
Saturday, May 24, 2008

How to Select Keywords For My Website

As there are literally billions of webpages on the net, searching and getting to the right page is really difficult. A keyword phrase in an Internet search is a set of words used to find the matching webpages. Search engines have tools for determining which words in a search string are important and to be treated as keywords. Common words like a, an, the, and are not treated as keywords.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technique of improving the number and the quality of visitors to a website, who come in using Search Engines. Apart from keyword specific listings, SEO's may also include paid advertising in the form of pay per click advertisements and paid inclusion listings.

Since the keyword phrases that you decide to target will be used throughout the optimization process, choosing the right keywords is of utmost importance, which happen to be those words or phrases commonly typed in by your potential customers, but which aren't used much on your competitors' websites. If you choose the wrong keywords your site will not be listed in the search engines. Always select "specific keyword phrases" and not mere "keywords", because if your keyword phrases are too general it is very unlikely you will rank well in the search engines. You stand a far good chance to rank well for specific phrases which are unique. For example, "Perfumes" and "Imported French Perfumes" make a lot of difference.

So a keyword research should be done with great precision and effort to identify the Primary Keyword/s that best describes your webpage. After identifying your keywords, the next important question is how to place them on the pages of your site. Lot of strategies are used, one being the primary keyword is placed boldly (using bold html commands) on the page. The other being the same Primary Keyword is used in every webpage of your site or using it in the Title Tag of your page.

If you attempt at selecting the right keyword purely on guesswork, you may lose out potential customers/visitors to your site. It is here the Wordtracker comes to your aid.Based on over 250 million keywords and phrases that people have used over the previous 90 days, Wordtracker suggests the best keywords you can use for your site.

A website uses select keywords like, "Streams of Multiple Income", "Zero Risk Investment System" attracting good webpage hits.

Alevoor Rajagopal, MBA, shares his experiences in earning dollars here. He is also a health care consultant, his articles on weight loss issues are published in over 1000 websites.

Part I - Linking Practices That Will Hurt Your Search Engine Rankings

Quality linking practices are encouraged by the major search engines as an acceptable way of improving site popularity, website traffic and help contribute to higher search engine rankings. As a webmaster you must be wary of engaging in poor linking practices that have the potential to strip your website of its ranking status on the major search engines Google, Yahoo and MSN.

In this two part Article Series we will firstly discuss those linking practices that will find your website penalized by the major search engines, with the most current controversy over 'paid links'. Google has recently penalized several sites with ranking drops for violating its quality webmaster guidelines by selling paid links. This penalty can also be applied to those sites displaying 'paid links' that are considered spam or of low quality by the search engines and provide users with a poor browsing experience.

Not all paid linking will be penalized, the current focus tends to be on those links that are primarily being used to manipulate search engine rankings. Purchasing paid links may also affect your rankings if the originating site selling the links is considered to be a 'bad neighborhood' site by the major search engines, your site's rankings can be affected by association. As a general rule, avoid companies selling links who are promoting paid links that are 'hard to detect by a search engine' and with the recent increase in the reporting of paid links to Google, their ranking algorithms are being adjusted to detect such paid links.

The advice from Google on paid links is that it's okay to promote paid links that are aimed at increasing website traffic but are not being used to manipulate search engine rankings. If you are using paid links:-

Add a 'no follow attribute' to the linking info, for more information on how to do this see Google Webmaster Tools

You can also redirect the links to an intermediate page that is blocked from the search engines with robots.txt file.

Clearly define paid advertising links on your site to the search engines ie. with a 'sponsored link' title heading.

Another linking practice that is discouraged by the major search engines is using Link Farms to artificially increase a site's link popularity. Link farms are usually classified as a website or web page that displays a series of links to other unrelated sites and displays no content of real value or interest to site visitors. These types of links pages are usually created by automated software programs and services. To avoid being caught linking to a 'link farm' vigorously check all link exchange requests and the reciprocal URL location of your link on their site. Link farms will be obvious in nature as no actual web content will be present for site visitors except links and often the link exchange will be represented as a '3 way link' exchange.

3 Way Linking' has been an emerging trend over the past 12 months and is designed to quickly boost the search engine rankings and online presence of the requesting link partners site by anonymously building link pages that have no direct link to them so that they can't be penalized by the search engines for deceptive SEO practices. 3 Way Links are of little or no benefit to your site or your linking campaign as typically the third party site that your link is located on has no content relevance to your own site or worse still it is just a 'link farm'. Once again your site's search engine rankings can be penalized by association.

Check link exchange requests carefully as often 3 way linking practices are hidden in the link request, in some cases you may agree to a link exchange with a site whose content is similar to yours only to find that when the link exchange is completed that your link has been placed on a third party site. Often the site requesting the link exchange does not even have a links page set up on their site. 3 Way Links can also be represented as 'triangular link exchanges'.

The final linking practice we will look at is 'Cross Linking'. Excessively cross-linking sites of unrelated content can and will violate the quality webmaster guidelines of Google, Yahoo and MSN. This linking practice is generally used to artificially increase the number of links to a site and link popularity with the main aim of manipulating the search engine rankings. Even if you are the owner of multiple sites it is unwise to cross link them if the content of the sites is unrelated.

