
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Article Marketing - Cracking the Code to Success!

Article marketing is still one of the most widely used forms of promotion by website owners. There is no doubt that it holds many benefits, but it is important that we understand the right way to approach article marketing and don't fall for the same mistakes that many seem to make.

The basic concept of article marketing is to submit an article on a chosen topic and to receive exposure and promotion for our business in return for syndicating to article directories. The amount of exposure and promotional benefit our business can receive depends on how well we use article marketing.

In order to benefit from article marketing as much as possible there are a number of things that we should consider. In this article I will touch on several of them.

Spelling and Grammar

For some authors this isn't a problem. However, for many others it could be one of the reasons why article marketing is a method that they try to avoid. This shouldn't be the case as a simple spell checker can solve most errors.

Article Title

This is arguably the most important part of the article. The title is what grabs the readers initial attention, and in conjunction with correct keywords holds the key to the amount of traffic that articles can receive.


Following on from the point I've just made about the title, the correct use of keywords is what influences that amount of constant traffic that we can possibly receive from our article ranking in the search engines. Related keywords are also important with recent search engine algorithm updates.


In order to make the most of the readers that choose to read our article it is important to show our knowledge. By demonstrating how much we know about a certain topic we can gain the trust of the reader before they have even visited our website link. This is highly important as it can affect how the visitor reacts to our website (reading more content, opting in to a newsletter, buying a product).

Resource Box

Having successfully managed to get the reader to read our article it is now time to create a "call to action" in our resource box. This is where we ask the reader to do something by following the website link that we provide. This could be to go and sign up for an eCourse, download an eBook, buy a product, or to simply visit a website to read more articles on the topic.

Although I've only touched briefly on a number of points about successful article marketing, I cover much more in my Article Success Strategies eBook. Download your copy at and share with others for 100% commission!

Bulletproof Article Marketing Secrets That Will Give You The Competitive Edge

In this article I would like to go over some techniques that you can apply to your business that will give you very good results from article marketing. If you have not seen any good results before you will when you start using these techniques.

Let me stress that the most important part of your article marketing efforts will be to build a list. The reason for this is that most people need to have email contact from you at least seven times before they will buy from you. So if you are not doing this then you will be leaving a lot of money on the table. It does not matter whether you are promoting affiliate products or your own.

The way that you would do this is to write in a conversation style like you are talking to a friend. Also ensure that you keep your articles short about 250 to 350 words in length. This will make it less likely that your reader will get lost and not make it to your resource box. Share a slice of your expertise without giving the farm away.

Also make sure that you have a killer resource box. This will be your 30 second elevator pitch. You have to make the reader of your article want to click through to your website. I suggest that you offer a free report on your squeeze page as an incentive to subscribe to your newsletter.

Now after doing all the hard work this is where most people get it wrong. The fortune is in the follow up so you need to take very good care of your subscribers and relentlessly follow up with them.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Amazing Article Marketing - 5 Rewarding Techniques to a Better Article Marketing

Article marketing in a modernized business environment is an indispensable marketing tool to ensure success and continued growth. The contribution of article marketing in the progress of a business entity is an incontestable truth. For this reason, a lot of businessmen are agreeing to the fact that article marketing is one good tool that needs to be honed and maximized in its full potential. Below are the five rewarding tips that you can use to achieve a better article marketing:

1. Develop a very well conceptualized theme for what you will be writing. Articles need to be themed at times. This means that for a certain period of time, you will need to have a specific theme to deal with. Your contents shall remain focused on that theme.

2. Do not deviate with your conceived theme. The mere fact that a theme was developed means that it needs to be followed. Besides that theme is only going to run for a specified time frame.

3. Always check for the latest issues and current trends. Make some articles about these issues and allow for your personal opinions to surface on your own writing. This will allow you to have the perfect avenue to explore your expertise about the issue that you are discussing.

4. You can market your articles better if you have a powerful means to make these publicly accessible. You can do that by allowing your articles to be published on some of the leading article directories and sites on the net. These sites will be your vehicle to attain proper exposure.

5. You can also market your articles by having these exchanged with some of the leading known and popular sites on the net. This means that you can have your articles published on some other related websites that can offer x-deal with you. Just make sure that the x-deal is something that will be beneficial to you and your business.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Internet Marketing Articles - Writing These Articles Can Teach You a Lot About Yourself

Article marketing has the potential of changing your life forever. Nothing like starting out with a statement that can knock your socks off. I do believe this is true. I dismissed article marketing when I was first introduced to the idea. There were several aspects of it that I thought just did not make sense: the first of which was that you could take other articles and just change a few words and make them your own. I could see right away, that this type of thing would have no value.

The idea was presented to me again at a later point, and by now I had heard enough times what a great way it was to promote your business, and how inexpensive it was that I thought I would give it a try. I started by submitting 10 articles. All 10 of my articles were rejected, and had to be rewritten or fixed two or three times before I got them submitted: needless to say, this took considerable time and effort.

