
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Article Marketing Strategies; What Are Internet Surfers Really Searching for?

It is widely known that if you are an online article author and you just want lots of article views and are not target marketing for anything other than the average internet surfer then you can use key-words that have to do with human sexuality to drive massive traffic. It is rather unfortunate to think how shallow things are on the Internet these days.

Many online article authors say that the dummying down of the population is causing this and are not sure if they should go with the flow or just concentrate on the targeted key-words which are most likely to bring them the exact clientele they are interested in? Well I know what they mean about Key Words that the average Internet Surfer looks for and have practiced writing articles about Hair Style and one got 50,000 article views. Others I did for fun were Sex in a Cessna and Girls Gone Wild; Wilma Shows All almost 35,000 article views?,-Wilma-Shows-All&id=85073

I was shocked actually, as the Article was about Hurricane Wilma hitting the shores of Cancun? But, it shows the issues with the Internet users these days. I got them back by tricking the pornography seekers into reading something clean for a change? Ha Ha Ha.

I do not see a problem with testing your theories or trying new things to get traffic as bad, at least now you can speak from experience and not sound like a complainer who has no clue. And then again, you have to realize who your audience is? If these people might be one and the same, fine. If not maybe it is not so wise. I think we agree on all these points and it is an interesting study in human psychology and what is really on peoples minds?

Without condemning the human race as ignorant or article authors who give up and simply go for the key words that bring the most over all traffic I hope this article will indeed propel thought in 2007.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington


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