
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Search Engine Optimization - How To Use Off Page Optimization To Rank Your Website Higher

To rank high in the search engines you will need several SEO techniques.

The two main SEO areas to focus on are "ON page" and "OFF page".

This article deals with Off Page Search Engine Optimization.

Off Page Optimization techniques you can apply to your website are as follows:

Getting inks from other sites with your key phrases. Ideally these links will land on different pages within your site connecting with the same themed content as where the link came from.

Having links from a site that has similar content to yours is ideal. The stronger the match the stronger the link.

When getting links from other sites it is best to make sure those sites linking to you are "trusted" by the search engines rather than coming from low value link farms or penalized websites.

To get links from other sites you can do several of the following things:

Buy links from link brokers. These can be expensive and if they are good quality they will help your site get ranked higher. A PR 6 or PR 7 Link will give you strong value.

Submit articles to good quality article directories like These article directories allow you to link to your site with key word relevant links in the resource box at the bottom of the article.

Other webmasters will pick up the content from resources like this and publish them on themed websites. The article directory itself will publish the article from a high page Rank page when approved. Articles must be of high quality.

You can submit your website to directories and have your website listed in a relevant category. Some like DMOZ are free and have high levels of authority.

Place comments on a blog with high page rank. If you link from blogs to your website from a blog with similar themed content you will get credit for such a link. Remember to link to the correct page on your website that matches the content.

Use your forum signature to link back to your site. When you post in forums you will create links back to your site from relevant content.

Submit articles to other webmasters in your niche. This will provide your website with incoming links with anchor text.

Put a link in the footer of you emails so users can click into your website.

So you can see that off page optimization is mostly about getting links pointing back to your site from quality sources. The links should contain your key words and phrases and point to the correct page within your website.

The more quality links you have coming into your site, the higher your site will rank for the key words you choose.

James Schramko discusses SEO on his Coolest Guy On The Planet Blog and also creates very high ranking XSitePro websites using recently released XSP Cheat Sheet SEO tactics.

Article Marketing At Its Best Is Free Marketing For Your Offers

There are reasons why some Internet Marketers outperform others. Article Marketing is one of the easiest ways to free unlimited web site traffic. Plus, you can do it without spending a penny using only free tools available online.

First #1:

Write an Article...

Yea, that's all there is to it.

Article writing and submitting those articles to the article directories is a powerful way to get more traffic.

Write a simple article that features some of the key benefits of the product or service you will be marketing.

Keep it as simple as possible and don't make it look like your typical sales page.

It doesn't have to be special.

Write it as a bullet point list and add a short benefit sentence to each bullet point.

Webmasters, bloggers and ezine publishers will search through these article directories and they will come across your article. Then, if it is a good fit for their readers they will be include it in their newsletter, blog or on their site.

When they publish it in their newsletter they will include your Resource Box, along with your link to the product or service you are marketing. The potential to get your article seen very quickly and placed on thousands of web sites is very real.

And you didn't have to spend a single penny for all this advertising.

Write a article a week, and then submit that article to as many article directories as possible.

Article marketing is a numbers game. The more articles you write and submit, the more traffic you will get.

Second #2

The Resource Box...

You will find at the bottom of each article a section known as the Resource Box.

This is your place to advertise your product or your service.

Your article should be to the point and without any sales pitch. Now in the resource box you can tell a little about yourself plus you can add a link to your web site. You can also suggest a solution (your product) that can help the reader.

Write your resource box so the reader will click the link and purchase the product you are marketing.

Your call to action has to leave the reader no choice but to click your link. Now, the sales page you are referring them to has to be good enough to close the deal and earn you some money.

Here is a simple example: "For more information on Article Marketing visit Today".

Third #3

Submit Your Article...

Submit your article to article directories such as GoArticles, ArticleAlley, SearchWrap, Wordpress and EzineArticles.

Also, for a nominal fee SubmitYourArticle will submit your article to hundreds of article directories, this will save you a lot of time and a lot of work.

Social bookmarking is another very powerful tool. It takes less than a minute to submit your article to such bookmarking sites as Onlywire. Once your article is submitted to Onlywire, they take it and submit it to other social bookmarking sites.

That is all there is to it. Really.

This may seem to good to be true, but it really does work. Try It.

Off course it will take a couple of weeks for traffic to start rolling in on a regular basis, but the magic of this method is that once you've written a article, it will generate traffic for months and maybe even years.

And the best part is it did not cost you a single penny.