I came across a prime example of cross-linking recently when analyzing a potential new client's site for SEO & website marketing recommendations. What I discovered was that their existing SEO provider had excessively cross-linked their site to all their other clients sites under the disguise of 'site map' pages which were not only numerous in quantity but also keyword stuffed. This practice has somehow gotten past the ranking algorithms of Google and Yahoo most likely because the pages were being represented as 'site map' pages however the site had been penalized by MSN with no rankings showing whatsoever.

The only way of bringing up the site on MSN was to type in the site's direct URL address. The site owner was completely unaware of this breach which was explained away by this SEO company as the search engine results for MSN being inconclusive on the day they were searched for reporting purposes. To a novice, this explanation probably seems viable - so website owners be wary and don't be afraid to ask questions as to why your site is not receiving rankings in at least the top 10 pages of the search engine results for Google, Yahoo & MSN especially if you are paying for professional SEO services. Avoid automated software being added to your site primarily for SEO purposes, organic search engine results are certainly achievable without the application of automated software which usually displays web pages of lower quality than your main web pages and certainly be wary of site maps being developed for your site in the format I have described above. These are generally placed in the footer of your home page with the words site map preceding them, followed by an A - Z listing of site map web pages. This doesn't apply to software added to your site to record site statistics for performance analysis.

Positive linking practices will be discussed in Part 2 of this Article Series.

Rosemary Donald, Rank1 Website Marketing 5th November, 2007

Rosemary Donald is an SEO Consultant with Rank1 Website Marketing
( ) and author of the SEO ebook 'Insider Secrets of Rank1 Websites' available for $29.95 AU. Rosemary is a regular contributor to online article sites on the topics of SEO, website marketing, ecommerce, search engine marketing and small business development.

Rosemary is also a successful online trader and owner of a top ranking on site on Google, Yahoo and MSN with experience in online marketing, export sales, importing, growing customer bases, ecommerce customer service, online sales generation and Rank 1 search engine marketing.

Your Website Title Could Be Costing You Money

Nothing could be simpler than the title you give to your web pages right? Unfortunately, the vast majority of the websites I visit these days have absolutely terrible titles that hurt their online business. The title of your website is a very important part of getting good rankings on most of the major search engines. A good title also goes a long way towards getting your prospects to click on your listings.

If you go to Google right now, and type any search phrase you want, you get back a listing of web sites that match the keywords you entered in. If you look closely, youll notice that each search listing hyperlink is also the title of that website. The title you choose needs to describe to your prospects what your website is all about. It needs to be able to entice your prospects to click on your listing over any other listing. If your title is simply your company name, you are most likely loosing lots of traffic. You will also find it difficult to rank highly on relevant keywords to your site.

Here are some things to consider:

1. Make sure you use relevant keywords

Keywords are simply search terms that your web site prospects will type into a search engine in order to find you. The keywords you are targeting need to be included in your title. Your keywords also need to be as close to the beginning of the title as it makes sense to do. For example, if you were selling shoes online and you were targeting the keyword children shoes, you could have a title like Childrens shoes for hard to fit children. Notice how the targeted keywords were at the beginning of the title. Putting your keywords at the front of your title speaks to keyword prominence. Prominence refers to the importance of your keyword in the title. If your main keywords are at the very beginning of the title, it is said to have a prominence of 100%. If they are at the very end of the title, they have a prominence of 0%. As much as possible, you want to have your main keywords appear towards the beginning of your title.

2. Consider using your main keyword twice in your title

If you are optimizing your site to rank well on Google, you should also consider finding a way to include your main keyword twice in the title. The trick is to do this without making the title sound stupid. One way I do this is to use the pipe character | between your main keywords. For example, if I was writing a title for a fishing website and the main keyword I was targeting was fishing charter I could repeat the keywords this way, Fishing Charter | Are you ready for a fishing charter you wont soon forget? This example gets my target keyword at the beginning and manages to repeat it again without making it look stupid.

3. Persuade your prospect to click on your link

The link that your prospects will see when they do a search of your website on a search engine will almost always be the title of your website. Even if you get to the first page on a search engine for the keywords you are targeting, you still need to persuade your prospect to click on your link over all the others around you. If you title is not persuasive, or even non-existent, you wont get the traffic you expect even if you are number one in the listings. Your title must be persuasive.

4. Say what you want in 65 characters or less.

Almost all search engines limit the length of the title that will appear to the search engine surfer. Google for instance, only displays the first 60 to 66 characters. Sometimes, a webmaster will try to include every one of their keywords in the title in the hope that all of their keywords will be picked up by the search engines. Keep your main keyword prominent in the first 65 characters of your title. Do this while making sure that your title is properly targeted to your target market. You can include your secondary keywords in the body of your web page, but keep them out of the title unless it makes sense to keep them in. The rule of thumb for including secondary keywords in your title is to include them only if you can still keep the title persuasive to your website prospects.

Your website title is crucial to your success online.

Your title is vital to your efforts of getting traffic online. Make sure it is descriptive, and persuasive. It needs to include your main keywords as close to the start of your title as it makes sense to do. You need to avoid repeating the same keywords over and over again. This may work for keywords that have little or no competition on them, but it wont work for any keyword that gets even a decent amount of traffic on them.

Joe Duchesne is the webmaster for a company that offers a great online web site builder that allows the average person to get their website online in as little as an hour. Reprint Freely as long as the keyword rich link in this article is live.

A Do It Yourself On How To Efficiently Get More Quality Link Partners & Exchanges With Your Site?

Requesting Links

Ahoy everyone! Here is my secret out to build a quality link exchange program for your site. Lets get straight to the point shall we?

Remember: Not every link you request requires giving a link back. Sometimes it is cheaper and more efficient to just to go target higher quality links. Sometimes you can just request a link and get it by being personal and empathetic. Other times links may require payment ( I personally never buy links cause I personally feel it is not really necessary for my niche and I have enough unique and quality contents in my site's portfolio).

Be Personal

The best way to go about acquiring links is to be as personal about it as you can. Look around their website and try to find personal information. The more you find, the better you are.

When e-mailing them, try to submit it to the person who runs the site, not a general info submission. If you can state where your link should go on their site and how it would improve their user experience, you stand a good chance of getting a link.

Off-topic, somewhat personal statements showing you share similar interests may make you seem more human and more connected with them and will make it easier to get links. For instance, if you found out that I like peanut butter, somehow mentioning that or joking about it in the e-mail will make me far more likely to link to your site.

Proper Link Request Buy Line

Another good idea is to make the buy line of the e-mail appear as a suggestion. If I see the subject line of the e-mail as "SEO Book website suggestion," odds are that I am going to open it. Feedback is a fundamental part of any successful business so I have to open it.

I like using the word suggestion versus feedback. If you use feedback, they may feel like you are tricking them. If you use the word suggestion, they are highly inclined to open the e-mail. Remember, getting someone to open the e-mail is half of the battle.

E-mail to Use

When building links, you are more likely to have a higher close rate if you use an e-mail address with the same domain name with the site for which you are building links. Hotmail and Yahoo! mail type accounts probably do not close as well.

Some people also send their link requests as though they are cute females.

Scouting Out Potential Link Sources

A good way to find candidates for links is to use the Yahoo! link search. Do a search on Google to find your top few competitors. Go down the list and perform a backward link check on Yahoo! for each of them. See the sites that link to them and see if you can get links from those same sites.

Also, look at the categories those sites are in and use the Google directory to get the best sites from those categories to link to you. (Once again, to do a backwards link check of a competitor's website, go to Yahoo!'s search box and type "link:")

The Cost of Links

Some people are afraid of certain links because they think those links cost too much money. An expensive link can also be a good deal though.

If a link is expensive, or if the cost of obtaining it is a significant amount of effort, money, a long wait, or the approval from a webmaster who is a stickler for quality, it means those links are not going to be easy to get. People who create $5 sites hoping to double their money will not usually be acquiring links that take hundreds of dollars or many hours to get.

As people continue to abuse lower quality links the high-quality links will only count more.

Finding Niche Link Sources

You can do a search for " + directory," " + add URL," " + submit site"...any of them. Start thinking of ideas like that and finding sources of inbound links should be no problem. You can search across multiple search engines and even search for various file extensions.

If you have a resource about the ASP language, it may be a good idea to search for ASP file types.

If you have a golf site with a Flash game on it, try to get golf links, but also see if there are some game sites or Flash sites that might be willing to link to your site.

If you have a beautiful site design or an XHTML and CSS compliant design, try to list your site on sites about beautiful web design.

If you are a site designer, consider creating free open source site designs and promoting them on

Let the Link Sources Come to You

If you know how to create and format truly remarkable information then you might be able to gain a top ranking by

  • Creating great content
  • Buying AdWords ads for related keywords
  • Letting bloggers and the media find your content via the AdWords ad
  • Watch them write about you, and see your rankings improve as you build links.

If you buy AdSense ads, you can run Google's position placement report to find where Google was syndicating your ad to. Webmasters who own these related pages might be willing to sell you links if you contact them.

Affiliate Program Links

Most affiliate programs redirect your links through third-party websites that prevent the link from parsing link popularity.

In addition, many other websites use query strings on the links. These typically will not parse PageRank to the destination page. A query string is something like "?affil=34565" at the end of the link. This identifies the affiliate for tracking purposes.

Even if affiliate programs do not provide static text links, they still help raise your brand awareness and build trust in the eyes of your prospective customers. A well-run affiliate program can also mean that some of your affiliates are crowding some of your competitors out of the search results.

Problems With SEO-Friendly Affiliate Programs (How They Can Hurt Affiliates, But Help Merchants)

If you build enough link popularity pointing to an affiliate page, it can outrank the regular version of the document. But if many good affiliates are promoting a product and those pages link back to the home page of the site they are promoting, then you can end up pushing a ton of PageRank to the home page of the merchant site. That PageRank can filter down to the regular (or non-affiliate) version of the page, which may eventually outrank all the affiliates.

You Do Not Need T

Ishtiaq Saddam
Theme Designer

Powerful Article Marketing - Discover 5 Rewarding Ways to Advance with Article Marketing

Are you looking for ways on how you can energize your article marketing to make your name and your articles stand out from the rest?

Here are the 5 rewarding ways to advance with article marketing:

1. Never include hyperlinks in your article body. Most publishers reject articles that promote websites or other articles by inserting hyperlinks on their content. To increase the chances of your articles being posted online, make sure that you keep your hyperlinks on your resource box alone.

2. Proofread your articles. Publishers have so many things to do aside from reviewing articles that they will post on their websites. Save them the time from editing your work for grammar and spelling errors by manually proofreading your articles before you submit them online.

