
Friday, May 23, 2008

Use Teleclasses to Build Your Opt-in List - A Strategy for Exploding Your Internet Marketing Results

Teleclasses also called Teleseminars are one of the most powerful ways to build rapport with your target market, establish expert credibility and make your bank account grow!
Combined with Internet marketing methods, teleclasses will allow you to build a list of loyal subscribers who become your life-long customers. Think about how effective you are when you are talking with your clients - it is your warmth, helpfulness, knowledge and interest in helping them that makes them sing your praises and keep coming back for your products and services. Now multiply that response by 100 people or more on a call. You can make money by charging a fee for your teleclass or offer it for free.

Consider recording your teleclass and using it as a bonus gift with other products or services that you sell. Most bridgeline companies offer recording services. Consider having your recorded audio class transcribed into a written document. This can serve as articles for your e-zine or your free report that you give away when someone joins your list.

Teleclasses for Lead Generation
A free teleclass can be extremely effective for building your subscriber list. The free information you provide is not going to send someone shopping for your competitor's services. Quite the contrary. The fact that you took your time to prepare and present an informational call impresses the heck out of them. They figure out really fast that you know what you are talking about and most importantly, that you really care about them. Just like you want to do business with people you know and trust, they do too. Be sure to give your callers some incentive to join your mailing list. A free report or another call can be a great enticement. Once they join, you have a hot market to get in front of again and again.

Teleclasses for a Fee
Teleclasses can be a product that you sell. You might offer a single class or a series of teleclasses that provide information on a topic of great interest and demand. For example, if you are a financial planner and have hot tips for a plan that allows anyone to retire in 5 years, you are not going to have a bit of trouble getting people on your call. Teleclassses can also be used for motivation or coaching purposes. You can also use them to promote a front end product that allows you to market a more expensive back end product, seminar or service later on.

Free and Low Cost Bridge Lines
At you will find companies that provide free and low-cost bridge line services.

Start including teleclasses in your Internet marketing tool kit and watch your sales go through the roof. Don't be afraid to set yourself apart from others - that is what attracts customers and the media to you. It is what gets you recognized as a leader, an expert in your field and known as the best choice to do business with. Your success on the Internet is all about the marketing.

Online design and marketing specialist, Ruth Kuttler, "the Web PuzzleMaster," is the creator of "Winning Marketing Secrets" E-zine. Get my FREE SPECIAL REPORT, "10 Simple Secrets for Making your Website into a Selling Machine!" at

You are welcome to 'reprint' this article, provided it remains complete (including the contact information at the end). Thanks!


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