
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Try to use both these techniques for search marketing

If you are contemplating using pay-per-click (PPC) advertising or search engine optimization (SEO) for your marketing efforts, here's what need to know. PPC advertising is, beyond doubt, one of the most favored (read effective) ways of generating new leads and prospects for your website. Within a fraction of a second, any business-large or small-can achieve the top position for any keyword that describes its product or services. However, the moment you stop paying for clicks, you lose all your advertisements from the search results.

SEO is a whole new ballgame altogether. The aim of SEO is to make your website more search-engine friendly and increase its popularity by purchasing or exchanging links, so it can rank higher in the natural results. Unlike PPC advertising, you don't have to pay here for individual clicks.

But SEO is not as easy as it may seem, and no one has a quick, sure-fire way to accomplish it. It takes days, sometimes months, to reach the first page of results for specific keywords. Even then, there is no guarantee you'll stay there forever.

Additionally, the learning curve to optimize your website is steep. You end up reading a lot. Some businesses even hire a professional SEO expert to get the job done. In any case, SEO can garner terrific results over the long term, even surpassing PPC advertising in terms of its effectiveness.

If your website makes it to the top rankings for the most popular keywords relating to your business, you'll witness a steady stream of customers-new and old-without having to pay a dime. This is especially true since most customers tend to try out the natural listings before they click on the sponsored.

So there, is one method necessarily better than the other? Not quite. Try to focus on PPC advertising for achieving short-term goals (although it works like a charm in the long term as well.) If your objective is to produce the most results for your business, try using both these techniques for search marketing.

James O'Brien
Shopping cart software


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