3. Do not advertise on your articles. This is the most common reason why articles are rejected online. Keep in mind that your articles must be designed to inform or empower your readers. Avoid incorporating your sales pitch if you don't want to annoy your readers and lose their business in an instant.

4. Use effective titles. The competition in getting people's attention online cannot get any stiffer. Thus, you have to effectively design your articles to make sure that they get the attention they deserve. Make use of intriguing, attention-grabbing, and interesting titles to get more people to read your articles.

5. Make your first paragraph "meaty". Truth be told, the first 100 words of your articles are crucial in sustaining your readers' interest. If they find your first 100 words lousy, you can be assured that your article will not be read in its entirety. Strive to make your first paragraph interesting by spilling all the important information on this part.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

MLM Leads Generation Training - Using List Builders to Generate Free MLM Leads

In this article, I will share with you a powerful way that I use to build a huge email list of high quality and free mlm leads for any home based business.

They say "The money is in your list" and I will show you to build a HUGE MONEY GENERATING LIST for FREE!

The more high quality contacts you have in your list, the higher your chances of success.

And that is the truth for any business. Be it a traditional business or an online internet business.

If you have a list of 10 names and emails, that is not going to be much help in expanding your mlm business, unless those 10 are top mlm leaders who will definitely join your opportunity.

However, you will find that any top leader in any mlm business will have a contact list in the 1000's or more.

In fact, really successful leaders have lists with over 100,000 contacts.

Imagine if you have a list of 100,000 contacts who are not just useless names and emails, but real people who are already interested in knowing more about a new business opportunity or how to make money online?

Easily said but not easily done.

So how can you start building your golden email list if you don't have that many friends?

Well, the secret is "Do not depend solely on your friends to succeed in any business"

I love the internet because it offers so many ways to help you build up your contact list without having to depend on your warm market contacts.

The secret tool I use is called a free email list builder tool.

There are a couple of these online right now, however I have had outstanding results with only one.

This tool is so wonderful because...




I have personally used this tool for more than 1 year and it has helped me grow my list by the 1000's.

These people are all hungry, high quality, opportunity seeking prospects who will love to learn a new way to make money online.

So take advantage of such wonderful technology and start building your GOLDEN LIST right now!

Click here.

You may reproduce this article on your website, however you must include this resource box below:
The Author: Dennis Bay is a seasoned MLM and
Network Marketing Industry Leader from Singapore.
Get more Proven Internet Affiliate Marketing,
MLM Leads Generation And Internet Network Marketing
Training For Home Based Business Owners Worldwide
at his blog,

Search For Marketing Strategies In The Right Places

If you're looking for suggestions and tips on how to succeed in your business, don't look for it in traditional marketing books and philosophies that were taught in university. You won't find what you need, and it will only make things worse by getting you confused with so many ideals and beliefs that may not be applicable to small commercial color printing companies like yourself.

Conventional textbooks - those written for college and master's degree courses, are for big companies rather than small businesses. It seems that every marketing author who wrote these books really believe that only big corporations can start a business. It's like they don't think small businesses are relevant as far as the commercial industry is concerned.

I'm not being cynical or anything. All I'm saying is that not many textbooks in marketing were written for small business firms. Most of the time, principles and marketing theories were based on studies made from big corporations that a small business owner learning from these books is only wasting his or her time, money and energy.

So if you're looking at effective marketing strategies for your small business, you might want to try to look for it elsewhere. Standard education is just that, standard. If you want standard results then you might find the strategies in them books helpful.

But if you're looking at a much higher outcome (which I think you are if you're really an entrepreneur) you might want to try a carefully planned strategy that will help you grow your business fast.

According to conventional marketing knowledge, marketing has certain P's that you should focus on to be successful: product, price, placement, package, and promotion. If you direct your attention and marketing efforts towards these 5 P's then you're more likely to succeed in your chosen field.

For small businesses, what you might want to focus on is a plan for an attack. If you want to really increase your profits and get quick ROI's, there's only one way to do that - you need to be the aggressor. You need a plan of attack that will help you get smart on your marketing to achieve quick results.

What do you need for your plan of attack? For one thing, you have to identify your target market. You need to know and understand how your product can relate to their needs so you can provide the most appropriate offer to your target clients.

Second, you need to have an offering statement that provides an offer that they can't possibly resist. It attracts them to your offer, and more importantly, it pulls them in, hook, line and sinker.

So the next time you're looking at traditional textbooks for your marketing strategy, think again. If you really want to succeed and get significant growth in your business, try looking for it somewhere else. And if you find the right place, call us. We would like to hear about it.

Charen Smith writes articles about Internet Marketing. She has an extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to business strategies, techniques and business solutions.

For more information, you can visit this page on Commercial Color Printing

Top 10 Link Building Tips for Marketing Your Website

Link Building is the key to success on the Internet. Without good, quality, inbound links your website will be perceived as non-existent by the search engines. But with a solid link building campaign, you will let the search engines know your website exists and begin to receive higher rankings, guaranteed.

Link Building refers to the process of acquiring quality websites to link to your website, in order to improve link popularity or page rank within the search engines. There are many positive ways you can build solid inbound links to your website and there are also many link building mistakes to avoid.

This article will outline the top 10 link building tips to help market your website in the major search engines. Stick to these and your link building strategy will receive your website higher rankings.

1) Focus on Developing Quality Content that is Linkable

The best way to increase inbound links to your website or blog is to focus on developing quality content that is linkable. If your website does not have quality content then why would anyone ever link to it? But if you have content that others think is important, then they will create links without you having to do anything. Here are some good ideas that others will consider to be linkable:

a. Create "Top 10 Tips" articles

b. Create "How-to" articles

c. Create a "List of Top [Subject]" articles

d. And any other types of articles that others will think is linkable

2) Submit Press Releases Online

Every business, from time-to-time, has a newsworthy event that is worth sharing to the world. Submitting press releases online can be a great way to not only generate buzz about your business, but to also build links through press release syndication. Use such sites as,, etc...

Learn more about how to submit a press release online and the 5 steps to a successful submission.

3) Add Company or Industry-Related News to your Website or Blog

Adding Company or industry-related news to your website or blog is a great way to build credibility and attract interested readers looking to link to the latest and greatest news in your industry. It's also a great way to show your business is focused on staying up-to-date.

4) Create an Account with Ezine Articles and Syndicate your Articles

EzineArticles is a great place to post your articles and drive more traffic and links to your website. It's a website that allows writers and experts to share their knowledge and syndicate their articles into their database of hundreds of thousands of articles. The great thing about these article sites is that their article pages actually rank highly and send quality traffic to your website.

5) Submit your Website to DMOZ

This is an oldie but goodie. Submit your site to DMOZ. DMOZ does not accept all websites but it's definitely worth the time to give it a shot. Google also uses the DMOZ database for the Google Directory.

6) Submit your Website to FREE Directories, Websites and Forums

Find free directories, websites and forums and submit your website. Be sure to look for the quality directories and forums and don't waste your time on the lousy ones. When visiting a forum, check out their Google PageRank for their directory landing pages. If they are a 4 or higher than spend the time to submit your website. Some good sites include:

a. Craigslist

b. Yahoo Answers

c. Blog Catalog

d. Blogarama

e. Squidoo

7) Share Links with Others

Have a friend who writes for a blog or has their own business? Develop content and link to their blog. In return, ask them to do the same thing.

8) Spend some time doing Social Tagging

There are plenty of social tagging websites out there, such as Digg, Delicious, Technorati, etc... If you find other's articles to be interesting, try digging or tagging them - you just might find them digging and tagging your articles in return.

9) Local and Government Websites

Adding your business to local or governmental .org domains is a great way to build links and let the search engines know your site is of importance. Such examples include:

a. The Better Business Bureau

b. Your local Chamber of Commerce

c. Local city resource websites

10) Create a Blog for your Website

Last but certainly not least - do you have a blog on your website? If not, then create one immediately. Blogs are a great way to build industry-related content and drive targeted traffic to your website. Also, when you have a blog, you can now write about other blogger's articles and link to their blogs. In return, they will start to link to yours.

Apply these Top 10 Link Building Tips and you will begin to receive higher rankings. This is a never ending process but if you can stick to these basics then you will be well on your website to achieving success in the Internet.

At Hudson Horizons we provide website design, web development, content management, e-commerce integration, RSS content distribution, search engine optimization, e-marketing services, link building, and the development of custom applications such as blogs, newsletter systems, online payment solutions and any other Web solutions that may be needed to help simplify your business.

Hudson Horizons is an e-business product, solution and marketing company specializing in creating highly sophisticated customized websites, web-based software applications and providing e-marketing and SEO services for small and mid-sized businesses.

Our vision and ultimate ambition as a company is to always strive to be "The New Light for e-Business." By offering new, innovative and extremely competitive products and solutions to our clients, we provide better ways to run and operate a business online.

Things That Help Your Page Rank and Things That Hurt Your Page Rank

Things That Help Page Rank:

These factors will probably change over time, once someone figures how to "beat the system". Some these variables are more important than others:

  • Keywords in the title tag
  • Keywords in the description tag
  • Keywords in the keywords tag
  • Changing and increasing content
  • Keywords in your headlines
  • Keywords in your content
  • Keywords in the top 25% of the page
  • Keywords in the bottom 25% of the page
  • Using HTML emphasis on Keywords (Bold, Italics, Underline et cetera)
  • Incoming link popularity - if sites that point to you have a high PR it is a good thing
  • Keywords in the names of linked pages Cover Hypnosis Expert Kevin Hogan is better than Kevin Hogan and the actual site name has the lowest value (but better than nothing)
  • Keywords in alt tags and as names of images
  • Getting listings in Pay-Per-Click search engines like Google Adwords or in Overture
  • Listings in directories

Things That Hurt Page Rank:

  • Spamming by using the same word or phrase several times in your title, meta tags, or text. Buy you new shoes from our shoe site by visiting our shoe forum and choosing from our shoe gallery! The sentence might be readable, but it is spam.
  • Keyword density over 5% which may be considered keyword spamming.
  • Spamming by putting words or phrases into your meta tags or title that have nothing to do with the actual content people see on your web page.
  • Too many outbound links, even if they are to sites related to your topic. If you want to have hundreds of links, make a link page.
  • Using text the same color as the background. Years ago, I could not figure why I landed on a site that had nothing to do with my search.
  • Using tiny text (font size "-1" or smaller) as a way to cram keywords into a page
  • Linking out to link farms or free-for-all (FFA) link pages.
  • Links coming in from link farms or FFA link pages
  • Linking out to sites that have nothing to do with the focus or niche of your site (For a class Kevin Hogan gave in 2006 he linked from to everyone that attended his class, causing his PR to drop one point.)
  • Unknown. Since we don't know the actual algorithm used there may be things that we don't know that hurt your page rank. If you think something may hurt your site, don't do it.

