
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The most important question is what is keyword analysis? Keyword analysis is analyzing the keywords that are on your webpage. There are multiple categories for keyword analysis that include:

keyword density: how often keywords are in your article or website
The amount of popular keywords in your webpage content
Finding the most effective keywords on your article

Keyword analysis is highly important if you want to take a step ahead of your competition. Most people overlook this aspect, simply because they do not think keywords are that important of a factor. The number one mistake of all webpage owners is not optimizing their webpage for keywords

Keywords are important because

Keywords are highly important because Google uses keywords to identify your site. For example, if keywords such as, pet food, puppy training, and dental care for canines shows up in your article more often, Google will identify your site as an authoritative website for Dog Advice.

How to find an effective keyword

There are many ways to find an effective keyword, in fact, there are a number of research tools out there designed to give you the best keywords for your webpage. It is very wise to use tons of long-tail keywords. Long tail keywords are keywords with 3 or more words in the phrase. An example of a short keyword phrase is traveling tips. An example of a long-tail keyword is European traveling tips. I will give you several reasons why you should use these:

Long tail keywords have much less competition, therefore your site has a greater chance of receiving exposure for that keyword. You will receive consistent organic website traffic from using these keywords.
By using long-tail you will drive targeted organic search engine traffic to your webpage. When you drive targeted traffic to your website, you have a much greater chance of converting your visitors to sales.

Keywords, Keywords...And More Keywords.

Read Free Here: Are Your Keywords Pretty Much Booooring & Useless?

Kyle Everette is an expert of keyword research & Search Engine Optimization, and believes anybody can build a highly successful website with the correct tools & knowledge.


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