The funny thing was that this did not discourage me; it actually convinced me that article marketing was indeed a legitimate form of Internet marketing. Simply stated, if it took this much effort to get my article submitted to the top article directory, then the other articles being submitted had to be at least this good and more likely, better.

I guess what I am saying is that unlike what I had thought originally, articles could be a valuable resource for readers, therefore they were a legitimate source of information, meaning they would actually be read by people looking for information.

What I concluded from all of this is article marketing attracts a very real group of potential prospects to be targeted; therefore, if I was to master the skills and become an expert article marketer, I could build a very solid business and career online. This means you can too.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Article Marketing - Don't Stop Your Reader From Going to the Resource Box in Your Articles

If you are using Article Marketing to build your list or bring visitors to your web site or blog, one of the most important parts of your article in the article resource box. The resource box is where you get to invite the reader to your web site or blog for more information.

Very few writers know how to craft a prospect pulling resource box. Most do not do it well. The most amazing mistake I see are the article writers that actually stop the reader from ever getting to the resource box.

Sound strange? How do you know you are not doing it?

The 2 Biggest Resource Box Stop Signs

The first biggest stop sign is what I call a "hard end" to the article. By this I mean that you write in a way that the end of the article is way too clear. You might as well put "The End" like in a movie in the way you have worded the article.

The mistake there is the reader gets the message, "Oh, this is over. I'm outta here," and they are not likely to read further.

What to do instead: Don't stop the reader, lead them right into the resource box with a soft transition.

The second biggest stop sign is starting the resource box with information about you. This also announces "the article is over and you can stop reading now!"

What to do instead: Save the information about you for the last line of the resource box. Begin your resource box with an invitation to the reader to visit your web site or blog for more information.

And now I would like to offer you free access to the Article Marketing Minute, a brand new ecourse/audio newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get in for free at

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Powerful Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Ultimate Steps to Make Money Through Article Marketing

Article marketing is commonly the primary marketing arm of most webmasters today. Why? It's because it delivers great results, it's easy to use, and it's free. Today, it is considered the easiest way to create inbound links for your website that can lead to improved traffic and higher page ranking.

Here are the 3 ultimate steps to make money through article marketing:

1. Write more. If you want online users to consider you as an expert on your chosen niche, you have to make them feel that you have so much valuable information to share. You can do that by writing numerous articles. Explore all the topics that play crucial roles in your target niche and those which interest your potential clients and write about them. Running out of great topic ideas? Visit forums that are frequented by your target market or access leading article submission sites. These are gold mines in niche-related topics that you can use when writing your articles.

2. Stick with short articles. As you know, the audience you are serving have limited attention span and have little time to spare when surfing the net for valuable information. Based on research, people online appreciate getting the information they need upfront and prefer short, direct to the point articles. Increase the chances of your articles being read by keeping their word count to 300-500. It would also help if you can make them scannable so your readers can easily skim through your content.

3. Do your research. Your main objective in writing your articles is to inform your audience or equip them with valuable knowledge that can help them in improving the quality of their lives or resolving their pressing issues. Thus, it is of outmost importance that everything you put on your content are fact-based and credible to avoid misleading your readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Is The Single Best Advertising Method On The Internet

Article marketing is my preferred method to drive traffic to my websites. Don't believe those saying that it's a slow method. They are just trying to sell you something else.

Article marketing works and is highly effective. If it wasn't the case, why hundreds (or thousands) of articles are submitted to directories every single day? Do you think that all these business owners lost their minds and do something that do not produce tremendous results for their businesses? I don't think so.

Seriously, if you are not writing and submitting articles to directories yet, you want to start doing it today. If it seems like something that you can't do, think again because it's not that complicated. Every single successful Internet marketer I know use article marketing as one of his main traffic generation method, and I advise you to follow them.

Article marketing will add thousands of dollars a year to your business and it is not something you want to leave on the table (or I should say on the Internet). All you need to do is start writing an article on your niche topic, and once you are done, start submitting it to the top 3 article directories.


It's a highly effective and relatively low cost method. It will take you your time or a couple of bucks.

When you write articles, you will be quickly recognized as an expert in your niche. In fact, you can become an expert on any topic. And believe me, the smaller the niche, the higher your chances to stand out. You will start receiving traffic from several sources at the same time, and you will increase your profits, number of subscribers and become famous in your market.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

A Couple Of Ways To Increase Website Traffic

New Websites always struggle with one fact at all times - How to increase website traffic to their website. Once webmasters get hit by this thought, they end up spending endless nights on how to do the same. In doing so they forget that the simplest way of doing so would be in link building and getting backlinks from other websites. Ask any webmaster on the secrets of having his site popular within no time and he would tell you that he focused heavily on Link Building and getting backlinks.

Link Building and Back Linking

Link Building is one of the easiest and fastest ways for a new website to get popularity. Please note that links are classified on the basis of their popularity ratings. For starters, know that PR1 would be the least popular of the links and PR5 would be the best in popularity ratings. Also note that any new website would at the most start from being PR1 and their build their way up to PR5.

Back Linking is a concept by which you would get links back to your website from another website. Back Linking typically happens when a visitor likes something about your product and clicks on your links to know more about you. Hence, it is important for you to focus on Back linking to get enough links as well.

