
Monday, May 26, 2008

Link Building Service Give Quick Results

Link building is the benchmark of being successful on the web. Well, almost everything these days staring from your favorite food, book, movie and clothes among others has a web presence or in other words an online presence. Just having a web presence is not sufficient, but you must be very popular for customers to know about what you are offering to them. So for this you need to build links of your site on the web. Link building services provided by companies are the different strategies which are used for increasing the links of a site on the World Wide Web. Link building has been found to be one of the very successful strategies undertaken for search engine optimization.

Search engines put a major emphasis on the links which are present on the site, to assign them rankings on search engine results. Building up links on the web is not an easy task and one needs to hire professional link building services, if you want to get the best results for your business. Each website is made differently and that is why the potential of inbound link is also bound to be different. The baseline is that the site must get good inbound links and just any other link will not work. The link building service that you will hire for your business must be effective enough to give you the best results.

Links are the important elements that helps search engine in determining the level of popularity of any site on the web. In simple words, if you have more links to your site from other site your site will be ranked highly by all the major search engines. There are some things that you must consider while exchanging links with any other site. Make sure that the site is complete, no one wants to exchange links with a site that is not complete. In fact, link building services will not be successful if you do not follow the guidelines properly. The amount of content must also be good, since search engine put a lot of emphasis on the content available on a site for ranking purposes.

A simple way for you to go about doing link building services is to type the keywords on which you want to promote your site and see the results that come up. You can browse the sites that come up in the result and see if the site provides any facility for link exchange with other sites. Well, even if you find that the site does not provide the link exchange facility, you can write to the webmaster directly and request for a link exchange program with you. Another thing you must take care for your link exchange under link building services is to exchange links only with that site, which has a higher page rank then yours.

Link building services can be obtained from several companies, but you need to be a little cautious about this. Simply make sure that you hire the link buildings services form those firms which have a very good track record. In other word, hire link building services from the best firms who have the most efficient staff working for them.

Steve Waganer has specialization in Web Marketing. He is expert in Search engine optimization,Affiliated Marketing,Affordable search engine marketing and Link building service. To get his expert advice for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit

Fast Article Marketing - Latest 3 Best Methods to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

One of the best ways to make money online these days is through article marketing. Your articles when posted online can be picked up and republished by other webmasters to give you numerous inbound quality links and strengthen your online presence. This can lead to more traffic while positioning yourself as an expert on your chosen niche.

1. Quality of your articles. When they say that the success of your article marketing campaign largely depends on the quality of your content, they were not lying. Let me give you a scenario: If your articles are lousy, contain more fillers than valuable information, lengthy, and boring, nobody will waste their time reading or republishing them. So, they will remain unread and useless to your marketing efforts. That is why, you need to strive to create articles that are useful and well-written not only to increase the chances of your articles being massively distributed but most importantly, establish your expertise so your potential clients will trust you.

2. Quantity of your articles. You need to write numerous articles not only to communicate to your potential clients that you have so much information to share but most importantly, to augment the number of your inbound links and strengthen your online presence. Develop an effective mechanism that can help you multiply the number of your articles. You can opt to write about topics that you are very knowledgeable about or stick with short articles.

3. Article submission sites. Manually submitting your articles to publishing sites can be tedious and time-consuming. That is why, I recommend that you submit only to those which are highly visited and have impressive page ranking. These sites can give your articles maximum exposure.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - How A Former Body Guard, SEO Dummy Got Top 10 Rankings For All His Websites!

Writing articles is an amazing and powerful way to increase the number of backlinks to your websites. However, there are many elements that you need to get right to make the whole process work. If you don't follow the exact steps I am going to show you right now, you will waste your time or get your website banned by the search engines.

Please understand that your website is not going to be on Google's first page tomorrow. The strategy you are going to learn work, but the nature of the search engines is such that you will see results after a couple of weeks if your website is brand new.

While many so called SEO experts claim that you need to learn a bunch of very complicated strategies to get top rankings, my websites do very well in the search engines and I am going to show you the right way to do this.

First, you need to submit your articles gradually. You don't want to alert the search engines and "tell" them that you are launching an aggressive backlink campaign. Remember, they don't like to be forced.

I have a couple of websites, and I noticed something truly amazing by accident. Listen up... It seems bizarre, but the more great and original content you have on your site, regardless of the number of links, the highest rankings you will get.

Another fact is that you don't need to do mass submission with or to get top rankings. I just submit to the 5 top article submission sites with the right anchor links:


There is another thing that I wanted to tell you today. Don't focus on getting a top ten ranking. Focus on building the number one website in your niche. Build an authority. The search engines will reward you overtime.

In conclusion, I would say that you must always go for quality in whatever you do. Write quality articles instead of hundreds of junk articles stuffed with keywords. Submit to the best directories instead of mass submission. And lastly, think long term strategy.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Amazing Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Authentic Methods to Impact Your Article Marketing

Starting a business online is such a big task, but making people know that you and your business exist is much bigger. These days, millions of new businessmen are going online on a weekly basis, making it very challenging for everyone to get the attention of online users.