James Derr

For more information on Article Marketing as well as Awesome Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Sites visit: Today! We specialize in Traffic Generation!

Article Marketing as an Effective Way of Promoting a Web Based Business

There are many ways of promoting a web based business. One of the most effective ways is to promote you website or product is by launching an article marketing campaign. Article marketing is one of the internet marketing methods which can generate the best targeted results for you. This is really important because if the means of promotion is not effective, the product will not get the required level of promotion and will not do well. Article marketing is also one of the best ways of promoting a web based business or selling a product online. Targeted article marketing is not only cost effective but can bring you highly targeted, ready to buy visitors.

Online article marketing can be done successfully by writing a lot of articles on a daily basis and by submitting these to the right article submission directories. Submission of articles to the right directories is as important as writing really good content about the topic. The technique of writing a really good and content rich article that will answer the reader's question is something you need to learn if you want to write informative articles quickly. The words you use should be your own as online article marketing is very much dependent on the originality and quality of your articles.

Write as many articles as possible, organize them properly and submit them to the right article directories in the right order and you will have a successful article marketing campaign.

Want to learn more about how I do it? Download my free guide here: Email List Building Secrets

Do you want to learn how to drive massive traffic to your website? Click here: Traffic Generation Secrets

Mike Upshaw is an experienced internet marketer specializing in list building, traffic generation, article marketing and affiliate marketing.

Marketing Articles-Article Marketing is the "Magic Pill" for Business

With the rise in competition in the field of business, there has been a substantial growth in the marketing domain. Thanks to the use of the so called strategic article marketing tactics business firms can now see their business grow exponentially. Erroneous would it be if we state that the article marketing service is an entirely new concept as article marketing traces it roots back to the era of print media. Defining the term article marketing in layman language would not be a tough task. The term article marketing in its simplest form is actually a marketing strategy wherein a business firm advertises its services or products through articles which reflect the business firm in the best possible way.

If article marketing had not been in practice, it would have been a little tedious for us to gauge a business firm to its core. There is no shortage of article marketing websites which throw light on the services and products of a company in a rather interesting way, thanks to the internet and search engines like Google. Moreover, through an article, a particular organization reaches more number of people in less time. Print Media ( newspapers, magazines etc) is one of the many ways through which strategic marketing of an article can be made possible.

Online magazines, which are a part of internet marketing, also serve as powerful tools for marketing articles. Through article marketing, a small business can reach millions of people and thus popularize itself. An original article discusses or merely states the services provided by an organization along with providing the contact details of the organization. Advertising article marketing is the new face of article marketing. So is the case with niche article marketing, which has proved to be the magic-pill for a number of business organizations. The basic reason as why the concept of niche article marketing has gained popularity is the existence of the powerful consumer force which commands enough attention, thus making the business firms devise new strategies and marketing tactics every now and then to satisfy their demand.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier article marketing service provider. To get pricing or to purchase their services, send an email with "article info" in the subject and a little about your business with your website link to

Learn How To Market On The Internet - By Writing Articles!

It's a well-kept secret. Researching and creating articles for the Internet, particularly if they are related to Internet Marketing itself TEACHES YOU HOW TO MARKET! It's almost like a classroom. Your teachers? Other Article Marketers! The course syllabus? Every tactic, technique and strategy in play in the market today. Here's a synopsis of what you can learn, if you just get busy RESEARCHING and writing articles:

The Writing Process Itself

It's a given that a marketer needs to develop at least SOME basic level of writing skill. Publishing a newsletter to a mailing list, communicating with visitors to your blog, crafting content for your web site; all require command of the English language. That's right, ENGLISH. If you are going to penetrate world markets, you better learn English. It's rapidly developing into not only the language of Science, the language of Air Traffic Control, the language of Medicine, and the language of the diplomatic corps, but also the language of the Internet. Get used to it. It's here to stay.


Sooner or later, if you are to become an Internet Marketer, you are going to have to (gasp) SELL SOMETHING! This requires copywriting skills. Learning how to persuade people. Learning the difference between just spouting facts and figures about your offering and what it's FEATURES and BENEFITS are. Learning how to transport yourself into the mind of your reader. Studying Seduction marketing. Learning how to CLOSE the deal.

The Search Engines

Article marketing, and in particular, it's closely-related cousin, Bum marketing, insists on the development of an intimate knowledge of how the search engines work. Traffic patterns, page rank, silo-structured web site design, the study of how the search engines treat the content of articles, the interrelationships between article directories - all disciplines and areas of study that benefit the Article marketer as well as online marketers in general.