Why is quality important for Link Building and Back Linking?

Please note that if you build links with a website that does not provide services in your domain, your links are not high quality links. This ideally happens with new webmasters who go ballistic in establishing links with other websites. For example, if a new website talks about services in Sourcing and it establishes links with websites who do content writing, it is a clear case of bad quality links.

Link Building and Back Links do not take away the importance of your website being perfect. Remember, most existing websites would want to see your website before you could link to them. At the end of the day, their credibility is at stake and they would not want to link with anyone who is not credible.

There is no refusing of the fact that Link Building and Back Links are two best ways how you could increase website traffic to your website. That said, it does not take away the essence that your website must be qualitatively designed. It is only a combination of these two factors that will win the day for you.

Link Exchange and Website promotion on Link Partner Express Website

Targeted Article Marketing - Announcing 3 Secrets to Energize Your Article Marketing

Are you currently using article marketing to augment your traffic and profit but can't seem to achieve your desired numbers? Do you often wonder if you are doing something wrong that is why your strategy is not yielding favorable results? Have you tried numerous techniques but they simply don't work? Well, fret no more. This article will teach you the 3 secrets to energize your article marketing campaign. These are:

1. Make sure your articles are posted online. After you submit your articles, make sure that they are posted by checking your account on article submission sites at least 3 days after you have submitted them. Too often, articles are declined due to broken link, inappropriate content, and blatant advertising.

2. Make sure that the articles submission site where you post your articles allows HTML codes. While majority of article submission sites allow you to use HTML codes on your resource box, there are some that does not allow outgoing links. Avoid these sites as they will not do well on your article marketing campaign.

3. Analyze the performance of your articles. By logging to your accounts on various article submission sites, you will get an idea on how often your articles are clicked by online users. If your articles are not being clicked at all, I'd say improve your titles. Make them bolder and more intriguing. It would also help if you can incorporate relevant keywords on your titles so they can easily be found by your potential audience. If however, your articles are frequently viewed but no traffic is directed to your site, consider revising your content or your resource box. It's either that your contents are not useful to your target market or your resource box is very lame.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Profitable Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Big Methods to Make Money with Article Marketing

Who would ever think that anyone can make heaps of money by just writing and submitting articles to publishing sites? Article marketing is becoming more and more popular these days as it continuously bring huge traffic to websites and lots of profits to their owners. If you want to make money through this technique, you must keep these 3 methods in mind:

1. Affiliate marketing. One of the best ways to cash in your article marketing effort is by promoting affiliate products online. You can simply write recommendations or unbiased reviews and you will be paid for every sale that you make. Just make sure that your resource box will point your readers to your product page so they can easily make a purchase should they find your offerings irresistible.

2. Product promotion. You can also utilize this technique to promote your own products online. Write about issues that are affecting your target market and present your products as a solution or easy way out. Be sure to stress out the benefits of your offerings so you can easily entice your readers to make a purchase.

3. Website promotion. If you have been in the internet for quite sometime, you are probably aware that huge traffic means more money. Promote your website through article marketing to effectively augment the number of your online visitors, popularize your link, improve your page ranking, and increase your sales potential.

The keys to article marketing are the quality and quantity of your content. To succeed in this technique, you must consistently deliver articles that are well-written and content rich and submit them to publishing sites on a regular basis. By doing so, you will strengthen your online presence and you will be known as an expert on your field.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - 3 Brand New Steps to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best website promotion tools that you can use to get free traffic to your website. This is done by writing and submitting quality articles that are related to your target niche to various publishing sites. Other webmasters can then use these articles for free and they can distribute them as long as they keep the author's box. The wider the distribution, the better for your website traffic. Because aside from traffic you can gather from free searches and clickthroughs, you will also obtain quality one way links to your website that will pull up your page ranking.

Here are the brand new steps to supercharge your article marketing:

1. There are many elements that contribute to the success of article marketing, but the most crucial one lies on the quality of your content. If you want others to distribute your articles, you must make sure that they are well-written, useful, informative, timely, and targeted to your chosen niche. If your articles are focus on the needs and wants of your potential clients, you will attract targeted traffic and you will increase your resource box clickthrough rates because these people are most likely the ones who are either looking for more information or wanting to buy your products.

2. Keep SEO in mind when writing your articles. Keywords and relevant key phrases should be dotted on your articles so they can easily be indexed by major search engines. Keep the keyword density at 1-3% so you will not be tagged as a keyword spammer.

3. Continuously write and submit articles to leading publishing sites. If you consistently provide online users with quality content, you will reap the rewards of effective article marketing in no time and these are; increased in traffic and sales, improved page ranking, and recognition that you are an expert on your field.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

What Is Bum-Marketing?

Bum marketing, also called article marketing is a way to promote a website for free. This is done by submitting original articles to article directories. How exactly bum-marketing works and how you can use it to increase the number of your website visitors, will be explained in this article.


