generate demand for your books. For example: Reader Views - an online book reviewer, publicity and editing service, is a great place for authors to have their books reviewed, but authors should also request book reviews from well-established reviewers such as Publisher Weekly, Boston Globe, Kirkus Reviews, The Denver Post these are merely samples used to illustrate a point. The same example could also be used when referring to submitting articles, getting interviews, etc.

3. It is essential for authors to promote their web sites.

You must market your web site in order to increase traffic. The best way to promote a web site is by having it ranked among the top of major search engines. When submitting a site for inclusion to search engines, authors may want to try the web optimization feature. Be sure to create meta tags and list the proper keywords that fit your product-related web site. Authors can go to ( to learn more about meta tags, keywords, and web optimization. In addition, authors can use Google AdSense or have their sites listed on business directories ( Other ways to increase web traffic is through various advertising methods such as flyers, business cards, or having your content listed on vendor sites. You can also submit your site to the Open Directory Project, and promote your site through writing-related forums and groups.

4. Target organizations for book purchases.

The best way to sell large quantities of authors books is by having organizations like libraries, schools, universities, churches buy them. You can find U.S. public libraries listed here:, or do an Internet search to find other organizations of your interest. Do not send unsolicited books. Query first, by either phone or email. Suggest your books title for possible purchase and request the appropriate address and department where you can send a sample review copy of your book along with the descriptive publicity materials, including price and relevant purchasing information. To increase sales, it is best not to contact individual libraries or schools, and instead contact the regional library or county school system of that particular area. By following these marketing tips, you will greatly enhance your ability to effectively market your book.

Nadia Brown is an American poet, freelance writer, and author of the award-winning book, Unscrambled Eggs. Her poetry and articles have appeared in national and international magazines and literary journals. She is also the founder of For more information about her, visit her website at

Article Marketing Secrets Starting an Article Marketing Business

Article marketing, of course, involves writing articles for the purpose of submitting them to the various online article directories and including a link to your web site in the articles, so that you will receive traffic from the articles you market.

There are two ways that you can make money with article marketing.

One way that you can make money with article marketing is by writing articles to send traffic to your web site, and then you make money from the traffic that comes to your web site, in much the same way that you make money from other forms of traffic, whether that is by building list and monetizing it, or by selling products online. I call this direct traffic when you submit the articles for the purpose of getting the direct hits from article readers. To do this effectively, simply write many quality articles and post them to the top 2 or 3 article directories online.

The second way that you can make money with article marketing is by writing a few articles and submitting them to multiple article directories I think that there are around 500 at current count. This will allow you to gain a maximum number of what the search engines call backlinks, and the search engines will generally rank you higher in the search engine results if you have more backlinks. Once the search engines rank your website, then people can visit your web site via the search engines, so I call this article marketing traffic indirect traffic.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 400 articles in print and 8 published ebooks.

Article Marketing Strategies; What Are Internet Surfers Really Searching for?

It is widely known that if you are an online article author and you just want lots of article views and are not target marketing for anything other than the average internet surfer then you can use key-words that have to do with human sexuality to drive massive traffic. It is rather unfortunate to think how shallow things are on the Internet these days.

Many online article authors say that the dummying down of the population is causing this and are not sure if they should go with the flow or just concentrate on the targeted key-words which are most likely to bring them the exact clientele they are interested in? Well I know what they mean about Key Words that the average Internet Surfer looks for and have practiced writing articles about Hair Style and one got 50,000 article views. Others I did for fun were Sex in a Cessna and Girls Gone Wild; Wilma Shows All almost 35,000 article views?,-Wilma-Shows-All&id=85073

I was shocked actually, as the Article was about Hurricane Wilma hitting the shores of Cancun? But, it shows the issues with the Internet users these days. I got them back by tricking the pornography seekers into reading something clean for a change? Ha Ha Ha.

I do not see a problem with testing your theories or trying new things to get traffic as bad, at least now you can speak from experience and not sound like a complainer who has no clue. And then again, you have to realize who your audience is? If these people might be one and the same, fine. If not maybe it is not so wise. I think we agree on all these points and it is an interesting study in human psychology and what is really on peoples minds?

Without condemning the human race as ignorant or article authors who give up and simply go for the key words that bring the most over all traffic I hope this article will indeed propel thought in 2007.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington