
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How To Optimize A 14,000 Page Website

First of all you need to research keywords that you want to rank for. There are many free tools that tells you number of search per month in Google search engine, and number of competing websites for each keyword.

The pages of your websites that you want to rank high, each need a different meta title and meta description tag. These are the two tags each page must have different from the rest.

If they are same like other pages, it will be harder to rank because they seem in the eyes of search engines as similar or identical pages.

If you have a keyword like Austin live music performances and you want a page to rank well for that keyword then on that page talk about something related to the keyword. You should add about 2 paragraphs and use the keyword in the paragraph though not too often.

If you have another different page and you want it to rank for something else do the same. Create two new paragraphs and use that new keyword.

It is good idea since you have many pages, that you optimize each page for just one keyword. It will be easier to rank. So if you have a page called Austin Music Bands do not try to optimize it for 4 keywords, but just one. Keep in mind, that if you have 14,000 pages, you can get ranked in Google for 14,000 different keywords if you optimize each page just for one keyword.

This is much easier than trying to rank one page for 14,000 keywords.

Now your home page should be optimized for general keywords, your main keyword for example. Again since you have many pages, not a good idea that you try to optimize your home page for all keywords.

Last thing to do for each page is changing the alt tags of images and if possible also add a title tag for the images and links. Title tag will cause a small yellow popup to appear when you place the mouse over the image or link.It's optional however it helps.

When doing the tags input the keyword you want to rank for that page. If you have multiple images do the following. If your keyword is: jazz artists.

For first image use jazz artists image:
2nd: jazz artists graphic
3rd: jazz artists online image
4th: jazz artists bands graphic

In other words they will be different but the keyword always remains there.

You are loosing pagerank because it is moving to pages that do not need it like for example Terms, Privacy, Login, Search and many more. All those links do not need to be ranked well in search engines, so you should use the nofollow tag on those links. Modify each page of your website which has those links and include the nofollow tag.

This is the nofollow tag:

So change all links that you do not want to be ranked into nofollow. If you want a page to rank well for Austin Music Bands than whenever you link to it from within your website link to it using the anchor text Austin Music Bands. As often as possible.

On the sitemap of your website remove links that you do not want them to rank or add the nofollow tag to them.

Make sure you do not have error pages, 404 not found. To do this create a Google sitemap and submit it to Google sitemaps.

You need a free google account and some software that will create your sitemap.There are free software. Then login to your Google account and you should see details of pages that have errors. When creating your Google Sitemap exclude from sitemap pages you do not want to rank for like Terms of service, Login page, Forget password page and so on.

You only create the sitemap once.

That covers the onpage factors of your website. Most important thing I want you to know is the fact that since you have many pages, you can optimize each one just for one keyword. That makes things more simple and easy.

There are also free tools that will tidy and fix any html errors of your pages. It may take long to do all pages, but it is useful. Clean html code is better, spiders will read it faster and see it is not junk.

That is a plan to start optimizing a big website. Than focus on most important thing which is getting backlinks.

Get a FREE chapter from Karl Sultana ebook, 7 Days to Massive Search Engine Traffic to improve search engine rankings now.


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