
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Link baiting is an indirect way of creating back links to your squeeze page and are well worth including in your arsenal of traffic generation. Basically, link baiting encourages others to link back to your website. If your squeeze page is offering a free product in order to building your marketing list, then perhaps you can encourage direct links to your squeeze page, otherwise a link back to information on your site which in turn links to your squeeze page may be more effective.

When you deliberately write controversial, funny and informative articles that are likely to be linked to by other websites or blogs you are engaged in link baiting. What can you write that will be controversial enough or humorous enough to tempt people to link back to your website. From such pages you can then provide links to your squeeze page. Link baiting, unless you have a squeeze page offering a free product or benefit, is best used for an informative page which then links to your squeeze page.

As well as tapping into controversial subjects, other link baiting techniques include conducting an online contest, writing free informational (particularly how-to) reports, or offering free access to an online software program. Editing informational articles on wikipedia can also be an effective link bait technique because you have the capacity to include your own informational pages as resources. From these you can link to your squeeze page. Alternatively, if your squeeze page offers relevant information you can link directly to it.

Link baiting works hand in hand with link building as an effective traffic building technique and SEO strategy. One way, relevant links from high traffic, relevant websites to your own web pages, including squeeze pages if appropriate, will increase your search engine results page rank as well as the number of direct visitors to your site. If you ignore the strategy of link baiting and link building you will not be able to fully optimize your website for either visitors or the search engines. However, Google is constantly trying to neutralize artificial link development strategies and other search engines are following suit. Therefore, organic link creation is the best approach to maximize website traffic and SERP.

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