Keyword Research

No self-respecting article marketer can avoid the "K" word: Keyword. I am referring to keyword research, long-tail keywords, keyword tools, keyword tactics, and the psychology of keywords. The road to success in Article marketing winds straight through KWU: KeyWord University. Learn this one skill, and as a crack Article marketer you can write your own success story - in practically ANY arena of online marketing. It's that important.


If an aspiring Internet Marketer came to me and asked "What one skill would you recommend I master first?" I would answer instantly and easily: Become an avid and relentless Article Marketer. You won't regret it!

Steve is a CPA, real estate developer and online entrepreneur. He operates a network of mentoring web sites and has been involved in online marketing since before the web arrived. For a ringside seat at his festivities hit:

Marketing With Articles - How To Write Articles That Will Lead Highly Targeted Prospects To You

Marketing your business by writing articles is the fastest way to reach highly targeted prospects that will be interested in your products and services. When people read your articles they will know exactly what you have that is of specific interest to them. Here are some tips for writing articles quickly that will help you to reach the people most likely to purchase your product or services.

  • Don't make the articles too long or too complicated. Get to the point quickly and give people information they can use right away. Articles of about three hundred words or so are the perfect length.
  • Make sure you have a link at the end of the article for people to go back to your website or blog. When people read your article and feel like you have to offer what they are looking for, make it easy for them to leave their name and email address and get more information right away.
  • Follow up with the people who give you their name and email address. After going to the trouble of writing your article and finding a good prospect, don't make the mistake of not staying in touch with them regularly, once or twice a week.
  • Use your keywords in the title of your article, as well as throughout the article. If you write in a conversational way, these keywords will flow naturally. Keywords are the words and phrases people use when they are searching for your product or service using a search engine such as Google or Yahoo.

Use these tips to get started right away with your article marketing strategy. You will find that the people you reach will be highly targeted and interested in what you do after having read your article.

And now I invite you to join me for free weekly teleseminars that will teach you how to write, market, and sell your articles and ebook to increase your visibility, credibility and passive income by visiting and to download two free article writing templates visit to get started right away.

Link Building-Get Connected

The world has come closer in the distance, thanks to the information technology and its various applications. Everyone is well connected and pretty well versed with the3 ways of the Internet and various other social networking sites or any other website for that matter. The latest thing that has caught some attention with the Internet world is link building technique. Now what is link building? Link building is a tool or a powerful technique used by software engineers or web designers to create wider links for several of websites.

It is possible that maybe you do not have the time to do link building for your website. Or maybe you have hired a company to do link building before, but they did not meet your expectations. Either way, your problem is simple: you need links. Not just any links, but permanent, relevant links that actually drive targeted traffic to your site. Link baiting services are in great demand these days and are beneficial to many professions and professionals, as it helps in churning out more profits. Link building offers a wide range of services as it builds organic links from blogs and other websites that will help organic SEO efforts and yes, link baiting has been approved by many search engine representatives as a white hat tactic. It also helps in brand exposure on social bookmarking and tagging sites, which can lead to mindshare overnight.

In fact, a numerous or a large amount of traffic signals are connected with thousands to tens of thousands of unique visitors. Link building also features a piece of content on your website that will receive bookmarks, citations and links over time, and which will further entrench your website as unique and valuable to the community and web as a whole. The next question that arises in the mind is that what kind of methodologies or strategies involved while creating building links. Well, the expert firstly, brainstorms and outlines several link bait ideas tailored to the specific topic of your site. Building Link then further presents these ideas to you, along with our recommendations, and you select the specific idea you prefer to work on or use. In addition, it writes, a wide range of programs and also create designs for the link bait and send it to you for review and editing.

You must have realized that the link bait content on your site timetable coordinates with various promotional campaigns. Link building also conducts research and sends out customized e-mails to webmasters and bloggers whose visitors would be interested in your specific link bait content. It additionally posts and submits the link bait piece to several social bookmarking and tagging sites, in such a manner that the link bait is more likely to 'go viral' and attract new links and traffic. Here, is good news for all you people who want to have link building services, as it also provides the releases of the link bait, delivers a report of links and references the link baits that have been received in its first week.

Steve Waganer has specialization in Web Marketing. He is expert in link building Search engine optimization, Search engine marketing,Social media optimization.To get the SEO tips from Search engine marketing firm for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit