
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

In todays competitive financial atmosphere, more and more business organizations are realizing the advantages of marketing services and products to other businesses. Unlike B2C (consumer marketing), B2B (business to business) is a complex marketing field, which needs a new form of idea and a different set of talents. B2B marketing strategy involves a set of programs that are coupled with the target market opportunities so that attain organizational goals. Framing this strategy includes three steps, target market choice, setting marketing objectives, and developing the B2B marketing program.

Consider a situation where a firm decides to market its products or services to all consumers or to some business. Here, the strategic decision that the firm has to make is whether to sell to the whole product market as one, or in its place to focus on a part of the market. Additionally, firms should determine at what time a present target market strategy requires to be altered, and also when to make a decision to terminate serving a specific target market. There are products that become irrelevant, unable to survive against competition, and have slow growth rates due to declining industry growth. These products normally force administration to move back from a market.

Marketing objectives are declared for every market in certain quantitative and qualitative terms. While the quantitative terms involve market share, sales and contribution to profit, the qualitative terms mean that increasing brand image, getting new customer groups, and building customer understanding. Quantitative objectives fundamentally consist of demand forecasting, which is made at different levels. The maximum possible sales of a product, in a particular market in a specific time gap, are known as market potential. To be precise, market potential is the total of the sales possible by all the sellers in that business.

Developing the B2B marketing program boasts strategic use of four variables, including product, price, place and promotion. The marketing mix is constituted by these four elements jointly. An important thing is that these variables are consistent with each other. For example: a quality product variable is not in agreement with a heavy price discount. A price image is inconsistent with a highly stylized product set in an exclusive retail outlet.

Razal K Rasheed, I am a software engineer working with a reputed software firm located in Dubai, UAE. I am also doing the job of freelance SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and content writing jobs, which include website content, SEO content, press releases, news letters, articles, e-marketing pages, company brochures, blogs, training manuals, and all editing services. Email


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