Getting targeted visitors to a website is the hardest part of internet marketing. There are numerous ways to generate traffic and each method needs to be used in a certain way. Bum marketing is a great way to get free targeted traffic to any website of your choice. This is done by submitting your own original articles to various article directories. But wait, there are certain things that you need to know about submitting articles:

1.) Find the right keywords first.

It is major important that you know what people are looking for, if there is no market for your topic then you will not make sales! Also make sure that your keywords have low competition, this way you will get more traffic from the search engines later on.

2.) Find the best affiliate programs or products that fit your keywords.

If you want to make money through bum marketing, then there are 3 ways to do this, you can sell your own products or services, you can sell products as an affiliate or you can make money through google adsense ads on your website. If you want you can even combine all 3 ways to make money.

3.) Write your article

You can not use private label rights articles, you need to write your very own original article to get listed in the article directories. You article should be between 400 and 800 words of length with a keyword density of 1.5% up to 3%. Your article needs to have a value to the reader, he or she must learn something from it. If you provide good content, then your article will be downloaded and published on other websites more likely.

4.) Create your "about the author box"

You do not have to write anything about yourself as a person in the "about the author box". You can create a unique box for each article! Make sure that your author box is related to your article content. You can write things like: "If you want more information on ... or read reviews about ... click here: ..."

5.) Check your article

It is important that you spell check your article so that it gets approved in the directories.

6.) Submit your article

You can use a semi-automated article submitter to submit your article to the article directories. Don't use a full automated submitter, you can get banned from many important websites by doing so! When submitting your articles to various directories make sure to change your title and the first 3 sentences once in a while.

7.) Saturate the market

You will not succeed in bum-marketing unless you submit a number of articles on a regular basis. A good number to start is one article a day, after a while you will be able to write 3 or more articles every day and submit them to 50 or more article directories.

As you can see this is quite a bit of work but the results will be great. Not only will you get visitors from your article signatures but also will you get better search engine rankings because of improving the number of backlinks to your website.

Guido Nussbaum is a successful internet marketer and specialized on teaching others how to increase website traffic for free. Check out his website at Easy Viral Traffic

Improve Link Popularity To Increase Profits

Link popularity is a common representation of the total number of web pages which link to a website (or individual web page). Link popularity is significant because it is a major factor used by search engines in determining a site's position in search results. The essential core elements of link popularity are determined by the quantity, level of agreement, and quality of links that the search engine has found for your web site.

This is used extensively in Google and other major search engines to decide the position of your web site in the search engine rankings. Links are a useful tool for search engines trying to make their way through billions of documents and find ones that are relevant to their users. The key to successful link building is to pay particular notice to the relevancy, page quality, and traffic of the particular websites that are linking to yours. It doesn't help your site visitors if you link to irrelevant, poor quality sites. One hugely essential task that all net marketers must undertake, and undertake effectively, is building a link trail. The best way to build long-term link popularity is to offer fresh quality content and features that provide real value to your audience.

The more relevant the content of the linking page to the receiving page, the better. The more quality, relevant links there are, the better you will rank on the major search engines such as Google and MSN. If your site features numerous relevant links then it shows your popularity which increases your authenticity among search engines. An optimum way to raise your search engine rankings is working to improve your web site's link popularity. Not only can this revitalize your keyword rankings, but it also helps to create a superior experience for your visitors. One of the most potent ways to improve your site's link popularity is by writing articles for publication on other related Web sites and in other related newsletters or Ezines.

Together with optimizing your web pages with targeted search terms, link popularity is one of the most precious marketing techniques designed to bring quality traffic to your site. You'll find that increasing link popularity is a time-consuming and sometimes maddening process. Just keep in mind that it is clearly worth the time and effort when you see a spectacular surge in traffic. That's why link popularity is now one of the most crucial factors for search engines when they rank a Web page.

Don Downes is a top internet marketer who works with other industry leading internet marketers from around the world. He works with successful business coaches who specialize in helping individuals create 6-figure incomes working from home. You can learn more information at Don's Wealthy Marketer site.

Strategies for Building Traffic

In business there is one thing that everyone needs to be profitable and that is consumers or customers. In a brick and mortar business it is all about location that has a steady stream of potential customers. But if you want to be successful in business online no matter what your business you need to have traffic. The amount of traffic that you can generate to your websites and squeeze pages is going to determine the level of success you are going to have.

There are many ways to generate traffic

Building websites with some value in a particular niche would be the first place to start to build traffic. You would write keyword rich web pages that is of value to your readers. Internet surfers have short attention spans so offer something of value to keep them on your site. You have to optimize you web pages in order to make them search engine friendly. You will get index in all the major search engines but remember that it will take time for you to get top rankings in them. But you have to first optimize your pages and offer quality content.

Link building is another great way to generate traffic to your website. You can submit your site to major directories in order to get links back to you but that is just a start. You will have to look for sites that are already established on the net with high PR ranking that you can trade links with. Remember to link to sites that are in the same niche as you. This method will bring traffic but also improve the value of your site with good quality sites linking to you.