Follow these basic rules and you will be on your way to getting your page ranked properly.

For your SEO needs, visit

Referral Strategies - Part 1

Customers are humans too!

And all people deserve to feel appreciated when they do something for another. Sending you business that costs you little to nothing to acquire should trigger a flood of grateful feelings in you so show it!

"Referrals inherently possess 6 powerful characteristics that make it one of your best marketing strategies." Referrals are

  • High trust
  • Low Sales Resistance
  • Low Effort
  • High Leverage (once systemized)
  • Low Cost
  • High Return on Investment
The downside is very few businesses have formalized, systemized referral generation programs that their business can duplicate again and again. This leaves a massive hole in their bottom line profit and marketing arsenal. As a result, it increases uncertainty and stress levels. Is this you? If so, you need to organize your first systematic referral process. To achieve this you need to satisfy 4 steps. 1. Make it work 2. Reward those who refer 3. Systemize it 4. Duplicate it

Step 1 - Make it Work

Your first and most obvious task it to produce a referral system that actually brings in referrals. In many cases, you may find you already get referrals in a haphazard way. I would start with this one. Because it already satisfies step 1 and now you just need to reward, systemize and duplicate.

I will tackle each step with you one by one, but first its worth understanding the process. In all your marketing efforts, you should always start by improving things you already do before you ever seek to introduce some brand new strategy.

Next, understand that you can and SHOULD have multiple referral systems. One idea should not replace another but ADD to it. If you develop a second method of profitable referral generation, you dont drop the existing one because you found something better. You run with as many profitable, systemized methods for bringing you business as you can.

Now some people will instantly think, Thats going to be a lot of work. Get that I must do it myself attitude out of your head because when you have multiple, systemized methods for bringing you business, you will have the money to have other people perform the monotonous tasks of tracking, testing and implementing as you need.

All you need to do for now is follow the above 4 steps and you will have multiple low cost, high return on investment referral streams flowing constant leads into your business.

In Part 2, I am going to share with you a method I used to get 63 referrals from one appointment.

Until then...

Think BIG! Act BOLD! Have FUN!

Scott Groves is the Author of 6 Books, and Founder of "Immortal Entrepreneurs". His work has been endorsed by names such as Mark Victor Hansen, John Kanary, PhD's and CEO's worldwide. You can get a stack of business growth resources when you join Scott's New "Immortal Entrepreneurs" Members Area by visiting

Follow the Path to a Successful Opt In List

There are three important, proven steps in building a reliable solid opt in list. When applied to your business you will see that your opt in list will expand faster than a college freshman's pants size.

The first step to apply is building a trustworthy relationship with your customers and getting them to trust your product. Take the time to write articles on your product, and put yourself in the driver's seat of expert on the subject. Join forums to post your expert advice, and put a forum on your own site where your customers know they can post and receive information. By doing this you can find out what your customers want and need, and you can meet those needs.

Once you feel that people trust you as an expert in your field, you can then start you r opt in list .

The second step is to find a product that people want or need. You want to find that special product that people are in need of and even desire more so. You will want to do your research, and learn all you can about the product you choose, putting yourself in the position of expert. Remember to provide your list members with promotional material to quip their interest and share with friends.

The third step to a successful opt in list is to make friends with opt in list users. If you find someone who has a successful opt in list you can learn from someone else's experience. You can read all of the articles you like about opt in list, but talking to someone who has actually been through the process is a grade 'A' teacher. Experienced opt in list users will be able to guide you through the trials and tribulations that a cost new opt in list users.

As your list grows, work to maintain the quality of your list. By keeping it organized and manageable you will be able to guarantee your subscribers satisfied and continually willing to buy from you. A satisfied subscriber will be more likely to bring friends on board and help expand your list. As your list grows so will your reputation and soon you will find that your are the list user everyone wants to know, and get advice from.

Jason Pearson is an online marketing expert who wants to share his secrets with the world. To find out more...

Click Here To Discover More About Jason Pearson

Gain Higher Search Engine Rankings The Right Way

If you are serious about making your internet business a success then you need to learn how to build high quality relevant links pointing back to your site. It's an extremely powerful method that will not long gain you massive long term traffic but will make you permanently rank better in the search engines.

There are a million and one ways to go about a link building campaign. I'm going to show you my favorite methods for gaining valuable backlinks to improve my ranking. I've used these for awhile now and I am out pacing my competitors by far. In fact, I shouldn't even be calling them competition

Blog Comments

Blog Comment link building is a simple and straight forward process. You find a blog that is relevant to your niche and you drop a relevant comment with a link back to your site. It's important that you do not spam the owners blog with a useless comment. Read the actual post and make a valid comment. I can guarantee you the blog owner will end up deleting your comment or otherwise reporting you for abuse.

Using Blog Comments you can gain a high page rank back link for your website of choice.

Guestbook Comments

Guestbooks have been around since the internet was made mainstream. Guestbooks are of particular interest because they've been around so long. When a domain is older it automatically ranks better and when it ranks better it passes better link juice. You can find guestbooks everywhere. It's important to avoid dropping your links in to guestbooks that are already filled with various link spam. Make sure you drop a thoughtful comment with your link and you should be good to go.

Article Submissions

I can't praise article marketing enough. It is truly one of the best way to gain massive exposure to your business. It is also a great way to virally build links. Submitting articles to popular article directories will not only build links, but it will continue to build links for you on complete autopilot for the rest of your life.

Writing quality articles is easier then it sounds. Pick a topic relating to your niche that you think you know enough to write about. Pick a title for your article. Write down a minimum of 3 keypoints for that title. Write 1-2 paragraphs for each keypoint. After you're done with your article you'll need to make your signature.

Your signature should consist of a maximum of 2 sentences ad with a keyword rich link to your site. Once you've got your signature written out it's time for you to submit your article.

Making money online is all about hard work and persistence. In order for these techniques to work you need to put them in to action. If you get anything from this report please reread that last sentence. It takes hard work and a lot of learning before you start seeing substantial results.

Want To Turbocharge Your Link Building? Get This Free Report Today And Explode Your Link Building Efforts Exponentially: Free Link Building Report. For more excellent information, visit my blog Fun Internet Marketing

Article Marketing - Your Headline Do's And Don'ts

Article marketing is a very powerful way of generating traffic and reputation for your affiliate marketing business. But you must work at it and do it right to get the great short and long term results that you hope for.

In this article, we will discuss crucial tips for writing your headline that will help increase your readership.

Whether you are writing articles for your affiliate marketing website, blog or to submit to other sites, your article will only attract attention if your headline is worded properly. The first thing that your potential readers and hopefully customers will see is your headline.

Write a great headline and they are hooked, write a dud headline and no-one will read your well thought out, informative copy.

Headline Do's

  • Targeting: Your headline must reflect what your article is about. Imagine coming across a great headline, you click on the article and find it is totally off topic. You would be really disappointed. Also the next time you come across an article by the same author, the trust is no longer there and you would probably pass. Make sure that your headline is related to the content of your article.

  • Teaser: Structure your headline in a way that tells the reader what they are about to read without giving too much away. Try to arouse their curiosity on the topic, make them want to click on your article to read more. A headline ' SEO can dramatically improve your website's traffic' will not have the same pull as 'Discover 3 crucial SEO changes you can make to increase traffic to your website today' Same meaning, different delivery

  • Tone: Hype is a rampant disease on the internet. As with most infective diseases, over-exposure has led to the development of immunity or resistance in the population. So many headlines are so over hyped that they tend to ensure your article will not be read. How often do you take time to read the article with a headline like this? 'How to make $50000 while you sleep, in just 2 weeks'. You want your article's headline to generate excitement but be credible. That way you present yourself as a credible business.

  • Keywords: Try to include your keywords in your headline. Don't overdo it. Including your keyword is good for SEO, and tells your reader what your article is about
Headline Don'ts

  • Tricks: Tricks will just irritate your readers and may offend them. It may come across as you insulting their intelligence. Your business should be presented as a serious business and resorting to trick to get readers will erode your reputation. There are all sorts of tricks eg keyword stuffing that may work in the short term, but in the long term will seriously hurt your business

In a future article, we will discuss tips on writing the body of your article to increase your click through rate.

Internet Marketing Articles for newbies and Affiliate Marketing Tips for newbies at

The Do's and Don'ts of SEO

The wild and often oddly mythical world of search engine optimization (SEO) is filled with old wives' tales, facts, and a mix of the two. Separating fact from fiction is often far more complicated than you might think possible but with a few cold and hard facts as well as the do's and don'ts of SEO, you will be well on your way to having a site and content that search engines like and that will receive highly targeted web traffic.

1. Keyword density is an important component for SEO. Although not the one nail on which to hang your hat, the more desirable keywords your article contains, the better off you will be and the more visitors search engines will send your way. In other words, if you are writing about the importance of SEO and do not use this term until your final sentence, the odds are good that you have missed the boat. On the other hand, overuse the keywords so as to goad search engines to send you visitors, and you will have web traffic that jumps ship as soon as they read the beginning of your articles and the impossible linking of a bunch of buzz words and key terms. The trick to keyword density is balance.

2. SEO requires competition and niche thinking. If you are writing about the DeBeers lawsuit, you can bet that there will be a plethora of articles and websites dedicated to the same topic. While you may have some strong competition for the most commonly used keywords and phrases, make sure you also bolster your article or site with some rarer ones that the majority of your competition will not think about: the niche words. Thus, address the needs of the commercial diamond users at least in passing while offering information to the private consumer front and center.

3. Without relevant keywords, your SEO attempts are in vain. Who has not received the spam emails that contain gibberish of highly sought after terms? Sure, they might have tricked your spam filter, but they probably also ticked you off and you won't be caught dead buying from those spammers. Turning this around, do not try to trick visitors to come to your site by enlisting much sought after keywords that have nothing to do with the site's actual content.

Of course, no amount of SEO tweaking can replace the unique content to a website that attracts new visitors, and the sticky content that keeps them coming back. Do's and don'ts of SEO may cover the nuts and bolts approaches possible, but even the most relevant and organized by the book website will fail to appeal to a visitor if it does not have that wow factor which will set it apart from all the other websites that have read the same manual. It is in this little wildcard that the true genius of SEO strategies is revealed: the marriage between abiding by rules through the following of algorithms and high level creativity born of an understanding of consumer behavior.