Good thing, there are several marketing and product promotional tools like article marketing that you can use in order to advertise your business, draw your potential clients to your website, and effectively convince them to do business with you.

Here are the 4 authentic methods to impact your article marketing:

1. Perform a keyword analysis. To make your articles search engine-friendly and to effectively address the needs of your potential clients for specific information, identify the most searched keywords within you target niche by using a reliable keyword suggestion tool. List down all the top performing keywords and create interesting topics around them. Don't forget to sprinkle generous amount of keywords on your titles and on your content so you articles will show up on search result page whenever relevant searches are being made by online users.

2. Deliver quality and timely information. Strive to give your readers with something new every time you submit articles online. Be always on the look out for new issues that are affecting your target niche and be sure to be the first one to write about them. By doing so, online users will surely give you credit for delivering fresh information and you can easily generate more attention online.

3. Check your resource box. This is to make sure that all the links in your resource box are working and will take your readers to the correct landing page. Too many times, publishers have to reject articles because of broken links. This can be a waste of time as you will need to edit your articles, resubmit them, and wait for another 24-48 hour review and posting time.

4. Obtain more inbound links for your website. There are actually two ways on how you can do this. First, multiply the number of your articles and submissions (each submission will guarantee you one inbound link) and second, make your articles content-rich, informative, well-written, useful, and valuable to the lives of your potential clients. By doing so, you will increase their chances of being read and republished that can bring you more inbound links.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Analyzing One-Way Vs. Reciprocal Links

Link building has become a cornerstone of SEO/SEM services so many are interested in knowing what makes a good link, what they should strive for, etc. that will provide the biggest impact on their site optimization.

I was recently asked the following:

"These days, I've heard alot about one-way links being better than reciprocal and worth more in respect to pr rankings. If possible, could you please offer me some insight on reciprocal vs. one way links."

Here was my response:

"We certainly believe that one-way links are better than reciprocal links, but not to the extent that many others assume. You hear a lot of talk about reciprocal links being dead and for a while we believed this is the direction the search engines were going, but the more research we did the more we believe this NOT the case.

"The factors that we look at as being the most important are link relevance and quality. If these issues are in line then its not going to matter if it's a one-way link or a reciprocal link... just a valuable link."

Search engines certainly want to get a handle on link manipulation but there are many more effective ways of doing so. In fact, many believe the most recent Google algorithm change is the implementation of how links are viewed, and it has nothing to do with one-way vs. reciprocal links.

When analyzing links, determining if a link is reciprocated is not an entirely effective way to gage the users intent. Many sites link back and forth to each other simply because it makes good business sense to do so. If all reciprocal links are devalued search engines are essentially shutting out legitimate links simply by assuming that the intent was ill-formed.

Yes, a large portion of reciprocal links are simply SEOs and site owners manipulating the system, but that in itself isn't necessarily bad. After all, Google claims to have spidered over 8 billion pages. I'm sure its the grand link building campaigns and site cross-linking that has allowed them to find a few of those billion. The bottom line is that just because a link is reciprocated does not mean that it's an illegitimate relationship.

Search engines can determine link quality by a number of other measures:

  • Comparing themes of the link source and link destination pages
  • Placement of links on the page (i.e. is it in body content, ad section, navigation area, etc.)
  • Relatedness of the two linked sites (are they in compatible industries?)

These three measures alone will provide a far greater measure of the quality of a link than looking at whether a link is reciprocated or not.

In regards to links, and SEO in general, I don't believe it makes much sense for search engines to look for ways to penalize those who are manipulating the system to their advantage, but rather to make sure that those manipulations work to provide higher-quality search results.

Stoney deGeyter is president of Pole Position Marketing, a Reno SEO firm providing search engine optimization and marketing services since 1998. Stoney is also a part-time instructor at Truckee Meadows Community College, as well as a moderator in the Small Business Ideas Forum. He also contributes daily to the (EMP) E-Marketing Performance search engine marketing blog.

Marketing Case Studies - Articles

I wanted to find out how is it that allot of the big successful affiliates used articles to market there business so I carried out a survey and asked this question.

When writing a unique article of good quality, is it good to submit that single article to only one directory? Or should I submit it to several? in your experience which has given you the best results and what if any advice can you give us about article marketing?

1.Submitting to the top three to five directories is the best move, also look for sites that are relevant to your business and ask them if they would be interested in publishing your articles. This is far better than submitting to a big set that is not relevant to your business. This system has brought me great results.

2. I believe the best plan is to write three articles and submit each to a different directory this will equal three article directories in total. It is better to do originals and submit them to avoid the duplicate content penalty because it can cause you to loose Google ranking. This strategy works best for me.

3. I believe it depends on what are your objectives.

If you want to have your site spread all over the internet to improve your chances of being published you can send your articles to as many e-zines that you want. But if you looking for SEO ranking then just sent to the best directories maybe the best five but your entire article must be original to avoid the duplicate content penalty. So write five good articles and submit them to the top five sites.

Remember to make sure you write your articles so that it could be read by humans.

These were just some of the answers I got from this question that I asked some of the top earners on the internet, Hope this information was useful.

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