Forum marketing will also give you good quality traffic. When you sign up for forums stick to the ones that are the same as your niche or your website theme. In most forums you are allowed to put in a signature link in your profile. Then just post in those forums on a regular basis which will start to generate a bit of traffic to you and the added bonus is it will also give you a link back to your website.

Article writing is another great way to get traffic to your site. This method is often over looked by allot of people involved in internet marketing but it is a great way to help you build traffic to your sites. When you write articles and submit them to the popular article directories they get posted and there are allot of people who will use your content on their websites. When they do this you have a resource box with your information and links to your site that will generate traffic. The beauty of doing this is you will always have on going traffic from this and again you have links coming back to you.

Paid advertising is a good way to get traffic but you really have to know what you doing because if you don't it can really cost you. Paid traffic does offer one advantage over everything else and that is its automatic traffic to your website. By using Google, Yahoo or MSN paid search you will have instant traffic to your sites. It is only a quick fix and you will have to do the other techniques in order to have long term traffic.

So that is some of the ways that you can get traffic to your website. You need traffic in order to be successful online so it is very important that you have traffic building system in place. It all takes time and effort but it will be worth it in the end.

For more information on building traffic and other marketing tips visit me at my blog at Work in the home

Stop Making Statements That No One Cares About - Stop Complaining

If you are an online article author and you sneak in little sentences full of opinion into your articles, you might want to consider that if those comments are not based in reality, but only your own perception that no body really cares what you think. In fact, you probably are looking pretty ignorant to those of us who know better.

You see, I am not here to make you feel bad or belittle you, you are doing it to yourself, with these persnickety comments of yours. If you are attempting to get the reader to perceive of you as some sort of expert then the real experts are going to be taken aback by your rhetoric.

The fact of the matter is that No One really cares what you think until you do something, so if you have never really accomplished anything in your life but you feel they need to blast your opinion into cyberspace then many people who know better will merely think of you as that something that everyone has.

So, I recommend that you stop making comments that no one cares about and stop complaining about things that you either know nothing about or you perceive that they are the trendy thing to say. If all you do is write about things, but never do anything in life, then all you really do is add your name to the long list of maniac depressant writers who are on Prozac. Think about what I have said, this is Constructive Criticism, aimed to get you the help you need.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Best Article Marketing - Discover 5 Responsive Ways to Excel at Article Marketing

If you want to get permanent quality inbound links, brand yourself as an authority on your chosen field, create additional stream of income for your ebusiness, increase your targeted traffic, and attain higher visibility on search engines, article marketing is the best marketing tool for you.

1. Titles. Creating a good impression online begins with your titles. When people are presented with numerous articles while searching for information on publishing sites, they chose the one to read based on its headline alone. You would want to grab people's attention, wouldn't you? So, make your headlines compelling, thought-provoking, direct to the point, and interesting.

2. Article summary. This is where you provide your potential readers with sneak peak on what kind of information your article has to offer. Just like your title, it must also be interesting and attention-grabbing. Keep it concise and make sure that it communicates readers' benefits so you can effectively entice people to read your content.

3. Keywords. If you would like your articles to fare well on searches, you better make them keyword-rich. Identify the keywords that are usually searched for within your target niche and sprinkle them all throughout your content.

4. Content. The only reason why people read articles is they would like to be informed. So make sure that your article contains valuable information that your readers will find useful. Strike out fillers and don't beat around the bush to make your content concise and direct to the point.

5. Length. When writing your articles, you have to remember that you are writing for people who do not have the time nor the patience to read essay-like articles. Keep your articles short and present valuable information upfront.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Can You Really Trust The Compulsive Buyer To Make You Profits Online?

Information abounds online most of it hurtful to your business if you do not have a proper understanding of how things actually work online. Some marketers believe they just need to put up a flash website to promote their product. They operate on the basis that people who arrive at their website will make a purchase just because they have been asked to.

Disappointment soon sets in as they discover people are not flocking to their website in expected numbers nor are they making any purchases. This can lead to them quitting a potentially profitable online business or worse go heavily into debt.

It is worth noting that the compulsive buyer will buy just about anything if they trust you and are in the buying zone. The problem is this will only account for 1 in 10000 customers. You simply cannot put your trust in this type of buyer however hot your product may be. Traffic is not cheap.

The smart internet marketer simply invites interested visitors to their sites with the understanding that if they don't buy something on their first visit they can follow them up until they do make a purchase. Bear in mind that these visitors have shown an interest in your website offer. It would be a shame not to follow them up.

So how do you follow them up?

1. Set up a squeeze page to capture their names and addresses first of all.

2. Get an auto responder so you can send out messages to your subscribers. Your auto responder also gives you the html code to place on your squeeze page opt in box

3. Write out some messages to send out to your subscribers at regular intervals

4. Drive traffic to your website/squeeze page. There are lots of traffic generation strategies to choose from. Master one or two and get on with it. I prefer article marketing.

5. Build a genuine relationship with your subscribers. Let them know you really care about their success online. Suffice to say that their success is your success too.

Now most of what I have listed above requires your time and effort to learn what needs to be done. I can assure you that once learned you will be in a very strong position to make profits online. You will have the opportunity of building a solid relationship with people who have come to trust you over time. When you then make a product recommendation they will be more responsive to it. This certainly beats sending traffic to a sales page and expecting total strangers to trust you enough to part with their money.

