
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why Content is Important When Designing For SEO

In 1996 Bill Gates said "content is king". That is still true to some extent today (more so on MSN than the others). This is the part of seo concerned with the actual text within your pages. If we are trying to achieve results for Manchester Florists for example then we need to ensure it is actually in the content as well as the meta tags etc.

The engines all have their own guidelines about how to rate this. For example Google currently use a keyphrase density ratio between 7-13% approx. This means we can repeat Manchester florists with the text 7 to 13 times per 100 words. If we go above this then it may be considered spam, if we are below it we may not be able to keep up with our competitors. All the engines have different rules so it's important to work out a complete strategy for issues like this.

Other factors start to come into play such as Header Tags. These are bits of code that are used to identify headers which the engines give more importance to. Also words or phrases that are underlined or bold can get more attention but again you must be careful not to overdo it.

Don't forget though that you must ensure your site remains well written for users as well. It's pointless to achieve results for keyphrases if your site loses its effectiveness for users.

The search engine programs that run across the web are often called "spiders" and it's important to remember that websites are ranked by programs not real people and therefore cannot be very subjective. This means that if we have a site built just using images or too many of them then no matter how good they are the engines will not be able to accredit you with good scores. You can use alt tags, which means alternative text to tell the spiders this is a picture of Manchester Florists Shop but the balance needs to be right and the temptation to keyword stuff must be avoided.

For a great search engine optimization SEO service I found this company to be very good at helping me with my website rankings and taught me a lot about this subject.

When writing content for your site make sure it is information rich, original content and includes the words users would actually type into the engines to find your site. If you provide quality content then other websites will start to link to your site naturally.

Michael Hanna
Michael's Website: Poker Sign Up Bonus Codes


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