About the Author

Paul Majestyck is the publisher of EZ Affiliate Profits :Great Articles Top Notch Resources Free e-Courses Product Reviews & Videos To Help You Shorten The Online Learning-Curve And Start Generating Income visit=> Also be sure to visit his Digital Webstore eNetMall :The #1 Digitital program and product store on the internet =>

Article Marketing - When to Market Your Online Business With Articles

All those articles can be written in a few minutes a day. You may think it takes hours, but I've created 12 articles in about thirty minutes, and most of them are publishable in some format. A few of the articles are simply ideas I've written in article format, that I'll use eventually to create ebooks. But most of these are articles I'll publish in the next few days.


Publish at least five articles a week, but if you desire to increase your income, that number should be 25 or more. The number of articles you publish and the number of times you publish them will directly correlate to the increase in income. There's a difference in increasing and maintaining income. As you build your business, you must post more articles.

2. Day, Night, Any Time

It doesn't matter so much what time of day you publish them as it does time of week you publish. Some publishers prefer to put their ezines out early in the week, or at least begin selecting articles on dry days for later publication. If your articles are there and ready to go on Monday, they'll be in many publications by Friday.

3. Seasonal Marketing

Holiday Marketing offers inspired ideas and concepts that can take your business far, but don't forget the holidays that don't come at Christmas and Thanksgiving. President's Day Sales are popular in the real world, why not offer a great buy for patriots in your business too? Present a Romantic Twist for Valentine's day, and don't forget Easter. Celebrate Salvation with an opportunity to share your testimonials. Or strike a note for Independence on July 4th, what better day to remember Financial Freedom?

Are you ready to learn more about Article Marketing?

Obtain 2 FREE Article Marketing Templates at and learn more about the SECRET of Prospering from Online Marketing. Advertize is an online business owned by Jan Verhoeff, an Internet Marketer who believes Content is King. You may visit about online marketing and a wealth of information.

Discover How Search Engines Have Changed

What is search engine abuse? Well, when keywords started to be used to attract the search engines, marketers started to take advantage of the search engine's dependence on keywords. For example, people would use the words sex or xxx as a keyword even though it had nothing to do with the site. Because this was happening, people were being redirected to other sites that had nothing to do with what they were looking for.

So, search engines developed a system where they would crawl the website to find keywords and content. Instead of just looking at keywords now, they look for the content to go with them. This has caused web masters and writers to actually do honest work and provide good relevant content.

This is now what we call SEO or search engine optimization. If you haven't heard of this before now, this is your lucky day because SEO is vital to any online business.

So, what do you need to know to make the search engines happy? Make sure that your page is descriptive with 250 or more words. This can be your web page, an article, press release, etc. It is good to have keywords, but not too many as search engines can also detect when keywords are used too much. If it interferes with the grammar of your literature, it probably doesn't need to be there.

If your articles are too keyword dense, the search engines will know this and not view it very highly. In fact, many article submission sites simply won't publish the article if it detects too many keywords.

Writing for SEO is not difficult, but if you have never done it before, it does take practice. The Internet is more of a true, honest place to be now, and you can't get by with what writers used to. Make sure your content is good and relevant to what you are talking about. Use your keywords, but use the them sparingly.

Jason Pearson is an online marketing expert who wants to share his secrets with the world. To find out more...

Jason Pearson

Review of Tim Gorman's The Power of Article Marketing from The System Seminar 2007

The first part of Tim's presentation was an introduction to his background. Most impressively, he works full time for the military from 6:30 am to 8:30 PM. This leaves him only the evening hours to focus on his 4-5 figure business. So Tim explains to us that if he can do this after working a full day and coming home at night tired, then we can certainly do it too. Tim has about 100 websites out there so far. He did have more, but a bunch were wiped out when his domain name registrar went under.

Tim starts the meat of his presentation quickly. He tells us that with the power of article marketing, we can:
1) Compete in highly niche topics
2) Receive traffic within 24-48 hours after the first article submission
3) Almost immediately start earning money
4) Create a daily income of $5 to $15 for each website
5) Identify the hot niche topics to further monetize

Tim's secret weapon is If you are familiar with the 80/20 rule, you should be focusing most of your attention on Learn that site well and you'll most likely get the best results from it.

Captain Gorman shares some monetization strategies with us including:
1) Putting adsense on our sites
2) Selling affiliate products
3) Selling ebooks (through private label rights, or our own ebooks)
4) Selling products
5) Building a mailing list

Tim then shared with us the parts of a great article:
1) An effective title
2) An effective article summary
3) A good quality article (the body)
4) A great resource box with a call to action

He gives us some tips on the title, including making it shocking, keyword rich, or both. He gives some great (and humorous) examples of effective titles.

Next Tim gives us some advice for the body of the article. He tells us we need quality content, short paragraphs, numbers or bullets, subheadings, and keywords in the articles. He shares that keyword density is not super important in his experience.

The resource box is an extremely important part of article marketing. You can put a link in your resource box to send readers directly to your site and also for the linking benefits. Tim also mentions the concept of deep linking (linking to a page within your site, not just the home page).

Things got fun after that...

Tim shared exactly what he does in his 6 step approach:
1) Choose 3 Niche Topics
2) Build a Small 5 Page Site for Each Topic
3) Use articles to determine which of the three he should focus on
4) Perform his "Article Blitz" on that website
5) Start getting high pr one way links
6) Repeat steps 1-5

He went on to tell us exactly what he does and how he does it. This is part one of a three part article.

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