
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

4 Important Article Marketing Tips

Article marketing has become one of the most important tools in today's internet home based business. Marketing with articles is very important to your success and to drive targeted traffic to your site. A good marketing strategy will be to include articles in your website, blog and submitting it to article directories. This article will bring you article marketing tips to help you drive more traffic to your website and increase your profits.

Articles are known as one of the most important and powerful tools of home based business. Article marketing will help you drive traffic to your website, rank higher with the search engines and as a result increase your profit.

Article marketing is not just about writing articles and posting them on websites and blogs. A good article is an article that has been read, an eye-catching headline, an interesting content and a regular group of loyal readers. If you write article just for the sake of writing, your readers will sense that and stop coming back to your site.

Here are some article marketing tips to help you in the process of writing your articles. I gathered 4 important tips that you must use in your articles, those tips will help you use your article for more targeted traffic and generating extra income.

Tip #1 - Use Keywords and Keyword Phrases

When writing your article, you must use targeted keywords and phrases, like targeting your website pages to the right keywords your article must be targeted to. Your readers are people who are looking for something specific, they usually type those words in the search engines and these are the words you want to target in your articles.

Keep your article and keywords related to your website. Stay on topic, if your website is about dogs and dogs training write about dogs, pets and training methods and don't write about your home business and vice versa.

Before writing your article, do a little research for the best keywords and use the right tools to help you find the keywords that suits your article and website the best.

Tip #2 - Check your Keywords Density

Keyword density is very important for the search engines to notice your article. After finding your keywords and phrases use them in your article, a good keyword density is about 10-15 %, if your word count is 700 words, then your keywords should appear 7 or 8 times.

Using your keywords too much in your article will look like spamming and your article content would not make any sense to your readers, using little keywords will end up unnoticed by the search engine, and this is not the result you are looking for.

Tip #3 - Writing Good Article Content

As I wrote in the last paragraph, content is very important, too many keywords will make no sense to your readers and you will lose their trust, write article with good content and make your articles interesting, doing that and your reader will come back for more.

Let your reader what they want, they came to your website because they were looking for information, writing an informative article will keep your readers on the page, gain their trust and increase your traffic and eventually your sales and profit.

Tip #4 - Use Your Article to Get More Links

My last article marketing tip is very important. Remember, you are using articles to market your business, always remember to include a link back to your website at the end of your article, if you are submitting your article to article directories a link back is the most important thing. Use a resource box to describe your website and add a link back to your website, if your article was written correctly and informative, most likely your readers will click on the link and end up in your website.

Marketing with articles can be a very powerful tool to help you drive traffic to your website and increase your sales and profits, follow those article marketing tips and you will see how your website traffic will increase.

Learn how to generate extra income online with 6 different online home businesses. Tanny Lahav is the owner of find your home business and start generating extra income.


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