Ready to build a email list?

Free eCourse at:

Willfred D is an expert author and marketer specialising in opt in email list building and pre qualified traffic generation techniques.

Link Exchange Donts

While many people will tell you what you should be doing when it comes to link exchange, very few will tell you what you should NOT be doing. There are some specific actions of a link exchange, which could actually hurt your rankings instead of helping your website. Search engines are very finicky and the wrong actions could result in loss of ranking or even penalties for things you never intended. Therefore, it is wise to keep your eyes open and understand just what you should avoid in link exchanges.

Avoid link farms Never, ever, ever, (did I say ever?) exchange your links with any link farm. If a website looks even close to a link farm, avoid it at all costs. Search engines place high negatives on link farms and if you are associated with one, it will cost you on your rankings, basically taking some value away from your website.

Using your Words - In text links, refrain from using words that are irrelevant to your website and link. Using the words click here is of no real value in your text link. Search engines read text links to determine exactly what they are linking to. Use only descriptive and relevant words in any text link. If you operate Joes Bar and Grill, put Joes Bar and Grill.

Relevance Counts You are probably tired of hearing this world, but it is completely and totally necessary in the area of link exchange. Do not participate in a link exchange with any website that has no relevance to your own. If you operate a website for Joes Bar and Grill, you certainly do not want to link to a website called Jakes Auto body. There is no relevance or connection between those two sites at all. Instead, you would want websites about entertainment and other sites that have something in common with your own.

The author is owner & operator of several free link exchange websites. Visit today.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Announcing 7 Turbo Secrets to Energize Your Article Marketing

If you have been using article marketing for quite sometime but can't seem to get the results you were hoping for, you definitely need to energize your marketing techniques. Here's how:

1. Write in a conversational tone. Make your articles sound warm and friendly by writing as if you are directly talking to your potential readers. Avoid sounding too stiff or too formal so you will not bore your readers.

2. Improve your titles. Be more aggressive in grabbing your readers' attention and make your titles more enticing and intriguing. This can potentially increase your clickthrough rate.

3. Improve your content. The best way to convert a reader to potential client is to gain his/her trust. You can do so by presenting content that mirrors expertise and professionalism. Strive to provide your readers with content that they will find useful and relevant to their pressing issues or areas of interest.

4. Be direct to the point. Avoid using fillers or too much introductions when you present your information. Get straight to the point and avoid beating around the bush as people online can easily get annoyed with articles that seem to waste their precious time.

5. Write for your readers. Getting to know your target market is one of the crucial elements in making sure that you produce articles that are highly targeted and relevant to their needs.

6. Write for publishers. You would want to increase the chances of your articles being posted online, wouldn't you? Thus, you need to know and follow the rules set forth by article submission sites to make sure that publishers will post your articles online.

7. Write for your business. Drive quality traffic to your website by writing articles that are highly relevant to your products and potential readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Niche Article Marketing Mastering Your Niche

How would it feel to master your niche? What if your niche recognized you as the premier expert in your niche area? I submit to you that niche article marketing can help you become #1 in your niche area.

I know that sounds crazy, since the internet is so advanced and there are already so many experts out there. But I want you to think about the fact that many marketers have avoided the smaller niches because there is not enough money in them. So what has happened is that a lot of the niches only have for competition a few people who are not experienced marketers but are rather just good at what they do. What does that mean to you? It means that you can use hardball niche article marketing strategies and in some cases propel yourself to the number one spot in the search engine results for your niche.

With niche article marketing, you can also put yourself in the position where each of the top ten spots for your keyword, that the web site itself has your name listed on it as an expert in your field. So not only do you get the number one position if you do things right and others sleep on the job, but you can also potentially be the preferred expert on all the other websites on the search engine results page. So imagine what happens in someones mind when they go to search for information and every web site on the search results page has your name on it? They are going to perceive you as the expert and buy your product from your web site.

So how do you do this stealth niche article marketing?

1) Write 20 articles to start with, on your web site topic. Prepare a resource box with anchor text and live links going back to your web site.

2) Post 5 of these articles on the top ten biggest article directories, as evidenced by their respective pageranks.

3) Do a search of your keyword and look at the web sites that come up in the top 20 positions. Contact each of them personally and offer to write a testimonial for their web site. Most web sites should be glad to do this testimonials are strong forms of credibility.

4) Offer to help them write content give them some of the articles you have written already in step 1. Just be sure your name is included in the bio- you dont even need a live link, unless they dont care, but the key is that your name is on every web site in the top ten results.

5) Submit a few articles to at least 100 article directories.

6) Submit your web site to at least 100 web directories.

Using these stealth niche article marketing strategies, you should easily be able to catapult yourself from a nobody in your field to an expert in your field.

Want to learn more about how I do it? Download my free guide here: Traffic Generation

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 600 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

SEO Tips: How to Organize Your Site For Fast Ranking

In my last keyword building article I wrote about how to select keywords that would generate the highest return with the least amount of work.

I demonstrated how employing advanced search strings and recording Overture data can be used to find keywords with very little competition and high search volumes. My conclusion was that by conducting keyword research in this manner, ranking for keywords becomes easier.

The next step in Keyword Building is learning how to organize a site around a keyword list for fast ranking and best results. The following is my strategy for doing so.

What Youll Need

  • A finalized list of keywords as well as their corresponding search volumes and number of competitors.
  • Excel, or some other spreadsheet program.
  • An understanding of the sites industry, and which terms are semantically related.
  • Enough SEO knowledge to decide which words from your list are "low competition."

Low Competition Keywords
"Low competition" is a relative term. To illustrate why, search the term "Marietta, Georgia real estate" in Google. Here are the key numbers:
  • 99 inachor and intitle competitors for the term
  • 1,300 searches for the term each month
  • 330.8 average backlinks for a top 10 result
  • 4.2 average page rank of a top 10 result

Now here are some seemingly perplexing numbers regarding the 9th result:
  • It has only 8 backlinks
  • It also has a PR of 0

Meanwhile the 10th result has
  • 240 backlinks
  • PR of 3

This raises the question of why the 10th result doesnt rank higher than the 9th result, as well as why the 9th result is even on the first page. The answer is two-fold:
  • The 9th result is a sub-page optimized singularly for that search term.
  • The 9th results domain has roughly 1.1 million more backlinks than any other site on the SERP and is a subdomain of

For Yahoo, a term with 99 competitors and 1,300 searches every month is very "low competition." However, because it has optimized a page for the search term, and is well trusted by Google, it easily ranks.

When organizing your keywords, picking out the "low competition" words is an integral part to driving traffic. Devote a page to every word that will easily rank from your list, optimizing the title tag, h1 tag and keyword density.

Remember, just as you look to Yahoo, thinking, "I wish I could rank for a word like that without having to link-build" so too will a site smaller than yours say of your "low competition" keyword pages.

High Competition Keywords
Keywords that will require a link-building strategy before ranking are considered "high competition." High competition keywords should be broken down into semantically similar groups. Intuition is largely used to separate the keywords, but here are a few universal guidelines:
  • Keep the groups under 6 words each.
  • Group phrases together with more than one word in common.
  • Check to see if two keywords return similar results in Google.
  • No group should have only 1 keyword. Maximize the efforts of your link building.

Once the keywords have been semantically split, prepare an optimized title tag containing all of the keywords from that group. Also choose one word from each group which is the most important to get ranking. That term should be what is in the anchor text of your links when you begin a link building campaign.

Overall, this strategy will save you hours of fiddling and tweaking. Remember, SEO is no different than any other business process

This article was written by Mike Bradbury. Mike is an employee of Objectware, Inc an Atlanta Web Design and Atlanta Search Engine Optimization Company. Mike creates search engine visibility for clients in the Atlanta and Washington DC areas.

Deep Linking Strategy for Content Sites

Linking - what a mess if you don't know what's going on. Either linking is "IN" or it's "OUT" according to what you read these days.

Here's the good news: Linking Works.

Here's the bad news: HOW It Works Has Changed!

The good thing is you are going to pick up a linking tip today that will put you light years ahead of most webmasters who think a reciprocal link directory is all you need to gain link popularity in Google and traffic from other sites.

Link directories are still ok, but the key is moderation. Directories with thousands of links are a dark ages website promotion tactic.

Today there are many people focusing on content again, thank god. And that means you have a lot more real estate than just a home page and a link directory to work with.

People have written to me to completely disagree with me on what I am about to show you, but believe the expert, it works!

Say you have 500 pages of article and resource content on your site. If you are publishing articles on several categories you could have many more pages than that.

But even if you only have a 30 page site right now, it should be growing all the time and will be large eventually. (If not, forget about Google staying excited about your site if it never changes.)

Each of those articles and resource pages is a link to your site waiting to happen.

There are two ways to get links to your site here:

1) Ask for a link to your main page in exchange for a link on one of your relevant article pages to the site you are requesting an exchange with.

2) Deep Linking: Ask for a link right back to the specific page on your site you are going to link to them on. Again, find relevant pages of content to the sites you are going after. People respond well to this, especially if you say you are limiting your outgoing links to "further resources" to 5 per page. (The number is up to you.)

What does this do for your site?

1) It gets webmasters WAY more excited about linking with you because you are putting them ON your site, not in some cobweb-ridden part of your site that no one ever visits.

2) It lets other site owners know you have ACTUALLY taken the time to review their site enough to know where they would best fit on your site according to the topic of the page you want to link to them on. Again - this is a way different message to them than the "Let's swap links" letter we all trash these days.

3) You start building link popularity and traffic direct to pages within your site other than your index. (If you choose to direct swap with them.)

4) It gives you leverage to ask for a better link from other sites than just being thrown in their link dump (link directory) where, again, far fewer people ever visit. You command the power to ask for a similar link of importance from the pages their visitors actually see. Win-Win

5) You increase the value of your links page because you are not loading it down with any and every person who will link with you. You can go back to old school linking to sites that you HONESTLY do recommend and that list can be far smaller and really fit on 1-2 pages. All the sudden you have traffic to your links page again and can truly reward webmasters who are on it with some traffic.

6) The links you get this way are going to be some of the first links you have probably ever gotten that actually send you significant traffic. The same goes for your link partners.

"But Jack, I don't want to send traffic away from my site!" Yes you do, in fact. Because you are asking your link partners to do the same. Links like this are just as profitable in the long run as Google Adsense ads because you are finally engaging in a real traffic exchange and leveraging your eproperty for what it's really worth. Trust me - this works. Send some traffic out and see what happens to your referrer stats.

Never give more than you get. Many people won't understand this form of linking for another year or so. They will try to shove your link in a dark hole on their site. Don't let them do it!

If someone doesn't understand the power of deep linking from their content pages, send them this article as a last ditch effort and tell them Jack said so. Otherwise, move on, take their link down, and find someone smart enough to see where linking is headed.

Overall, you are going to find it is much easier to get links this way, even from sites bigger than yours. Telling people "I want to link to you as a recommended resource on (name of article) page..." tells them that you are a pro and not some schmuck who has a linking program that spits out cookie cutter emails.

Too much work? Hire someone and pay them per link they secure in your name. Write the letter and have them fill in the blanks for specific sites. Teach them how to go through your site, learn the content, and go out and find RELEVANT recommended resources for each page.

You'd be surprised to find out how cheaply you can get good work done these days on and other "for hire" sites.

Sit back and watch your incoming QUALITY links soar from month to month!

Jack Humphrey is the author of Power Linking 2: Evolution at and marketing consultant for

List Building Course - 4 Killer List Building Tips

So you want to build a list?

Are you looking for practical guidance; for an easy-to-follow list building course?

Listen, I will assume that you are already aware that growing your own list of subscribers is absolutely necessary when it comes to building a successful online business.

Many Internet marketing experts go as far as saying that it is nearly impossible to make a consistent amount of money online if you fail to build your list.

And yes, I am one of those experts who feel that list building should be the #1 priority of every online business.

So without further ado, here are four (4) quick tips that can help you build a cash-producing opt-in list:

1. Create a Lead Capture Page: You will not be able to capture a single person's name and email address if you do not have a lead capture page. In case you don't know, a lead capture page is a simple one-page website that is designed to give your visitors two (2) simple choices, which are: Join your list or leave your website.

2. Size Doesn't Matter: That's right, contrary to popular believe, size doesn't really matter when it comes to building a list of subscribers. It is in you best interest to focus on quality, not quantity.

3. Avoid Buying Subscribers: You see, there are many companies on the internet that sell subscribers. Yes, you can actually purchase millions of names and email addresses and get yourself an "instant" opt-in list. Beware! You will only throw away your money, as this so called "opt-in lists" are filled with untargeted prospects; therefore, you'll be lucky to make $1 from them.

4. Respect Your Subscribers: Your subscribers will buy from you only if you treat them right. Do not abuse their trust by selling them junk or recommending affiliate products that you haven't actually reviewed. Breaking the simple "respect" rule will result in a huge number of people unsubscribing from your list and not to mention the fact that you'll taint your reputation.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new list building course, 'Critical List Building'

Download it free here: List Building Course

About the author: Gabriel Aguinaga is a professional Internet marketer who has helped hundreds of regular people build successful online businesses from scratch.

Amazing Article Marketing - 5 Steps to Better Article Marketing Results

Because of better opportunities to write and share your ideas with the rest of the world, almost anyone can be a writer. But what differentiates a mediocre writer from a great one is some knowledge about how one can really catch the attention of the market. Online writers use article hits as a measure of the success of their writing - the more people visit their site, the more effective their articles AND their article marketing styles are. Here are five tips that you can easily apply to make your article a more effective one and to generate a larger audience.

1) Your article title should catch peoples attention. As much as we hate to admit it, we all judge books by their covers. The same goes for articles. The catchier the title, the more it can pique a persons interest. But do make sure that the body of the article does justice to the title!

2) Keep your content short and sweet. Nobody likes a long and winding road. What people do want is to know how to get from Point A to Point B in the shortest possible time. This means that your article should be straight to the point with a consistent flow to it.

3) Bring it to the level of the readers. Keep the tone of your writing conversational and casual without being crude and unprofessional. Limit your jargon to those that you feel are easily understandable. Do not be verbose you are writing not to show-off the width and breadth of your vocabulary, rather you are writing to entertain and let people learn something new.

4) Vital keywords are essential to your success. Sure, its fun to be creative every now and then but remember to include in your article a set of keywords that are related to your topic. The importance of using the right keywords cannot be overstated these are the words people type on search engines to locate the article they need and you really want to be on top of the results list.

5) Dont forget about the author! That means YOU an article will need a name for applause. Make a good author resource box that includes the following items: your name, an optional title, your website address and a short description about what makes you and your writing a unique pick above the rest. Follow all these steps and watch that hit counter go sky-high!

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.